Using a C++ child class instance as a default parameter? - c++

So I have a couple classes defined thusly:
class StatLogger {
bool open(<parameters>);
And a child class that descends from it to implement a null object pattern (unopened it's its own null object)
class NullStatLogger : public StatLogger {
NullStatLogger() : StatLogger() {}
Then I have a third class that I want to take an optional logger instance in its constructor:
class ThirdClass {
ThirdClass(StatLogger& logger=NullStatLogger());
My problem is when I do it as above, I get:
error: default argument for parameter
of type ‘StatLogger&’ has type
And if I put an explicit cast in the definition, I get:
error: no matching function for call
Complaining about not having a constructor from a NullStatLogger even though it's a child class. What am I doing wrong here, is this allowed in C++?

I you want to use inheritance and polymorphism, ThirdClass needs to use either a pointer or a reference to StatLogger object, not with an actual object. Likewise, under the circumstances you almost certainly need to make StatLogger::~StatLogger() virtual.
For example, modified as follows, the code should compile cleanly:
class StatLogger {
virtual ~StatLogger();
// bool open(<parameters>);
// <minutiae>
class NullStatLogger : public StatLogger {
NullStatLogger() : StatLogger() {}
class ThirdClass {
StatLogger *log;
ThirdClass(StatLogger *logger=new NullStatLogger()) : log(logger) {}
Edit: If you prefer a reference, the code looks something like this:
class StatLogger {
virtual ~StatLogger();
// bool open(<parameters>);
// <minutiae>
class NullStatLogger : public StatLogger {
NullStatLogger() : StatLogger() {}
class ThirdClass {
StatLogger &log;
ThirdClass(StatLogger &logger=*new NullStatLogger()) : log(logger) {}

Based on the discussion in Jerry's answer, what about simplifying the problem by not using a default variable at all:
class ThirdClass
StatLogger log;
ThirdClass() : log(NullLogger()) {}
ThirdClass(const StatLogger& logger) : log(logger) {}

There is no problem in using a derived instance as default argument for a base reference.
Now, you cannot bind a non-constant reference to a temporary (rvalue) which can be one reason for the compiler to complain about your code, but I would expect a better diagnose message (cannot bind temporary to reference or something alike).
This simple test compiles perfectly:
class base {};
class derived : public base {};
void f( base const & b = derived() ) {} // note: const &
int main() {
If the function must modify the received argument consider refactoring to a pointer and provide a default null value (not a default dynamically allocated object).
void f( base * b = 0) {
if (b) b->log( "something" );
Only if you want to keep the non-const reference interface and at the same time provide a default instance, then you must provide an static instance, but I would recommend against this:
namespace detail {
derived d;
// or:
derived & null_logger() {
static derived log;
return log;
void f( base & b = detail::d ) {}
// or:
void g( base & b = detail::default_value() ) {}

Well for a default value I believe you have to provide a default value...
ThirdClass(StatLogger *logger = NULL)
for example

Uh, I know this is an oooold question, but I just had the exact same problem, and after reading all the proposed answers and comments, I came up with a slightly different solution.
I think it also might just be appropriate for the problem instance presented here, so here it goes:
Make the NullStartLogger a singleton type of object!
For me, it was quite elegant and sort. Very shortly, singleton is an object that you can not construct at will, since only and exactly one instance can exist at all time. (Alternatively, there might be 0 instances before the first usage, since you can postpone the initialization). You can of course only add the singleton functionality in to your derived class, while all the other instances (and derivations) of the parent class can be initialized and created normally. But, if NullStatLogger is, as it was in my case, just a dummy class, it does not store any data externally and does not have different behavior depending on the instance/init parameters, singleton class fits well.
Here's a short code snipped making your NullStatLogger a singleton, as well as a way to use it in the ThirdClass:
class NullStatLogger : public StatLogger {
NullStatLogger() : StatLogger() {}
static NullStatLogger *_instance;
static NullStatLogger &instance();
NullStatLogger::_instance = 0;
NullStatLogger &NullStatLogger:instance() {
if (_instance == 0)
_instance = new NullStatLogger(); // constructor private, this is
// the only place you can call it
return *_instance; // the same instance always returned
class ThirdClass {
ThirdClass(StatLogger& logger=NullStatLogger::instance());
I know this surely won't help to whomever asked the question, but hopefully it helps someone else.


Fixing object initialization so an overriden method is called

What do I have (simplified version):
template<typename T> class Watcher
T* m_watched { nullptr };
Watcher() = default;
Watcher(T* watched) : m_watched(watched) { m_watched->addWatcher(this); };
virtual void notifyChange(int = 0) /*= 0*/{std::cout << "Watcher::notifyChange()\n";};
template<typename T> class Watchable
std::vector<Watcher<T>*> m_watchers;
virtual void addWatcher(Watcher<T>* watcher)
class Config : public Watchable<Config>
class Property : public Watcher<Config>
Property(Config* config) : Watcher<Config>(config) {};
void notifyChange(int = 0) override { std::cout << "Property::notifyChange()\n"; }
So when I create an instance of Property notifyChange() of the base class (Watcher) is called.
I understand why this happens, but I have no idea how to fix this still having proper modern C++ code (e.g. without making m_watched protected and so on).
You can't.
During construction of the base, the derived sub-object doesn't exist yet.
You could try making a factory function instead, which takes control of creating Propertys. Then it can instantiate in one step, and register in a second step. Make the factory function a friend as needed and have all the related machinery be otherwise private.
Vaguely related blog article

Why can't I instantiate a reference to a base class at the same time as a pointer to a derived class?

The simplest example of my question can be seen in the following code snippet:
class Handle : public IHandle_<Handle>{
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived> aDerived)
: derived(std::move(aDerived)),
base(*aDerived) {};
std::unique_ptr<Derived> derived;
Base& base;
Here, you can see that the Handle class is essentially a wrapper around Derived. More importantly, I wish to expose the base class of Derived, Base, by way of a reference. The reason for this is that, ultimately, I wish for Handle to look something like this:
class Handle : public IHandle_<Handle>{
std::unique_ptr<Derived1> myD1;
std::unique_ptr<Derived2> myD2;
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived1> aD1)
: myD1(std::move(aD1)),
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived2> aD2)
: myD2(std::move(aD2)),
Base1& base1;
Base2& base2;
The reason I wish for Handle to work like this is that I am using it as a 'Component' in an 'entity component system', and I'd like for this particular component to be instantiatable from two different concrete implementations of the same two base classes. I mention this because an 'entity component system' design pattern by definition departs from traditional object-oriented programming practices: in other words, I know there are other ways of accomplishing what I am trying to do, however I wish to make it work in some variation of what I have listed here.
Why does the simple Handle example shown in my first snippet fail? It compiles fine but seg-faults when trying to access a method in Base. If I change the order in which I instantiate the member variables of Handle, I get some errors at compile time which I think could provide some hints but I do not really understand what is going on.
Here is a full working example of Handle and the classes it depends on:
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
class Base{
Base(int ax) : x(ax){};
virtual ~Base() = 0;
virtual void setVal(float a) = 0;
virtual float getVal() = 0 ;
int x;
class Derived : public Base{
Derived(int ax, int az)
: Base(ax), z(az){};
int z;
class Concrete : public Derived{
Concrete(int ax, int aw, int av)
: Derived(ax, aw),
void setVal(float a) override{
myVal = a;
float getVal() override{
return myVal;
float myVal;
int v;
class IHandle{
virtual ~IHandle() = 0;
template <class T>
class IHandle_ : public IHandle{
virtual ~IHandle_() = 0;
template <class T>
class Handle : public IHandle_<Handle>{
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived> aDerived)
: derived(std::move(aDerived)),
base(*aDerived) {};
std::unique_ptr<Derived> derived;
Base& base;
int main(){
// These two pointers are owned by an EntityManager
std::unique_ptr<Derived> ptr(new Concrete(1, 2, 3));
// we can get a reference to an IHandle from the EntityManager
std::unique_ptr<IHandle> aHandle(new Handle(std::move(ptr)));
// We need, specifically, a `Handle` implementation of `IHandle`
Handle& handle = static_cast<Handle&>(*aHandle);
// seg fault on the following line
std::cout << "a = " << handle.base.getVal() << std::endl;
return 0;
The members in a C++ class are initialized in the order you declare them, so looking at the first snippet, the order of initialization of the members in the Handle class is:
That said, it means that in the constructor the line
will transfer the internal resources of aDerived to derived, reasonably resetting the state of aDerived. So as soon as your code reach the statement
base will reference an empty (depends on your move constructor implementation inside Base and Derived class) object that most likely will be deleted from memory after the call of the constructor itself.
So, I believe that any reference to base you got in your code are pointing to a not allocated memory, giving the SEG_FAULT error.
SEG_FAULT most of the time refers to code that is using (in your case writing, see setval() ) an area of memory not (yet or anymore) allocated for the running process.
Hope this may help,
Have a good night,

C++ Multiple Inheritance Constructor

I need to know something about the constructor. I didn't really know how to phrase the question, but basically I need to have all the action happening in the constructor of the final class, whilst a variable gets created in the constructor of one class and used in the constructor of another. Does this work, and is it safe? Example code below.
// Init class
class cInit {
std::string *m_X;
cInit() { m_X = new std::string; }
std::string *getX() { return m_X; }
// Does this work (?)
class cUse {
std::string *m_X;
cUse(cInit *x) : m_X( x->getX() ) { }
// Final Class - same question here? Does it work?
class Final : public cInit, public cUse {
Final() : cInit(), cUse( this ) { }
Since base constructors are called in declaration order, cInit::cInit() will be called first. Its constructor would assign cInit::m_X member.
Then, cUse::cUse(cInit *) will be called and would assign a result of call to cInit::getX() to cUse::m_X. Given that cInit::getX() is not a virtual function, it is safe to call it like that.
In other words, there is nothing wrong with this code. Except that it is ugly (or should I say not well designed?), confusing, and would only cause troubles further down the road.
Hope it helps.
I would prefer the following design (as it's more RAII oriented):
// Init class
class cInit {
std::string m_X;
cInit() : m_X() {}
std::string & getX() { return m_X; }
class cUse {
std::string& m_X;
cUse(std::string &x) : m_X( x ) { }
// Final Class - same question here? Does it work?
In your sample you're using this, which isn't completely constructed at that point, though cInit already is. With vtables (virtual function definitions), usage of this will certainly fail.
Try the following instead:
class Final : public cInit, public cUse {
Final() : cInit(), cUse( cInit::getX() ) { }
You can also use pointers as in your original sample, but I'd strongly discourage to use raw pointers all along. Better choose a std::unique_ptr (std::auto_ptr with pre c++11 standard) for cInit::m_X and a raw pointer for cUse::m_X.

Is there anything better than a metafactory to work around constructor injection into derived classes in CRTP?

In the CRTP, I want to inject the constructor into the derived class, cleanly - without use of macros and without writing it out. It seems it's impossible, so I've come up with some workarounds.
First, there's an underlying event class (QEvent) that should have a unique integer type tag for every derived class (see rationale). You obtain it by calling a registration function It's easy enough to create a CRTP wrapper that will hide this from you:
template <typename Derived> class EventWrapper : public QEvent {
EventWrapper() : QEvent(staticType()) {}
static QEvent::Type staticType() {
static QEvent::Type type = static_cast<QEvent::Type>(registerEventType());
return type;
class MyEvent1 : public EventWrapper<MyEvent1> {}; // easy-peasy
class MyEvent2 : public EventWrapper<MyEvent2> {};
Note that MyEvent1::staticType() != MyEvent2::staticType(): registerEventType() returns unique types each time it's called.
Now I want the event class to carry some data:
template <typename Derived> class StringEvent : public EventWrapper<D> {
std::string m_str;
explicit StringEvent(const std::string & str) : m_str(str) {}
std::string value() const { return m_str; }
But here we run into a problem: we need to manually define the constructor in each of the derived classes. The whole point here is that creation of such classes should be easy, as there may be many different string-carrying event types. But it's anything but easy:
class MyEvent3 : public StringEvent<MyEvent3> {
public: MyEvent3(std::string s) : StringEvent(s) {}
This obviously gets old real quick, even with C++11 constructor forwarding:
class MyEvent3 : public StringEvent<MyEvent3> { using StringEvent::StringEvent; };
What we'd want is a way of injecting this constructor into the derived class, or avoiding doing so while still providing for ease of use. Sure you can hide it in a preprocessor macro, but I hate those macros, they are a maintenance pain as they introduce new names for very simple concepts.
We can of course use a dummy type. Note that there's no need for a definition of the dummy type. It's only a name to be used as the type argument.
// Pre-C++11
class DummyEvent3;
typedef StringEvent<DummyEvent3> MyEvent3;
// C++11
class DummyEvent3;
using MyEvent3 = StringEvent<DummyEvent3>;
Another solution would be to use an int template argument and use an enum value, but this brings back the uniqueness issue that got solved by using the registerEventType() in the first place. It'd be no fun to guarantee that a large program is correct. And you'd still need to spell out the enum.
So, I've come up with a metaprogram class that I'll call a metafactory, that can produce the ready-to-use StringEvent classes for us, while keeping it all to one type definition:
// the metafactory for string events
template <typename Derived> class StringEventMF {
class Event : public EventWrapper<Derived> {
std::string m_str;
explicit Event(const std::string & val) : m_str(val) {}
std::string value() const { return m_str; }
or simply
template <typename Derived> class StringEventMF {
typedef StringEvent<Derived> Event;
This is used like:
class Update : public StringEventMF<Update> {};
class Clear : public StringEventMF<Clear> {};
void test() {
Update::Event * ev = new Update::Event("foo");
The classes you use are Update::Event, Clear::Event. The Update and Clear are metafactories: they generate the desired event class for us. The derivation from the metafactory sidesteps derivation from the concrete class type. The metafactory type gives the unique type discriminator needed to create unique concrete class types.
The questions are:
Is there any "cleaner" or "more desirable" way of doing it? Ideally, the following non-working pseudocode would be my ideal way of doing it - with zero repetition:
class UpdateEvent : public StringEvent <magic>;
The name of the derived class appears only once, and the name of the base concept StringEvent appears only once, too. The CRTP requires the class name to appear twice - so far I think it's acceptable, but my metaprogramming-fu is in tatters. Again, I want a preprocessor-less solution, it'd be a no-brainer otherwise.
Is the name metafactory my original invention (ha ha), or is it merely my google-Fu that's lacking? This metafactory pattern seems to be quite flexible. It's easy to compose metafactories by multiple derivation. Say you wanted an Update::Event made by one factory, and Update::Foo made by another.
This question is motivated by this answer. Note: in real code I'd be using QString, but I'm trying to keep it as generic as possible.
I think what you're looking for might be just using placement new to instantiate the base class.
The derived class won't be constructable because unless they will create a matching constructor.
But, they don't have to be constructable, you could use them anyway. (It could still be destructable).
template <class T>
class Base
protected: Base(int blah) { }
public: static T* CreateInstance(int data) {
T* newOjectBlock = reinterpret_cast<T*>(::operator new(sizeof(T))); // allocate enough memory for the derived class
Base* newBasePlace = (Base*)(newOjectBlock); //point to the part that is reseved for the base class
newBasePlace= new ((char*)newBasePlace) Base(data); //call the placement new constrcutor for the base class
return newOjectBlock;
class Derived : public Base<Derived> {}
Then let the CRTP base class construct the derived class like this:
Derived* blah = Derived::CreateInstance(666);
If anyone ever wants to initialize the derived class, they should either make a matching constructor that calls the base class constructor.
OR, just make an .init() method that initiates its members, and will be called after the instance is created.
OR, we can think of something else, this is just an idea of a concept.
Yochai Timmer has come up with an alternative way of approaching the problem. Instead of having to forward the constructor from the data carrier class, he exposes a factory method that produces pseudo-derived classes. As it invokes undefined behavior, I'm not particularly keen on it.
Expanding a bit on the original metafactory concept, it's possible to make generic metafactory that can be used to make unique event types that wrap "any" data-carrying class.
The approach for C++11 uses constructor forwarding so that plain non-template data carrier classes can be used. The approach for C++98 requires a templated data carrier class and, internally, a bit more gymnastics, but it works as well.
The event classes can't be further derived from. This is necessary since the derived classes would all share the value of staticType, and that can't be allowed, as DyP duly noted in the comments.
To test the code, you need the event wrapper, the metafactory and data carrier selected for your variant of C++, and the test/usage part.
The Event Wrapper (Common Code)
In either case, our basic event wrapper CRTP class that generates a unique static type value for the event is:
// A type-identifier-generating wrapper for events. It also works with RTTI disabled.
template <typename Derived> class EventWrapper : public QEvent {
EventWrapper() : QEvent(staticType()) {}
static QEvent::Type staticType() {
static QEvent::Type type = static_cast<QEvent::Type>(registerEventType());
return type;
static bool is(const QEvent * ev) { return ev->type() == staticType(); }
static Derived* cast(QEvent * ev) { return is(ev) ? static_cast<Derived*>(ev) : 0; }
Note that it also provides a cast-to-derived method. You'd use it in an event handler, given a pointer to a base event class:
void MyClass::customEvent(QEvent* event) {
if (MyEvent::is(event)) {
auto myEvent = MyEvent::cast(event);
// use myEvent to access data carrying members etc)
The C++98 Metafactory
The Carrier is a parametrized data carrier class, such as StringData below.
// The generic event metafactory
template <typename Derived, template <typename> class Carrier> class EventMF {
class EventFwd;
class Final;
class FinalWrapper : public EventWrapper<EventFwd>, public virtual Final {};
// EventFwd is a class derived from Event. The EventWrapper's cast()
// will cast to a covariant return type - the derived class. That's OK.
typedef Carrier<FinalWrapper> Event;
class EventFwd : public Event {};
class Final {
friend class FinalWrapper;
friend class Carrier<FinalWrapper>;
Final() {}
Final(const Final &) {}
The EventFwd class is needed so that we have something sane to pass to the EventWrapper template as the derived class, so that the cast() static method will work. The FinalWrapper is there since in pre-C++11 we can't friend typecasts.
Now for the parametrized data carrier. It'd be the same as for the C++11 variant below except for needing to have a parametrized base class.
// A string carrier
template <typename Base> class StringData : public Base {
QString m_str;
explicit StringData(const QString & str) : m_str(str) {}
QString value() const { return m_str; }
The C++11 MetaFactory
// The generic metafactory for unique event types that carry data
template <typename Derived, class Data> class EventMF {
class Final;
EventMF(const EventMF &);
class Event : public EventWrapper<Event>, public Data, private virtual Final {
template<typename... Args>
Event(Args&&... args): Data(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
class Final {
friend class Event;
Final() {}
Final(const Final &) {}
The gymanstics with forward-declaration of the Final class are there since forward-declaring the Event class is more typing.
The data carrier is as simple as it gets:
// A string carrier
class StringData {
QString m_str;
explicit StringData(const QString & str) : m_str(str) {}
QString value() const { return m_str; }
Usage & Tests (Common Code)
And now we can use the generic metafactory to make some concrete metafactories, and then to make the event classes we need. We create two unique event types that carry the data. Those event classes have unique staticType()s.
// A string event metafactory
template <typename Derived> class StringEventMF : public EventMF<Derived, StringData> {};
class Update : public EventMF<Update, StringData> {}; // using generic metafactory
class Clear : public StringEventMF<Clear> {}; // using specific metafactory
#if 0
// This should fail at compile time as such derivation would produce classes with
// duplicate event types. That's what the Final class was for in the matafactory.
class Error : public Update::Event { Error() : Update::Event("") {} };
int main(int, char**)
// Test that it works as expected.
Update::Event update("update");
Clear::Event clear("clear");
Q_ASSERT(Update::Event::staticType() != Clear::Event::staticType());
Q_ASSERT(Update::Event::staticType() == Update::Event::cast(&update)->staticType());
qDebug() << Update::Event::cast(&update)->value();
Q_ASSERT(Update::Event::cast(&clear) == 0);
qDebug() << Clear::Event::cast(&clear)->value();
Q_ASSERT(Clear::Event::cast(&update) == 0);

class inheritance call a different constructor

hei i have a c++03 class with a simple constructor that take an integer. And a derived class with serialization methods that should take a filename as a constructor, load the integer from it, and then call the first constructor.
class A {
A(int foo);
and a derived class:
class XmlableA : public A {
XmlableA(int foo);
XmlableA(string xmlfilename) {
//load foo from xml
// call A::A(foo)
i tried some different solution but every time i get
no matching function for call to ‘A::A()’
Almost all answers are same, so I would suggest a different solution, which I would prefer personally.
Define a static member function Create as:
class XmlableA : public A {
XmlableA(int foo);
//static member function
static XmlableA Create(string const & xmlfilename)
//load foo from xml
int foo = /*load from file*/;
return XmlableA(foo);
XmlableA xmlable = XmlableA::Create(xmlFile);
Initialize it, like so:
XmlableA(int foo) : A(foo) {}
You may also consider:
static int LoadXML(const string& xmlfilename) {
int ret = ...; << load here
return ret;
XmlableA(string xmlfilename) : A(LoadXML(xmlfilename)) {
In C++ the Base class is constructed BEFORE the Child class, so you will not be able to do this. You could make a Factory that takes a filename and creates an object based on what is in that file.
class XmltableAFactory {
static XmltableAFactory build(string xmlfilename) {
// read int foo from xmlfilename
return XmltableAFactory(foo);
And then call it like so:
XmltableA myObj = XmltableAFactory::build(filename);
There are a few things to note.
This means that you will not need the string xmlfilename cosntructor in the XmltableA class because as discussed above, you cannot know foo before the base class's constructor is called.
You can either choose to return from the factory by value or by pointer. The compiler might optimize the return by value because you are creating the object and returning it on the same line. However, return by pointer is usually known to be faster, but you'll have to create a new object and then make sure to delete it when you're done with it.
If you don't want to muck about with memory, take a look at boost's auto_ptr and shared_ptr.
If you want to do something before the call to A::A(int), you end up having to hack, something like
int XmlableA::f(string filename) { /* load foo from xml */; return foo; }
XmlableA(string xmlfilename) : A(f(filename)) {}
OK, so the first one is easy:
XmlableA::XmlableA(int foo) : A(foo)
The second one requires doing something like
XmlableA(string xmlfilename) : A(fooFromXML(xmlfilename))
which we can implement as
class XmlableA : public A
static int fooFromXML(string filename);
// ...
Note that fooFromXML, which loads the XML file and returns the integer you need, must be static, because when we call it we don't yet have an XmlableA instance to invoke it on.
For multiple arguments (and as a general design), the factory is probably best: if you're wedded to the constructor model and don't care about efficiency, you can do:
class XmlableA : public A
static int intFromXML(char const *varname, string const &filename);
XmlableA(string const &xmlfilename)
: A(intFromXML("foo", xmlfilename), intFromXML("bar", xmlfilename))
if you're concerned about parsing the XML file repeatedly, and don't care about re-entrancy, you can "memoize" xFromXML by having it cache state in a static member.
If your class A does not have a default constructor you have to explicitly call a constructor in the initialization list of your derived class. XmlableA(string fn) : A(readIntegerFromFile(fn)) {}.
However, you should think about "outsourcing" the serialization into a separate class. E.g. what would happen if you have an object of type A and now you want to serialize it? You couldn't because you can only serialize a XmlableA. Furthermore, what would happen if your client decides that he no longer wants a XML serialization but Yaml or some proprietary format? You would have to change all your code.