In game programming are global variables bad? - c++

I know my gut reaction to global variables is "badd!" but in the two game development courses I've taken at my college globals were used extensively, and now in the DirectX 9 game programming tutorial I am using ( I'm being told globals are okay in game programming ...? The site also recommends using only structs if you can when doing game programming to help keep things simple.
I'm really confused on this issue, and all the research I've been trying to do is very confusing. I realize there are issues when using global variables (threading issues, they make code harder to maintain, the state of them is hard to track etc) but also there is a cost associated with not using globals, I'd have to pass a loooot of information around very often which can be confusing and I imagine time-costing, although I guess pointers would speed the process up (this is my first time writing a game in C++.) Anyway, I realize there is probably no "right" or "wrong" answer here since both ways work, but I want my code to be as proper as I can so any input would be good, thank you very much!

The trouble with games and globals is that games (nowadays) are threaded at engine level. Game developers using an engine use the engine's abstractions rather than directly programming concurrency (IIRC). In many of the highlevel languages such as C++, threads sharing state is complex. When many concurrent processes share a common resource they have to make sure they don't tread on eachother's toes.
To get around this, you use concurrency control such as mutex and various locks. This in effect makes asynchronous critical sections of code access shared state in a synchronous manner for writing. The topic of concurrency control is too much to explain fully here.
Suffice to say, if threads run with global variables, it makes debugging very hard, as concurrency bugs are a nightmare (think, "which thread wrote that? Who holds that lock?").
There are exceptions in games programming API such as OpenGL and DX. If your shared data/globals are pointers to DX or OpenGL graphics contexts then typically this maps down to GPU operations which don't suffer so much from the same trouble.
Just be careful. Keeping objects representing 'player' or 'zombie' or whatever, and sharing them between threads can be tricky. Spawn 'player' threads and 'zombie group' threads instead and have a robust concurrency abstraction between them based on message passing rather than accessing those object's state across the thread/critical section boundary.
Saying all that, I do agree with the "Say no to globals" point made below.
For more on the complexities of threads and shared state see:
1 POSIX Threads API - I know it is POSIX, but provides a good idea that translates to other API
2 Wikipedia's excellent range of articles on concurrency control mechanisms
3 The Dining Philosopher's problem (and many others)
4 ThreadMentor tutorials and articles on threading
5 Another Intel article, but more of a marketing thing.
6 An ACM article on building multi-threaded game engines

Have worked on AAA game titles, I can tell you that globals should be eradicated immediately before they spread like a cancer. I've seen them corrupt an I/O subsystem so completely that it had to be wholly thrown out to be rewritten.
Say no to globals. Always.

In this respect, there's no difference between games and other programs. While arguably OK in small examples given in elementary courses, global variables are strongly discouraged in real programs.
So if you want to write correct, readable and maintainable code, stay away from global variables as much as possible.

All answers until now deal with the globals/threads issue, but I will add my 2 cents to the struct/class (understood as all public attributes/private attributes + methods) discussion. Preferring structs over classes on the grounds of that being simpler is in the same line of thought of preferring assembler over C++ on the grounds of that being a simpler language.
The fact that you have to think on how your entities are going to be used and provide methods for it makes the concrete entity a little more complex, but greatly simplifies the rest of the code and maintainability. The whole point of encapsulation is that it simplifies the program by providing clear ways in that your data can be modified while maintaining your objects invariants. You control the entry points and what can happen there. Having all attributes public imply that any part of the code can have a small innocent error (forgot to check condition X) and break your invariants completely (health below 0, but no 'death' processing being triggered)
The other common discussion is performance: If I just need to update a datum, then having to call a method will impact my performance. Not really. If methods are simple and you provide them in the header as inlines (inside the class body or outside with the inline keyword), the compiler will be able to copy those instructions to each use place. You get the guarantee that the compiler will not leave out any check by mistake, and no impact in performance.

Having read a bit more what you posted though:
I'm being told globals are okay in
game programming ...? The site also
recommends using only structs if you
can when doing game programming to
help keep things simple.
Games code is no different from other code really. Gratuitous use of globals is bad regardless. And as for 'only use structs', that is just a load of crap. Approach game development on the same principles as any other software - you may find places where you need to bend this but they should be the exception, typically when dealing with low-level hardware issues.

I would say that the advice about globals and 'keeping things simple' is probably a mixture of being easier to learn and old fashioned thinking about performance. When I was being taught about game programming I remember being told that C++ wasn't advised for games as it would be too slow but I've worked on multiple games using every facet of C++ which proves that isn't true.
I would add to everyone's answers here that globals are to be avoided where possible, I wouldn't be afraid to use whatever you need from C++ to make your code understandable and easy to use. If you come up against a performance problem then profile that specific issue and I'll bet that most of the time you won't need to remove use of a C++ feature but just think about your problem better. There may still be some platforms around that require pure C but I don't really have experience of them, even the Gameboy Advance seemed to deal with C++ quite nicely.

The metaissue here is that of state. How much state does any given function depend on, and how much does it change? Then consider how much state is implicit versus explicit, and cross that with the inspect vs. change.
If you have a function/method/whatever that is called DoStuff(), you have no idea from the outside what it depends on, what it needs, and what's going to happen to the shared state. If this is a class member, you also have no idea how that object's state is going to mutate. This is bad.
Contrast to something like cosf(2), this function is understood not to change any global state, and any state that it requires (lookup tables for example) are hidden from view and have no effect on your program-at-large. This is a function that computes a value based on what you give it and it returns that value. It changes no state.
Class member functions then have the opportunity to step up some problems. There's a huge difference between
myObject.hitpoints -= 4;
In the first example, an external operation is changing some state that one of its member functions implicitly depends upon. The fact is that these two lines can be separated by many other lines of code begins to make it non-obvious what's going to happen in the UpdateHealth call, even if outside of the subtraction it is the same as the TakeDamage call. Encapsulating the state changes (in the second example) implies that the specifics of the state changes aren't important to the outside world, and hopefully they're not. In the first example, the state changes are explicitly important to the outside world, and this is really no different than setting some globals and calling a function that uses those globals. E.g. hopefully you'd never see
extern float value_to_sqrt;
value_to_sqrt = 2.0f;
sqrt(); // reads the global value_to_sqrt
extern float sqrt_value; // has the results of the sqrt.
And yet, how many people do exactly this sort of thing in other contexts? (Considering especially that class instance state is "global" in regards to that particular instance.)
So- prefer giving explicit instruction to your function calls, and prefer that they return the results directly rather than having to explicitly set state before calling a function and then checking other state after it returns.
The more state dependencies a bit of code has, the harder it'll be to make it multithread safe, but that has already been covered above. The point I want to make is that the problem isn't so much globals but more the visibility of the collection of state that is required for a bit of code to operate (and subsequently how much other code also depends on that state).

Most games aren't multi-threaded, although newer titles are going down that route, and so they've managed to get away with it so far.
Saying that globals are okay in games is like not bothering to fix the brakes on your car because you only drive at 10mph!
It's bad practice which ever way you look at it.
You only have to look at the number of bugs in games to see examples of this.

If in class A you need to access data D, instead of setting D global, you'd better put into A a reference to D.

Globals are NOT intrinsically bad. In C for instance they are part of the language's normal use... and since C++ builds on C they still have a place.
On an aesthetic level, it's better to avoid them where you can sensibly make them part of a class, but if all you do is wrap a bunch of globals into a singleton, you made things worse because at least with globals it's obvious what the point is.
Be careful, but for some things it makes less sense to force OO concepts on what is actually a global value.

Two specific issues that I've encountered in the past:
First: If you're attempting to separate e.g. render phase (const access to most game state) from logic phase (non-const access to most game state) for whatever reason (decoupling render rate from logic rate, synchronizing game state across a network, recording and playback of gameplay at a fixed point in the frame, etc), globals make it very hard to enforce that.
Problems tend to creep in and become hard to debug and eradicate. This also has implications for threaded renderers separate from game logic, or the like (the other answers cover this topic thoroughly).
Second: The presence of many globals tends to bloat the literal pool, which the compiler typically places after each function.
If you get to your state through either a single "struct GlobalTable" which holds globals or a collection of methods on an object or the like, your literal pool tends to be a lot smaller, decreasing the size of the .text section in your executable.
This is mostly a concern for instruction set architectures that can't embed load targets directly into instructions (see e.g. fixed-width ARM or Thumb version 1 instruction encoding on ARM processors). Even on modern processors I'd wager you'll get slightly smaller codegen.
It also hurts doubly when your instruction and data caches are separate (again, as on some ARM processors); you'll tend to get two cachelines loaded where you might only need one with a unified cache. Since the literal pool may count as data, and won't always start on a cacheline boundary, the same cacheline might have to be loaded both into the i-cache and d-cache.
This may count as a "microoptimization", but it's a transform that's relatively easily applied to an entire codebase (e.g. extern struct GlobalTable { /* ... */ } the; and then replace all g_foo with And we've seen code size decrease between 5 and 10 percent in some cases, with a corresponding boost to performance due to keeping the caches cleaner.

I'm going to take a risk and say it depends to me on the scope/scale of your project. Because if you are trying to program an epic game with a boatload of code, then globals could, and easily in the most painful way in hindsight, cost you way more time than they save.
But if you are trying to code, say, something as simple as Super Mario or Metroid or Contra or even simpler, like Pac-Man, then these games were originally coded in 6502 assembly and used globals for almost everything. Just about all the game data and state was stored in data segments, and that didn't stop the devs from shipping a very competent and popular product in spite of working with absolutely inferior tools and engineering standards which would probably horrify people today.
So if you are just writing this kind of small and simple game which has a very limited scope and isn't designed to grow and expand far beyond its original design, isn't designed to be maintained for years and years, with a few thousand lines of simple C++ code, then I don't see the big deal of using a global here or a singleton there. Someone obsessed with trying to engineer Super Mario with the soundest engineering techniques with SOLID and a DI framework could end up taking far, far longer to ship than even the devs who wrote it in 6502 asm.
And I'm getting old and there's something to it there when I look at these old simple games and how they were coded, and it almost seems like the devs were doing something right in spite of the hard-coded magic numbers and globals all over the place while I spend my career fumbling around and trying to figure out the best way to engineer things. That said this is probably a very unpopular opinion, and not one I would have liked either a decade or two ago, but there's something to it. I don't look at the 6502 asm of Metroid and think, "these devs underengineered their product and their lives would have been so much easier if they did this or that." Seems like they did things just about right.
But again this is for small-scale stuff, maybe in the indie category of games by today's standards, and in the smaller of the indie games among them, and far from doing anything ground-breaking in terms of how much data it can process or using cutting-edge hardware techniques. If in doubt, I'd definitely suggest to err on the side of avoiding globals. It's also a little bit trickier in C++ as opposed to say, C, since you can have objects with constructor and destructors, and initialization and destruction order isn't well-defined and easily predictable for global objects. There I'd say to lean even more on the side of avoiding globals since they can trip you up in whole new ways when you aren't explicitly initializing and destroying them yourself in a predictable order. And naturally if you want to multithread a lot beyond a critical loop here and there, then your ability to reason about thread-safety of any particular code will be severely diminished if you cannot minimize the scope/visibility of your game state to the minimum of places.


What is C++ global variables usage risk vs. C? [duplicate]

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In C/C++, are global variables as bad as my professor thinks they are?
The problem with global variables is that since every function has access to these, it becomes increasingly hard to figure out which functions actually read and write these variables.
To understand how the application works, you pretty much have to take into account every function which modifies the global state. That can be done, but as the application grows it will get harder to the point of being virtually impossible (or at least a complete waste of time).
If you don't rely on global variables, you can pass state around between different functions as needed. That way you stand a much better chance of understanding what each function does, as you don't need to take the global state into account.
The important thing is to remember the overall goal: clarity
The "no global variables" rule is there because most of the time, global variables make the meaning of code less clear.
However, like many rules, people remember the rule, and not what the rule was intended to do.
I've seen programs that seem to double the size of the code by passing an enormous number of parameters around simply to avoid the evil of global variables. In the end, using globals would have made the program clearer to those reading it. By mindlessly adhering to the word of the rule, the original programmer had failed the intent of the rule.
So, yes, globals are often bad. But if you feel that in the end, the intent of the programmer is made clearer by the use of global variables, then go ahead. However, remember the drop in clarity that automatically ensues when you force someone to access a second piece of code (the globals) to understand how the first piece works.
My professor used to say something like: using global variables are okay if you use them correctly. I don't think I ever got good at using them correctly, so I rarely used them at all.
The problem that global variables create for the programmer is that it expands the inter-component coupling surface between the various components that are using the global variables. What this means is that as the number of components using a global variable increases, the complexity of the interactions can also increase. This increased coupling usually makes defects easier to inject into the system when making changes and also makes defects harder to diagnose and correct. This increase coupling can also reduce the number of available options when making changes and it can increase the effort required for changes as often one must trace through the various modules that are also using the global variable in order to determine the consequences of changes.
The purpose of encapsulation, which is basically the opposite of using global variables, is to decrease coupling in order to make understanding and changing the source easier and safer and more easily tested. It is much easier to use unit testing when global variables are not used.
For example if you have a simple global integer variable that is being used as an enumerated indicator that various components use as a state machine and you then make a change by adding a new state for a new component, you must then trace through all the other components to ensure that the change will not affect them. An example of a possible problem would be if a switch statement to test the value of the enumeration global variable with case statements for each of the current values is being used in various places and it so happens that some of the switch statements do not have a default case to handle an unexpected value for the global all of a sudden you have undefined behavior so far as the application is concerned.
On the other hand the use of a shared data area might be used to contain a set of global parameters which are referenced throughout the application. This approach is often used with embedded applications with small memory footprints.
When using global variables in these sort of applications typically the responsibility for writing to the data area is allocated to a single component and all other components see the area as const and read from it, never writing to it. Taking this approach limits the problems that can develop.
A few problems from global variables which need to be worked around
When the source for a global variable such as a struct is modified, everything using it must be recompiled so that everything using the variable knows its true size and memory template.
If more than one component can modify the global variable you can run into problems with inconsistent data being in the global variable. With a multi-threading application, you will probably need to add some kind of locking or critical region to provide a way so that only one thread at a time can modify the global variable and when a thread is modifying the variable, all changes are complete and committed before other threads can query the variable or modify it.
Debugging a multi-threaded application that uses a global variable can be more difficult. You can run into race conditions that can create defects that are difficult to replicate. With several components communicating through a global variable, especially in a multi-threaded application, being able to know what component is changing the variable when and how it is changing the variable can be very difficult to understand.
Name clash can be a problem with using of global variables. A local variable that has the same name as a global variable can hide the global variable. You also run into the naming convention issue when using the C programming language. A work around is to divide the system up into sub-systems with the global variables for a particular sub-system all beginning with the same first three letters (see this on resolving name space collisions in objective C). C++ provides namespaces and with C you can work around this by creating a globally visible struct whose members are various data items and pointers to data and functions which are provided in a file as static hence with file visibility only so that they can only be referenced through the globally visible struct.
In some cases the original application intent is changed so that global variables that provided the state for a single thread is modified to allow several duplicate threads to run. An example would be a simple application designed for a single user using global variables for state and then a request comes down from management to add a REST interface to allow remote applications to act as virtual users. So now you run into having to duplicate the global variables and their state information so that the single user as well as each of the virtual users from remote applications have their own, unique set of global variables.
Using C++ namespace and the struct Technique for C
For the C++ programming language the namespace directive is a huge help in reducing the chances of a name clash. namespace along with class and the various access keywords (private, protected, and public) provide most of the tools you need to encapsulate variables. However the C programming language doesn't provide this directive. This stackoverflow posting, Namespaces in C , provides some techniques for C.
A useful technique is to have a single memory resident data area that is defined as a struct which has global visibility and within this struct are pointers to the various global variables and functions that are being exposed. The actual definitions of the global variables are given file scope using the static keyword. If you then use the const keyword to indicate which are read only, the compiler can help you to enforce read only access.
Using the struct technique can also encapsulate the global so that it becomes a kind of package or component that happens to be a global. By having a component of this kind it becomes easier to manage changes that affect the global and the functionality using the global.
However while namespace or the struct technique can help manage name clashes, the underlying problems of inter-component coupling which the use of globals introduces especially in a modern multi-threaded application, still exist.
Global variables should only be used when you have no alternative. And yes, that includes Singletons. 90% of the time, global variables are introduced to save the cost of passing around a parameter. And then multithreading/unit testing/maintenance coding happens, and you have a problem.
So yes, in 90% of the situations global variables are bad. The exceptions are not likely to be seen by you in your college years. One exception I can think off the top of my head is dealing with inherently global objects such as interrupt tables. Things like DB connection seem to be global, but ain't.
Global variables are as bad as you make them, no less.
If you are creating a fully encapsulated program, you can use globals. It's a "sin" to use globals, but programming sins are laregly philosophical.
If you check out, you will see a language whose variables are solely global. It's unscalable because libraries all have no choice but to use globals.
That said, if you have choices, and can ignore programmer philosophy, globals aren't all that bad.
Neither are Gotos, if you use them right.
The big "bad" problem is that, if you use them wrong, people scream, the mars lander crashes, and the world blows up....or something like that.
Yes, but you don't incur the cost of global variables until you stop working in the code that uses global variables and start writing something else that uses the code that uses global variables. But the cost is still there.
In other words, it's a long term indirect cost and as such most people think it's not bad.
If it's possible your code will end up under intensive review during a Supreme Court trial, then you want to make sure to avoid global variables.
See this article:
Buggy breathalyzer code reflects importance of source review
There were some problems with the
style of the code that were identified
by both studies. One of the stylistic
issues that concerned the reviewers
was the extensive use of unprotected
global variables. This is considered
poor form because it increases the
risk that the program state will
become inconsistent or that values
will be inadvertently modified or
overwritten. The researchers also
expressed some concern about the fact
that decimal precision is not
maintained consistently throughout the
Man, I bet those developers are wishing they hadn't used global variables!
The issue is less that they're bad, and more that they're dangerous. They have their own set of pros and cons, and there are situations where they're either the most efficient or only way to achieve a particular task. However, they're very easy to misuse, even if you take steps to always use them properly.
A few pros:
Can be accessed from any function.
Can be accessed from multiple threads.
Will never go out of scope until the program ends.
A few cons:
Can be accessed from any function, without needing to be explicitly dragged in as a parameter and/or documented.
Not thread-safe.
Pollutes the global namespace and potentially causes name collisions, unless measures are taken to prevent this.
Note, if you will, that the first two pros and the first two cons I listed are the exact same thing, just with different wording. This is because the features of a global variable can indeed be useful, but the very features that make them useful are the source of all their problems.
A few potential solutions to some of the problems:
Consider whether they're actually the best or most efficient solution for the problem. If there are any better solutions, use that instead.
Put them in a namespace [C++] or singleton struct [C, C++] with a unique name (a good example would be Globals or GlobalVars), or use a standardised naming convention for global variables (such as global_[name] or g_module_varNameStyle (as mentioned by underscore_d in the comments)). This will both document their use (you can find code that uses global variables by searching for the namespace/struct name), and minimise the impact on the global namespace.
For any function that accesses global variables, explicitly document which variables it reads and which it writes. This will make troubleshooting easier.
Put them in their own source file and declare them extern in the associated header, so their use can be limited to compilation units that need to access them. If your code relies on a lot of global variables, but each compilation unit only needs access to a handful of them, you could consider sorting them into multiple source files, so it's easier to limit each file's access to global variables.
Set up a mechanism to lock and unlock them, and/or design your code so that as few functions as possible need to actually modify global variables. Reading them is a lot safer than writing them, although thread races may still cause problems in multithreaded programs.
Basically, minimise access to them, and maximise name uniqueness. You want to avoid name collisions and have as few functions as possible that can potentially modify any given variable.
Whether they're good or bad depends on how you use them. The majority tend to use them badly, hence the general wariness towards them. If used properly, they can be a major boon; if used poorly, however, they can and will come back to bite you when and how you least expect it.
A good way to look at it is that they themselves aren't bad, but they enable bad design, and can multiply the effects of bad design exponentially.
Even if you don't intend to use them, it is better to know how to use them safely and choose not to, than not to use them because you don't know how to use them safely. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to maintain pre-existing code that relies on global variables, you may be in for difficulty if you don't know how to use them properly.
I'd answer this question with another question: Do you use singeltons/ Are singeltons bad?
Because (almost all) singelton usage is a glorified global variable.
As someone said (I'm paraphrasing) in another thread "Rules like this should not be broken, until you fully understand the consequences of doing so."
There are times when global variables are necessary, or at least very helpful (Working with system defined call-backs for example). On the other hand, they're also very dangerous for all of the reasons you've been told.
There are many aspects of programming that should probably be left to the experts. Sometimes you NEED a very sharp knife. But you don't get to use one until you're ready...
Global variables are generally bad, especially if other people are working on the same code and don't want to spend 20mins searching for all the places the variable is referenced. And adding threads that modify the variables brings in a whole new level of headaches.
Global constants in an anonymous namespace used in a single translation unit are fine and ubiquitous in professional apps and libraries. But if the data is mutable, and/or it has to be shared between multiple TUs, you may want to encapsulate it--if not for design's sake, then for the sake of anybody debugging or working with your code.
Using global variables is kind of like sweeping dirt under a rug. It's a quick fix, and a lot easier in the short term than getting a dust-pan or vacuum to clean it up. However, if you ever end up moving the rug later, you're gonna have a big surprise mess underneath.
I think your professor is trying to stop a bad habit before it even starts.
Global variables have their place and like many people said knowing where and when to use them can be complicated. So I think rather than get into the nitty gritty of the why, how, when, and where of global variables your professor decided to just ban. Who knows, he might un-ban them in the future.
Global variables are bad, if they allow you to manipulate aspects of a program that should be only modified locally. In OOP globals often conflict with the encapsulation-idea.
Absolutely not. Misusing them though... that is bad.
Mindlessly removing them for the sake of is just that... mindless. Unless you know the advanatages and disadvantages, it is best to steer clear and do as you have been taught/learned, but there is nothing implicitly wrong with global variables. When you understand the pros and cons better make your own decision.
No they are not bad at all. You need to look at the (machine) code produced by the compiler to make this determination, sometimes it is far far worse to use a local than a global. Also note that putting "static" on a local variable is basically making it a global (and creates other ugly problems that a real global would solve). "local globals" are particularly bad.
Globals give you clean control over your memory usage as well, something far more difficult to do with locals. These days that only matters in embedded environments where memory is quite limited. Something to know before you assume that embedded is the same as other environments and assume the programming rules are the same across the board.
It is good that you question the rules being taught, most of them are not for the reasons you are being told. The most important lesson though is not that this is a rule to carry with you forever, but this is a rule required to honor in order to pass this class and move forward. In life you will find that for company XYZ you will have other programming rules that you in the end will have to honor in order to keep getting a paycheck. In both situations you can argue the rule, but I think you will have far better luck at a job than at school. You are just another of many students, your seat will be replaced soon, the professors wont, at a job you are one of a small team of players that have to see this product to the end and in that environment the rules developed are for the benefit of the team members as well as the product and the company, so if everyone is like minded or if for the particular product there is good engineering reason to violate something you learned in college or some book on generic programming, then sell your idea to the team and write it down as a valid if not the preferred method. Everything is fair game in the real world.
If you follow all of the programming rules taught to you in school or books your programming career will be extremely limited. You can likely survive and have a fruitful career, but the breadth and width of the environments available to you will be extremely limited. If you know how and why the rule is there and can defend it, thats good, if you only reason is "because my teacher said so", well thats not so good.
Note that topics like this are often argued in the workplace and will continue to be, as compilers and processors (and languages) evolve so do these kinds of rules and without defending your position and possibly being taught a lesson by someone with another opinion you wont move forward.
In the mean time, then just do whatever the one that speaks the loudest or carries the biggest stick says (until such a time as you are the one that yells the loudest and carries the biggest stick).
I would like to argue against the point being made throughout this thread that it makes multi-threading harder or impossible per se. Global variables are shared state, but the alternatives to globals (e. g. passing pointers around) might also share state. The problem with multi-threading is how to properly use shared state, not whether that state happens to be shared through a global variable or something else.
Most of the time when you do multi-threading you need to share something. In a producer-consumer pattern for example, you might share some thread-safe queue that contains the work units. And you are allowed to share it because that data structure is thread-safe. Whether that queue is global or not is completely irrelevant when it comes to thread-safety.
The implied hope expressed throughout this thread that transforming a program from single-threaded to multi-threaded will be easier when not using globals is naive. Yes, globals make it easier to shoot yourself in the foot, but there's a lot of ways to shoot yourself.
I'm not advocating globals, as the other points still stand, my point is merely that the number of threads in a program has nothing to do with variable scope.
Yes, because if you let incompetent programmers use them (read 90% especially scientists) you end up with 600+ global variable spread over 20+ files and a project of 12,000 lines where 80% of the functions take void, return void, and operate entirely on global state.
It quickly becomes impossible to understand what is going on at any one point unless you know the entire project.
Global variables are fine in small programs, but horrible if used the same way in large ones.
This means that you can easily get in the habit of using them while learning. This is what your professor is trying to protect you from.
When you are more experienced it will be easier to learn when they are okay.
Global are good when it comes to configuration . When we want our configuration/changes to have a global impact on entire project.
So we can change one configuration and the changes are directed to entire project . But I must warn you would have to be very smart to use globals .
Use of Global variables actually depends on the requirements. Its advantage is that,it reduces the overhead of passing the values repeatedly.
But your professor is right because it raises security issues so use of global variables should be avoided as much as possible. Global variables also create problems which are sometimes difficult to debug.
For example:-
Situations when the variables values is getting modified on runtime. At that moment its difficult to identify which part of code is modifying it and on what conditions.
In the end of the day, your program or app can still work but its a matter of being tidy and having a complete understanding of whats going on. If you share a variable value among all functions, it may become difficult to trace what function is changing the value(if the function does so) and makes debugging a million times harder
Sooner or later you will need to change how that variable is set or what happens when it is accessed, or you just need to hunt down where it is changed.
It is practically always better to not have global variables. Just write the dam get and set methods, and be gland you when you need them a day, week or month later.
I usually use globals for values that are rarely changed like singletons or function pointers to functions in dynamically loaded library. Using mutable globals in multithreaded applications tends to lead to hard to track bug so I try to avoid this as a general rule.
Using a global instead of passing an argument is often faster but if you're writing a multithreaded application, which you often do nowadays, it generally doesn't work very well (you can use thread-statics but then the performance gain is questionable).
In web applications within an enterprize can be used for holding session/window/thread/user specific data on the server for reasons of optimization and to preserve against loss of work where connection are unstable. As mentioned, race conditions need to be handled. We use a single instance of a class for this information and it is carefully managed.
security is less means any one can manipulate the variables if they are declared global , for this one to explain take this example if you have balance as a global variable in your bank program the user function can manipulate this as well as bank officer can also manipulate this so there is a problem .only user should be given the read only and withdraw function but the clerk of the bank can add the amount when the user personally gives the cash in the desk.this is the way it works
In a multi-threaded application, use local variables in place of global variables to avoid a race condition.
A race condition occurs when multiple thread access a shared resource, with at least one thread having a write access to the data. Then, the result of the program is not predictable, and depends on the order of accesses to the data by different threads.
More on this here,

Should I move to Object Oriented Programming(black boxes) and how?

Right now I have a DirectX engine with a couple of classes - Application,Graphics,Sound and each of them is around 1k lines and they each reference eachother.I initially tried to limit use of classes and stuff like passing the D3D Device and instead made it global for all classes to use,but I see in everyone else's engine that everything is split up into many classes and they have stuff like Engine->GetRenderer->Render(MyD3DContext); isn't that terriby inefficient?Why not just make MyD3DContext global and use it directly in the Render function.And one last thing I don't get is = how are you supposed to make classes that work independent of eachother?Sounds weird.
Firstly why do you think that's terribly inefficient? Besides being much easier to code and maintain, that is also blazingly fast. OOP isn't a bottleneck, its a boon for large projects with multiple developers and multiple concerns(such as real world games).
Let me give you an example, since you mentioned "games":
The game is a Simulation
The simulation contains entities(Objects)
Objects can do things, and have attributes. Hence Objects are like an encapsulation of attributes and actions. This is what makes the "Object" in "Object Oriented Programming". You can think they're(objects are) created in a fictional factory in your simulator. The blueprint of object is the "class", and is called encapsulation.
Each of these objects are bound to your world, probably through some sort of highly mathematical Half-Life-2(source) level Physics engine. You wouldn't want to code the "physics" for each class. Instead you would inherit from a class(or interface) "IPhysics". And then whenever you change the gravity from 10.0 to 15.0, this value is propagated throughout the "world" scenario. This is inheritance.
Each object in your game, say Half-Life-2, Gordon Freeman can at the same time, act as a "Player" and "Can-Be-Scripted" if you know what I mean. This is polymorphism. One object acting in different types.
So you see, this is pretty easy(and terribly EFFICIENT) to model and present the fictional game in OOP.
It isn't terribly inefficient. And you definitely need an introduction to OOP of some sort. Maybe even something online
As the project becomes larger having one global anything will cause a vast list of problems. It's also not particularly inefficient to traverse a few pointers. Worry about efficiency in the right areas, areas that you have proven by running tests are inefficient, and try and maintain code clarity and separation at all times.
If you're worried about inefficiency why not knock together a test app that has exactly that kind of structure and time how long it takes to do all that dereferencing. You'll find it insignificant to, say, building up the list of polys in sight.
The only way you'll see the benefit of having well encapsulated non-global objects will be as your project grows and you change things around.
there are a couple big tenants of OO design: in particular Code-Reuse/modularity and scope/isolation. Globals are generally frowned upon these days because they just don't scale well to large development efforts and always end up causing problems, so OO attempts to limit the scope of any given call to the minimum required to perform the function.
as for Modularity/reuse, the larger a sub-module grows, generally the more specific it becomes, and as such the less likely that it will fit all the purposes it could if it were broken apart into more modular chunks. as a result you spend less time rewriting the same code for a slightly tweaked purpose, which also reduces the adjacent purposes that you might break while implementing code for your new one. that makes it more efficient to implement, though there may or may not be some slight cost at runtime. likely not though. remember, it doesn't take a lick more binary to run Render() whether its defined in a root module or composed several layers deep in a composed object. its still just a function pointer.
these are just general concepts, so take what you like.
hope that helps.

Efficiency of program

I want to know whether there is an effect on program efficiency by adopting object oriented approach to a problem as compared to the structured programming approach in any programming language but specially in c++.
Maybe. Maybe not.
You can write efficient object-oriented code. You can write inefficient structured code.
It depends on the application, how well the code is written, and how heavily the code is optimized. In general, you should write code so that it has a good, clean, modular architecture and is well designed, then if you have problems with performance optimize the hot spots that are causing performance issues.
Use object oriented programming where it makes sense to use it and use structured programming where it makes sense to use it. You don't have to choose between one and the other: you can use both.
I remember back in the early 1990's when C++ was young there were studies done about this. If I remember correctly, the guys who took (well written) C++ programs and recoded them in C got around a 15% increase in speed. The guys who took C programs and recoded them in C++, and modified the imperative style of C to an OO style (but same algorithms) for C++ got the same or better performance. The apparent contradiction was explained by the observation that the C programs, in being translated to an object oriented style, became better organized. Things that you did in C because it was too much code and trouble to do better could more easily be done properly in C++.
Thinking back about this I wonder about the conclusion some. Writing a program a second time will always result in a better program, so it didn't have to be imperative to OO style that made the difference. Todays computer architectures are designed with hardware support for common operations done by OO programs, and compilers have gotten better at using the instructions, so I think that it is likely that whatever overhead a virtual function call had in 1992 it is far smaller today.
There doesn't have to be, if you are very careful to avoid it. If you just take the most straightforward approach, using dynamic allocation, virtual functions, and (especially) passing objects by value, then yes there will be inefficiency.
It doesn't have to be. Algorithm is all matters. I agree encapsulation will slow you down little bit, but compilers are there to optimize.
You would say no if this is the question in computer science paper.
However in the real development environment this tends to be true if the OOP paradigm is used correctly. The reason is that in real development process, we generally need to maintain our code base and that the time when OOP paradigm could help us. One strong point of OOP over structured programming like C is that in OOP it is easier to make the code maintainable. When the code is more maintainable, it means less bug and less time to fix bug and less time needed for implementing new features. The bottom line is then we will have more time to focus on the efficiency of the application.
The problem is not technical, it is psychological. It is in what it encourages you to do by making it easy.
To make a mundane analogy, it is like a credit card. It is much more efficient than writing checks or using cash. If that is so, why do people get in so much trouble with credit cards? Because they are so easy to use that they abuse them. It takes great discipline not to over-use a good thing.
The way OO gets abused is by
Creating too many "layers of abstraction"
Creating too much redundant data structure
Encouraging the use of notification-style code, attempting to maintain consistency within redundant data structures.
It is better to minimize data structure, and if it must be redundant, be able to tolerate temporary inconsistency.
As an illustration of the kind of thing that OO encourages, here's what I see sometimes in performance tuning: Somebody sets SomeProperty = true;. That sounds innocent enough, right? Well that can ripple to objects that contain that object, often through polymorphism that's hard to trace. That can mean that some list or dictionary somewhere needs to have things added to it or removed from it. That can mean that some tree or list control needs controls added or removed or shuffled. That can mean windows are being created or destroyed. It can also mean some things need to be changed in a database, which might not be local so there's some I/O or mutex locking to be done.
It can really get crazy. But who cares? It's abstract.
There could be: the OO approach tends to be closer to a decoupled approach where different modules don't go poking around inside each other. They are restricted to public interfaces, and there is always a potential cost in that. For example, calling a getter instead of just directly examining a variable; or calling a virtual function by default because the type of an object isn't sufficiently obvious for a direct call.
That said, there are several factors that diminish this as a useful observation.
A well written structured program should have the same modularity (i.e. hiding implementations), and therefore incur the same costs of indirection. The cost of calling a function pointer in C is probably going to be very similar to the cost of calling a virtual function in C++.
Modern JITs, and even the use of inline methods in C++, can remove the indirection cost.
The costs themselves are probably relatively small (typically just a few extra simple operations per instruction call). This will be insignificant in a program where the real work is done in tight loops.
Finally, a more modular style frees the programmer to tackle more complicated, but hopefully less complex algorithms without the peril of low level bugs.

C++ for Game Programming - Love or Distrust? [closed]

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In the name of efficiency in game programming, some programmers do not trust several C++ features. One of my friends claims to understand how game industry works, and would come up with the following remarks:
Do not use smart pointers. Nobody in games does.
Exceptions should not be (and is usually not) used in game programming for memory and speed.
How much of these statements are true? C++ features have been designed keeping efficiency in mind. Is that efficiency not sufficient for game programming? For 97% of game programming?
The C-way-of-thinking still seems to have a good grasp on the game development community. Is this true?
I watched another video of a talk on multi-core programming in GDC 2009. His talk was almost exclusively oriented towards Cell Programming, where DMA transfer is needed before processing (simple pointer access won't work with the SPE of Cell). He discouraged the use of polymorphism as the pointer has to be "re-based" for DMA transfer. How sad. It is like going back to the square one. I don't know if there is an elegant solution to program C++ polymorphism on the Cell. The topic of DMA transfer is esoteric and I do not have much background here.
I agree that C++ has also not been very nice to programmers who want a small language to hack with, and not read stacks of books. Templates have also scared the hell out of debugging. Do you agree that C++ is too much feared by the gaming community?
The last game I worked on was Heavenly Sword on the PS3 and that was written in C++, even the cell code. Before that, I did some PS2 games and PC games and they were C++ as well. Non of the projects used smart pointers. Not because of any efficiency issues but because they were generally not needed. Games, especially console games, do not do dynamic memory allocation using the standard memory managers during normal play. If there are dynamic objects (missiles, enemies, etc) then they are usually pre-allocated and re-used as required. Each type of object would have an upper limit on the number of instances the game can cope with. These upper limits would be defined by the amount of processing required (too many and the game slows to a crawl) or the amount of RAM present (too much and you could start frequently paging to disk which would seriously degrade performance).
Games generally don't use exceptions because, well, games shouldn't have bugs and therefore not be capable of generating exceptions. This is especially true of console games where games are tested by the console manufacturer, although recent platforms like 360 and PS3 do appear to have a few games that can crash. To be honest, I've not read anything online about what the actual cost of having exceptions enabled is. If the cost is incurred only when an exception is thrown then there is no reason not to use them in games, but I don't know for sure and it's probably dependant on the compiler used. Generally, game programmers know when problems can occur that would be handled using an exception in a business application (things like IO and initialisation) and handle them without the use of exceptions (it is possible!).
But then, in the global scale, C++ is slowly decreasing as a language for game development. Flash and Java probably have a much bigger slice of market and they do have exceptions and smart pointers (in the form of managed objects).
As for the Cell pointer access, the problems arise when the code is being DMA'd into the Cell at an arbitrary base addresses. In this instance, any pointers in the code need to be 'fixed up' with the new base address, this includes v-tables, and you don't really want to do this for every object you load into the Cell. If the code is always loaded at a fixed address, then there is never a need to fix-up the pointers. You lose a bit of flexibility though as you're limiting where code can be stored. On a PC, the code never moves during execution so pointer fix-up at runtime is never needed.
I really don't think anyone 'distrusts' C++ features - not trusting the compiler is something else entirely and quite often new, esoteric architectures like the Cell tend to get robust C compilers before C++ ones because a C compiler is much easier to make than a C++ one.
Look, most everything you hear anyone say about efficiency in programming is magical thinking and superstition. Smart pointers do have a performance cost; especially if you're doing a lot of fancy pointer manipulations in an inner loop, it could make a difference.
But when people say things like that, it's usually the result of someone who told them long ago that X was true, without anything but intuition behind it. Now, the Cell/polymorphism issue sounds plausible — and I bet it did to the first guy who said it. But I haven't verified it.
You'll hear the very same things said about C++ for operating systems: that it is too slow, that it does things you want to do well, badly.
None the less we built OS/400 (from v3r6 forward) entirely in C++, bare-metal on up, and got a code base that was fast, efficient, and small. It took some work; especially working from bare metal, there are some bootstrapping issues, use of placement new, that kind of thing.
C++ can be a problem just because it's too damn big: I'm rereading Stroustrup's wristbreaker right now, and it's pretty intimidating. But I don't think there's anything inherent that says you can't use C++ in an effective way in game programming.
If you or your friend are really paranoid about performance, then go read the Intel manuals on optimization. Fun.
Otherwise, go for correctness, reliability and maintainability every time. I'd rather have a game that ran a bit slowly than one that crashed. If/when you notice that you have performance issues, PROFILE and then optimize. You will likely find that theres some hotspot piece of code which can possibly be made more efficient by using a more efficient data structure or algorithm. Only bother about these silly little mico-optimization when profiling shows that they're the only way you can get a worthwhile speedup.
Write code to be clear and correct
Can you use more efficient data structures or algorithms to speed up the bottleneck?
Use micro-optimizations as a last resort and only where profiling showed it would help
PS: A lot of modern C++ compilers provide an exception handling mechanism which adds zero execution overhead UNLESS an exception is thrown. That is, performance is only reduced when an exception is actually thrown. As long as exceptions are only used for exceptional circumstances, then theres no good reason not to use them.
I saw a post on StackOverflow (that I cannot seem to find anymore, so maybe it wasn't posted here) that looked at the relative cost of exceptions vs. error codes. Too often people look at "code with exceptions" vs. "code without error handling", which is not a fair comparison. If you would use exceptions, then by not using them you have to use something else for the same functionality, and that other thing is usually error return codes. They found that even in a simple example with a single level of function calls (so no need to propagate exceptions far up the call stack), exceptions were faster than error codes in cases where the error situation occurred 0.1% - 0.01% of the time or less, while error codes were faster in the opposite situation.
Similar to the above complaint about measuring exceptions vs. no error handling, people do this sort of error in reasoning even more often with regard to virtual functions. And just like you don't use exceptions as a way to return dynamic types from a function (yes, I know, all of your code is exceptional), you don't make functions virtual because you like the way it looks in your syntax highlighter. You make functions virtual because you need a particular type of behavior, and so you can't say that virtualization is slow unless you compare it with something that has the same action, and generally the replacement is either lots of switch statements or lots of code duplication. Those have performance and memory hits as well.
As for the comment that games don't have bugs and other software does, all I can say to that is that I clearly have not played any games made by their software company. I've surfed on the floor of the elite 4 in Pokemon, gotten stuck inside of a mountain in Oblivion, been killed by Gloams that accidentally combine their mana damage with their hp damage instead of doing them separately in Diablo II, and pushed myself through a closed gate with a big rock to fight Goblins with a bird and a slingshot in Twilight Princess. Software has bugs. Using exceptions doesn't make bug-free software buggy.
The standard library's exception mechanisms have two types of exceptions: std::runtime_error and std::logic_error. I could see not wanting to use std::logic_error (I've used it as a temporary thing to help me test, with the goal of removing it eventually, and I've also left it in as a permanent check). std::runtime_error, however, is not a bug. I throw an exception derived from std::runtime_error if the server I am connected to sends me invalid data (rule #1 of secure programming: trust no one, even a server that you think you wrote), such as claiming that they are sending me a message of 12 bytes and then they actually send me 15. In such a situation, there are only two possibilities:
1) I am connected to a malicious server, or
2) My connection to the server is corrupted.
In both of these cases, my response is the same: Disconnect (no matter where I am in the code, because my destructors will clean things up for me), wait a couple of seconds, and try connecting to the server again. I cannot do anything else. I could give absolutely everything an error code (which implies passing everything else by reference, which is a performance hit, and severely clutters code), or I could throw an exception that I catch at a point in my code where I determine which servers to connect to (which will probably be very high up in my code).
Is any of what I mentioned a bug in my code? I don't think so; I think it's accepting that all of the other code I have to interface with is imperfect or malicious, and making sure my code remains performant in the face of such ambiguity.
For smart pointers, again, what is the functionality you are trying to implement? If you need the functionality of smart pointers, then not using smart pointers means rewriting their functionality manually. I think it's pretty obvious why this is a bad idea. However, I rarely use smart pointers in my own code. The only time I really do is if I need to store some polymorphic class in a standard container (say, std::map<BattleIds, Battles> where Battles is some base class that is derived from based on the type of battle), in which case I used a std::unique_ptr. I believe that one time I used a std::unique_ptr in a class to work with some library code. Much of the time that I am using std::unique_ptr, it's to make a non-copyable, non-movable type movable. In many cases where you would use a smart pointer, however, it seems like a better idea to just create the object on the stack and remove the pointer from the equation entirely.
In my personal coding, I haven't really found many situations where the "C" version of the code is faster than the "C++" version. In fact, it's generally the opposite. For instance, consider the many examples of std::sort vs. qsort (a common example used by Bjarne Stroustrup) where std::sort clobbers qsort, or my recent comparison of std::copy vs. memcpy, where std::copy actually has a slight performance advantage.
Too much of the "C++ feature X is too slow" claims seem to be based on comparing it to not having the functionality. The most performant (in terms of speed and memory) and bug-free code is int main() {}, but we write programs to do things. If you need particular functionality, it would be silly not to use the features of the language that give you that functionality. However, you should start by thinking of what you want your program to do, and then find the best way to do it. Obviously you don't want to begin with "I want to write a program that uses feature X of C++", you want to begin with "I want to write a program that does cool thing Z" and maybe you end up at "...and the best way to implement that is feature X".
Lots of people make absolute statements about things, because they don't actually think. They'd rather just apply a rule, making things more tedious, but requiring less design and forethought. I'd rather have a bit of hard thinking now and then when I'm doing something hairy, and abstract away the tedium, but I guess not everyone thinks that way. Sure, smart pointers have a performance cost. So do exceptions. That just means there may be some small portions of your code where you shouldn't use them. But you should profile first and make sure that's actually what the problem is.
Disclaimer: I've never done any game programming.
Regarding the Cell architecture: it has an incoherent cache. Each SPE has its own local store of 256 KB. The SPEs can only access this memory; any other memory, such as the 512 MB of main memory or the local store of another SPE, has to be accessed with DMA. You perform the DMA manually and copy the memory into your local store by explicitly initiating a DMA transfer. This makes synchronization a huge pain.
Alternatively, you actually can access other memory. Main memory and each SPE's local store is mapped to a certain section of the 64-bit virtual address space. If you access data through the right pointers, the DMA happens behind the scenes, and it all looks like one giant shared memory space. The problem? Huge performance hit. Every time you access one of these pointers, the SPE stalls while the DMA occurs. This is slow, and it's not something you want to do in performance-critical code (i.e. a game).
This brings us to Skizz's point about vtables and pointer fixups. If you're blindly copying around vtable pointers between SPEs, you're going to incur a huge performance hit if you don't fix up your pointers, and you're also going to incur a huge performance hit if you do fix up your pointers and download the virtual function code to the SPEs.
I ran across an excellent presentation by Sony called "Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming". This generation of console hardware has really made a number of people take a second look at the OO aspects of C++ and start asking questions about whether it's really the best way forward.
You can find the presentation here (direct link here). Maybe you'll find the example a bit contrived, but hopefully you'll see that this dislike of highly abstracted object oriented designs isn't always based on myth and superstition.
I have written small games in the past with C++ and use C++ currently for other high performance applications. There is no need to use every single C++ feature throughout the whole code base.
Because C++ is (pretty much, minus a few things) a superset of C, you can write C style code where required, while taking advantage of the extra C++ features where appropriate.
Given a decent compiler, C++ can be just as quick as C because you can write "C" code in C++.
And as always, profile the code. Algorithms and memory management generally have a greater impact on performance than using some C++ feature.
Many games also embed Lua or some other scripting language into the game engine, so obviously maximum performance isn't required for every single line of code.
I have never programmed or used a Cell so that may have further restrictions etc.
C++ is not feared by the gaming community. Having worked on an open-world game engine selling millions, I can say the people in the business are extremely skilled and knowledgable.
The fact that shared_ptr isn't used extensively is partly because there is a real cost to it, but more importantly because ownership isn't very clear. Ownership and resource management is one of the most important and hardest things to get right. Partly because resources are still scarce on console, but also since most difficult bugs tend to be related to unclear resource management (e.g. who and what controls the lifetime of an object). IMHO shared_ptr doesn't help with that the least.
There is an added cost to exception handling, which makes it just not worthwhile. In the final game, no exceptions should be thrown anyway - it's better to just crash than to throw an exception. Plus, it's really hard to ensure exception safety in C++ anyway.
But there are many other parts of C++ that are used extensively in the gaming business. Inside EA, EASTL is an amazing remake of STL that is very adapted for high performance and scarce resources.
There is an old saying about Generals being fully prepared to fight the last war not the next.
Something similar is true about most advice on performance. It usually relates to the software and hardware that was availbale five years ago.
Kevin Frei wrote an interesting document, “How much does Exception Handling cost, really?”.
It really depends on the type of game too. If it's a processor-light game (like an asteroids clone) or pretty much anything in 2d, you can get away with more. Sure, smart pointers cost more than regular pointers, but if some people are writing games in C# then smart pointers are definitely not going to be a problem. And exceptions not being used in games is probably true, but many people misuse exceptions anyways. Exceptions should only be used for exceptional circumstances..not expected errors.
I also heard it before I joined the game industry, but something I've found is that the compilers for specialized game hardware are sometimes... subpar. (I've personally only worked with the major consoles, but I'm sure it's even more true for devices like cell phones and the like.) Obviously this isn't really a huge issue if you're developing for PC, where the compilers are tried, true, and abundant in variety, but if you want to develop a game for the Wii, PS3, or X360, guess how many options you have and how well tested they are versus your Windows/Unix compiler of choice.
This isn't to say that the tools are necessarily awful, of course, but they're only guaranteed to work if your code is simple -- in essence, if you program in C. This doesn't mean that you can't use a class or create a RAII-using smart pointer, but the further from that "guaranteed" functionality you get, the shakier the support for the standard becomes. I've personally written a line of code using some templates that compiled for one platform but not on another -- one of them simply didn't support some fringe case in the C++ standard properly.
Some of it is undoubtedly game programmer folklore, but chances are it came from somewhere: Some old compiler unwound the stack strangely when exceptions were thrown, so we don't use exceptions; A certain platform didn't play with templates well, so we only use them in trivial cases; etc. Unfortunately the problem cases and where they occurred never seem to be written down anywhere (and the cases are frequently esoteric and were a pain to track down when they first occurred), so there's no easy way to verify if it's still an issue or not except to try and hope you don't get hurt as a result. Needless to say, this is easier said than done, so the hesitance continues.
Exception handling is never free, despite some claims to the contrary on here. There is ALWAYS a cost whether it be memory or speed. If it has zero performance cost, there will be a high memory cost. Either way, the method used is totally compiler dependant and, therefore, out of the developers control. Neither method is good for game development since a. the target platform has a finite amount of memory that is often never enough and, therefore, we need total control over, and b. a fixed performance constraint of 30/60Hz. It's OK for a PC app or tool to slow down momentarily whilst something gets processed but this is absolutely untolerable on a console game. There are physics and graphics systems etc. that depend on a consistent framerate, so any C++ "feature" that could potentially disrupt this - and cannot be controlled by the developer - is a good candidate for being dropped. If C++ exception handling was so good, with little or no performance/memory cost, it would be used in every program, there wouldn't even be an option to disable it. The fact is, it may be a neat and tidy way to write reliable PC application code but is surplus to requirement in game development. It bulks out the executable, costs memory and/or performance and is totally unoptimizable. This is fine for PC dev that have huge instruction caches and the like, but game consoles do not have this luxury. And even if they did, the game dev community would almost certainly rather spend the extra cycles/memory on game related resources than waste it on features of C++ that we don't need.
Some of this is gaming folklore, and maybe mantras passed down from game developers who were targeting very limited devices (mobile, e.g.) to gamedevs who weren't.
However, a thing to keep in mind about games is that their performance characteristics are dominated by smooth and predictable frame rates. They're not mission-critical software, but they are "FPS-critical" software. A hiccup in frame rates could cause the player to game over in an action game, e.g. As a result, as much as you might find some healthy level of paranoia in mission-critical software about not failing, you can likewise find something similar in gaming about not stuttering and lagging.
A lot of gamedevs I've talked to also don't even like virtual memory and I've seen them try to apply ways to minimize the probability that a page fault could occur at an inconvenient time. In other fields, people might love virtual memory, but games are "FPS-critical". They don't want any kind of weird hiccup or stutter to occur somewhere during gameplay.
So if we start with exceptions, modern implementations of zero-cost EH allow normal execution paths to execute faster than if they were to perform manual branching on error conditions. But they come at the cost that throwing an exception suddenly becomes a much more expensive, "stop the world" kind of event. That kind of "stop the world" thing can be disastrous to a software seeking the most predictable and smooth frame rates. Of course that's only supposed to be reserved for truly exceptional paths, but a game might prefer to just find reasons not to face exceptional paths since the cost of throwing would be too great in the middle of a game. Graceful recovery is kind of a moot concept if the game has a strong desire to be avoiding facing exceptional paths in the first place.
Games often have this kind of "startup and go" characteristic, where they can potentially do all their file loading and memory allocation and things like that which could fail in advance on loading up the level or starting the game instead of doing things that could fail in the middle of the game. As a result they don't necessarily have that many decentralized code paths that could or should encounter an exception and that also diminishes the benefits of EH since it doesn't become so convenient if there are only a select few areas maximum that might benefit from it.
For similar reasons to EH, gamedevs often dislike garbage collection since it can also have that kind of "stop the world" event which can lead to unpredictable stutters -- the briefest of stutters that might be easy to dismiss in many domains as harmless, but not to gamedevs. As a result they might avoid it outright or seek object pooling just to prevent GC collections from occurring at inopportune times.
Avoiding smart pointers outright seems a bit more extreme to me, but a lot of games can preallocate their memory in advance or they might use an entity-component system where every component type is stored in a random-access sequence which allows them to be indexed. Smart pointers imply heap allocations and things that own memory at the granular level of a single object (at least unless you use a custom allocator and custom delete function object), and most games might find it in their best interest to avoid such granular heap allocations and instead allocate many things at once in a large container or through a memory pool.
There might be a bit of superstition here but I think some of it is at least justifiable.

What can C++ do that is too hard or messy in any other language?

I still feel C++ offers some things that can't be beaten. It's not my intention to start a flame war here, please, if you have strong opinions about not liking C++ don't vent them here. I'm interested in hearing from C++ gurus about why they stick with it.
I'm particularly interested in aspects of C++ that are little known, or underutilised.
RAII / deterministic finalization. No, garbage collection is not just as good when you're dealing with a scarce, shared resource.
Unfettered access to OS APIs.
I have stayed with C++ as it is still the highest performing general purpose language for applications that need to combine efficiency and complexity. As an example, I write real time surface modelling software for hand-held devices for the surveying industry. Given the limited resources, Java, C#, etc... just don't provide the necessary performance characteristics, whereas lower level languages like C are much slower to develop in given the weaker abstraction characteristics. The range of levels of abstraction available to a C++ developer is huge, at one extreme I can be overloading arithmetic operators such that I can say something like MaterialVolume = DesignSurface - GroundSurface while at the same time running a number of different heaps to manage the memory most efficiently for my app on a specific device. Combine this with a wealth of freely available source for solving pretty much any common problem, and you have one heck of a powerful development language.
Is C++ still the optimal development solution for most problems in most domains? Probably not, though at a pinch it can still be used for most of them. Is it still the best solution for efficient development of high performance applications? IMHO without a doubt.
Shooting oneself in the foot.
No other language offers such a creative array of tools. Pointers, multiple inheritance, templates, operator overloading and a preprocessor.
A wonderfully powerful language that also provides abundant opportunities for foot shooting.
Edit: I apologize if my lame attempt at humor has offended some. I consider C++ to be the most powerful language that I have ever used -- with abilities to code at the assembly language level when desired, and at a high level of abstraction when desired. C++ has been my primary language since the early '90s.
My answer was based on years of experience of shooting myself in the foot. At least C++ allows me to do so elegantly.
Deterministic object destruction leads to some magnificent design patterns. For instance, while RAII is not as general a technique as garbage collection, it leads to some impressive capabilities which you cannot get with GC.
C++ is also unique in that it has a Turing-complete preprocessor. This allows you to prefer (as in the opposite of defer) a lot of code tasks to compile time instead of run time. For instance, in real code you might have an assert() statement to test for a never-happen. The reality is that it will sooner or later happen... and happen at 3:00am when you're on vacation. The C++ preprocessor assert does the same test at compile time. Compile-time asserts fail between 8:00am and 5:00pm while you're sitting in front of the computer watching the code build; run-time asserts fail at 3:00am when you're asleep in Hawai'i. It's pretty easy to see the win there.
In most languages, strategy patterns are done at run-time and throw exceptions in the event of a type mismatch. In C++, strategies can be done at compile-time through the preprocessor facility and can be guaranteed typesafe.
Write inline assembly (MMX, SSE, etc.).
Deterministic object destruction. I.e. real destructors. Makes managing scarce resources easier. Allows for RAII.
Easier access to structured binary data. It's easier to cast a memory region as a struct than to parse it and copy each value into a struct.
Multiple inheritance. Not everything can be done with interfaces. Sometimes you want to inherit actual functionality too.
I think i'm just going to praise C++ for its ability to use templates to catch expressions and execute it lazily when it's needed. For those not knowing what this is about, here is an example.
Template mixins provide reuse that I haven't seen elsewhere. With them you can build up a large object with lots of behaviour as though you had written the whole thing by hand. But all these small aspects of its functionality can be reused, it's particularly great for implementing parts of an interface (or the whole thing), where you are implementing a number of interfaces. The resulting object is lightning-fast because it's all inlined.
Speed may not matter in many cases, but when you're writing component software, and users may combine components in unthought-of complicated ways to do things, the speed of inlining and C++ seems to allow much more complex structures to be created.
Absolute control over the memory layout, alignment, and access when you need it. If you're careful enough you can write some very cache-friendly programs. For multi-processor programs, you can also eliminate a lot of slow downs from cache coherence mechanisms.
(Okay, you can do this in C, assembly, and probably Fortran too. But C++ lets you write the rest of your program at a higher level.)
This will probably not be a popular answer, but I think what sets C++ apart are its compile-time capabilities, e.g. templates and #define. You can do all sorts of text manipulation on your program using these features, much of which has been abandoned in later languages in the name of simplicity. To me that's way more important than any low-level bit fiddling that's supposedly easier or faster in C++.
C#, for instance, doesn't have a real macro facility. You can't #include another file directly into the source, or use #define to manipulate the program as text. Think about any time you had to mechanically type repetitive code and you knew there was a better way. You may even have written a program to generate code for you. Well, the C++ preprocessor automates all of these things.
The "generics" facility in C# is similarly limited compared to C++ templates. C++ lets you apply the dot operator to a template type T blindly, calling (for example) methods that may not exist, and checks-for-correctness are only applied once the template is actually applied to a specific class. When that happens, if all the assumptions you made about T actually hold, then your code will compile. C# doesn't allow this... type "T" basically has to be dealt with as an Object, i.e. using only the lowest common denominator of operations available to everything (assignment, GetHashCode(), Equals()).
C# has done away with the preprocessor, and real generics, in the name of simplicity. Unfortunately, when I use C#, I find myself reaching for substitutes for these C++ constructs, which are inevitably more bloated and layered than the C++ approach. For example, I have seen programmers work around the absence of #include in several bloated ways: dynamically linking to external assemblies, re-defining constants in several locations (one file per project) or selecting constants from a database, etc.
As Ms. Crabapple from The Simpson's once said, this is "pretty lame, Milhouse."
In terms of Computer Science, these compile-time features of C++ enable things like call-by-name parameter passing, which is known to be more powerful than call-by-value and call-by-reference.
Again, this is perhaps not the popular answer- any introductory C++ text will warn you off of #define, for example. But having worked with a wide variety of languages over many years, and having given consideration to the theory behind all of this, I think that many people are giving bad advice. This seems especially to be the case in the diluted sub-field known as "IT."
Passing POD structures across processes with minimum overhead. In other words, it allows us to easily handle blobs of binary data.
C# and Java force you to put your 'main()' function in a class. I find that weird, because it dilutes the meaning of a class.
To me, a class is a category of objects in your problem domain. A program is not such an object. So there should never be a class called 'Program' in your program. This would be equivalent to a mathematical proof using a symbol to notate itself -- the proof -- alongside symbols representing mathematical objects. It'll be just weird and inconsistent.
Fortunately, unlike C# and Java, C++ allows global functions. That lets your main() function to exist outside. Therefore C++ offers a simpler, more consistent and perhaps truer implementation of the the object-oriented idiom. Hence, this is one thing C++ can do, but C# and Java cannot.
I think that operator overloading is a quite nice feature. Of course it can be very much abused (like in Boost lambda).
Tight control over system resources (esp. memory) while offering powerful abstraction mechanisms optionally. The only language I know of that can come close to C++ in this regard is Ada.
C++ provides complete control over memory and as result a makes the the flow of program execution much more predictable.
Not only can you say precisely at what time allocations and deallocations of memory occurs, you can define you own heaps, have multiple heaps for different purposes and say precisely where in memory data is allocated to. This is frequently useful when programming on embedded/real time systems, such as games consoles, cell phones, mp3 players, etc..., which:
have strict upper limits on memory that is easy to reach (constrast with a PC which just gets slower as you run out of physical memory)
frequently have non homogeneous memory layout. You may want to allocate objects of one type in one piece of physical memory, and objects of another type in another piece.
have real time programming constraints. Unexpectedly calling the garbage collector at the wrong time can be disastrous.
AFAIK, C and C++ are the only sensible option for doing this kind of thing.
Well to be quite honest, you can do just about anything if your willing to write enough code.
So to answer your question, no, there is nothing you can't do in another language that C++ can't do. It's just how much patience do you have and are you willing to devote the long sleepless nights to get it to work?
There are things that C++ wrappers make it easy to do (because they can read the header files), like Office development. But again, it's because someone wrote lots of code to "wrap" it for you in an RCW or "Runtime Callable Wrapper"
EDIT: You also realize this is a loaded question.