How do I find the current system timezone? - c++

On Linux, I need to find the currently configured timezone as an Olson location. I want my (C or C++) code to be portable to as many Linux systems as possible.
For example. I live in London, so my current Olson location is "Europe/London". I'm not interested in timezone IDs like "BST", "EST" or whatever.
Debian and Ubuntu have a file /etc/timezone that contains this information, but I don't think I can rely on that file always being there, can I? Gnome has a function oobs_time_config_get_timezone() which also returns the right string, but I want my code to work on systems without Gnome.
So, what's the best general way to get the currently configured timezone as an Olson location, on Linux?

It's hard to get a reliable answer. Relying on things like /etc/timezone may be the best bet.
(The variable tzname and the tm_zone member of struct tm, as suggested in other answers, typically contains an abbreviation such as GMT/BST etc, rather than the Olson time string as requested in the question).
On Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu), /etc/timezone is a file containing the right answer.
On some Redhat-based systems (including at least some versions of CentOS, RHEL, Fedora), you can get the required information using readlink() on /etc/localtime, which is a symlink to (for example) /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London.
OpenBSD seems to use the same scheme as RedHat.
However, there are some issues with the above approaches. The /usr/share/zoneinfo directory also contains files such as GMT and GB, so it's possible the user may configure the symlink to point there.
Also there's nothing to stop the user copying the right timezone file there instead of creating a symlink.
One possibility to get round this (which seems to work on Debian, RedHat and OpenBSD) is to compare the contents of the /etc/localtime file to the files under /usr/share/zoneinfo, and see which ones match:
eta:~% md5sum /etc/localtime
410c65079e6d14f4eedf50c19bd073f8 /etc/localtime
eta:~% find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | xargs md5sum | grep 410c65079e6d14f4eedf50c19bd073f8
410c65079e6d14f4eedf50c19bd073f8 /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London
410c65079e6d14f4eedf50c19bd073f8 /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Belfast
410c65079e6d14f4eedf50c19bd073f8 /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Guernsey
410c65079e6d14f4eedf50c19bd073f8 /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Jersey
410c65079e6d14f4eedf50c19bd073f8 /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Isle_of_Man
Of course the disadvantage is that this will tell you all timezones that are identical to the current one. (That means identical in the full sense - not just "currently at the same time", but also "always change their clocks on the same day as far as the system knows".)
Your best bet may be to combine the above methods: use /etc/timezone if it exists; otherwise try parsing /etc/localtime as a symlink; if that fails, search for matching timezone definition files; if that fails - give up and go home ;-)
(And I have no idea whether any of the above applies on AIX...)

I've been working on a free, open source C++11/14 library which addresses this question in a single line of code:
std::cout << date::current_zone()->name() << '\n';
It is meant to be portable across all recent flavors of Linux, macOS and Windows. For me this program outputs:
If you download this library, and it doesn't work you, bug reports are welcome.

There is no standard c or c++ function for this. However, GNU libc has an extention. its struct tm has two extra members:
long tm_gmtoff; /* Seconds east of UTC */
const char *tm_zone; /* Timezone abbreviation */
This means that if you use one of the functions which populates a struct tm (such as localtime or gmtime) you can use these extra fields. This is of course only if you are using GNU libc (and a sufficiently recent version of it).
Also many systems have a int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz); function (POSIX) which will fill in a struct timezone. This has the following fields:
struct timezone {
int tz_minuteswest; /* minutes west of Greenwich */
int tz_dsttime; /* type of DST correction */
Not exactly what you asked for, but close...

Pretty late in the day, but I was looking for something similar and found that ICU library has the provision to get the Olson timezone ID:
It is now installed on most linux distributions (install the libicu-dev package or equivalent). Code:
#include <unicode/timezone.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace U_ICU_NAMESPACE;
int main() {
TimeZone* tz = TimeZone::createDefault();
UnicodeString us;
std::string s;
std::cout << "Current timezone ID: " << s << '\n';
delete tz;
return 0;
And to get the abbreviated/POSIX timezone names (should also work on Windows):
#include <time.h>
int main() {
time_t ts = 0;
struct tm t;
char buf[16];
::localtime_r(&ts, &t);
::strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%z", &t);
std::cout << "Current timezone (POSIX): " << buf << std::endl;
::strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Z", &t);
std::cout << "Current timezone: " << buf << std::endl;

I see two major linux cases:
Ubuntu. There should be a /etc/timezone file. This file should only contain the timezone and nothing else.
Red Hat. There should be a /etc/sysconfig/clock that contains something like: ZONE="America/Chicago"
In addition, Solaris should have an /etc/TIMEZONE file that contains a line like: TZ=US/Mountain
So based on the above, here is some straight C that I believe answers the OP's question. I have tested it on Ubuntu, CentOS (Red Hat), and Solaris (bonus).
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char *findDefaultTZ(char *tz, size_t tzSize);
char *getValue(char *filename, char *tag, char *value, size_t valueSize);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char tz[128];
if (findDefaultTZ(tz, sizeof(tz)))
printf("Default timezone is %s.\n", tz);
printf("Unable to determine default timezone.\n");
return 0;
char *findDefaultTZ(char *tz, size_t tzSize)
char *ret = NULL;
/* If there is an /etc/timezone file, then we expect it to contain
* nothing except the timezone. */
FILE *fd = fopen("/etc/timezone", "r"); /* Ubuntu. */
if (fd)
char buffer[128];
/* There should only be one line, in this case. */
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fd))
char *lasts = buffer;
/* We don't want a line feed on the end. */
char *tag = strtok_r(lasts, " \t\n", &lasts);
/* Idiot check. */
if (tag && strlen(tag) > 0 && tag[0] != '#')
strncpy(tz, tag, tzSize);
ret = tz;
else if (getValue("/etc/sysconfig/clock", "ZONE", tz, tzSize)) /* Redhat. */
ret = tz;
else if (getValue("/etc/TIMEZONE", "TZ", tz, tzSize)) /* Solaris. */
ret = tz;
return ret;
/* Look for tag=someValue within filename. When found, return someValue
* in the provided value parameter up to valueSize in length. If someValue
* is enclosed in quotes, remove them. */
char *getValue(char *filename, char *tag, char *value, size_t valueSize)
char buffer[128], *lasts;
int foundTag = 0;
FILE *fd = fopen(filename, "r");
if (fd)
/* Process the file, line by line. */
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fd))
lasts = buffer;
/* Look for lines with tag=value. */
char *token = strtok_r(lasts, "=", &lasts);
/* Is this the tag we are looking for? */
if (token && !strcmp(token, tag))
/* Parse out the value. */
char *zone = strtok_r(lasts, " \t\n", &lasts);
/* If everything looks good, copy it to our return var. */
if (zone && strlen(zone) > 0)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
char quote = 0x00;
/* Rather than just simple copy, remove quotes while we copy. */
for (i = 0; i < strlen(zone) && i < valueSize - 1; i++)
/* Start quote. */
if (quote == 0x00 && zone[i] == '"')
quote = zone[i];
/* End quote. */
else if (quote != 0x00 && quote == zone[i])
quote = 0x00;
/* Copy bytes. */
value[j] = zone[i];
value[j] = 0x00;
foundTag = 1;
if (foundTag)
return value;
return NULL;

FWIW, RHEL/Fedora/CentOS have /etc/sysconfig/clock:

I liked the post made by psmears and implemented this script to read the first output of the list. Of course there must have more elegant ways of doing this, but there you are...
* Returns the (Linux) server default timezone abbreviation
* To be used when no user is logged in (Ex.: batch job)
* Tested on Fedora 12
* #param void
* #return String (Timezone abbreviation Ex.: 'America/Sao_Paulo')
public function getServerTimezone()
$shell = 'md5sum /etc/localtime';
$q = shell_exec($shell);
$shell = 'find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | xargs md5sum | grep ' . substr($q, 0, strpos($q, '/') - 2);
$q = shell_exec($shell);
$q = substr($q, strpos($q, 'info/') + 5, strpos($q, " "));
return substr($q, 0, strpos($q, chr(10)));
In my Brazilian Fedora 12, it returns:
And does exactly what I need.
Thank you psmears

Here's code that works for most versions of Linux.
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
using namespace std;
void main()
char filename[256];
struct stat fstat;
int status;
status = lstat("/etc/localtime", &fstat);
if (S_ISLNK(fstat.st_mode))
cout << "/etc/localtime Is a link" << endl;
int nSize = readlink("/etc/localtime", filename, 256);
if (nSize > 0)
filename[nSize] = 0;
cout << " linked filename " << filename << endl;
cout << " Timezone " << filename + 20 << endl;
else if (S_ISREG(fstat.st_mode))
cout << "/etc/localtime Is a file" << endl;

According to this page, it looks like if you #include <time.h> it will declare the following.
void tzset (void);
extern char *tzname[2];
extern long timezone;
extern int daylight;
Does that give you the information that you need?

On Linux, I need to find the current timezone as an Olson location. I want my (C or C++) code to be portable to as many Linux systems as possible.
If you want to be portable, then use only GMT internally. Due to multi-user heritge, *NIX system clock is normally is in GMT and there is no system wide timezone - because different users connected to the system might be living in different timezones.
The user specific timezone is reflected in TZ environment variable and you might need to use that only when converting internal date/time into the user readable form. Otherwise, localtime() takes care of it automatically for you.

The libc accesses the Olson database when tzset is called, and uses simplified time zones afterwards. tzset looks at the TZ environment variable first, and falls back to parsing the binary data in /etc/localtime.
At first systemd standardised on having the Olson time zone name in /etc/timezone, Debian-style. After systemd 190 and the /usr merge, systemd only reads and updates /etc/localtime, with the extra requirement that the file be a symlink to /usr/share/zoneinfo/${OLSON_NAME}.
Looking at TZ, then readlink("/etc/localtime"), is the most reliable way to match the libc's tzset logic and still keep symbolic Olson names. For systems that don't follow the systemd symlink convention, reading /etc/timezone (and possibly checking that /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(</etc/timezone) is the same as /etc/localtime) is a good fallback.
If you can live without symbolic names, parsing the /etc/localtime tzfile is as portable as it gets, though a lot more complex. Reading just the last field gets you a Posix time zone (for example: CST5CDT,M3.2.0/0,M11.1.0/1), which can interoperate with a few time-handling libraries, but drops some of the metadata (no historical transition info).

Since tzselect was not mentioned by anyone and you do need a nearly goof-proof solution, work with what Olson did. Get the tzcode and tzdata files from elsie, plus tab files.
In March 2017, the correct location to download from would be (and download tzcode2017a.tar.gz and tzdata2017a.tar.gz).
Then get tzselect.ksh from the glibc download. Then you can see how to reverse engineer timezones. One sticking point: you WILL sometimes have to ask what country and city the linux box is in. You can serialize that data if you want, and then verify it against the timezone data you can find.
There is no way to do this reliably all the time without the possibility of user intervention, for example, as part of program installation.
Good luck on Arizona in general, and in Western Indiana.... hopefully your code is going to run elsewhere.

The code below was tested successfully in bash shell on
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009
Shell code:
echo $(hash=$(md5sum /etc/localtime | cut -d " " -f 1) ; find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f -print0 | while read -r -d '' f; do md5sum "$f" | grep "$hash" && break ; done) | rev | cut -d "/" -f 2,1 | rev
Result example:


how to get current time zone city name like America/Los_Angeles

I tried strftime, which has %z and %Z, but these are outputs like +0800 and PST. I'd like to get the longer name like America/Los_Angeles. Is there a function call to do this?
There is not a standard way to do this until C++20, and even then only the latest MSVC has implemented it to date (gcc is getting close).
In C++20 there is a type std::chrono::time_zone which has a member function called name() which will return a string such as "America/Los_Angeles".
It might be used like this:
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
zoned_time local_now{"America/Los_Angeles", system_clock::now()};
cout << local_now << " " << local_now.get_time_zone()->name() << '\n';
Which just output for me:
2022-12-31 07:34:41.482431 PST America/Los_Angeles
Or if your computer's local time zone is currently set to "America/Los_Angeles", then the zoned_time construction could look like this instead:
zoned_time local_now{current_zone(), system_clock::now()};
If all you want is the time zone name, and not the current time, this can be further simplified to just:
cout << current_zone()->name() << '\n';
Prior to C++20 the only way I'm aware of to get functionality like this is to use my free, open-source C++20 chrono preview library which will work with C++11/14/17.
One way — I must admit, a decidedly imperfect way — is to read the symbolic link /etc/localtime:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define LOCALTIME "/etc/localtime"
int main()
char buf[100];
int r = readlink(LOCALTIME, buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
if(r < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't read link %s: %s\n", LOCALTIME, strerror(errno));
buf[r] = '\0';
char *name = buf;
char *p1 = strstr(buf, "zone");
if(p1 != NULL) {
char *p2;
p2 = strstr(p1 + 1, "zone");
if(p2 != NULL) p1 = p2;
p2 = strchr(p1, '/');
if(p2 != NULL)
name = p2 + 1;
printf("%s\n", name);
This will work on most Unix-like systems, including Linux and MacOS. It will not work on Windows, which AFAIK does not use the IANA tz database at all. It will not work on systems where /etc/localtime is a file, rather than a symbolic link to one of the zoneinfo files.
If /etc/localtime is a file, there is no good way to determine which zone name it represents. I believe you would have to compare it to all of the files underneath /usr/share/zoneinfo, looking for matching contents.
I'm not sure what magic technique Howard uses in his C++ solution.
(But I mean no disrespect with that word "magic".)

Why or when we will call system function with linux commands instead of writing C/C++ code?

I'm new to Linux..
I wrote C++ code where I called system function with linux / shell command.
It was much easier to call to system function - less C/C++ code to write and less tests to run or think about all possible cases ...
My question is why or when we prefer C/C++ code instead of system call with linux/shell function ? I only see advantages - it takes less time for development and more stable (shell commands covered all possible cases).
We use only linux (the code isn't planned to moved to windows or other platforms).
This is my code for example - extract lines from a log that were written later than 'time' (calling 'awk' with system function):
#define BUF_LEN 1024
string time = "2019-01-09T23:32:36";//Just for example
string path_to_log = "path to a log";
string output_path = "...";
string cmd_r = "awk '$0 > \"" + time + "\"' " + path_to_log;
string result;
std::ofstream outfile(output_path);
printf("Error. Can't open file: [%s]", output_path.c_str());
//Run command to extract lines
char buf[BUF_LEN];
FILE* pipe = popen(cmd_r.c_str(), "r");
if (pipe)
while (fgets(buf, BUF_LEN, pipe) != NULL)
outfile << buf;

How to check if a file already exists before creating it? (C++, Unicode, cross platform)

I have the following code which works on Windows:
bool fileExists(const wstring& src)
return (_waccess(src.c_str(), 0) == 0);
// ???? how to make C access() function to accept the wstring on Unix/Linux/MacOS ?
How do I make the code work on *nix platforms the same way as it does on Windows, considering that scr is a Unicode string and might contain file path with Unicode characters?
I have seen various StackOverflow answers which partly answer my question but I have problems to put it all together. My system relies on wide strings, especially on Windows where file names might contain non-ASCII characters. I know that generally it's better to write to the file and check for errors, but my case is the opposite - I need to skip the file if it already exists. I just want to check if the file exists, no matter if I can read/write it or not.
On many filesystems other than FAT and NTFS, filenames aren't exactly well defined as strings. They're technically byte sequences. What those byte sequences mean is a matter of interpretation. A common interpretation is UTF-8-like. Not exact UTF-8, because Unicode specifies string equality regardless of encoding. Most systems use byte equality instead. (Again, FAT and NTFS are exceptions, using case-insensitive comparisons)
A good portable solution I use is to use the following:
ifstream my_file(myFilenameHere);
if (my_file.good())
// file exists and do what you need to do when it exists
// the file doesn't exist do what you need to do to create it etc.
For example a small file existence checker function could be (this one works in windows, linux and unix):
inline bool doesMyFileExist (const std::string& myFilename)
#if defined(__unix__) || defined(__posix__) || defined(__linux__ )
// all UNIXes, POSIX (including OS X I think (cant remember been a while)) and
// all the various flavours of Linus Torvalds digital offspring:)
struct stat buffer;
return (stat (myFilename.c_str(), &buffer) == 0);
#elif defined(__APPLE__)|| defined(_WIN32)
// this includes IOS AND OSX and Windows (x64 and x86)
// note the underscore in the windows define, without it can cause problems
if (FILE *file = fopen(myFilename.c_str(), "r"))
return true;
return false;
#else // a catch-all fallback, this is the slowest method, but works on them all:)
ifstream myFile(myFilename.c_str());
if (myFile.good())
return true;
return false;
The function above uses the fastest possible method to check the file for each OS variant, and has a fallback in case you are on an os other than the ones explicitly listed (original Amiga OS for example). This has been used in GCC4.8.x and VS 2010/2012.
The good method will check that everything is as it should be, and this way you actually have the file open.
The only caveat is pay close attention to how the file name is represented in the OS (as mentioned in another answer).
So far this has worked cross platform for me just fine:)
I spent some hours experimenting on my Ubuntu machine. It took many trials and errors but finally I got it working. I'm not sure if it will work on MacOS or even on other *nixes.
As many suspected, direct casting to char* did not work - then I got only the first slash of my test path /home/progmars/абвгдāēī . The trick was to use wcstombs() combined with setlocale() Although I could not get the text to display in console after this conversion, still access() function got it right.
Here is the code which worked for me:
bool fileExists(const wstring& src)
return (_waccess(src.c_str(), 0) == 0);
// hopefully this will work on most *nixes...
size_t outSize = src.size() * sizeof(wchar_t) + 1;// max possible bytes plus \0 char
char* conv = new char[outSize];
memset(conv, 0, outSize);
// MacOS claims to have wcstombs_l which has locale argument,
// but I could not find something similar on Ubuntu
// thus I had to use setlocale();
char* oldLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"); // let's hope, most machines will have "en_US.UTF-8" available
// "Works on my machine", that is, Ubuntu 12.04
size_t wcsSize = wcstombs(conv, src.c_str(), outSize);
// we might get an error code (size_t-1) in wcsSize, ignoring for now
// now be good, restore the locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, oldLocale);
return (access(conv, 0) == 0);
And here is some experimental code which led me to the solution:
// this is crucial to output correct unicode characters in console and for wcstombs to work!
// empty string also works instead of en_US.UTF-8
// setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");
wstring unicoded = wstring(L"/home/progmars/абвгдāēī");
int outSize = unicoded.size() * sizeof(wchar_t) + 1;// max possible bytes plus \0 char
char* conv = new char[outSize];
memset(conv, 0, outSize);
size_t szt = wcstombs(conv, unicoded.c_str(), outSize); // this needs setlocale - only then it returns 31. else it returns some big number - most likely, an error message
wcout << "wcstombs result " << szt << endl;
int resDirect = access("/home/progmars/абвгдāēī", 0); // works fine always
int resCast = access((char*)unicoded.c_str(), 0);
int resConv = access(conv, 0);
wcout << "Raw " << unicoded.c_str() << endl; // output /home/progmars/абвгдāēī but only if setlocale has been called; else output is /home/progmars/????????
wcout << "Casted " << (char*)unicoded.c_str() << endl; // output /
wcout << "Converted " << conv << endl; // output /home/progmars/ - for some reason, Unicode chars are cut away in the console, but still they are there because access() picks them up correctly
wcout << "resDirect " << resDirect << endl; // gives correct result depending on the file existence
wcout << "resCast " << resCast << endl; // wrong result - always 0 because it looks for / and it's the filesystem root which always exists
wcout << "resConv " << resConv << endl;
// gives correct result but only if setlocale() is present
Of course, I could avoid all that hassle with ifdefs to define my own version of string which would be wstring on Windows and string on *nix because *nix seems to be more liberal about UTF8 symbols and doesn't mind using them in plain strings. Still, I wanted to keep my function declarations consistent for all platforms and also I wanted to learn how Unicode filenames work in Linux.

how to get system or user temp folder in unix and windows?

I am writing a C++ problem. It need to work on both Windows and Unix OS.
How to get user or system tmp folder on different OS?
Update: Thanks #RoiDanton, the most up to date answer is std::filesystem::temp_directory_path (C++17)
Try boost::filesystem's temp_directory_path() which internally uses:
ISO/IEC 9945 (POSIX): The path supplied by the first environment variable found in the list TMPDIR, TMP, TEMP, TEMPDIR. If none of these are found, "/tmp", or, if macro __ANDROID__ is defined, "/data/local/tmp"
Windows: The path reported by the Windows GetTempPath API function.
Interestingly, Window's GetTempPath uses similar logic to the POSIX version: the first environment variable in the list TMP, TEMP, USERPROFILE. If none of these are found, it returns the Windows directory.
The fact that these methods primarily rely on environment variables seems a bit yuck. But thats how it seems to be determined. Seeing as how mundane it really is, you could easily roll your own using cstdlib's getenv function, especially if you want specific order prioritization/requirements or dont want to use another library.
Use the $TMPDIR environment variable, according to POSIX.
char const *folder = getenv("TMPDIR");
if (folder == 0)
folder = "/tmp";
if you use QT(Core) you can try QString QDir::tempPath() , or use it's implementation in your code (QT is open, so, check how they do).
The doc say : On Unix/Linux systems this is usually /tmp; on Windows this is usually the path in the TEMP or TMP environment variable.
According to the docs, the max path is MAX_PATH (260). If the path happens to be 260, the code in the sample above (als plougy) will fail because 261 will be returned. Probably the buffer size should be MAX_PATH + 1.
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
DWORD result = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH + 1, szPath);
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// check GetLastError()
Handy function :
std::string getEnvVar( std::string const & key )
char * val = getenv( key.c_str() );
return val == NULL ? std::string("") : std::string(val);
I guess TEMP or something could be passed as an argument? Depending on the OS of course. getenv is part of stdlib so this should also be portable.
If you get an access to main() function code, may be better is to put necessary folder names through the main()'s **argv and use an OS-dependend batch launcher.
For example, for UNIX
where is like
./a.out /tmp
On Windows: Use GetTempPath() to retrieve the path of the directory designated for temporary files.
wstring TempPath;
wchar_t wcharPath[MAX_PATH];
if (GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, wcharPath))
TempPath = wcharPath;
None of these examples are really concrete and provide a working example (besides std::filesystem::temp_directory_path) rather they're referring you to microsoft's documentation, here's a working example using "GetTempPath()" (tested on windows 10):
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
int main()
TCHAR path_buf[MAX_PATH];
DWORD ret_val = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, path_buf);
if ( ret_val > MAX_PATH || (ret_val == 0) )
std::cout << "GetTempPath failed";
} else {
std::cout << path_buf;

Get full path of executable of running process on HPUX

I want to get the full path of the running process (executable) without having root permission using C++ code. Can someone suggest a way to achieve this.
on Linux platforms i can do it by using following way.
char exepath[1024] = {0};
char procid[1024] = {0};
char exelink[1024] = {0};
sprintf(procid, "%u", getpid());
strcpy(exelink, "/proc/");
strcat(exelink, procid);
strcat(exelink, "/exe");
readlink(exelink, exepath, sizeof(exepath));
Here exepath gives us the full path of the executable.
Similarly for windows we do it using
GetModuleFileName(NULL, exepath, sizeof(exepath)); /* get fullpath of the service */
Please help me how to do it on HP-UX since there is no /proc directory in HP-UX.
First, I'd like to comment on your Linux solution: it is about 5 times as long as it needs to be, and performs a lot of completely unnecessary operations, as well as using 1024 magic number which is just plain wrong:
$ grep PATH_MAX /usr/include/linux/limits.h
#define PATH_MAX 4096 /* # chars in a path name */
Here is a correct minimal replacement:
#include <limits.h>
char exepath[PATH_MAX] = {0};
readlink("/proc/self/exe", exepath, sizeof(exepath));
Second, on HP-UX you can use shl_get_r() to obtain information about all loaded modules. At index 0, you will find information about the main executable. The desc.filename will point to the name of the executable at execve(2) time.
Unfortunately, that name is relative, so you may have to search $PATH, and may fail if the application did putenv("PATH=some:new:path") or if the original exename was e.g. ./a.out and the application has performed chdir(2) since.
On HP-UX, use pstat:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define _PSTAT64
#include <sys/pstat.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char filename[PATH_MAX];
struct pst_status s;
if (pstat_getproc(&s,sizeof(s),0,getpid()) == -1) {
if (pstat_getpathname(filename,sizeof(filename),&s.pst_fid_text) == -1) {
printf("filename: %s\n",filename);
The earlier answer referring to the Unix Programming FAQ was right. The problem, even with the Linux /proc answer, is that the path to the executable may have changed since the exec(). In fact, the executable may have been deleted. Further complications arise from considering links (both symbolic and hard) -- there may be multiple paths to the same executable. There is no general answer that covers all cases, since there may not be a path remaining, and if there is one it may not be unique.
That said, using argv[0] with some logic, as advocated by cjhuitt earlier, will probably do what you want 99.9% of the time. I'd add a check for a path containing "/" before doing the relative path check (and note, you must do that before any cwd() calls). Note that if your calling program is feeling mischievous, there's a host of things that can be done between fork() and exec() to mess this up. Don't rely on this for anything that could affect application security (like location of configuration files).
For what purpose do you need the executable path? Bear in mind, as I put in my earlier post, that there is no guarantee that a path to the executable will exist, or that it will be unique.
I have done this before in a general case. The general idea is to grab argv[0], and do some processing on it:
int main( int argc, char** argv )
string full_prog_path = argv[0];
if ( full_prog_path[0] == "/" )
{ // It was specified absolutely; no processing necessary.
string check_cwd = getcwd();
check_cwd += argv[0];
if ( FileExists( check_cwd ) )
{ // It was specified relatively.
full_prog_path = check_cwd;
{ // Check through the path to find it
string path = getenv( "PATH" );
list<string> paths = path.split( ":" );
foreach( test_path, paths )
if ( FileExists( test_path + argv[0] ) )
{ // We found the first path entry with the program
full_prog_path = test_path + argv[0];
cout << "Program path: " << full_prog_path << endl;
return 0;
Obviously, this has some assumptions that might break at some point, but it should work for most cases.