Django template {% trans %} pluralization - django

According to this section in the Django docs I should use {% blocktrans %} for cases where I need to translate pluralizations. However, with an example like the following, isn't there something more convenient I can do?
{% blocktrans count video.views.count as views %}
The video has been viewed <span>{{ views }}</span> time
{% plural %}
The video has been viewed <span>{{ views }}</span> times
{% endblocktrans %}
I tried to do the following:
{% blocktrans %}time{% plural %}times{% endblocktrans %}
But it threw TemplateSyntaxError: 'blocktrans' doesn't allow other block tags (seen u'plural') inside it

You forgot the count variable as variable_name in the blocktrans tag
The value of that variable will be used to detect if it's plural or not.
{% blocktrans count variable as variable_name %}
{% plural %}
{{ variable_name }} times
{% endblocktrans %}

You can use:
{% blocktrans with video.views.count|pluralize as foo and video.views.count as views %}
The video has been viewed <span>{{ views }}</span> time{{ foo }}
{% endblocktrans %}


What is the difference between `blocktrans` and `blocktranslate`? Between `trans` and `translate`?

What is the difference between these two lines of code in a Django template?
{% blocktrans %}Example{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktranslate %}Example{% endblocktranslate %}
Likewise, what is the difference between these two lines of code in a Django template?
{% trans "Example" %}
{% translate "Example" %}
There is no difference. {% blocktrans %} is equivalent to {% blocktranslate %}, it's just an alias. Likewise, {% trans %} is equivalent to {% translate %}.

django tables how to detect if table is empty

I am new to django and web development and based on examples and help on SO, I have pieced together something which takes a model and renders it in a django-table. My template code is basically as follows:
{% block content %}
{% load static %}
{% load render_table from django_tables2 %}
<div class="function-page">
<div class="table-form">
<div class="function-container">
{% render_table reviews %}
{% endblock %}
The view is as follows:
def review(request):
table = DummyTable(DummyModel.objects.all())
form = DummyForm()
RequestConfig(request, paginate={"per_page": 10}).configure(table)
return render(request, 'review.html', {'reviews': table, 'DummyForm': form})
This works fine. However, what I would like to do is show a message to the user saying that there are no records when the database table is empty. In the current setting, it shows an empty table with the columns which is probably not the best from a usability point of view.
There are two options. Either you set empty_text inside class Meta
class Reviews(tables.Table):
class Meta:
empty_text = _("There are no reviews yet")
Or you can check it inside the template and avoid rendering table this way
{% if %}
{% render_table reviews_table %}
{% else %}
<h1>There are no reviews yet</h1>
{% endif %}
Probably the easiest way is in your template. Assuming your variable that's empty is called reviews:
{% block content %}
{% load static %}
{% if reviews %}
{% load render_table from django_tables2 %}
<div class="function-page">
<div class="table-form">
<div class="function-container">
{% render_table reviews %}
{% else %}
<span> Whatever holding response/error message you want. </span>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
Per this this answer, for example, using {% if variable %} against a valid but empty variable, it generally evaluates to False, letting you use the {% if reviews %}.
However, if you need a really bulletproof check, you can do {{ value|default:"nothing" }} - from here.
You could also do it in your views, and pass an error message back to the template using the standard Messages framework included in Django:
from django.contrib import messages
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, "No reviews found, I'm afraid!.")
You need to include something like this in your templates to use messages:
{% if messages %}
<ul class="messages">
{% for message in messages %}
<li{% if message.tags %} class="{{ message.tags }}"{% endif %}>{{ message }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Or you could do both! :)
test against table.paginated_rows it will be empty and evaluated to False when the table have no data.
they use this in django_tables2/templates/django_tables2/bootstrap.html:~26 template:
{% for row in table.paginated_rows %}
{% empty %}
... {{ table.empty_text }}
{% endfor %}
Do this:
{% if reviews %}
<div class="function-page">
<div class="table-form">
<div class="function-container">
{% render_table reviews %}
{% else %}
<p> Message to use </p>
{% endif %}
Milano answer worked to me, but removing ".list" from the if conditional:
{% if %}
{% render_table reviews_table %}
{% else %}
<h1>There are no reviews yet</h1>
{% endif %}

work around setting variables in django templates

I have this code that I used from twig to display sections according to the same date.
I'm trying to use the same code in Django but I can't set variables in its template system. What is the sane way to do this? The correct way? How do people tackle such a problem?
{% set date = "prout" %}
{% for article in articles %}
{% if != date %}
{% if date != "prout" %}
{% endif %}
{% set date = %}
<section class="row">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<li>+ {{ article.titre }}</li>
{% else %}
<li>+ {{ article.titre }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The closer concept to 'set' variables is with tag. Quoting Built-in template tags and filters django docs:
Caches a complex variable under a simpler name. This is useful
when accessing an “expensive” method (e.g., one that hits the
database) multiple times.
For example:
{% with total=business.employees.count %}
{{ total }} employee{{ total|pluralize }}
{% endwith %}

Django: Passing the result of {% trans %} via a filter

I have a string that I want passed via the "linebreaks" filter.
{% trans "my string"|linebreaks %}
Doesn't work.
Is there another way ?
See filter.
{% filter force_escape|lower %}
{% blocktrans %}This text will be translated, HTML-escaped, and will appear in all lowercase.{% endblocktrans %}
{% endfilter %}
If you need to filter before translation, you can also use:
{% blocktrans with value|filter as myvar %}
This will have {{ myvar }} inside.
{% endblocktrans %}

django blocktrans and i18n in templates

I have an i18n problem in django:
This works fine :
{% trans %} will be translated
But this doesn't work:
{% blocktrans with|slugify as cat_slug %}{{ cat_slug }}{% endblocktrans %} is not translated
If I change the filter :
{% blocktrans with|capfirst as cat_slug %}{{ cat_slug }}{% endblocktrans %}
I can see that the filter is working, but there is no translation...
I'm only just getting started with Django internationalization, but I think you're misunderstanding how the {% blocktrans %} tag handles placeholders.
The point of blocktrans is to allow the text around the placeholders to be translated. It won't translate anything inside {{...}}.
If you look at the generated .po file, you'll see that the following template code:
{% blocktrans %}This is my variable: {{variable}}{% endblocktrans %}
Will get converted into something like the following:
msgid:"This is my variable: %s"
I don't think you can translate a variable within a blocktrans tag. You can probably do constant strings with {% blocktrans with _("string") as x %}{{x}}{% endblocktrans %} but I can't think why you'd want to.
You'll have to do what you want in your view or model code I think.
This works:
{% filter slugify %}{% trans %}{% endfilter %}
As Tom pointed out blocktrans will preserve what you put inside the with statement instead of translating it. What you need to do is use the with before the translation. In your example, it would look like this:
{% with|slugify %}
{% trans cat_slug %}
{% endwith %}
P.S. I know I'm answering a 6yr old question, but I've run across this exact situation a couple times now and haven't seen a SO question/answer that handles it.
{% blocktrans with as cat_slug %}{{ cat_slug|capfirst }}{% endblocktrans %}
EDIT: you were right the doc says the filter as to be placed in the blocktrans
{% blocktrans with|capfirst %}{{ cat_slug }}{% endblocktrans %}