Convert vcproject to makefile for nix? - c++

So I have a visual studio 2008 project setup for a project I've been working on however its a sub project of a rather larger code base which is crossplatform, so in order to make my project complaint with the main source I need to make my project nix compilable.
Is there some way I can generate a makefile based off my vcproject? or if not is there someway I could generate a makefile any other way than writing it manually as it appears confusing as all hell when I open them up.

Microsoft has dropped the support for exporting a solution into a makefile (see this thread). I'm not aware of any external tools that convert VS solutions to makefiles.
But i had some success using CMake. With CMake you describe a project in a textfile and cmake then generates standard makefiles or project descriptions for IDE's (including VS).

Nobody ever writes a Makefile. They take an existing Makefile and modify it.
Get one of the makefiles from the existing projects and adjust it to your project (i.e. replace project name, source/object files, etc).
Other than that, simple makefiles are not so difficult, here's a very short introduction to makefiles to get you started.


how to compile a VC project using g++?

i have source code of vc++ project. Now I am using linux.
i know how compile a single file .cpp not a whole project. So how to compile a VC project using g++ ?
A slight advantage of Makefiles would be possible integration with autotools (cough - It might prove handy to get the starting point for feature macros).[2]
There is a tool as part of winemaker that is EXCEEDINGLY helpful with fixing up a source tree that was assuming case insensitive names to work on a case-sensitive filesystem. (_it was intended mainly in order to build against winelib but that is not required)
If you want to keep using windows API's for some parts of the code, you can consider compiling with winelib (and use winegcc, producing WIN32 executables; I'm not sure whether this is what you want)
[2]: SCons is a very nice tool though
First step would be to generate Makefile out of vcproj file.
There are (obviously) some tools for that:
There is no easy way to do it. As others have suggested you can figure out how the build process works for this project (maybe by reading the build output in VS) and recreate that using your favorite linux build tool (scons, cmake, autotools etc.). The alternative is to use a converter tool. Aside from the below mentioned sln2mak, there is also winemaker. The docs for winemaker have a lot of old info like most linux tools docs but it can convert a .sln to a makefile. I am not sure about newer vs .sln files.

Import existing C++ project into Xcode IDE

I am trying to open an existing C++ open-source library in Xcode to publish it with my own modification/additions. The library is Tesseract-OCR, which does not include a .xcodeproj file.
Since Xcode can function as an IDE, is it possible to open a bunch of files as a single project in Xcode? Is there an easy way to produce an Xcode project?
There are several ways you could do it, depending on the level of IDE integration you want. There's no direct way of importing a Makefile-based project into Xcode. You can create a project that builds via the Makefile, but you wouldn't get many of the benefits of using an IDE, since the editor features such as word completion rely on Xcode being able to parse the files in the project. You will be able to use the debugger though. To do this, create a new project and add a custom target with a script build phase that just calls down to Makefile.
If however the project you're building compiles very easily, ie without requiring a lot of macros to be set up, include paths, etc, then it may be simple to just create an empty project and merely add all source files to it. I've used this method extensively for building boost libraries. If this is a configure && make type project then you will probably have to run the configure step first, and ensure any top level config.h files are included in the project.
If the project has a complex makefile then it is likely to be an involved task to create a useful Xcode project
I realise you asked explicitly for Xcode, but in case you were actually trying to solve the problem of "I have existing C++ code which builds and runs fine from the command line, and I'd like to code and debug it in an IDE, what should I do?" my firm recommendation would be to avoid Xcode and go for Eclipse.
The reason is that as far as I can tell, Xcode has no way of ingesting the command line build environment and effectively requires you to recreate the make process inside Xcode from scratch. Fine for tiny projects, but anything with more than a few source files and it quickly becomes painful. Whereas in Eclipse everything is built around Makefiles. So in my case I got to the "step through code with working code completion" in Eclipse a lot quicker vs. never in Xcode. This of course could be because I'm an Xcode noob, but my 2c.
To create an Xcode project from an existing cmake project, you can run cmake -G Xcode. It produces some folders and files apart from the project file, so it might be better to create a folder for it first. For example:
mkdir -p build/xcode
cd build/xcode
cmake -G Xcode ../..
Xcode is a useable IDE for library creation.
Of course a good first step is to see if the one source code will build on its own with configure scripts that are included.
If not, it becomes a question of how many libraries you need to link in.
There are resources online (or at least there used to be) for using Xcode (or perhaps it's forerunner Product builder) for porting Unix projects to Mac.
Good tutorial at:
Another good reference is Darwin Ports.
As for doing this on your own. You can build c++ based libraries in XCode. People do that every day. You can even use one of the Xcode templates to get you started.
However, library dev requires more experience with Xcode then say a simple Cocoa "Hello World" app.
The remaining questions will be assuring that the source code's dependencies are already built into the Mac's SDK. (Don't hold your breath for linking to MFC)
It's a general question... So it's a general answer.
In Xcode8,there is "Xcode->file->add files to...",then choose your files.If you want to add several files at a time,press "Cmd" when you are choosing.

Does Visual Studio 2008 use make utility?

I have checked in buid directory and have not found makefile there. How does Visual Studio 2008 buid the project? Does it use makefile?
The NMAKE utility has been distributed with Visual C++ since back when it was called Microsoft C/C++ Optimizing Compiler, and is very similar to Unix make. Previous versions of the IDE actually used NMAKE makefiles, but this isn't true anymore. You can write NMAKE makefiles yourself if you want, but it sounds like you want to know what the IDE does.
Starting with VS2010, the build system changes to MSBUILD, which bertelmonster mentioned. But not in VS2008.
In VC++ 6.0, C++ projects have their own build engine integrated into msdev.exe.
In VS2002 - VS2008, it's a separate tool, VCBUILD. But you can still invoke it via the main IDE, devenv.exe, see the /BUILD option, and devenv is the best way if you have inter-project dependencies in your solution.
VS9 doesn't use makefiles by default the way Linux-flavored IDEs might. Instead, VisualStudio uses 'solution' and 'project' files. A Project file (*.vcproj for C/C++ projects) is basically a replacement for makefiles, and contains instructions, compiler directives, flags and everything else needed to compile a single 'project'. In this parlance, a project is a single output file, such as an EXE or DLL. But this same mechanism can be used to produce any kind of output, including TLBs, text files, widgets and ice cream cones (if your machine has the capable hardware :) )
A 'solution' is a collection of projects, and the solution file (*.sln) contains lists of projects needed to build an entire application suite, typically. It also contains dependancy information, so that the projects are built in the correct orders.
Solution and project files are human-readable text, but in the VS world you would virtually never want to edit these files yourself the way you would tweak a makefile by hand. Instead, you would use the IDE to change compiler flags, preprocessor directives, output directories, and all the rest.
That is how VS works by default, but VS is also capable of using makefiles in much the same way as Linux-flavored IDEs. It still uses solution files in this case, so you can mix projects that use makefiles with projects that use project files within the same solution. The VS IDE is actually quite powerful in this regard, and gives you the ability to do pretty much whatever you want. This power however comes with a price -- with so many features and capabilities available in the IDE, it can be rather complex and takes what you might think is an unwarranted ammount of user brainpower to fully understand.
If you want to create a makefile project, you can do so by doing File>New>Project... and then selecting Makefile Project from the main Visual C++ list of project templates.

How do I set GNU G++ compiler in Visual studio 2008

How do I set my Visual studio 2008 compiler to GNU GCC. Can I also make it specific to projects? I didn't find any conclusive answer.
Thank you.
You can't use the compiler directly.
You can, however, invoke a makefile instead of using the built-in build system.
Example of configuration:
Install MinGW (I guess this step is already done), including mingw32-make
Create a makefile for mingw32-make called MinGWMakefile , with 3 targets: clean, build, and rebuild. This can be very tedious if you've never done that before.
Create a new configuration for your project
Go to configuration properties->general->configuration type, and select "makefile"
Go to configuration properties->NMake, and use these command lines:
Build Command Line: mingw32-make -f MinGWMakefile build
ReBuild Command Line: mingw32-make -f MinGWMakefile rebuild
Clean Command Line: mingw32-make -f MinGWMakefile clean
Enable "go to line" functionality on compiler messages:
You need to transform the output of gcc, from this:
To this:
I was using a custom C++ program to do that, but any regular expression tool will do the trick.
For best results, use GNU make, a Visual Studio makefile project, and a tool that you write yourself. Your makefile is a skeleton, that compiles files (use a variable for the files list), and your tool parses the .sln and .vcproj files to generate this file list. The makefile includes the result. Just needs a bit of glue and elbow grease -- you'll spend a day cursing make's unwillingness to do what you want, then you'll get it working. Once up and running this approach doesn't require too much maintenance.
You can keep your tool and makefile simple, just throwing all files in all projects into the mix and linking the result, using file patterns to decide what happens to each file, and putting all compiler options in the makefile. Or you can get more clever, pull #defines and include paths from the project, and maybe add in a Win32 project configuration that the makefile generator uses to properly handle custom build steps, excluded files, compiler options, and so on.
The easy approach should satisfy most, because it lets anybody add new files to the project just as they normally do, without having to concern themselves with the makefile, whilst making it hard for people to accidentally change settings that don't want changing.
I have previously described this approach (with a tiny bit more detail):
Good techniques to use Makefiles in VisualStudio?
(Once you have it set up, it works well, and in many respects it's actually more convenient than the usual VS approach, even before taking into account the fact you can now use other compilers.)
You may be able to make a custom makefile project to solve this for you.
Visual Studio's mainstream scenario is to be an IDE for MS developer tools. The more common ways to compile using GNU tools under Windows is MinGW or Cygwin.
Use external build system. (Makefile project).
As far as I know, there's no way to accomplish this. cl is more or less integrated with Visual Studio.
I guess if you were really desperate, you could try creating a pre-build step that invokes gcc and then doing something to stop the Visual Studio build from occurring.

C++ Code not building with build project (F6) in Visual Studio 2008

I have a large solution that contains C# and C++ projects. After I code in my classes or functions I run a build to have the parser check syntax. What I have noticed is that when I press F6 the entire solution will build and get parsed except for the C++ files that I'm working on.
This seems like it's not the intended function of the editor so is there a way I can force this to happen when I perform a build?
P.S. I know I can go to rebuild project and force a build that way. I'm looking for a way to have the editors treatment of C++ and C# files be consistent.
In the solution properties, under "Configuration Properties", make sure the C++ projects are set to build. Also, make sure the project dependencies are setup properly.
These two things control which projects are built when you run a build.