"reduce" or "apply" using logical functions in Clojure - clojure

I cannot use logical functions on a range of booleans in Clojure (1.2). Neither of the following works due to logical functions being macros:
(reduce and [... sequence of bools ...])
(apply or [... sequence of bools ...])
The error message says that I "can't take value of a macro: #'clojure.core/and". How to apply these logical functions (macros) without writing boilerplate code?

Don't -- use every? and some instead.

Michal's answer is already spot on, but the following alternative approach can be useful in similar situations whenever you want to use a macro as a function:
(reduce #(and %1 %2) [... sequence of bools ...])
Basically you just wrap the macro in an anonymous function.
There are a couple of good reasons to consider this approach:
There are situations where a handy function like some or every? does not exist
You may get better performance (reduce is likely to benefit from some very good optimisations in the future, for example applying the function directly to a vector rather than converting the vector into a sequence)


Clojure Macros: When can a function not duplicate a macro's behaviour?

I'm playing around with clojure macros and I'm finding that a lot of macro behavior I can just replicate with function composition.
A good example of this is the threading macro:
(defn add1 [n] (+ n 1))
(defn mult10 [n] (* n 10))
(defn threadline [arg]
(-> arg
I can replicate this easily with a higher order function like pipe:
(defn pipe [& fns]
(reduce (fn [f g] (fn [arg] (g(f arg)))) fns))
(def pipeline
#(+ % 1)
#(* % 10)))
There must be instances where a macro can not be replaced by a function. I was wondering if someone had some good examples of these sorts of situations, and the reoccurring themes involved.
One important advantage of macros is their ability to transform code at compile-time without evaluating any of it. Macros receive code as data during compilation, but functions receive values at run-time. Macros allow you to extend the compiler in a sense.
For example, Clojure's and and or are implemented as recursive macros that expand into nested if forms. This allows lazy evaluation of the and/or's inner forms i.e. if the first or form is truthy, its value will be returned and none of the others will be evaluated. If you wrote and/or as a function, all its arguments would be evaluated before they could be examined.
Short-circuiting control flow isn't an issue in your pipe function example, but pipe adds considerable run-time complexity compared to -> which simply unrolls to nested forms. A more interesting macro to try to implement as a function might be some->.
I'm finding that a lot of macro behavior I can just replicate with function composition
If your functions are amenable to it, you can certainly replace a simple threading macro with function composition with comp, similar to "point free" style in other functional languages: #(-> % inc str) is functionally equivalent to (comp str inc) and #(str (inc %)).
It's generally advised to prefer functions when possible, and even when writing a macro you can usually farm out most of the "work" to function(s).
The first macro I ever learned is a good example of a macro that can't be written as a plain function:
(defmacro infix [[arg1 f arg2]]
(list f arg1 arg2))
(infix (1 + 2))
=> 3
Of course this exact macro would never be used in the wild, but it sets the stage for more useful macros that act as readability helpers. It should also be noted that while you can replicate a lot of basic macro's behavior with plain functions, should you? It would be hard to argue that your pipe example leads to easier to read/write code than, say, as->.
The "reoccurring themes" you're looking for are cases where you're manipulating data at compile-time ("data" being the code itself), not run-time. Any case that requires the function to take its argument unevaluated must be a macro. You can partially "cheat" in some cases and just wrap the code in a function to delay evaluation, but that doesn't work for all cases (like the infix example).
Macros are not interchangeable with functions, but you examples are:
(macroexpand '#(+ % 1))
; ==> (fn* [p1__1#] (+ p1__1# 1))
The reason why it works is because the argument expect a function and you use a macro that becomes a function. However I know that cond is a macro. It cannot be replaced with a function implementation since the arguments of a function gets evaluated and the whole point of cond is to only evaluate some parts of the arguments in a specific order based on evaluation of their predicates. eg. making a recursive function with that would never terminate since the default case will also always be called before the body of the function cond is evaluated.
The whole point of macros is to expand the lamguage and since the evaluation is controlled by the result you can make all sorts of new features that would be impossible with function except if one passed all arguments as functions to delay evaluation.
In any language, macros -- compile-time functions from code to code -- let you do three things:
Define new binding forms (e.g. Clojure's destructuring let).
Change the order of evaluation (e.g. or, and).
Present a domain-specific language (e.g. Instaparse).
You can debate 3 -- whether implementing DSLs truly requires macros. Sure you can do code generators that are functions from text files to text files. Or, sure you can do Ruby style runtime DSLs. But if you want a DSL that's integrated into the compiler at compile-time, then macros are effectively your "compiler API".
Having said that, it makes sense to use macros only for these special purposes. Use functions and/or data-driven code as much as possible. Including to do work behind the "facade" provide by a macro.
The two big things macros do is control evaluation of their arguments and transform code at compile time. You can do both with functions by requiring calling code to quote their arguments.
For instance, you could write a version of defn that is called this way:
(defn 'name '[arg1 arg2]
Then you could eval arguments at will, evaluating them or not, changing the order of execution, or altering forms before you evaluate them, exactly the things macros are good for.
What macros can do that functions can't is gain this ability without any cooperation from the calling code. Users can call macros as if they were plain functions and don't have to treat their arguments any differently.
That's how macros allow you to extend the language: you don't have to treat macro code any differently than regular code, unlike, say, JavaScript, Ruby, or Python, where the language can only be extended with new control flow constructs by doing what you've done in your example, wrapping code in a block, lambda, or function.

calling a library function of arbitrary name

say there's a library l, which has two functions (a and b).
Calling both functions and merging the results into a vector could be done like this:
(concat (l/a) (l/b))
Is there a way to make this more generic? I tried something like this, but it threw an exception:
(apply concat (map #(l/%) ['a 'b]))
of course, this would work:
(apply concat [l/a l/b])
Calling both functions and merging the results into a vector could be done like this:
(concat (l/a) (l/b))
No, you will not get a vector. And you will only get a sequence if those functions return sequences. Otherwise, definitely not, you will get a runtime exception with this code and your assumption.
It sounds like you have a bunch of functions and you want to concatenate the results of them all together? There is no need to quote them, just make a sequence of the functions:
[l/a l/b l/c ...]
And use apply with concat as you already are, or use reduce to accumulate values.
Call vec on the result if you need it to be a vector rather than a sequence.
Your other solutions are definitely making your code much much more complex, unnecessary, and difficult to read. (also, you almost never need to quote vars as you are doing)
It looks like you want a general way of invoking a function inside a namespace. You can construct a symbol and dereference it to find the functions, then combine the results using mapcat e.g.
(mapcat #((find-var (symbol "l" %))) ["a" "b"])
alternatively you could first find the namespace and use ns-resolve to find the vars e.g.
(let [ns (find-ns 'l)]
(mapcat #((ns-resolve ns %)) ['a 'b]))

Is it good to avoid macro in this example?

I read that data > functions > macros
Say you want to evaluate code in a postfix fashion.
Which approach would be better?
;; Macro
(defmacro reverse-fn [expression]
(conj (butlast expression) (last expression)))
(reverse-fn ("hello world" println))
; => "hello world"
;; Function and data
(def data ["hello world" println])
(defn reverse-fn [data]
(apply (eval (last data)) (butlast data)))
(reverse-fn ["hello world" println])
; => "hello world"
If you require different evaluation behavior for any kind of data in your code macros are your best choice because they can transform unevaluated data at compile time to the code you'd like to be evaluated instead.
Clojure has a programmatic macro system which allows the compiler to be extended by user code. Macros can be used to define syntactic constructs which would require primitives or built-in support in other languages. (http://clojure.org/macros)
The example you provide has specifically that requirement ("evaluate code in a postfix fashion") which is why a macro is the correct choice.
Your macro is better than your function: a macro is better than a function employing eval.
However, the function need not employ eval. You could write it
(defn reverse-fn [data]
(apply (last data) (butlast data)))
Then, for example, as before,
(reverse-fn [3 inc])
=> 4
On a related topic, you might find this explanation of transducers interesting.
Notice that functions are literals, in the sense that a function evaluates to itself:
((eval +) 1 1)
=> 2
In general:
Macros have their use however; macros expand at the point they are encountered so you will have one or more code blocks being inlined in the resulting byte code. They are ideal for encapsulating High Order DSL terminologies.
Functions, on the other hand, are wonderful for reuse where you localize the purity of the function and it can be called from multiple other functions without increasing the code footprint. They are ideal for localized or global usage.
REPL behavior consideration: A single function is easier to rework without worrying about fully evaluating the entire source file(s) to ensure all macro reference expansions get updated.
Hope this helps
Simple rules are the best: Use a function if you can, a macro if you must.

Can I use the clojure 'for' macro to reverse a string?

This is a follow up to my question "Recursively reverse a sequence in Clojure".
Is it possible to reverse a sequence using the Clojure "for" macro? I'm trying to better understand the limitations and use-cases of this macro.
Here is the code I'm starting from:
((defn reverse-with-for [s]
(for [c s] c))
If so, I assume the solution may require wrapping the for macro in some expression that defines a mutable var, or that the body-expr of the for macro will somehow pass a sequence to the next iteration (similar to map).
Clojure for macro is being used with arbitrary Clojure sequences.
These sequences may or may not expose random access like vectors do. So, in general case, you do not have access to the last element of a Clojure sequence without traversing all the way to it, which would make making a pass through it in reverse order not possible.
I'm assumming you had something like this in mind (Java-like pseudocode):
for(int i = n-1; i--; i<=0){
In this example we know array size n in advance and we can access elements by its index. With Clojure sequences we don't know that. In Java it makes sense to do that with arrays and ArrayLists. Clojure sequences are however much more like linked lists - you have an element, and a reference to next one.
Btw, even if there were a (probably non-idiomatic)* way to do that, its time complexity would be something like O(n^2) which is just not worth the effort compared to much easier solution in the linked post which is O(n^2) for lists and a much better O(n) for vectors (and it is quite elegant and idiomatic. In fact, the official reverse has that implementation).
A general advice: Don't try to do imperative programming in Clojure, it wasn't designed for it. Although many things may seem strange or counter-intuitive (as opposed to well known idioms from imperative programming) once you get used to the functional way of doing things it is a lot, and I mean a lot easier.
Specifically for this question, despite the same name Java (and other C-like) for and Clojure for are not the same thing! First is an actual loop - it defines a flow control. The second one is a comprehension - look at it conceptually as a higher function of a sequence and a function f to be done for each of its element, which returns another sequence of f(element) s. Java for is a statement, it doesn't evaluate to anything, Clojure for (as well as anything else in Clojure) is an expression - it evaluates to the sequence of f(element) s.
Probably the easiest way to get the idea is to play with sequence functions library: http://clojure.org/sequences. Also, you can solve some problems on http://www.4clojure.com/. The first problems are very easy but they gradually get harder as you progress through them.
*As shown in Alexandre's answer the solution to the problem in fact is idiomatic and quite clever. Kudos for that! :)
Here's how you could reverse a string with for:
(defn reverse-with-for [s]
(apply str
(for [i (range (dec (count s)) -1 -1)]
(get s i))))
Note that this code is mutation free. It's the same as:
(defn reverse-with-map [s]
(apply str
(map (partial get s) (range (dec (count s)) -1 -1))))
A simpler solution would be:
(apply str (reverse s))
First of all, as Goran said, for is not a statement - it is an expression, namely sequence comprehension. It construct sequences by iteration through other sequences. So in the form it is meant to be used it is pure function (without side-effects). for can be seen as enhanced map infused with filter. Because of this it cannot be used to hold iteration state as e.g. reduce do.
Secondly, you can express sequence reversal using for and mutable state, e.g. using an atom, which is rough equivalent (not taking into account its concurrency properties) of java variable. But doing so you are facing several problems:
You are breaking main language paradigm so you will definitely get worse looking and behaving code.
Since all clojure mutable state cells are designed to be thread-safe, they all use some kind of illegal concurrent modification protection, and there is no ability to remove it. Consequently, you will get poorer performance characteristics.
In this particular case, like Goran said, sequences are one of the wide-used Clojure abstractions. For example, there are lazy sequences, which could be potentially infinite, so you just cannot walk them to the end. You certainly will have difficulties trying to work with such sequences with imperative techniques.
So don't do it, at least in Clojure :)
EDIT: I forgot to mention it. for returns lazy sequence, so you have to evaluate it in some way in order to apply all state mutations you do in it. Another reason not to do so :)

Clojure macro puzzle: expanding sequence in macro args

This is not my 'production code' but a simplication of the problem for illustration purposes. Also, the title of this question is misleading because it brings to mind the ~# expansion, which I understand, and which may not necessarily be the problem. Please suggest a better question title if you can.
Given a macro with the following form:
(defmacro my-add [x & ys] `(+ ~x ~#ys))
Now let's say we have a list:
(def my-lst '(2 3))
Now I want a function that uses my-add that I can pass my-lst to as an arg, i.e.
(call-my-add 1 my-lst)
I define the function in what would seem to be the obvious way:
(defn call-my-add [x ys]
(apply my-add (cons x ys)))
java.lang.Exception: Can't take value of a macro: #'user/call-my-add (repl-1:60)
I've tried all sorts of wild tricks to get the call-my-add function to work using evals, applies, and even defining call-my-add as a macro, but they all give similar ClassCastExceptions.
Is there any way out of this?
No. Macros do not, cannot, will never, have access to the actual run-time values contained in their arguments, so cannot splice them into the expansion. All they get is the symbol(s) you pass to them, in this case my-list. The "way around this" is to define my-add as a function, and then (optionally) have a macro that calls that function in order to generate its code.
I wrote a blog post about this semi-recently that you might find enlightening.
You could do it with evals if you wanted to, but that is a terrible idea in almost every case:
(let [my-list '(1 2)]
(eval `(my-add 5 ~#my-list)))
What a great example showing that macros are not first class citizens in Clojure (or any Lisp that I know of). They cannot be applied to functions, stored in containers, or passed to functions etc. In exchange for this they get to control when and if their arguments are evaluated.
What happens at macro expansion time must stay in macro expansion time. So if my-add is being evaluated at macro expansion time and you want to use apply then you need... another macro; to do the applying.
(defmacro call-my-add [x ys]
`(my-add ~#(cons x ys)))
Macros are somewhat contagious in this way.
PS: I'm not at my repl so please edit if you see a bug in this example (or I'll fix it when I get back)