Why isn't there a regular expression standard? - regex

I know there is the perl regex that is sort of a minor de facto standard, but why hasn't anyone come up with a universal set of standard symbols, syntax and behaviors?

There is a standard by IEEE associated with the POSIX effort. The real question is "why doesn't everyone follow it"? The answer is probably that it is not quite as complex as PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression) with respect to greedy matching and what not.

Actually, there is a regular expression standard (POSIX), but it's crappy. So people extend their RE engine to fit the needs of their application. PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expressions) is a pseudo-standard for regular expressions that are compatible with Perl's RE engine. This is particularly relevant because you can embed Perl's engine into other applications.

Because making standards is hard. It's nearly impossible to get enough people to agree on anything to make it an official standard, let alone something as complex as regex. Defacto standards are much easier to come by.
Case in point: HTML 5 is not expected to become an official standard until the year 2022. But the draft specification is already available, and major features of the standard will begin appearing in browsers long before the standard is official.

I have researched this and could not find anything concrete. My guess is that it's because regex is so often a tool that works ON tools and therefore it's going to necessarily have platform- and tool- specific extensions.
For example, in Visual Studio, you can use regular expressions to find and replace strings in your source code. They've added stuff like :i to match an identifier. On other platforms in other tools, identifiers may not be an applicable concept. In fact, perhaps other platforms and tools reserve the colon character to escape the expression.
Differences like that make this one particularly hard to standardize.

Perl was first (or danm near close to first), and while it's perl and we all love it, it's old some people felt it needed more polish (i.e. features). This is where new types came in.
They're starting to nomalize, the regex used in .NET is very similar to the regex used in other languages, i think slowly people are starting to unify, but some are used to thier perl ways and dont want to change.

Just a guess: there was never a version popular enough to be considered the canonical standard, and there was no standard implementation. Everyone who came and reimplemented it had their own ideas on how to make it "better".

Because too many people are scared of regular expressions, so they haven't become fully widespread enough for enough sensible people to both think of the idea and be in a position to implement it.
Even if a standards body did form and try to unify the different flavours, too many people would argue stubbornly towards their own approach, whether better or not, because lots of programmers are annoying like that.


Special construct of expression use

With the construct of using If-Then-Else Conditionals in regular expressions, I would like to know the possible outcome of trying to manipulate many constructs into a single expression for multiple matches.
Let's take this example below.
Now being combined with an expression, which matches the previous conditions and then we add on to the previous with the following conditions..
Mainly I am asking should you construct a regular expression in this way, and what would ever be the purpose that you would need to use it in this way?
should you construct a regular expression in this way, and what would
ever be the purpose that you would need to use it in this way?
In this case, and probably most cases, I would say "no".
I often find that conditionals can be rewritten as lookarounds or simplified within alternations.
For instance, it seems to me that the regex you supplied,
could be replaced for greater clarity by
which gives us two simple match paths.
But it's been six months since you posted the question. During this time, answering a great many questions on SO, have you ever felt the need for that kind of construction?
I believe the answer to this would be ultimately be specific to the regex library being used or a language's implementation. ("Comparison of regular expression engines", Wikipedia.)
There isn't an official RFC or specification for regular expressions. And the diversity of implementations leads to frustration doing even "simple" expressions--the nuances you're considering are probably implementation-specific instead of regex-specific.
And even beyond your specific question, I think most of the regex-related questions on StackOverflow would be improved if people were more specific about the language being used or the library employed by the application they're using. When troubleshooting my own regular expressions in various applications (text editors for example) it took me awhile before I realized the need to understand the specific library being used.

get started with regular expression [closed]

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I’m always afraid whenever I see any regular expression. I think it very difficult to understand. But fear is not the solution. I’ve decided to start learning regex, so can someone advise me how I can just start? And if there’s is any easy tutorial?
☝ Getting Started with /Regexes/
Regular expressions are a form of declarative programming. If you are used to imperative, functional, or object-oriented programming, then they are a very different way of thinking. It’s a rules-based approach with subtle backtracking issues. I daresay a background in Prolog might actually do you some good with these, which certainly isn’t something I commonly advise.
Normally I would just have people play around with the grep command from their shell, then advance to using regexes for searching and replacing in their editor.
But I’m guessing you aren’t coming from a Unix background, because if you were, you would have come across regexes all over, from the very most basic grep command to pattern-matching in the vi or emacs editors. You can look at the grep manpage by typing
% man grep
on your BSD,
Apple, or Sun systems — just to name a few.
                                     ☹ ¡ʇɟoƨoɹɔᴉƜ ʇnoqɐ əɯ ʞƨɐ ʇ ̦uop əƨɐəld ʇƨnɾ  ☹
☟ (?: Book Learnin’? )
If you ran into regular expresions at school or university, it was probably in the context of automata theory. They come up when discussing regular languages. If you have suffered through such classes, you may remember that regular expressions are the user-friendly face to messy finite automata. What they probably did not teach you, however, is that outside of the ivory tower, the regular expressions people actually use to in the real world are far, far behind "regular" in the rarefied, theoretical, and highly irregular sense of that otherwise commonplace word. This means that the modern regular expressions — call them patterns if you prefer — can do much more than the traditional regular
expressions taught in computer science classes. There just isn’t any REGULAR left in modern regular expressions outside the classroom, but this is a good thing.
I say “modern”, but in fact regular expressions haven’t been regular since Ken Thompson first put back references into his backtracking NFA, back when he was famousluy proving NFA–DFA equivalence. So unless you actually are using a DFA engine, it might be best to just forget any book-learnin’ nonsense about REGULARness of regexes. It just doesn’t apply to the way we really use them every day in the real world.
Modern regular expressions allow for much more than just back references though, as you will find once you delve into them. They’re their own wonderful world, even if that world is a bit surreal at times. They can let you substitute for pages and pages of code in just one line. They can also make you lose hair over their crazy behavior. Sometimes they make your computer seem like it’s hung, because it’s actually working very hard in a race between it and the heat-death of the universe in some awful O(2ⁿ) algorithm, or even worse. It can easily be much worse, actually. That’s what having this sort of power in your hands can do. There are no training wheel or slow lane. Regexes are a power tool par excellence.
Just one more thing before I give you a big list of helpful references. As I’ve already said today elsewhere, regexes do not have to be ugly, and they do not have to be hard. REMEMBER: If you create ugly regexes, it is only a reflection on you, not on them.
That’s absolutely no excuse for creating regexes that are hard to read. Oh, there’s plenty like that out there all right, but they shouldn’t be and they needn’t be. Even though regexes are (for the most part( a form of declarative programming, all the software engineering techniques that one uses in other forms of programming   ̲s̲t̲i̲l̲l̲ ̲a̲p̲p̲l̲y̲ ̲h̲e̲r̲e̲!
A regex should never look like a dense row of punctuation that’s impossible to decipher. Any language would be a disaster if you removed all the alphabetical identifiers, removed all whitespace and indentation, removed all comments, and removed every last trace of top-down programming. So of course they look like cr#p if you do that. Don’t do that!
So use all of those basic tools, including aesthetically pleasing code layout, careful problem decomposition, named subroutines, decoupling the declaration from the execution (including ordering!), unit testing, plus all the rest, whenever you’re creating regexes. These are all critical steps in making your patterns maintainable.
It’s one thing to write /(.)\1/, but quite another to write something like mǁ☕⅋⚣⁑™∞¶⌘℈‽#♬❧ǁ. Those are regexes from the Dark Ages: don’t just reject them: burn them at the stake! It’s programming, after all, not line-noise or golf!
☞ Regex References
The Wikipedia page on regular expressions is a decent enough overview.
IBM has a nice introduction to regexes in their Speaking Unix series.
Russ Cox has a very nice list of classic regular expressions references. You might want to check out the original Version 8 regular expressions, here found in a Perl manpage, but these were the original, most basic patterns that everybody grew up with back in olden days.
Mastering Regular Expressions from O’Reilly, by Jeffrey Friedl.
Jan Goyvaerts’s regular-expressions.info site and his Regular Expression Cookbook, also from O’Reilly.
I’m a native speaker of Perl, so let me say four words about it. Chapter 5 of the Perl Cookbook and Chapter 6 of Programming Perl, both somewhat embarrassingly by yours truly et alios, also from O’Reilly, are devoted to regular expressions in Perl. Perl was the language that originated most regex features found in modern regular expressions, and it continues to lead the pack. Perl’s Unicode support for regexes is especially rich and remarkably simple to use — in comparison with other languages’. You can download all the code examples from those two books from the O’Reilly site, or see the next item. The perldoc.org site has quite a bit on pattern matching, including the perlre and perluniprops manpages, just to take a couple of starting points.
Apropos the Perl Cookbook, the PLEAC project has reïmplemented the Perl Cookbook code in a dizzying number of diverse languages, including ada, common lisp, groovy, guile, haskell, java, merd, ocaml, php, pike, python, rexx, ruby, and tcl. If you look at what each language does for their equivalent of PCB’s regex chapter, you will learn a tremendously huge amount about how that language deals with regular expressions. It’s a marvellous resource and quite an eye-opener, even if some up the solutions are, um, supoptimal.
Java Regular Expressions by Mehran Habibi from Apress. It’s certainly better than trying to figure anything out by reading Sun’s documentation on the Pattern class. Java is probably the worst possible language for learning regexes in; it is very clumsy and often completely stupid. I speak from painful personal experience, not from ignorance, and I am hardly alone in this appraisal. If you have to use a JVM language, I recommend Groovy or perhaps Scala. Unfortunately, both are based on the standard Java pattern matching classes, so share their inadequacies.
If you need Unicode and you’re using Java or C⁺⁺ instead of Perl, then I recommend looking into the ICU library. They handle Unicode in Java much better than Sun does, but it still feels too much like assembler for my tastes. Perl and Java appear to have the best support for Unicode and multiple encodings. Java is still kinda warty, but other languages often have this even worse. Be warned that languages with regexes bolted on the site are always clumsier to use them in than those that don’t.
If you’re using C, then I would probably skip over the system-supplied regex library and jump right into PCRE by Phil Hazel. A bonus is that PCRE can be built to handle Unicode reasonably well. It is also the basic regex library used by several other languages and tools, including PHP.
regular-expressions.info is a gold-mine of information and tutorials about regular expressions. From beginner to expert, there's not much out there that is better than this site when it comes to the study of regular expressions.
regular-expressions.info has a good tutorial here
Regular expressions in itself might not achieve any utility, unless combined in with either a text manipulation operations using some kind of scripting tool(sed/awk) or a programming language like Perl or so. Try to install Regex Buddy. Nice standalone tool which can let you use regular expressions, on some files you may point it to.
So yes you can learn about some basic info mentioning their structure, syntax, semantics, if I may call so, but try to read the regular expressions tutorials in - Perl, Vim,... and do some example string/text manipulation in those contexts, programatically
While learning at: regular-expressions.info, the Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet (V2) is something you definitely want to have.
http://www.gskinner.com/RegExr/ exists both as an online version and as an AIR application.
The cool thing about this app (besides that it work like a charm) is that you can save your expressions or share them with the community right from the app.
Say you need an e-mail regex you can just search for e-mail and you will get back a rated list of expressions.
Another helpful feature is the interpretation of your expressions into human readable form. This makes it easier to learn and master.
For the tutorial part this article is very easy consume.
This book saved my ass when I was starting out with awk and sed.

Why are there so many different regular expression dialects?

I'm wondering why there have to be so many regular expression dialects. Why does it seem like so many languages, rather then reusing a tried and true dialect, seem bent on writing their own.
Like these.
I mean, I understand that some of these do have very different backends. But shouldn't that be abstracted from the programmer?
I'm more referring to the odd but small differences, like where parentheses have to be escaped in one language, but are literals in another. Or where meta-characters mean somewhat different things.
Is there any particular reason we can't have some sort of universal dialect for regular expressions? I would think it would make things much easier for programmers who have to work in multiple languages.
Because regular expressions only have three operations:
Union |
Kleene closure *
Everything else is an extension or syntactic sugar, and so has no source for standardization. Things like capturing groups, backreferences, character classes, cardinality operations, etc are all additions to the original definition of regular expressions.
Some of these extensions make "regular expressions" no longer regular at all. They are able to decide non-regular languages because of these extras, but we still call them regular expressions regardless.
As people add more extensions, they will often try to use other, common variations of regular expressions. That's why nearly every dialect uses X+ to mean "one or many Xs", which itself is just a shortcut for writing XX*.
But when new features get added, there's no basis for standardization, so someone has to make something up. If more than one group of designers come up with similar ideas at around the same time, they'll have different dialects.
For the same reason we have so many languages. Some people will be trying to improve their tools and at the same time others will be resistant to change. C/C++/Java/C# anyone?
The "I made it better" syndrome of programming produces all these things. It's the same with standards. People try to make the next "best" standard to replace all the others and it just becomes something else we all have to learn/design for.
I think a good part of this is the question of who would be responsible for setting and maintaining the standard syntax and ensuring compatibility accross differing environments.
Also, if a regex must itself be parsed inside an interpreter/compiler with its own unique rules regarding string manipulation, then this can cause a need for doing things differently with regard to escapes and literals.
A good strategy is to take time to understand how regex algorithms themselves function at a more abstract level; then implementing any particular syntax becomes much easier. Similar to how each programming language has its own syntax for constructs like conditional statements and loops, but still accomplish the same abstract task.

Constructing regex

I use regex buddy which takes in a regex and then gives out the meaning of it from which one gets what it could be doing? On similar lines is it possible to have some engine which takes natural language input describing about the pattern one needs to match/replace and gives out the correct(almost correct) regex for that description?
e.g. Match the whole word 'dio' in some file
So regex for that could be : <dio>
P.S. = I think few guys here might think this as a 'subjective' 'not-related-to-programming' question, but i just need to ask this question nonetheless. For myself. - Thanks.
This would be complicated to program, because you need a natural language parser able to derive meaning. Unless you limit it to a strict subset -- in which case, you're reinventing an expression language, and you'll eventually wind up back at regular expressions -- only with bigger symbols. so what's the gain?
Regexes were developed for a reason -- they're the simplest, most accurate representation possible.
There is a Symbolix Regular Expression Builder package for Emacs, but looking at it, I think that regular expressions are easier to work with.
Short answer: no, not until artificial intelligence improves A LOT.
If you wrote something like this, you'd have a very limited syntax. For someone to know "Match the whole word 'dio' in some file", they would basically need to have significant knowledge of regular expressions. At that point, just use regular expressions.
For non-technical users, this will never work unless you limit it to basic "find this phrase" or, maybe, "find lines starting/ending with ??". They're never going to come up with something like this:
Find lines containing a less-than symbol followed by the string 'img' followed by one or more groupings of: some whitespace followed by one or more letters followed by either a double-quoted string or a single-quoted string, and those groupings are followed by any length of whitespace then a slash and a greater-than sign.
That's my attempt at a plain-language version of this relatively simple regex:
Yeah, I agree with you that it is subjective. But I will answer your question because I think that you have asked a wrong question.
The answer is "YES". Almost anything can be coded and this would be a rather simple application to code. Will it work perfectly? No, it wouldn't because natural language is quite complex to parse and interpret. But it is possible to write such an engine with some constraints.
Generating a regex via the use of a natural language processor is quite possible. Prolog is supposed to be a good language choice for this kind of problem. In practice, however, what you'd be doing, in effect, is designing your own input language which provides a regex as output. If your goal is to produce regexs for a specific task, this might in fact be useful. Perhaps the task you are doing tends to require certain formulations that are doable but not built into regular expressions. Though whether this will be more effective than just creating the regexs one at a time depends on your project. Usually this is probably not the case, since your own language is not going to be as well-known or as well-documented as regex. If your goal is to produce a replacement for regex whose output will be parsed as a regex, I think you're asking a lot. Not to say people haven't done the same sort of thing before (e.g. the C++ language as an 'improvement' that runs, originally, on C++).
try the open source mac application Ruby Regexp Machine, at http://www.rubyregexp.sf.net. It is written in ruby, so you can use some of the code even if you are not on mac. You can describe a lot of simple regular expresions in an easy english grammar. As a disclosure, i did make this tool.

Are regex tools (like RegexBuddy) a good idea?

One of my developers has started using RegexBuddy for help in interpreting legacy code, which is a usage I fully understand and support. What concerns me is using a regex tool for writing new code. I have actually discouraged its use for new code in my team. Two quotes come to mind:
Some people, when confronted with a
problem, think "I know, I’ll use
regular expressions." Now they have
two problems. - Jamie Zawinski
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as
cleverly as possible, you are, by
definition, not smart enough to debug
it. - Brian Kernighan
My concerns are (respectively:)
That the tool may make it possible to solve a problem using a complicated regular expression that really doesn't need it. (See also this question).
That my one developer, using regex tools, will start writing regular expressions which (even with comments) can't be maintained by anyone who doesn't have (and know how to use) regex tools.
Should I encourage or discourage the use of regex tools, specifically with regard to producing new code? Are my concerns justified? Or am I being paranoid?
Poor programming is rarely the fault of the tool. It is the fault of the developer not understanding the tool. To me, this is like saying a carpenter should not own a screwdriver because he might use a screw where a nail would have been more appropriate.
Regular expressions are just one of the many tools available to you. I don't generally agree with the oft-cited Zawinski quote, as with any technology or technique, there are both good and bad ways to apply them.
Personally, I see things like RegexBuddy and the free Regex Coach primarily as learning tools. There are certainly times when they can be helpful to debug or understand existing regexes, but generally speaking, if you've written your regex using a tool, then it's going to be very hard to maintain it.
As a Perl programmer, I'm very familiar with both good and bad regular expressions, and have been using even complicated ones in production code successfully for many years. Here are a few of the guidelines I like to stick to that have been gathered from various places:
Don't use a regex when a string match will do. I often see code where people use regular expressions in order to match a string case-insensitively. Simply lower- or upper-case the string and perform a standard string comparison.
Don't use a regex to see if a string is one of several possible values. This is unnecessarily hard to maintain. Instead place the possible values in an array, hash (whatever your language provides) and test the string against those.
Write tests! Having a set of tests that specifically target your regular expression makes development significantly easier, particularly if it's a vaguely complicated one. Plus, a few tests can often answer many of the questions a maintenance programmer is likely to have about your regex.
Construct your regex out of smaller parts. If you really need a big complicated regex, build it out of smaller, testable sections. This not only makes development easier (as you can get each smaller section right individually), but it also makes the code more readable, flexible and allows for thorough commenting.
Build your regular expression into a dedicated subroutine/function/method. This makes it very easy to write tests for the regex (and only the regex). it also makes the code in which your regex is used easier to read (a nicely named function call is considerably less scary than a block of random punctuation!). Dropping huge regular expressions into the middle of a block of code (where they can't easily be tested in isolation) is extremely common, and usually very easy to avoid.
You should encourage the use of tools that make your developers more efficient. Having said that, it is important to make sure they're using the right tool for the job. You'll need to educate all of your team members on when it is appropriate to use a regular expression, and when (less|more) powerful methods are called for. Finally, any regular expression (IMHO) should be thoroughly commented to ensure that the next generation of developers can maintain it.
I'm not sure why there is so much diffidence against regex.
Yes, they can become messy and obscure, exactly as any other piece of code somebody may write but they have an advantage over code: they represent the set of strings one is interested to in a formally specified way (at least by your language if there are extensions). Understanding which set of strings is accepted by a piece of code will require "reverse engineering" the code.
Sure, you could discurage the use of regex as has already been done with recursion and goto's but this would be justifed to me only if there's a good alternative.
I would prefer maintain a single line regex code than a convoluted hand-made functions that tries to capture a set of strings.
On using a tool to understand a regex (or write a new one) I think it's perfectly fine! If somebody wrote it with the tool, somebody else could understand it with a tool! Actually, if you are worried about this, I would see tools like RegexBuddy your best insurance that the code will not be unmaintainable just because of the regex's
Regex testing tools are invaluable. I use them all the time. My job isn't even particularly regex heavy, so having a program to guide me through the nuances as I build my knowledge base is crucial.
Regular expressions are a great tool for a lot of text handling problems. If you have someone on your team who is writing regexes that the rest of the team don't understand, why not get them to teach the rest of you how they are working? Rather than a threat, you could be seeing this as an opportunity. That way you wouldn't have to feel threatened by the unknown and you'll have another very valuable tool in your arsenal.
Zawinski's comments, though entertainingly glib, are fundamentally a display of ignorance and writing Regular Expressions is not the whole of coding so I wouldn't worry about those quotes. Nobody ever got the whole of an argument into a one-liner anyways.
If you came across a Regular Expression that was too complicated to understand even with comments, then probably a regex wasn't a good solution for that particular problem, but that doesn't mean they have no use. I'd be willing to bet that if you've deliberately avoided them, there will be places in your codebase where you have many lines of code and a single, simple, Regex would have done the same job.
Regexbuddy is a useful shortcut, to make sure that the regular expressions you are writing do what you expect- it certainly makes life easier, but it's the matter of using them at all that is what seems important to me about your question.
Like others have said, I think using or not using such a tool is a neutral issue. More to the point: If a regular expression is so complicated that it needs inline comments, it is too complicated. I never comment my regexps. I approach large or complex matching problems by breaking it down into several steps of matching, either with multiple match statements (=~), or by building up a regexp with sub regexps.
Having said all that, I think any developer worth his salt should be reasonably proficient in regular expression writing and reading. I've been using regular expressions for years and have never encountered a time where I needed to write or read one that was terrifically complex. But a moderately sized one may be the most elegant and concise way to do a validation or match, and regexps should not be shied away from only because an inexperienced developer may not be able to read it -- better to educate that developer.
What you should be doing is getting your other devs hooked up with RB.
Don't worry about that whole "2 probs" quote; it seems that may have been a blast on Perl (said back in 1997) not regex.
I prefer not to use regex tools. If I can't write it by hand, then it means the output of the tool is something I don't understand and thus can't maintain. I'd much rather spend the time reading up on some regex feature than learning the regex tool. I don't understand the attitude of many programmers that regexes are a black art to be avoided/insulated from. It's just another programming language to be learned.
It's entirely possible that a regex tool would save me some time implementing regex features that I do know, but I doubt it... I can type pretty fast, and if you understand the syntax well (using a text editor where regexes are idiomatic really helps -- I use gVim), most regexes really aren't that complex. I think you're nearly always better served by learning a technology better rather than learning a crutch, unless the tool is something where you can put in simple info and get out a lot of boilerplate code.
Well, it sounds like the cure for that is for some smart person to introduce a regex tool that annotates itself as it matches. That would suggest that using a tool is not as much the issue as whether there is a big gap between what the tool understands and what the programmer understands.
So, documentation can help.
This is a real trivial example is a table like the following (just a suggestion)
Expression Match Reason
^ Pos 0 Start of input
\s+ " " At least one space
(abs|floor|ceil) ceil One of "abs", "floor", or "ceil"
I see the issue, though. You probably want to discourage people from building more complex regular expression than they can parse. I think standards can address this, by always requiring expanded REs and check that the annotation is proper.
However, if they just want to debug an RE, to make sure it's acting as they think it's acting, then it's not really much different from writing code you have to debug.
It's relative.
A couple of regex tools (for Node/JS, PHP and Python) i made (for some other projects) are available online to play and experiment.
regex-analyzer and regex-composer
github repo