GDB question - how do I go through disassembled code line by line? - gdb

I'd like to go through a binary file my teacher gave me line by line to check addresses on the stack and the contents of different registers, but I'm not extremely familiar with using gdb. Although I have the C code, we're supposed to work entirely from a binary file. Here are the commands I've used so far:
(gdb) file SomeCode
Which gives me this message:
Reading symbols from ../overflow/SomeCode ...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Then I use :
(gdb) disas main
which gives me all of the assembly. I wanted to set up a break point and use the "next" command, but none of the commands I tried work. Does anyone know the syntax I would use?

try using ni which is nexti. equivalent is si which is step instruction

nexti if you want to jump over function calls.
stepi if you want to enter a function call.
The following documentation is very helpful; it has a list of all the important commands you could use on gdb.


Link commands in gdb to observe the execution stack

I am looking for a program to observe the execution stack of a c/c++ program. Currently I am using gdb for this purpose.
The following command shows the content of the stack:
x/12xg $rsp
to execute instruction after instruction I am using
Is it possible to combine these to commands so that I would be able to stept through the assembly code and observing the stack? If you have another possible solution/program I am looking forward to hear that as well.
You can combine commands using define, like:
(gdb) define mystep
> stepi
> x/whatever $rsp
> end
Now mystep should step and then dump some memory.

What is GDB's "here"?

I am trying to troubleshoot a bus error with some inline SSE2 assembly. The source code has a macro that uses 5 pointers, and I suspect one of them is not aligned.
I set a breakpoint on the source line. But when I perform a disass, it disassembles from the top of the function, and not where the debugger is stopped. There are hundreds of lines of assembly, so its not really helpful to me. Pressing ENTER 30 to 40 times in response to "Press ENTER to continue" got old very quickly.
I tried a disass $pc, but it dsassembled from the top of the function. I also tried a disass . (with the dot meaning "here"), but that resulted in:
A syntax error in expression, near `.'.
What does GDB use to denote "here"?
You were correct with the use of $pc to represent the current location. The reason that this did not do what you expected when used with the disassemble command is that the disassemble command tries by default to disassemble the function containing the given address which is what you are seeing.
There are alternative forms that can be given to disassemble, for example start,end where start and end are addresses, or start,+length where start is an address and length is a number of bytes.
Try help disassemble at the gdb prompt for more information.
As an alternative you can also use the x (examine) command to display instructions, without the smart find the beginning of the function behaviour, so x/10i $pc will display 10 instructions starting from $pc. This can be helpful if you only want the instructions disassembled, however you don't have access to the /m or /r modifiers that are available on the disassemble command. These modifiers display interleaved source and assembler (for /m) or the raw instruction bytes (for /r).
Also, if the whole press ENTER to continue thing is getting old then you can try set height 0 to turn off the pager, do make sure that you have enough scroll back in your terminal though :)

How to do a specific action when ANY Unknown Breakpoint gets Hit in GDB

I have read the following SO question:
Do specific action when certain breakpoint hits in gdb
Here, we use 'command' to decide what to do when the SPECIFIED Breakboint Gets Hit.
My Question is:
Suppose I put Breakpoints on ALL the Functions matching a given pattern:
gdb$rbreak func_
=> 100 Breakpoints (say)
When I execute this Code, I want to do the SAME Action - on hitting Each of these functions.
Hence, I cannot define something like:
command break_point_number
// since I don't know how many breakpoints will be there
Can somebody please suggest me:
How can I do a specific action-set when ANY Breakpoint gets Hit in GDB?
With a new enough version of gdb you can use a range:
(gdb) rbreak whatever
... gdb creates breakpoints N, N+1, ..., M
(gdb) commands N-M
> stuff
> end
I forget exactly when this feature went in.
With an older version of gdb, I'm not sure it can easily be done.
It can be done with difficulty: use set logging to write output to a file, then "info break", then "shell" to run scripts to edit the file into gdb commands, then "source". This is very painful.

How to interpret gdb disassemble output?

I am trying to match the gdb disassemble output (disas [address]) against the source code. I know that such mapping can be done using (gdb) info line *address to find the matching line. However I do not quite understand the format of the output of disassemble. Specifically, what do the following numbers, +4722, and +4281, mean ?
0x00002ad61e45bd02 <+4722>: jmpq 0x2ad61e45bb49 <MsgManager::ForwardMsg(boost::shared_ptr<Channel>, boost::shared_ptr<Msg>, boost::shared_ptr<Context>)+4281>
I am using GNU gdb (GDB) 7.4.1.
Specifically, what do the following numbers, +4722, and +4281, mean
The instruction at address 0x00002ad61e45bd02, which is 4722 bytes from the start of current function (most likely MsgManager::ForwardMsg()) is a jump to address 0x2ad61e45bb49, which is 4281 bytes from the start of MsgManager::ForwardMsg().
You may also find (gdb) disas/m command handy.

How to read frames from a core dump (without GDB)?

I would like to access the frames stored in a core dump of a program that doesn't has debug symbols (I want to do this in C). When I open up the program and the core dump inside GDB I get a stack trace including the names of the functions. For example:
(gdb) bt
#0 0x08048443 in layer3 ()
#1 0x08048489 in layer2 ()
#2 0x080484c9 in layer1 ()
#3 0x0804854e in main ()
The names of all functions are stored in the executable in the .strtab section. How can I build up the stack trace with the different frames? Running GDB in batch mode is not an option. And also just "copy the parts from gdb the are needed" is also a bad idea because the code is not independently written.
So to make my question more precisely: Where do I find the point inside a core dump where I can start reading the stack information? Is there a library of some sort for accessing those information? A struct I can use? Or even better, a documentation how those informations are structured inside a core dump?
(I already seen the question "how to generate a stack trace from a core dump file in C, without invoking an external tool such as gdb", but since there is no valid answer, I thought I would ask it again)
[Edit] I'm doing this under Linux x86
Coredump contains stack information as well. If you can use this stack information along with the EBP and EIP register values in the coredump file, you can print the stack trace. I had written a program to do this. You can find the program in the following link.
Usage: Compile the above program and give the corefile when you execute it.
$corestrace core
If you want symbols also to be printed, you do like this: Let's assume the program that generated the core is 'test'.
$ nm -n test > symbols
$ corestrace core symbols
Sample output looks like this:
$ ./coretrace core symbols
0x80483cd foo+0x9
0x8048401 func+0x1f
0x8048430 main+0x2d