Django Form Template Button - django

Django accepts and works with form button in format:
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
How to make it to work with the following:
<button type="button">Submit</button>

Could you explain what exactly you mean by "Django accepts and works with form button in format"? As far as I know the difference in the behaviour of <input type="submit" .../> and <button type="button">... has nothing to do with Django. Django does not care how a form is submitted from the browser.
This previously posted question might be of interest.

Add the following to the button to submit the form: ("myform" is the id of your form)


Displaying a text field along with radio through Django form

Lets say I have a model with 2 fields. With one field being a choice field of radio button Choice1, Choice2 and Other, the next being Other which is a textfield I want the "other" textbox to appar / enabled only when "Other" is selected in the radio button.
This question is not from the django-forms category. This applies more to the front-end category. Everything that is sent from the django server is static. Sure, you can write a form class and override the template for it. Also, you can connect the js script directly to the form class. It is convenient, but not canonical. Just, write the JS script or using JQuery, which will activate the field when you select a particular option.
I wrote for you a small example of how this can be do it.
I hope this helps you.
$('input[type=radio][name=choices]').change(function() {
function(i, v) {
return !v;
<script src=""></script>
<p><input name="choices" type="radio" value="choice1">Choice 1</p>
<p><input name="choices" type="radio" value="choice2">Choice 2</p>
<p><input name="other" type="text" disabled></p>

How to send data from django template to views method in post request or in a way data is not visible in the URL

I have a django template which has multiple <a> tags.
<a class="label label-success" href="get_status/?token={{book.token}}">Update</a>
On click of it, a method from views is called where I can access the token from the url as
tkn = request.GET.get('token')
But now I want not to send the token in the url.
I searched for this and get to know about forms but I did not clearly understand them. Can anyone please help here.
For future ref: I created a form and added a hidden input field in it.
on click of submit button it will send the token value.
<form action="get_Status/" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form }}
<input type="hidden" name="book_token" value="{{book.token}}">
<input type="submit" class="submit_btn btn label-success" value="Update" />
Ans in the
book_token=request.POST.get("book_token"," ")
You can use the basic HTML form concept here.
Please check the link:
How to submit a form with JavaScript by clicking a link?
Use javascript/Jquery to submit the form.
Insert the token value in a hidden field and use form to submit it to views.
Then in the views,you can get the value as :request.POST['token']

create a html form with 2 action pags

How can i create a html form that action attribute have 2 destination.I want when user click on submit bottom , check if user entered wrong data the page goes to another pages with window.location and if user insert the correct input goes to main page with the same instruction.
First of all, what do you mean by correct input?
Main form data validation occurs in server side, not client side. you'd better use client side just for simple verification, like for typos.
There is no need for 2 destination pages (as you call it so).
You may use the standard action attribute which is the page on the server to which you are sending your form data.
there, You have the option to decide which condition needs what action and send the data (and then the user) to the desired page / action.
Sample code for the form
<form id='myform' action='action.php' method='POST' target='formresponse'>
<label for='name' >Your Full Name*: </label><br/>
<input type='text' name='name' id='name' maxlength="50" /><br/>
<label for='email' >Email Address*:</label><br/>
<input type='text' name='email' id='email' maxlength="50" /><br/>
<input type='button' name='Submit' value='Submit' />
<iframe name='formresponse' width='300' height='200'></frame>
Multiple action
function SubmitForm()
return true;

Form not Posting in Django

I'm trying to do some pretty basic form posts with Django, but whenever I try to click on the button to submit the information nothing happens. No errors or messages of any kind show up in terminal or in developer in Chrome. There is no JS on this page just straight html:
<form method="post" action="/">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="text" id="name" name="name"/>
<input type="text" id="password" name="password"/>
<input type="button" value="Sign Up!"/>
My view for this page is pretty straightforward as well:
def sign_up(request):
return render_to_response('portal/signup.html', context_instance=RequestContext(request))
I'm really baffled as to what is going on, I've been following this to learn authentication. Everything works but I thought adding a "create user" would be a next step. I can't seem to get any form of any kind to work on other pages as well.
Any help would be great, I'm going crazy!
I think that your problem is that you're using
<input type="button" value="Sign Up!"/>
instead of
<input type="submit" value="Sign Up!"/>
the input submit will send all the form data to the server, the input button won't.
You can learn a little bit more about forms here :

Django template input button post problem

I try to post value of input buttons in Django but I couldn't
This is my template
<form id="ReviewRateForm" method="post" action="/review/post/rate/">
<input type="button" hint="V1" title="V" value="1" id="radio{{ forloop.counter }}-1" type="button" name="qid[{{forloop.counter}}]"></input>
<input type="button" hint="V1" title="V" value="2" id="radio{{ forloop.counter }}-1" type="button" name="qid[{{forloop.counter}}]"></input>
<input type="button" hint="V1" title="V" value="1" id="radio{{ forloop.counter }}-1" type="button" name="qid[{{forloop.counter}}]"></input>
However, when I debug it I couldn't reach the values of that input buttons in my view.
What is the problem or how can I overcome it?
The values can be accessed by the name of the input from request.POST. However, you're dynamically naming the inputs, which is going to make things more complicated when you go to retrieve those values.
Example without taking into consideration the dynamic naming:
quid1 = request.POST.get('quid1')
The problem might be with your browser rather than with django.
If you use the button element in an HTML form, different browsers will submit different values. Internet Explorer will submit the text between the <button> and </button> tags, while other browsers will submit the content of the value attribute.
Update: Oh, you are not using <button> elements, I read too fast. Sorry. Then this answer is not relevant.