How can I capture multiple matches from the same Perl regex? - regex

I'm trying to parse a single string and get multiple chunks of data out from the same string with the same regex conditions. I'm parsing a single HTML doc that is static (For an undisclosed reason, I can't use an HTML parser to do the job.) I have an expression that looks like:
$string =~ /\<img\ssrc\="(.*)"/;
and I want to get the value of $1. However, in the one string, there are many img tags like this, so I need something like an array returned (#1?) is this possible?

As Jim's answer, use the /g modifier (in list context or in a loop).
But beware of greediness, you dont want the .* to match more than necessary (and dont escape < = , they are not special).
while($string =~ /<img\s+src="(.*?)"/g ) {

#list = ($string =~ m/\<img\ssrc\="(.*)"/g);
The g modifier matches all occurences in the string. List context returns all of the matches. See the m// operator in perlop.

You just need the global modifier /g at the end of the match. Then loop through
until there are no matches remaining
my #matches;
while ($string =~ /\<img\ssrc\="(.*)"/g) {
push(#matches, $1);

Use the /g modifier and list context on the left, as in
#result = $string =~ /\<img\ssrc\="(.*)"/g;


Replace a string or nothing in Perl

I want to replace "metre" or "mt" with "m" using perl. How to do this? I was using this:
$string=~ s/[Mm][Ee\s][Tt][Rr\s][Ee\s]/m/g;
It is working for "metre", but not for "mt"
The i modifier lets you do a case-insensitive match.
$string =~ s/metre|mt/m/gi;
$string =~ s/m(?:etre|t)/m/gi;
, which is more efficient.
Assuming that you are trying to replace the "word" metre or mt, a unit of length, to m, you would want to use the word boundary meta character \b, like #M42 pointed out in the comments. This will prevent matches like mt in warmth.
$string =~ s{metre|mt}{m}ig;
$string = your string
s = replace
{metre|mt} =old content
{m} =replace content
i =ignore case
g =do this action globally

Metaquoting patterns in a variable list

I have a list of patterns I want to look for in a string. These patterns are numerous and contain numerous metacharacters that I want to just match literally. So this is the perfect application for metaquoting with \Q..\E. The complication is that I need to join the variable list of patterns into a regular expression.
use strict;
use warnings;
# sample string to represent my problem
my $string = "{{a|!}} Abra\n{{b|!!}} {{b}} Hocus {{s|?}} Kedabra\n{{b|+?}} {{b|??}} Pocus\n {{s|?}}Alakazam\n";
# sample patterns to look for
my #patterns = qw({{a|!}} {{s|?}} {{s|+?}} {{b|?}});
# since these patterns can be anything, I join the resulting array into a variable-length regex
my $regex = join("|",#patterns);
my #matched = $string =~ /$regex(\s\w+\s)/; # Error in matching regex due to unquoted metacharacters
print join("", #matched); # intended result: Hocus\n Pocus\n
When I attempt to introduce metaquoting into the joining operation, they appear to have no effect.
# quote all patterns so that they match literally, but make sure the alternating metacharacter works as intended
my $qmregex = "\Q".join("\E|\Q", #patterns)."\E";
my #matched = $string =~ /$qmregex(\s\w+\s)/; # The same error
For some reason the metaquoting has no effect when it is included in the string I use as the regular expression. For me, they only work when they are added directly to a regex as in /\Q$anexpression\E/ but as far as I can tell this isn't an option for me. How do I get around this?
I don't understand your expected result, as Abra and Kedabra are the only strings preceded by any of the patterns.
To solve your problem you must escape each component of the regex separately as \Q and \E affect only the value of the string in which they appear, so "\Q" and "\E" are just the null string "" and "\E|\Q" is just "|". You could write
my $qmregex = join '|', map "\Q$_\E", #patterns;
but it is simpler to call the quotemeta function.
You must also enclose the list in parentheses (?:...) to isolate the alternation, and apply the /g modifier to the regex match to find all ocurrences within the string.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $string = "{{a|!}} Abra\n{{b|!!}} {{b}} Hocus {{s|?}} Kedabra\n{{b|+?}} {{b|??}} Pocus\n {{s|?}}Alakazam\n";
my #patterns = qw( {{a|!}} {{s|?}} {{s|+?}} {{b|?}} );
my $regex = join '|', map quotemeta, #patterns;
my #matched = $string =~ /(?:$regex)(\s\w+\s)/g;
print #matched;

How to have a variable as regex in Perl

I think this question is repeated, but searching wasn't helpful for me.
my $pattern = "\('([^']+)'\);";
$mech->content =~ m/($pattern)/;
print $1;
I want to have an external $pattern in the regular expression. How can I do this? The current one returns:
Use of uninitialized value $1 in print at line 20.
$1 was empty, so the match did not succeed. I'll make up a constant string in my example of which I know that it will match the pattern.
Declare your regular expression with qr, not as a simple string. Also, you're capturing twice, once in $pattern for the open call's parentheses, once in the m operator for the whole thing, therefore you get two results. Instead of $1, $2 etc. I prefer to assign the results to an array.
my $pattern = qr"\('([^']+)'\);";
my $content = "'something');";
my #results = $content =~ m/($pattern)/;
# expression return array
# (
# q{'something');'},
# 'something'
# )
When I compile that string into a regex, like so:
my $pattern = "\('([^']+)'\);";
my $regex = qr/$pattern/;
I get just what I think I should get, following regex:
Notice that it it is looking for a capture group and not an open paren at the end of 'open'. And in that capture group, the first thing it expects is a single quote. So it will match'fum';
but not'fum');
One thing you have to learn, is that in Perl, "\(" is the same thing as "(" you're just telling Perl that you want a literal '(' in the string. In order to get lasting escapes, you need to double them.
my $pattern = "\\('([^']+)'\\);";
my $regex = qr/$pattern/;
Actually preserves the literal ( and yields:
Which is what I think you want.
As for your question, you should always test the results of a match before using it.
if ( $mech->content =~ m/($pattern)/ ) {
print $1;
makes much more sense. And if you want to see it regardless, then it's already implicit in that idea that it might not have a value. i.e., you might not have matched anything. In that case it's best to put alternatives
$mech->content =~ m/($pattern)/;
print $1 || 'UNDEF!';
However, I prefer to grab my captures in the same statement, like so:
my ( $open_arg ) = $mech->content =~ m/($pattern)/;
print $open_arg || 'UNDEF!';
The parens around $open_arg puts the match into a "list context" and returns the captures in a list. Here I'm only expecting one value, so that's all I'm providing for.
Finally, one of the root causes of your problems is that you do not need to specify your expression in a string in order for your regex to be "portable". You can get perl to pre-compile your expression. That way, you only care what instructions the characters are to a regex and not whether or not you'll save your escapes until it is compiled into an expression.
A compiled regex will interpolate itself into other regexes properly. Thus, you get a portable expression that interpolates just as well as a string--and specifically correctly handles instructions that could be lost in a string.
my $pattern = qr/\('([^']+)'\);/;
Is all that you need. Then you can use it, just as you did. Although, putting parens around the whole thing, would return the whole matched expression (and not just what's between the quotes).
You do not need the parentheses in the match pattern. It will match the whole pattern and return that as $1, which I am guess is not matching, but I am only guessing.
$mech->content =~ m/$pattern/;
$mech->content =~ m/(?:$pattern)/;
These are the clustering, non-capturing parentheses.
The way you are doing it is correct.
The solutions have been already given, I'd like to point out that the call might have multiple parameters included in "" and grouped by comma like:"","mywindow","status=1,toolbar=1");
There might be spaces between the function name and parentheses, so I'd use a slighty different regex for that:
my $pattern = qr{\s*
print $1 if $text =~ /$pattern/;
Now you have all parameters in $1 and can process them afterwards with split /,/, $stuff and so on.
It reports an uninitialized value because $1 is undefined. $1 is undefined because you have created a nested matching group by wrapping a second set of parentheses around the pattern. It will also be undefined if nothing matches your pattern.

How can I have optional matches in a Perl regex?

I have a string I read from a configuration file. Structure of the string is as follows;
Any item in brackets, including the brackets themselves, are optional. I have the following regular expression matching the whole string but I could not figure out how to make some parts of the regular expression optional with "?".
Here are a few valid strings for input
like(very long string here)
Here is my regexp only matching the first one;
How can I convert my regexp to make brackets optional for a match?
Surround the two sub-patterns with non-matching groups (?:expr) and make them optional:
And if possible make the universal expression .* more specific, maybe with [^()]+:
Using the code below, you will always get a #matches array consisting of three elements. If one of the optional parts did not match, the corresponding entry will be undef.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $optional = qr/(?:\(([^)]+?)\))?/;
my $required = qr/([^()]+)/;
while ( my $line = <DATA> ) {
chomp $line;
last unless $line =~ /\S/;
if ( my #matches = ($line =~ /$optional$required$optional/) ) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
print "---$_---\n" for #matches;
like(very long string here)
What I would do is wrap the ( and ) with your grouping members, so instead of
change it to:
That way it will match the ()'s along with the inner text. Then, if they are present use another regular expression to eliminate the parentheses.
I'm not very familiar with the named matches syntax so the group syntax might be off but you should get the idea.
Give this a try...
string[] strings = new string[] { "(a)like(1)", "like(very long string here)", "like" };
foreach (string s in strings)
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(s, #"^(\((?<short>.)\))?(?<text>.+)?(\((?<return>.+)\))?$");
if (match.Success)
// do logic to handle the match
Well, just make them optional, then:
I'm no big fan of named captures, they tend to make it look more complicated than it is (at least for me). Also, I recommend against using ".*". My suggestion:
and go for match group 2. But if you insist on using named captures:

How can I extract a varying number of groups of digits from a Perl string?

I am attempting to parse a string in Perl with the format:
Messages pushed to the Order Book queues 123691 121574 146343 103046 161253
I want to access the numbers at the end of the string so intend to do a match like
My issue is that the number of values at the end contain a variable number of strings.
What is the best way to format the regexp to be able to access each of those numbers individually? I'm a C++ developer and am just learning Perl, so am trying to find the cleanest Perl way to accomplish this.
Thanks for your help.
Just use the /g flag to make the match operator perform a global match. In list context, the match operator returns all of the results as a list:
#result = $string =~ /(\d+)/g;
This works if there are no other numbers than the trailing ones.
You can use the match operator in a list context with the global flag to get a list of all your parenthetical captures. Example:
#list = ($string =~ /(\d+)/g);
Your list should now have the all the digit groups in your string.
See the documentation on the match operator for more info.
"In scalar context, each execution of m//g finds the next match, returning true if it matches, and false if there is no further match" --(From perldoc perlop)
So you should be able to make a global regex loop, like so:
while ($string =~ /(\d+)/g) {
push #queuelist, $1;
I'd do something like this:
my #numbers;
if (m/Messages pushed to the Order Book queues ([\d\s]+)/) {
#numbers = split(/\s+/, $1);
No need to cram it into one regex.