Create a IM program (like MSN or Gtalk ) using C++ - c++

My question is that create a IM software like MSN or Gtalk, to have the basic function using C++.
You can use any technology and libary to do that.
Can someone give me a suggestion?
I add that this not my homework. This
is my job question.
Because I am a fresh man in my
So, they give me some questions to let
me dirty my hand.

My suggestion from experience with doing this sort of thing before is to find a library that implements Jabber also known as XMPP (Google Talk) for you. That way all you have to do is create the user interface. If you are working with Windows, MSDN has some great tutorials for creating user interfaces in C++. If you are using Linux, you will probably want to look for an X windows tutorial. Other than that, check out this link for a list of C++ libraries for Jabber/XMPP.
Good luck!

It sounds like you will probably want to use a library that already knows how to interface with existing IM clients. Google Talk, for example, uses the XMPP (also known as Jabber) protocol. The XMPP website has links to a number of free C++ libraries to communicate with other XMPP clients (like Google Talk):
Here is one example of a GPL XMPP library for C++:


C++ Parse library for Qt applications

I'm aware there is no official C++ library for Parse ( I've got a desktop variant of an app written using Qt C++ for OSX/Windows that needs to talk to Parse. I'm embarking on writing my own client for the Parse REST API based on the PHP library ( and the Qt network classes. Would you recommend a different approach?
The data I am saving is pretty basic, some objects and some geo data, but it would be nice to have a general solution to share with others. I will happily release whatever I come up with via GitHub, and all the better if this can lead to a group of us sharing the load.

Program interacting with web

How or what do I need to know programming wise in order to interact with the web using c++. For instance i want to wrote a program that automatically sends invites to players on yahoo chess. How would i go about doing this?
You'll need to understand the basics of TCP/IP and HTTP, possibly UDP, and the protocols involved with Yahoo's chess systems or posses a tool to work around them (A brief search leads me to believe there are few if any). You'll probably need a network API, I'd suggest looking at:
QtNetwork Module
Where Qt is easy to use, Asio is more powerful, and more 'C++' in nature. Qt has some nice webkit components, and I've used it to build a small web server, which was a lot of fun. You can accomplish quite a lot with it.
This page says they've added a captcha system to prevent certain people from interacting with their systems. I'm not familiar with Yahoo games and what the result of this has on what you'd want to do, however it suggests to me they'd rather you didn't write code to interact with their systems.
For this you need to use network APIs and use server side script like PHP/ASP to communicate with the web and C using message queue.

Threaded Chat Session between 2 users using C++

I want to build a simple chat session between two users, not more. I know that this should be done using socket programming, but to be honest i haven't worked in this domain yet so this will be my first.
I need to know where to start from and was wondering if there are any samples that you suggest i start from.
Thanks in advance.
If you are using Windows, then I would suggest looking at this site to learn the WinSock API.
Section 6.1 contains some example code which I found very helpful when first learning socket programming.
Start by designing the protocol and basic layout. Will the two clients connect to each other directly? Will there be a server involved? Will the clients be specific software? Or will they be browsers? Will they communicate with raw binary data? Or will it be text? Or XML?
Pretty much every socket programming library has a simple chat example. Find one and adapt it to your needs.
Qt is usually friendly to newbies, it has a lot of examples, reference, and users who discuss it.

C++, Get text from a website

I was told I have to use winsock, but I dont know where to start. For example, I am trying to access, lets say, I am trying to get the text title of just the three front page products. Any help is greatly appreciated. :D
I'd also recommend libcurl for this sort of thing.
You can use the cURL command line tool to generate sample code as well, which is helpful for experimentation. themselves provide sample C / C++ librarys for Http requests.
Find them here
Specifically, look for HTTPReq.c
Use boost library and poco. They both provide solutions for network programming. Boost also provide spirit library which you can use for parsing data from websites. Poco libraru also provides NetSSL, crypto solutions.
P.S. boost::spirit is not a library for parsing data from websites, it provides solution for parsing strings ...
you need to open a socket.
then you need to do an http get
somewhat like :-
You could use the QNetworkAccessmanager class from Qt framework.
I'm assuming you need to use c++ for a reason, such as integration with existing software, otherwise, as per some of the other suggestions, choosing a language with a more convenient framework (eg: scripting language) would be better suited for the task.
If you would like to avoid getting your hands dirty with WINSOCK, or have the need to run on a platform other than windows, you could look at the using the boost asio library.
The following page contains links to simple sync and async http clients:
You can find documentation on the library itself at:
Use c++ if you must, but it might be a lot less painful to use python.
Look at the Python httplib module for how to set the host you want to pull from etc. Python's available for free for most platforms and is enough like C++ that you can probably learn python a heck of a lot faster than you can learn to write a program controlled browser in c++. Well, maybe that's not true for everyone on this site, but I'll bet it's true for "most" of us. I used to get stock quotes updated in near real time from CNN Money years ago and IIRC it was around 100 lines of python code.

How does one port c++ functions to the internet?

I have a few years experience programming c++ and a little less then that using Qt. I built a data mining software using Qt and I want to make it available online. Unfortunately, I know close to nothing about web programming. Firstly, how easy or hard is this to do and what is the best way to go about it?
Supposing I am looking to hire someone to make me a secure, long-term, extensible, website for an online software service, what skill set should I be looking for?
I want to make my question a little more specific:
How can I take a bunch of working c++ functions and port the code so I can run it server side on a website?
Once this is done, would it be easy to make changes to the c++ code and have the algorithm automatically update on the site?
What technologies would be involved? Are there any cloud computing platforms that would be good for something like this?
#Niklaos-what does it mean to build a library and how does one do that?
You might want to have a look at Wt[1]. Its a C++ web framework which is programmed more or less like a desktop GUI application. One of the use cases quoted is to bring legacy apps into the web.
Port the functions to Java, easily done from C++, you can even find some tools to help - don't trust them implicitly but they could provide a boost.
See longer answer below.
Wrap them in a web application, and deploy them on Google App-Engine.
Java version of a library would be a jar file.
If you really want to be able to update the algorithm implementation dynamically, then you could implement them in Groovy, and upload changes through a form on your webapp, either as files or as a big text block, need to consider version control.
The effort/skillset involved to perform the task depends on how your wrote your code. If it is in a self-contained library, and has a clean (re-entrant, thread safe) API, you could probably hire a web developer (html/php/asp etc) to write the UI interface to the library for a relatively small cost. The skills required would be dependant on the technologies you wanted to use. For Windows development I would suggest C#/ASP. The applicant would require knowledge of interfacing with native libraries from a managed language. This is assuming that you dont mind the costs of Windows deployment for your application.
On the otherhand, if the library is complex or needs to be re-written to support the extensibility you are looking for, asking here will not get you much.
BTW: here is a great article on Marshalling if you chose to implement using C#/ASP
I used it for some projects (the last one with symphony framework) and i almost shoot my self !
If you are very familiar with C++, ASP .NET could be a good solution because if you like C++ you are going to love C#.
Any ways, I personally use Ruby on Rails for 6 months now and I LOVE IT. I won't write you a book here but the framework is pure gold !
The only problem is that Ruby is a very special language. You will probably be a bit lost a the beginning. But as every one you will learn to love it.
But that was only for the server side. Indeed, there 3 technologies you won't be able to avoid if you want to start to develop web applications.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript are presents every where. This is why i'm thinking you should start by HTML and CSS then JavaScript (with jQuery).
When you've got some basics with these 3 technologies you should be able to choose the server side language.
But you've got to tell you one thing, it's not going to be easy !
PS : Ruby on Rails uses HAML and SASS. These 2 languages replaces HTML and CSS you should have a look at them quickly because they are awesome.