Need Qt Creator Source files - c++

I want to create a similar GUI as Qt Creator main layout and thus I am looking for Qt Creator Source files.
Can anyone direct me from where to download.

Have a look at the gitorious repo:


Qt Charts and Data Visualization widgets

I have installed Qt 5.7 in order to try Qt Charts and Qt Data Visualization but I cannot find new widgets neither in Qt Designer nor in Qt Creator. Any suggestions what should I do so new widgets appear in designer?
I was having exactly the same problem today. It looks like the QT Designer plugins of QT Charts are not part of the package by default. I ended up downloading the designer plugin sources from github
This consists of just 5 files.
You should then be able to open the project in Qt Creator and compile it. Place the resulting library in your designer plugin directory. This will make the QChartsView widget appear in the Qt Designer.
Just elaborating on Holger's answer for ubuntu, compile, in terminal using qmake and make (doesn't work in qt creator - you need qt chart development package installed, which I believe is not available at this point in time), the file in /opt/Qt/5.7/Src/qtcharts/plugins/designer directory then, copy and paste the shared library into /opt/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins/designer directory, where /opt/Qt is the directory in which Qt is installed.
I would like to add this as a comment to the accepted post:
If you are using python to build your project and process the .ui files with pyuic5 it might be the case that pyuic5 leaves you with an error message stating that QtChart.QChartview could not be found. This is the workaround:
Go to the site-packages/PyQt5/uic/widget-plugins directory, it should look something like this:
__pycache__/ <- create this file by copying and renaming looks like this (you have to edit the file):
# copyright information
pluginType = MODULE
def moduleInformation():
return "PyQt5.QtChart", ("QChartView", )
I also encountered this problem today, but Holger's way didn't work on my situation. After consulting other people via internet, I finally fixed it. And my solution is quiet simple, I just open the Maintenance Tool and choose add components, select Qt Charts and Qt Data Visualization, and click next, and then it works. This problem happens because by default Qt Charts is not selected while installing Qt, so we should add this component manually.
But I also should mention that maybe this way just work on Qt which was installed by Qt Online Installer, and if you installed Qt via offline Installer, maybe you should reinstall it.

Deploying Qt QML Compiled Executable

So I have a simple app that uses QML for my graphical interface and c++ code for some of the logic. I was looking for a method to compile the QML into c++ code and link it into my binary and found this page over at the Qt home site:
Basically it says use the resource system for all of my QML graphical interface files and add the QML compiler flag to my qmake config line in my .pro file and everything should be good to go.
As far as I know everything compiles fine, but when I use the the Qt windeployqt.exe tool to get all of the dependency files and test it on a clean system, I get a small white screen as if my QML files were not loaded properly.
I have one c++ reference to my main QML file using "qrc:/mainqml.qml" and that's it.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
You're using the open source version of Qt. It didn't come with the Qt Quick compiler until Qt 5.11 where it is included - and after a rework, too. So it performs better than precompiled QML did in Qt 5.10 and before.
I get a small white screen as if my QML files were not loaded properly.
... thus you need to deploy these files with the application, otherwise it won't work.
add the QML compiler flag to my qmake config
That flag was a no-op on an open source Qt build until Qt 5.11.
Qt Quick Compiler only shipped with Qt Commercial License, but you can still compile your QML files into qrc file. Starting a Qt Quick application project from Qt Creator does exactly this.
Deploying QML application with windeployqt require additional flag --qmldir, e.g.
windeployqt --(release or debug) --qmldir %PATH_TO_YOUR_QML_FILES% %YOUR_APPLICATION%.exe
It will parse your qml files and deploy all qml imports you used.

QDeclarativeView no such file ot directory. Running QML and c++ application in qtCreator

What I am trying to do is test QML in qtcreator. I have newest version Qt Creator 2.8.1 based on Qt 5.1.1.
I would like to add qml to my c++ application. I tried many ways. The most reasonable look using QDeclarativeView but I can't include it.
in pro files I add
QT += core gui declarative
I tried add quick, qml aswell but then I still don't see qtquick or declarative libraries.
I can see Qt Quick 2 UI project in qmlViewer by go
When I try to build Qt Quick 2 Application(Built-in Types) I get 3x
"Cannot open include file "QtQuick/QQuickView" no such file or directory.
I want to do simple c++ application using qml thanks for any help. I read many tutorials but most of them start after build. I have problem with run application no qml code.
You can't include it, because it's qt quick 1 and you'd like to use qt quick 2. To be able to include QDeclarativeView you need:
QT += declarative
in your .pro file.
Look at QQuickView for the qt quick 2 alternative, for which you need:
QT += qml quick
in your .pro file.

Qt Designer doesn't load my custom widget plugin

I'm reading the book "C++ GUI Programming with Qt4", and I've reached the topic of Integrating Custom Widgets with Qt Designer.
I've built the example project outlined there (the icon editor plugin), and I get a file called '', and I've copied it to '/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer/'. But when I start Qt Creator I don't see the icon editor widget in the widget box.
The only thing I've done differently from the book is I removed the DESTDIR from the .pro file because it had $QTDIR, and $QTDIR is not defined in my computer and I don't know where it should point. Instead, I copied the .so file manually.
I'm not sure if I've copied the plugin in the right directory, and if is the only file that I needed to copy, the book was kind of sketchy on how it should work.
My OS is Ubuntu and I've installed Qt Creator with apt-get.
Turns out I was copying to the wrong directory. I was copying it to "/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer/", while Qt Designer was looking in "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/designer/".

Adding QtSoap Reference to Qt Creator

i have built the dll its QtSolutions_SOAP-2.7d.dll and now i want to reference that in Qt Creator how do i do that ?
In the QtSolutions package you also have an examples directory with several examples.
Basically you just have to include src/qtsoap.pri in the .pro file of your project.
And the dll should be in your PATH.