Django: How do I prepend - django

I'm exploring Django and got this particular problem.
How do I prepend <span class="label">Note:</span> inside {{article.content_html|safe}}?
The content of {{article.content_html|safe}} are paragraph blocks, and I just wanna add <span class="label">Note:</span> in the very first paragraph.

Sounds like you want to write a custom tag that uses BeautifulSoup to parse the HTML and inject the fragment.

There's no easy way. You can easily prepend to all articles.
<span class="label">Note:</span>
If that doesn't help you consider changing the structure of article.content_html so you can manipulate with blocks from django templates, so it should look something like this
<span class="label">Note:</span>
If that solution is not feasible to you and you absolutely need to parse and modify the content of article.content_html, write your own custom filter that does that. You can find documentation about writing custom filters here

An alternate approach could be to do this with javascript. In jQuery, it would look something like:
var first_p_text = $("p:first").text()
$("p:first").html("<span class="label">Note:</span>" + first_p_text)
Note though that if there are other elements inside your first p, $("p:first").text() will grab the text from those as well - see
Of course, this relies on decent javascript support in the client.

jQuery is the simplest and easiest to implement. You only need one line with the prepend call (documentation):
$('p:first').prepend('<span class="label">Note:</span>');
Explanation: 'p:first' is a jQuery selector similar to the ':first-child' CSS selector. It will select the first paragraph and the prepend call will then insert the span into that selected paragraph.
Note: If there is a paragraph on the page before your content, you may have to surround it with a div:
<div id='ilovesmybbq'>{{article.content_html|safe}}</div>
Then the jQuery call would be:
$('#ilovesmybbq p:first').prepend('<span class="label">Note:</span>');


New Line on Django admin Text Field

I am trying to create a blog o django where the admin posts blogs from the admin site.
I have given a TextField for the content and now want to give a new line.
I have tried using \n but it doesn't help. The output on the main html page is still the same with \n printing in it. I have also tried the tag and allowed tags=True in my models file. Still the same. All the tags are coming as it is on the html page.
My Django admin form submitted:
The result displayed in my public template:
You should use the template filter linebreaks, that will convert the reals \n (that means the newline in the textarea, not the ones you typed using \ then n) into <br />:
{{ post.content|linebreaks }}
Alternatively, you can use linebreaksbr if you don't want to have the surrounding <p> block of course.
After searching the internet and trying different Django Template Filters, I came across one specific filter, SAFE.
For me, LINEBREAKS filter didn't work, as provided by #Maxime above, but safe did.
Use it like this in your html template file.
To have a better understanding of SAFE filter, i suggest reading the documentation.
This will make the line in the textbox appear as it is without using \n or \.
Besides the newline function in your CSS Declaration will work too.

Binding HTML strings in Ember.JS

I am using a third party indexing service (Swiftype) to search through my database. The returned records contains a property called highlight. This simply adds <em> tags around matching strings.
I then bind this highlight property in Ember.JS Handlebars as such:
<p> Title: {{highlight.title}} </p>
Which results in the following output:
Title: Example <em>matching</em> text
The browse actually displays the <em> tags, instead of formatting them. I.e. Handlebars is not identifying the HTML tags, and simply printing them as a string.
Is there a way around this?
Handlebars by default escapes html, to prevent escaping, use triple brackets:
<p> Title: {{{highlight.title}}} </p>
Ember escapes html because it could be potentional bad code which can be executed. To avoid that use
Here are the docs
if you've done that you could use {{hightlight.title}} like wished,...

How to find attribute values using regular expression with Selenium WebDriver?

The HTML is as follows:
<div class="item link-color-1
automated link-track logout-link"
data-track-action="Logout from /myaccount/mymoney/cashier"
data-data-automated-function="clickTracker"> logout </div>
To find the x path of a link, tried something like: //*[contains(#data-track-category='Logout']. But its not working. Please help.
If you are just trying to find the element itself (and not the value of the attribute as your question title implies), you could always use CSS (its my selector of choice over XPath).
You have not indicated which language bindings you use, so this is how I would find it in Ruby by using only the data-track-category attribute to select the element:
#driver.find_element(:css => "[data-track-category='Logout']")
Of course, the same applies across all the bindings. Just use the value "[data-track-category='Logout']" for your CSS method.
You can always store the given element in a WebElement and then using the getAttribute() method. You can find the documentation here
WebElement myDiv = driver.findElement(By.className("logout-link"));
String attributeValue = myDiv.getAttribute("data-track-category");
This should work on Java. Not sure that's the language you are looking for or if you must use regex for it.

JavaScript Regx to remove certain string if a pattern is found

Lets say i have
input string as
<div id="infoLangIcon"></div>ARA, DAN, ENGLISHinGERMAN, FRA<div id="infoPipe"></div><div id="infoRating0"></div><div id="infoPipe"></div><div id="infoMonoIcon"></div>
so i want to check if inforating is 0 and then remove the div and previous div also. The output is
<div id="infoLangIcon"></div>ARA, DAN, ENGLISHinGERMAN, FRA</div><div id="infoPipe"></div><div id="infoMonoIcon"></div
Regex is not your best option here. It is not reliable when it comes to HTML.
I suggest you use DOM functions to do this (I gave you a Javascript example, you have not provided a language to be used). If I understood correctly, if there is an element with the ID of infoRating0, you want to remove it and its previous sibling. This little snippet should do that:
if (document.getElementById('infoRating0')) {
var rating0=document.getElementById('infoRating0'),
Also, your HTML is invalid. You can only use an ID once in your HTML. You have two divs with the same ID (infoPipe) which you should REALLY fix. Use classes instead.
jsFiddle Demo

Is is possible to html encode output in AppEngine templates?

So, I'm passing an object with a "content" property that contains html.
<div>{{ myobject.content }}</div>
I want to be able to output the content so that the characters are rendered as the html characters.
The contents of "conent" might be: <p>Hello</p>
I want this to be sent to the browser as: &amplt;p&ampgt;Hello&amplt;/p>
Is there something I can put in my template to do this automatically?
Yes, {{ myobject.content | escape }} should help (assuming you mean Django templates -- there's no specific "App Engine" templating system, GAE apps often use the Django templating system); you may need to repeat the | escape part if you want two levels of escaping (as appears to be the case in some but not all of the example you supply).
This is Django's django.utils.html.escape function:
def escape(html):
"""Returns the given HTML with ampersands, quotes and carets encoded."""
return mark_safe(force_unicode(html).replace('&', '&').replace('<', '&l
t;').replace('>', '>').replace('"', '"').replace("'", '''))
Also, see here.