What speech libraries are available in Linux? [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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When it comes to TTS (text-to-speech) libraries in Linux, what choices do developers have?
What libraries ship with the majority of distros?
Are there minimal libraries? What functionality does each library offer?
I'm approaching this primarily from a C++ point of view, although Python would suit me too.

Ubuntu comes with eSpeak, which is quite simple to use. From the console, simply enter:
espeak "Hello World"
Other options include Festival and Flite. Festival is the most sophisticated one I've used so far, and I've successfully installed new, less artificial-sounding voices (for Ubuntu, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=677277). Flite is very simple but doesn't have the same level of customizability as Festival.
If you want, for example, a Python program that synthesizes speech, there is a somewhat inactive project called PyFestival that's quite easy to use (http://code.google.com/p/pyfestival/).

Use Flite as your speech library, and then use voices from festival or festvox.


How to create gui in C++ [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm new in C++ and looking for a way to create gui just like windowbuilder under eclipse (java).
I will appreciate if someone can help me to find tool like windowbuilder.
OS : Linux
Thank you
Personally I'm a fan of Qt.
However, it depends entirely on what you want to do. Qt is primarily for cross platform development, so it'll look and act mostly the same between any platform, it also has a large library that may require a bit of a learning curve at first - but the licencing options make it look pretty. Also the documentation is very awesome.
There are of course a lot of other options like:
GTKmm (based on GTK+), wxWidgets, FLTK, etc...
Also this is a duplicate question, so look at some of these other answers:
How do I create a GUI for a windows application using C++?
How do I build a GUI in C++?

How to create `DOS/Unix` Like GUI [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Assuming C/C++, I am wondering what kind of libraries should be used to create a DOS/Linux type of GUI? Please see the photos below (I do not know what is the official name of such a GUI as I never had to create one, but now I have to!). I am not asking for a complete tutorial....rather a point to start!
I need to have a static page and update some texts right in their place (no new line and stuff). Also some buttons and check-boxes, # filled progress bars, etc...
DOS example:
Linux example:
It is called as Text-based user interface (TUI) and here is the examples of programming libraries and wikipedia link.
I have some experience with ncurses in Unix/Linux environment. I think ncurses Programming HOWTO is a good place to start.
Newt, a widget-based toolkit
Turbo Vision

Is there any cross-platform GUI library for C++ (with platform dependent UI and scripting based layout)? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Generally I seak for ASL analogs for not only Windows and Mac OS X but once that would work on Linux. Qt GUI is not an option for me. Some simple scripting language that does not require precompilation for GUI to work (like in ASL Adam and Eve even XML would do=)
What I need from such a library - possibility to position some subset of OS default UI controls, somehow make the C++ functions I want avaliable to UI. I need that library to be open source, and have same API for all platforms.
You could try wxWidgets, but to be honest, if Qt doesn't do it for you, I don't know why wxWidgets would be any better. You can do layout for the GUI with text files, and they aren't precompiled into C++ code (though I don't know why that's a plus).

Best cross-platform solution for network server? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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im starting a new project and for the first time i want to be cross-platform. But the tricky is my project would involve listen server, cryptos etc., etc. So i was wondering what is the best solution for cross-platform development (OpenSSL, instead of MSCrypto etc.) that would be easy to write with VS2010 (yeah the RC). The language is still not specified (depends on witch we would be easier) but im leaning to Visual C++.
In Cross-Platform i mean windows/generic unix compilation.
Qt4 is a complete crossplatform framework, including a very strong socket library.
also Boost.Asio http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/libraries.htm.
The Poco C++ library may be what you are looking for.

Open Source C++ Data Visualization Library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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We want to include data visualization in our desktop GUI (mostly timelines and graphs; clickable, draggable). We want to restrict to open-source, non-copyleft C++ libraries that allow commercial use and are portable across many platforms. Which library can I use? Our GUI is based on WxWidgets.
there is VTK.
And if data visualization is your thing, have a look at opendx too.
I think this question would be easier to answer if you also stated which other GUI components you use. Perhaps that limits the choice of available libraries. Since you're C++ and cross-platform, maybe wxWindows? Would be good not to have to guess.