What's the best replacement for timeGetTime to avoid wrap-around? - c++

timeGetTime seems to be quite good to query for system time. However, its return value is 32-bit only, so it wraps around every 49 days approx.
It's not too hard to detect the rollover in calling code, but it adds some complexity, and (worse) requires keeping a state.
Is there some replacement for timeGetTime that would not have this wrap-around problem (probably by returning a 64-bit value), and have roughly the same precision and cost?

Unless you need to time an event that is over 49 days, you can SAFELY ignore the wrap-around. Just always subtract the previous timeGetTime() from the current timeGetTime() and you will always obtain a delta measured time that is accurate, even across wrap-around -- provided that you are timing events whose total duration is under 49 days. This all works due to how unsigned modular math works inside the computer.
// this code ALWAYS works, even with wrap-around!
DWORD dwStart = timeGetTime();
// provided the event timed here has a duration of less than 49 days
DWORD dwDuration = timeGetTime()-dwStart;
TIP: look into TimeBeginPeriod(1L) to increase the accuracy of timeGetTime().
BUT... if you want a 64-bit version of timeGetTime, here it is:
__int64 timeGetTime64() {
static __int64 time64=0;
// warning: if multiple threads call this function, protect with a critical section!
return (time64 += (timeGetTime()-(DWORD)time64));
Please note that if this function is not called at least once every 49 days, that this function will fail to properly detect a wrap-around.

What platform?
You could use GetTickCount64() if you're running on Vista or later, or synthesise your own GetTickCount64() from GetTickCount() and a timer...
I deal with the rollover issue in GetTickCount() and synthesising a GetTickCount64() on platforms that don't support it here on my blog about testing non-trivial code: http://www.lenholgate.com/blog/2008/04/practical-testing-17---a-whole-new-approach.html

Nope, tracking roll-over requires state. It can be as simple as just incrementing your own 64-bit counter on each callback.
It is pretty unusual to want to track time periods to a resolution as low as 1 millisecond for up to 49 days. You'd have to worry that the accuracy is still there after such a long period. The next step is to use the clock, GetTickCount(64), GetSystemTimeAsFileTime have a resolution of 15.625 milliseconds and are kept accurate with a time server.

Have a look at GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(). It fills a FILETIME struct that contains a "64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC)"

How are you trying to use it? I frequently use the Win32 equivalent when checking for durations that I know will be under 49 days. For example the following code will always work.
DWORD start = timeGetTime();
DWORD duration = timeGetTime() - start;
Even if timeGetTime rolled over while calling DoSomthingThatTakesLessThen49Days duration will still be correct.
Note the following code could fail on rollover.
DWORD start = timeGetTime();
if (now + 5000 < timeGetTime())
but can easy be re-written to work as follows
DWORD start = timeGetTime();
if (timeGetTime() - start < 5000)

Assuming you can guarantee that this function will called at least once every 49 days, something like this will work:
// Returns current time in milliseconds
uint64_t timeGetTime64()
static uint32_t _prevVal = 0;
static uint64_t _wrapOffset = 0;
uint32_t newVal = (uint32_t) timeGetTime();
if (newVal < _prevVal) _wrapOffset += (((uint64_t)1)<<32);
_prevVal = newVal;
return _wrapOffset+newVal;
Note that due to the use of static variables, this function isn't multithread-safe, so if you plan on calling it from multiple threads you should serialize it via a critical section or mutex or similar.

I'm not sure if this fully meets your needs, but
might be along the lines of what you're looking for.

You could use RDTSC intrinsic. To get time in milliseconds you could get transform coefficient:
double get_rdtsc_coeff() {
static double coeff = 0.0;
if ( coeff < 1.0 ) { // count it only once
unsigned __int64 t00 = __rdtsc();
unsigned __int64 t01 = __rdtsc();
coeff = (t01-t00)/1000.0;
return coeff; // transformation coefficient
Now you could get count of milliseconds from the last reset:
__int64 get_ms_from_start() {
return static_cast<__int64>(__rdtsc()/get_rdtsc_coeff());
If your system uses SpeedStep or similar technologies you could use QueryPerformanceCounter/QueryPerformanceFrequency functions. Windows gives guarantees then the frequency cannot change while the system is running.


Running code every x seconds, no matter how long execution within loop takes

I'm trying to make an LED blink to the beat of a certain song. The song has exactly 125 bpm.
The code that I wrote seems to work at first, but the longer it runs the bigger the difference in time between the LED flashes and the next beat starts. The LED seems to blink a tiny bit too slow.
I think that happens because lastBlink is kind of depending on the blink which happened right before that to stay in sync, instead of using one static initial value to sync to...
unsigned int bpm = 125;
int flashDuration = 10;
unsigned int lastBlink = 0;
for(;;) {
if (getTickCount() >= lastBlink+1000/(bpm/60)) {
lastBlink = getTickCount();
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 4); //LED ON
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 0); //LED OFF
Add value to lastBlink, not reread it as the getTickCount might have skipped more than the exact beats want to wait.
Busy-waiting is bad, it spins the CPU for no good reason, and under most OS's it will lead to your process being punished -- the OS will notice that it is using up lots of CPU time and dynamically lower its priority so that other, less-greedy programs get first dibs on CPU time. It's much better to sleep until the appointed time(s) instead.
The trick is to dynamically calculate the amount of time to sleep until the next time to blink, based on the current system-clock time. (Simply delaying by a fixed amount of time means you will inevitably drift, since each iteration of your loop takes a non-zero and somewhat indeterminate time to execute).
Example code (tested under MacOS/X, probably also compiles under Linux, but can be adapted for just about any OS with some changes) follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
// unit conversion code, just to make the conversion more obvious and self-documenting
static unsigned long long SecondsToMillis(unsigned long secs) {return secs*1000;}
static unsigned long long MillisToMicros(unsigned long ms) {return ms*1000;}
static unsigned long long NanosToMillis(unsigned long nanos) {return nanos/1000000;}
// Returns the current absolute time, in milliseconds, based on the appropriate high-resolution clock
static unsigned long long getCurrentTimeMillis()
// Nicer New-style version using clock_gettime() and the monotonic clock
struct timespec ts;
return (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts) == 0) ? (SecondsToMillis(ts.tv_sec)+NanosToMillis(ts.tv_nsec)) : 0;
# else
// old-school POSIX version using times()
static clock_t _ticksPerSecond = 0;
if (_ticksPerSecond <= 0) _ticksPerSecond = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
struct tms junk; clock_t newTicks = (clock_t) times(&junk);
return (_ticksPerSecond > 0) ? (SecondsToMillis((unsigned long long)newTicks)/_ticksPerSecond) : 0;
int main(int, char **)
const unsigned int bpm = 125;
const unsigned int flashDurationMillis = 10;
const unsigned int millisBetweenBlinks = SecondsToMillis(60)/bpm;
printf("Milliseconds between blinks: %u\n", millisBetweenBlinks);
unsigned long long nextBlinkTimeMillis = getCurrentTimeMillis();
for(;;) {
long long millisToSleepFor = nextBlinkTimeMillis - getCurrentTimeMillis();
if (millisToSleepFor > 0) usleep(MillisToMicros(millisToSleepFor));
//RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 4); //LED ON
//RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 0); //LED OFF
nextBlinkTimeMillis += millisBetweenBlinks;
I think the drift problem may be rooted in your using relative time delays by sleeping for a fixed duration rather than sleeping until an absolute point in time. The problem is threads don't always wake up precisely on time due to scheduling issues.
Something like this solution may work for you:
// for readability
using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
unsigned int bpm = 125;
int flashDuration = 10;
// time for entire cycle
clock::duration total_wait = std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 * 60 / bpm);
// time for LED off part of cycle
clock::duration off_wait = std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 - flashDuration);
// time for LED on part of cycle
clock::duration on_wait = total_wait - off_wait;
// when is next change ready?
clock::time_point ready = clock::now();
// wait for time to turn light on
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 4); // LED ON
// reset timer for off
ready += on_wait;
// wait for time to turn light off
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 0); // LED OFF
// reset timer for on
ready += off_wait;
If your problem is drifting out of sync rather than latency I would suggest measuring time from a given start instead of from the last blink.
start = now()
blinks = 0
period = 60 / bpm
while true
if 0 < ((now() - start) - blinks * period)
Since you didn't specify C++98/03, I'm assuming at least C++11, and thus <chrono> is available. This so far is consistent with Galik's answer. However I would set it up so as to use <chrono>'s conversion abilities more precisely, and without having to manually enter conversion factors, except to describe "beats / minute", or actually in this answer, the inverse: "minutes / beat".
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using mpb = duration<int, ratio_divide<minutes::period, ratio<125>>>;
constexpr auto flashDuration = 10ms;
auto beginBlink = steady_clock::now() + mpb{0};
while (true)
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 4); //LED ON
this_thread::sleep_until(beginBlink + flashDuration);
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 0); //LED OFF
beginBlink += mpb{1};
The first thing to do is specify the duration of a beat, which is "minutes/125". This is what mpb does. I've used minutes::period as a stand in for 60, just in an attempt to improve readability and reduce the number of magic numbers.
Assuming C++14, I can give flashDuration real units (milliseconds). In C++11 this would need to be spelled with this more verbose syntax:
constexpr auto flashDuration = milliseconds{10};
And then the loop: This is very similar in design to Galik's answer, but here I only increment the time to start the blink once per iteration, and each time, by precisely 60/125 seconds.
By delaying until a specified time_point, as opposed to a specific duration, one ensures that there is no round off accumulation as time progresses. And by working in units which exactly describe your required duration interval, there is also no round off error in terms of computing the start time of the next interval.
No need to traffic in milliseconds. And no need to compute how long one needs to delay. Only the need to symbolically compute the start time of each iteration.
Sorry to pick on Galik's answer, which I believe is the second best answer next to mine, but it exhibits a bug which my answer not only doesn't have, but is designed to prevent. I didn't notice it until I dug into it with a calculator, and it is subtle enough that testing might miss it.
In Galik's answer:
total_wait = 480ms; // this is exactly correct
off_wait = 990ms; // likely a design flaw
on_wait = -510ms; // certainly a mistake
And the total time that an iteration takes is on_wait + off_wait which is 440ms, almost imperceptibly close to total_wait (480ms), making debugging very challenging.
In contrast my answer increments ready (beginBlink) only once, and by exactly 480ms.
My answer is more likely to be right for the simple reason that it delegates more of its computation to the <chrono> library. And in this particular case, that probability paid off.
Avoid manual conversions. Instead let the <chrono> library do them for you. Manual conversions introduce the possibility for error.
You should count the time spent on the process and substract it to the flashDuration value.
The most obvious issue is that you're losing precision when you divide bpm/60. This always yields an integer (2) instead of 2.08333333...
Calling getTickCount() twice could also lead to some drift.

C++ beginner how to use GetSystemTimeAsFileTime

I have a program that reads the current time from the system clock and saves it to a text file. I previously used the GetSystemTime function which worked, but the times weren't completely consistent eg: one of the times is 32567.789 and the next time is 32567.780 which is backwards in time.
I am using this program to save the time up to 10 times a second. I read that the GetSystemTimeAsFileTime function is more accurate. My question is, how to I convert my current code to use the GetSystemTimeAsFileTime function? I tried to use the FileTimeToSystemTime function but that had the same problems.
WORD sec = (st.wHour*3600) + (st.wMinute*60) + st.wSecond; //convert to seconds in a day
lStr.Format( _T("%d %d.%d\n"),GetFrames() ,sec, st.wMilliseconds);
std::wfstream myfile;
myfile.open("time.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::in | std::ios::app );
if (myfile.is_open())
myfile.write((LPCTSTR)lStr, lStr.GetLength());
else {lStr.Format( _T("open file failed: %d"), WSAGetLastError());
EDIT To add some more info, the code captures an image from a camera which runs 10 times every second and saves the time the image was taken into a text file. When I subtract the 1st entry of the text file from the second and so on eg: entry 2-1 3-2 4-3 etc I get this graph, where the x axis is the number of entries and the y axis is the subtracted values.
All of them should be around the 0.12 mark which most of them are. However you can see that a lot of them vary and some even go negative. This isn't due to the camera because the camera has its own internal clock and that has no variations. It has something to do with capturing the system time. What I want is the most accurate method to extract the system time with the highest resolution and as little noise as possible.
Edit 2 I have taken on board your suggestions and ran the program again. This is the result:
As you can see it is a lot better than before but it is still not right. I find it strange that it seems to do it very incrementally. I also just plotted the times and this is the result, where x is the entry and y is the time:
Does anyone have any idea on what could be causing the time to go out every 30 frames or so?
First of all, you wanna get the FILETIME as follows
FILETIME fileTime;
// Or for higher precision, use
// GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(&fileTime);
According to FILETIME's documentation,
It is not recommended that you add and subtract values from the FILETIME structure to obtain relative times. Instead, you should copy the low- and high-order parts of the file time to a ULARGE_INTEGER structure, perform 64-bit arithmetic on the QuadPart member, and copy the LowPart and HighPart members into the FILETIME structure.
So, what you should be doing next are
theTime.LowPart = fileTime.dwLowDateTime;
theTime.HighPart = fileTime.dwHighDateTime;
__int64 fileTime64Bit = theTime.QuadPart;
And that's it. The fileTime64Bit variable now contains the time you're looking for.
If you want to get a SYSTEMTIME object instead, you could just do the following:
SYSTEMTIME systemTime;
FileTimeToSystemTime(&fileTime, &systemTime);
Getting the system time out of Windows with decent accuracy is something that I've had fun with, too... I discovered that Javascript code running on Chrome seemed to produce more consistent timer results than I could with C++ code, so I went looking in the Chrome source. An interesting place to start is the comments at the top of time_win.cc in the Chrome source. The links given there to a Mozilla bug and a Dr. Dobb's article are also very interesting.
Based on the Mozilla and Chrome sources, and the above links, the code I generated for my own use is here. As you can see, it's a lot of code!
The basic idea is that getting the absolute current time is quite expensive. Windows does provide a high resolution timer that's cheap to access, but that only gives you a relative, not absolute time. What my code does is split the problem up into two parts:
1) Get the system time accurately. This is in CalibrateNow(). The basic technique is to call timeBeginPeriod(1) to get accurate times, then call GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() until the result changes, which means that the timeBeginPeriod() call has had an effect. This gives us an accurate system time, but is quite an expensive operation (and the timeBeginPeriod() call can affect other processes) so we don't want to do it each time we want a time. The code also calls QueryPerformanceCounter() to get the current high resolution timer value.
bool NeedCalibration = true;
LONGLONG CalibrationFreq = 0;
LONGLONG CalibrationCountBase = 0;
ULONGLONG CalibrationTimeBase = 0;
void CalibrateNow(void)
// If the timer frequency is not known, try to get it
if (CalibrationFreq == 0)
if (::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq) == 0)
CalibrationFreq = -1;
CalibrationFreq = freq.QuadPart;
if (CalibrationFreq > 0)
// Get the current system time, accurate to ~1ms
FILETIME ft1, ft2;
// Loop until the value changes, so that the timeBeginPeriod() call has had an effect
while (FileTimeToValue(ft1) == FileTimeToValue(ft2));
// Get the current timer value
// Save calibration values
CalibrationCountBase = counter.QuadPart;
CalibrationTimeBase = FileTimeToValue(ft2);
NeedCalibration = false;
2) When we want the current time, get the high resolution timer by calling QueryPerformanceCounter(), and use the change in that timer since the last CalibrateNow() call to work out an accurate "now". This is in Now() in my code. This also periodcally calls CalibrateNow() to ensure that the system time doesn't go backwards, or drift out.
FILETIME GetNow(void)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// Calibrate if needed, and give up if this fails
if (NeedCalibration)
if (NeedCalibration)
// Get the current timer value and use it to compute now
LONGLONG elapsed = ((counter.QuadPart - CalibrationCountBase) * 10000000) / CalibrationFreq;
ULONGLONG now = CalibrationTimeBase + elapsed;
// Don't let time go back
static ULONGLONG lastNow = 0;
now = max(now,lastNow);
lastNow = now;
// Check for clock skew
if (LONGABS(FileTimeToValue(ft) - now) > 2 * GetTimeIncrement())
NeedCalibration = true;
lastNow = 0;
if (!NeedCalibration)
return ValueToFileTime(now);
// Calibration has failed to stabilize, so just use the system time
return ft;
It's all a bit hairy but works better than I had hoped. This also seems to work well as far back on Windows as I have tested (which was Windows XP).
I believe you are looking for GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime() function or even QueryPerformanceCounter() - to be short for something that is guarantied to produce monotone values.

Getting time point with microseconds precision

I need to retrieve the current time point with a precision of microseconds. The time point can be relative to any fixed date.
How can it be achieved? For job policy, I really should't use boost or any other lib.
I'm working at a multiplatform application and under Linux, I can use C++11 system_clock::now().time_since_epoch(), but under Windows I work with VS2010, so I have no std::chrono library.
I've seen the RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970 function, but its resolution is a second.
Timers and timing is a tricky enough subject that In my opinion current cross platform implementations are not quite up to scratch. So I'd recommend a specific version for windows with appropriate #ifdef's. See other answers if you want a cross-platform version.
If you've got to/want to use a windows specific call then GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (or on windows 8 GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime) are the best calls for getting UTC time and QueryPerformanceCounter is good for high resolution timestamps. It gives back the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 UTC into a FILETIME structure.
This fine article goes into the gory details of measuring timers and timestamps in windows and is well worth a read.
EDIT: Converting a FILETIME to us, you need to go via a ULARGE_INTEGER.
li.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime;
li.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime;
unsigned long long valueAsHns = li.QuadPart;
unsigned long long valueAsUs = valueAsHns/10;
This code works for me in VS2010. The constructor tests to see if high-precision timing is available on the processor and currentTime() returns a time stamp in seconds. Compare time stamps for delta time. I use this for a game engine to get very small delta time values. Please note precision isn't limited to seconds despite the return value being named so (its a double).
Basically you find out how many seconds per cpu tick with QueryPerformanceFrequency and get the time using QueryPerformanceCounter.
//Grabs speed of processor
__int64 _iCountsPerSec = 0;
bool _bPerfExists = QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&_iCountsPerSec) != 0;
if (_bPerfExists)
m_dSecondsPerCount = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(_iCountsPerSec);
//Returns current real time
double Timer::currentTime() const
__int64 time = 0;
double timeInSeconds = static_cast<double>(time)* m_dSecondsPerCount;
return timeInSeconds;
The following code works in visual studio.
#include <time.h>
clock_t start , end ;
int getTicks_u32()
int cpu_time_used ;
end = clock() ;
cpu_time_used = (static_cast<int> (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
return cpu_time_used ;
void initSystemClock_bl(void)
start = clock();

The best way to measure milliseconds for deltatime on Mac OS?

I have found a function to get milliseconds since the Mac was started:
U32 Platform::getRealMilliseconds()
// Duration is a S32 value.
// if negative, it is in microseconds.
// if positive, it is in milliseconds.
Duration durTime = AbsoluteToDuration(UpTime());
U32 ret;
if( durTime < 0 )
ret = durTime / -1000;
ret = durTime;
return ret;
The problem is that after ~20 days AbsoluteToDuration returns INT_MAX all the time until the Mac is rebooted.
I have tried to use method below, it worked, but looks like gettimeofday takes more time and slows down the game a bit:
timeval tim;
gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
U32 ret = ((tim.tv_sec) * 1000 + tim.tv_usec/1000.0) + 0.5;
Is there a better way to get number of milliseconds elapsed since some epoch (preferably since the app started)?
Your real problem is that you are trying to fit an uptime-in-milliseconds value into a 32-bit integer. If you do that your value will always wrap back to zero (or saturate) in 49 days or less, no matter how you obtain the value.
One possible solution would be to track time values with a 64-bit integer instead; that way the day of reckoning gets postponed for a few hundred years and so you don't have to worry about the problem. Here's a MacOS/X implementation of that:
uint64_t GetTimeInMillisecondsSinceBoot()
return UnsignedWideToUInt64(AbsoluteToNanoseconds(UpTime()))/1000000;
... or if you don't want to return a 64-bit time value, the next-best thing would be to record the current time-in-milliseconds value when your program starts, and then always subtract that value from the values you return. That way things won't break until your own program has been running for at least 49 days, which I suppose is unlikely for a game.
uint32_t GetTimeInMillisecondsSinceProgramStart()
static uint64_t _firstTimeMillis = GetTimeInMillisecondsSinceBoot();
uint64_t nowMillis = GetTimeInMillisecondsSinceBoot();
return (uint32_t) (nowMillis-_firstTimeMillis);
My preferred method is mach_absolute_time - see this tech note - I use the second method, i.e. mach_absolute_time to get time stamps and mach_timebase_info to get the constants needed to convert the difference between time stamps into an actual time value (with nanosecond resolution).

C++ windows time

I have a problem in using time.
I want to use and get microseconds on windows using C++.
I can't find the way.
The "canonical" answer was given by unwind :
One popular way is using the QueryPerformanceCounter() call.
There are however few problems with this method:
it's intended for measurement of time intervals, not time. This means you have to write code to establish "epoch time" from which you will measure precise intervals. This is called calibration.
As you calibrate your clock, you also need to periodically adjust it so it's never too much out of sync (this is called drift) with your system clock.
QueryPerformanceCounter is not implemented in user space; this means context switch is needed to call kernel side of implementation, and that is relatively expensive (around 0.7 microsecond). This seems to be required to support legacy hardware.
Not all is lost, though. Points 1. and 2. are something you can do with a bit of coding, 3. can be replaced with direct call to RDTSC (available in newer versions of Visual C++ via __rdtsc() intrinsic), as long as you know accurate CPU clock frequency. Although, on older CPUs, such call would be susceptible to changes in cpu internal clock speed, in all newer Intel and AMD CPUs it is guaranteed to give fairly accurate results and won't be affected by changes in CPU clock (e.g. power saving features).
Lets get started with 1. Here is data structure to hold calibration data:
struct init
long long stamp; // last adjustment time
long long epoch; // last sync time as FILETIME
long long start; // counter ticks to match epoch
long long freq; // counter frequency (ticks per 10ms)
void sync(int sleep);
init data_[2] = {};
const init* volatile init_ = &data_[0];
Here is code for initial calibration; it has to be given time (in milliseconds) to wait for the clock to move; I've found that 500 milliseconds give pretty good results (the shorter time, the less accurate calibration). For the purpose of callibration we are going to use QueryPerformanceCounter() etc. You only need to call it for data_[0], since data_[1] will be updated by periodic clock adjustment (below).
void init::sync(int sleep)
LARGE_INTEGER t1, t2, p1, p2, r1, r2, f;
int cpu[4] = {};
// prepare for rdtsc calibration - affinity and priority
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), 2);
// frequency for time measurement during calibration
// for explanation why RDTSC is safe on modern CPUs, look for "Constant TSC" and "Invariant TSC" in
// Intel(R) 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual (document 253668.pdf)
__cpuid(cpu, 0); // flush CPU pipeline
r1.QuadPart = __rdtsc();
__cpuid(cpu, 0);
// sleep some time, doesn't matter it's not accurate.
// wait for the system clock to move, so we have exact epoch
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((FILETIME*) (&t1.u));
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((FILETIME*) (&t2.u));
__cpuid(cpu, 0); // flush CPU pipeline
r2.QuadPart = __rdtsc();
} while(t2.QuadPart == t1.QuadPart);
// measure how much time has passed exactly, using more expensive QPC
__cpuid(cpu, 0);
stamp = t2.QuadPart;
epoch = t2.QuadPart;
start = r2.QuadPart;
// calculate counter ticks per 10ms
freq = f.QuadPart * (r2.QuadPart-r1.QuadPart) / 100 / (p2.QuadPart-p1.QuadPart);
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), 0xFF);
With good calibration data you can calculate exact time from cheap RDTSC (I measured the call and calculation to be ~25 nanoseconds on my machine). There are three things to note:
return type is binary compatible with FILETIME structure and is precise to 100ns , unlike GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (which increments in 10-30ms or so intervals, or 1 millisecond at best).
in order to avoid expensive conversions integer to double to integer, the whole calculation is performed in 64 bit integers. Even though these can hold huge numbers, there is real risk of integer overflow, and so start must be brought forward periodically to avoid it. This is done in clock adjustment.
we are making a copy of calibration data, because it might have been updated during our call by clock adjustement in another thread.
Here is the code to read current time with high precision. Return value is binary compatible with FILETIME, i.e. number of 100-nanosecond intervals since Jan 1, 1601.
long long now()
// must make a copy
const init* it = init_;
// __cpuid(cpu, 0) - no need to flush CPU pipeline here
const long long p = __rdtsc();
// time passed from epoch in counter ticks
long long d = (p - it->start);
if (d > 0x80000000000ll)
// closing to integer overflow, must adjust now
// convert 10ms to 100ns periods
d *= 100000ll;
d /= it->freq;
// and add to epoch, so we have proper FILETIME
d += it->epoch;
return d;
For clock adjustment, we need to capture exact time (as provided by system clock) and compare it against our clock; this will give us drift value. Next we use simple formula to calculate "adjusted" CPU frequency, to make our clock meet system clock at the time of next adjustment. Thus it is important that adjustments are called on regular intervals; I've found that it works well when called in 15 minutes intervals. I use CreateTimerQueueTimer, called once at program startup to schedule adjustment calls (not demonstrated here).
The slight problem with capturing accurate system time (for the purpose of calculating drift) is that we need to wait for the system clock to move, and that can take up to 30 milliseconds or so (it's a long time). If adjustment is not performed, it would risk integer overflow inside function now(), not to mention uncorrected drift from system clock. There is builtin protection against overflow in now(), but we really don't want to trigger it synchronously in a thread which happened to call now() at the wrong moment.
Here is the code for periodic clock adjustment, clock drift is in r->epoch - r->stamp:
void adjust()
// must make a copy
const init* it = init_;
init* r = (init_ == &data_[0] ? &data_[1] : &data_[0]);
// wait for the system clock to move, so we have exact time to compare against
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((FILETIME*) (&t1.u));
long long p = 0;
int cpu[4] = {};
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((FILETIME*) (&t2.u));
__cpuid(cpu, 0); // flush CPU pipeline
p = __rdtsc();
} while (t2.QuadPart == t1.QuadPart);
long long d = (p - it->start);
// convert 10ms to 100ns periods
d *= 100000ll;
d /= it->freq;
r->start = p;
r->epoch = d + it->epoch;
r->stamp = t2.QuadPart;
const long long dt1 = t2.QuadPart - it->epoch;
const long long dt2 = t2.QuadPart - it->stamp;
const double s1 = (double) d / dt1;
const double s2 = (double) d / dt2;
r->freq = (long long) (it->freq * (s1 + s2 - 1) + 0.5);
InterlockedExchangePointer((volatile PVOID*) &init_, r);
// if you have log output, here is good point to log calibration results
Lastly two utility functions. One will convert FILETIME (including output from now()) to SYSTEMTIME while preserving microseconds to separate int. Other will return frequency, so your program can use __rdtsc() directly for accurate measurements of time intervals (with nanosecond precision).
void convert(SYSTEMTIME& s, int &us, long long f)
i.QuadPart = f;
FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*) (&i.u), &s);
s.wMilliseconds = 0;
SystemTimeToFileTime(&s, (FILETIME*) (&t.u));
us = (int) (i.QuadPart - t.QuadPart)/10;
long long frequency()
// must make a copy
const init* it = init_;
return it->freq * 100;
Well of course none of the above is more accurate than your system clock, which is unlikely to be more accurate than few hundred milliseconds. The purpose of precise clock (as opposed to accurate) as implemented above, is to provide single measure which can be used for both:
cheap and very accurate measurement of time intervals (not wall time),
much less accurate, but monotonous and consistent with the above, measure of wall time
I think it does it pretty well. Example use are logs, where one can use timestamps not only to find time of events, but also reason about internal program timings, latency (in microseconds) etc.
I leave the plumbing (call to initial calibration, scheduling adjustment) as an exercise for gentle readers.
You can use boost date time library.
You can use boost::posix_time::hours, boost::posix_time::minutes,
boost::posix_time::seconds, boost::posix_time::millisec, boost::posix_time::nanosec
One popular way is using the QueryPerformanceCounter() call. This is useful if you need high-precision timing, such as for measuring durations that only take on the order of microseconds. I believe this is implemented using the RDTSC machine instruction.
There might be issues though, such as the counter frequency varying with power-saving, and synchronization between multiple cores. See the Wikipedia link above for details on these issues.
Take a look at the Windows APIs GetSystemTime() / GetLocalTime() or GetSystemTimeAsFileTime().
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() expresses time in 100 nanosecond intervals, that is 1/10 of a microsecond. All functions provide the current time with in millisecond accuracy.
Keep in mind, that on most Windows systems the system time is only updated about every 1 millisecond. So even representing your time with microsecond accuracy makes it still necessary to acquire the time with such a precision.
Take a look at this: http://www.decompile.com/cpp/faq/windows_timer_api.htm
May be this can help:
NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQuerySystemTime(__out PLARGE_INTEGER SystemTime);
SystemTime [out] - a pointer to a LARGE_INTEGER structure that receives the system time. This is a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).