Set a virtual function declaration to zero? [duplicate] - c++

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Why pure virtual function is initialized by 0?
In C++, what does it mean to set a function declaration to zero? I'm guessing it has to do with the function being virtual, and not actually defined in this class. Found in a header file of code that I'm reading:
virtual void SetValue(double val)=0;
What's going on here?

It's a pure virtual function. It makes it so you MUST derive a class (and implement said function) in order to use it.

This is called a pure virtual member function in C++ lingo. It means, as you guessed, that the function is not defined within the class, but rather has to be implemented in deriving classes. You cannot instantiate classes with pure virtual member functions, pure virtual functions basically behave like abstract methods in Java or C#.

It means that it is a pure virtual method - which means subclasses must implement the method on their own. There can still be an implementation for that method, but classes with pure virtual methods cannot be instantiated, making this similar to the abstract keyword seen in various other languages.

if you set a virtual function to set, Its called Pure Virtual Functions. And then your class becomes an abstract class.
You can't create instances of that class or any subclasses unless your pure virtual functions are implemented.

The method SetValue is pure virtual. Its class does not provide the implementation of that method, and can not be instantiated (therefore we term it abstract). Concrete derived classes on the other hand have to provide implementations for such methods. See more here.

It means that, the class is abstract, and can't be create its object. It could be used as a base class to another. Pure virtual class is also used in c++ as an interface known from language like java, but of course it is different.

As everyone has mentioned, this means that the function is a pure virtual function. Think of of this as setting the function pointer to null. Classes with pure virtual functions are handled as abstract classes. This means that derived classes must implement this virtual function.
Occasionally, you may encounter what is called a "pure call" error. This means that a pure virtual function was actually called and it will most likely cause the program to crash. The most common cause of a pure call is that the object that the function was called on was already deleted.

"SetValue" is a pure virtual member function that the base class forces derived classes to provide. Pure virtual member functions will have no implementation.
A pure virtual member function specifies that a member function will exist on every object of a concrete derived class even though the member function is not (normally) defined in the base class.
This is because the syntax for specifying a pure virtual member function forces derived classes to implement the member function if the derived classes intend to be instantiated (that is, if they intend to be concrete).
In your case, all objects of classes derived from the base class will have the member function SetValue(). However, because the base class is an abstract concept, it does not contain enough information to implement SetValue().
Imagine that the "= 0" is like saying "the code for this function is at the NULL pointer."
Pure virtual member functions allow users to write code against an interface for which there are several functionally different variants. This means that semantically different objects can be passed to a function if these objects are all under the umbrella of the same abstract base class.


Derived Class (Pure virtual C++) [duplicate]

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object of abstract class type "Connection" is not allowed
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have problem using class base with pure virtual method.
The method should be virtual.
I get this error:
Error: object of abstract class type "Membro" is not allowed: function "Membro::mensalidade" is a pure virtual function
Anyone can help?
The problem is clear from the error message: you may not instantiate an object of an abstract class.
However it seems that there is no need to create an object of the abstract class in the function you showed. As I have understood the function searches an object with the given string bi. You could use a lambda expression in some search method.
That is the problem is that the design of the function is incorrect.
To get more exact answer you should show the function and what is the type of membros.
Just like the error says Membro::mensalidade is a pure virtual function. This means you cannot use Membro directly but you have to implement it in a subclass and reimplement at least all the pure virtual methods.
If a class contains at least one pure virtual function, then that class is abstract. That means you cannot create object of that class. Abstract classes serves as interface classes to more derived class.
However, you can define that pure virtual function. But this feature is of limited use except to impress your fellow workers.
You cannot instantiate an abstract class.
Any class is abstract if it contains at least one one pure-virtual method (e.g. anything with =0; at the end of the function signature).
You must instantiate a class derived from the abstract class (which must implement the pure-virtual function(s) to not be abstract itself) instead and return a pointer to that. The pointer's type can be the type of the abstract class, and the object that it points to must be a subclass of the abstract class, allowing you to access the derived classes polymorphically.
You have to imeplement the virtual method in a derived class. It is pure virtual to make sure that you implement it when deriving from the class. It also means that there is no default implementaion of that method.
This kind of class has a name they are called Abstract Classes. or Interfaces.

Does every class have virtual function table in C++

Does every class have virtual function table in C++?
I know virtual table is for polymorphism. Class with virtual functions must have v-table. But how about class has no virtual function? Or how about class has no base class?
The language specification of C++ does not define what a "vtable" is, or which classes need one.
A particular implementation of C++ in a compiler often uses a vtable to implement virtual methods. If a class has no virtual methods (and no superclasses with virtual methods), then the compiler may omit the vtable. However, keep in mind this is purely a compiler implementation decision, and not required by the standard.
As a non-standard rule of thumb (vtables are not dictated by the standard) which applies to virtually all compilers:
Only classes with virtual member functions and/or a virtual destructor have a vtable. Other classes not. This conforms to the general rule in C++ "pay for what you use".
Of course this puts you into an important responsibility: Is your class to be deleted polymorphically? I.e., will it be used as a public base class and be deleted through it? Then make the destructor virtual.
C++ language as such doesn't talk about how virtual functions needs to be implemented i.e. it can using vtables or any other mechanism. Having said that, generally it is implemented using v-table, and this v-table is created only if the class contains virtual functions.
v-table holds the function's address in it. This table will hold the function address of all the virtual functions that are defined in the base class.
Based on the actual object type, this address changes and the exact function is called.
If the class does not inherits any of the class with virtual function, it need not hold any v-table. All the functions calls will be linked compile time.

what does value assignment to a function do? On a virtual function

I need to understand these statements:
virtual string FOOy() = 0;
virtual string FOOx( bool FOOBAR ) = 0;
I am not sure if the function being virtual has anything to do with it...
Although your testcase is woefully incomplete, from the presence of the keyword virtual it looks like this is inside a class definition.
In such a context, = 0 is not an assignment at all, but a piece of confusing syntax that marks the virtual member function as being "pure". A pure virtual member function may have an implementation (defined elsewhere), but one is optional and the function's very existence prohibits the class from being instantiated.
That is, a class with pure virtual member functions may be called "abstract".
Your peer-reviewed C++ book covers the topic in much greater detail.
It means that the method is pure, or abstract. It means that the method is meant to be declared by extending classes (thanks for clarifying this--see comments below).
The = 0 syntax is how you declare a pure virtual function in C++. A pure virtual has no implementation in the class declaring it -- any subclass must implement the function in order to be instantiable.
That makes the function a pure virtual function. This means that the class that declares the function is abstract, and subclasses must provide an implementation for this function.
By adding the = 0 you are declaring the virtual function to be pure virtual function. This means that derived classes must implement the method before they can be instantiated. Normally the base class does not have implementation.
This is also called an abstract function in other languages, such as Java and C#.
It simply means, that the implementor (Original writer) of the class in which FOOx and FOOy intended it to be used as an interfaces to its Derived Classes.
And these being virtual means, it will be possible that the derived class' implementation will be used, using the base class' pointer. So its being usable as an interface becomes possible by declaring them as virtual.
And finally, answering your question. Value-assignment, specifically assigning 0 to a function means, explicitly saying, that function doesn't has any definition. (Though you can specify a definition for it, but it will need to be called explicitly by the derived classes)

Are abstract methods and pure virtual functions the same thing?

As far as I know, both abstract methods and pure virtual functions do NOT provide any functionality ... So can we say they're both the same thing ?
Also, suppose a class (not necessarily declared as abstract) contains a number of implemented methods (not abstract or virtual), but contains a pure virtual function. Is this class then abstract ?
Yes, they are the same thing. In C++, an abstract method is just another way of describing the characteristics of a pure virtual function. Both just mean a method with no implementation provided that needs to be implemented in a sub-class before the class can actually be instantiated.
The situation with pure virtual functions and abstract classes in C++ is similar as they essentially mean exactly the same thing. Any abstract class must have at least 1 pure virtual function or else it could be instantiated and wouldn't be abstract. Likewise, any class with at least 1 pure virtual function must be abstract because it needs to be extended so that method can actually be implemented.
Therefore, a class is abstract if and only if it contains at least 1 pure virtual function/abstract method.
Later on, languages like Java and C# made things like this more explicit, allowing a special keyword to define a class abstract rather than the presence of a pure-virtual function. C++ lets you do the same things as these languages, but they're just a little more explicit about it. :D
You don't explicitly declare classes or methods as abstract in C++. The presence of pure virtual methods is what makes them abstract.
Yes, abstract methods are the exact same thing as pure virtual functions; the terms are often used interchangeably. IMO, "Pure virtual function" is the C++ technically correct term which specifically denotes the fact that the function is set to 0:
class myClass {
virtual void vfunc() = 0; // pure specifier
An abstract class is defined by:
a class that is designed to be
specifically used as a base class. An
abstract class contains at least one
pure virtual function.
So basically, an abstract class is an abstract class because it's designed to be a base class (some base classes by definition need to have implementable methods which will need to be pure virtual). These classes become abstract classes simply by how they are used and extended from. Unlike languages like Java, there is no abstract or interface keyword modifier so this is why we need a "verbal contract" to talk about abstract classes in C++.
In C++, a pure virtual member function leads to the enclosing type being an "abstract type".
Functions themselves cannot be abstract, though the term is frequently misused in this manner.
I would say yes, abstract methods and pure virtual functions are conceptually the same thing.
Also, suppose a class (not necessarily declared as abstract) contains a number of implemented methods (not abstract or virtual), but contains a pure virtual function. Is this class then abstract ?
A class with at least 1 pure virtual function is called an abstract class.

Question about Pure Virtual Functions in C++?

I am reading some C++ text regrading Pure Virtual Functions. As the text says, the form of Pure Virtual Functions declaration, for example, is:
virtual void virtualfunctioname() = 0;
And the text explains: "Since pure virtual function has no body, the programmer must add the notation =0 for declaration of the pure virtual function in the base class."
I have tried to remove = 0;, that means I only declared virtual void virtualfunctioname(); and things worked fine.
So, why do we need to assign a 0 to the virtual function?
If a class has any pure virtual functions, it cannot be instantiated. Also, it forces any derived classes to implement those functions, otherwise they too cannot be instantiated.
So if you remove the = 0, you'll just have a normal base class, which may be instantiated, and doesn't enforce an interface on its derived classes. You'll only get into trouble if you instantiate a base-class object (or a derived-class object with no override), and then try to invoke virtualfunctionname() on it, because there's no definition for it, so the linker will complain.
[Note, also the claim that "pure virtual functions have no body" is incorrect; you may define an implementation for a pure virtual. The class will still be abstract, though.]
If you don't declare a method as pure virtual, the compiler will assume there is an implementation of it somewhere. If you never instantiate the class that is supposed to contain those pure virtual (and abstract class to use the right terminology), you will be fine. However, if you do, the compiler will accept the code as valid and you will get a linker error later.
If you mark a method as pure virtual, the class containing it will be marked as abstract and the compiler will refuse any attempts to instantiate it.
things worked fine
I assume you meant that the code compiled and linked. However, you probably haven't defined an implementation for virtualfunctionname in the base class you declare it, so if you ever do call the base implementation you will get a linker error.
At the moment things probably work because you provide an implementation in a derived class and use that instead.
When you declare a function as pure virtual function that class which contain it will known as abstract class and no instance would be created.
Again no instance of that class would be created.This class is used for inheritance and the derived class must implement this method. otherwise compilation error will appear.