Best way to have common class shared by both C++ and Ruby? - c++

I am currently working on a project where a team of us are designing a game, all of us are proficient in ruby and some (but not all) of us are proficient in c++.
Initially we made the backend in ruby but we ported it to c++ for more speed. The c++ port of the backend has exactly the same features and algorithms as the original ruby code.
However we still have a bunch of code in ruby that does useful things but we would rather not have to port it all, so we want to keep using the ruby code and get data from the c++ classes. Is this unrealistic?
Our first thought was that we could save some of the data structures in something like XML or redis and call that, but some of the developers don't like that idea.
We don't need any particularly complex data structures to be passed between the different parts of the code, just tuples, strings and ints.
Is there any way of integrating the ruby code so that it can call the c++ stuff natively?
Will we need to embed code? Will we have to make a ruby extension? If so are there any good resources/tutorials you could suggest?
For example say we have some code like this in the c++ backend:
class The_game{
bool printinfo; //print the player diagnostic info at the beginning if true
int numplayers;
std::vector<Player*> players;
string current_action;
int action_is_on; // the index of the player in the players array that the action is now on
//more code here
Table(std::vector<Player *> in_players, std::vector<Statistics *> player_stats ,const int in_numplayers);
void play_game();
History actions_history;
class History{
int action_sequence_number;
std::vector<Action*> recent_actions;
void print_history();
void add_action(Action* the_action_to_be_added);
int get_action_sequence_number(){ return action_sequence_number;}
bool history_actions_are_equal();
int last_action_size(int street,int number_of_actions_ago);
Is there any way to natively call something in the actions_history via The_game object in ruby? (The objects in the original ruby code all had the same names and functionality)
By this I mean:
class MyRubyClass
def method1(arg1)
puts arg1
self.f() # ... but still available
puts cpp_method.the_current_game.actions_history.get_action_sequence_number()
# Constructor:
def initialize(arg)
puts "In constructor with arg #{arg}"
#get the c++ object here and call it cpp_method
Is this possible? Any advice or suggestions are appreciated.

You could use the Ruby C API to create an extension that interfaces with the C++ class or SWIG to create a wrapper the C++ class.

For creating ruby extensions you also might want to have a look at:


How would you auto generate a class implementation during pre-compile?

I was looking at creating a service locator that I would also like to provide "NULL" implementations of the services it provides. How would you go about parsing the Interface and auto generating an implementation? What tools would you use - say with CMake? Basically, I am trying to avoid having to write something like:
class IAudio
virtual void playSound(SoundId Id) = 0;
***** Following is the boilerplate I would like to avoid *****
class NullAudio : IAudio
void playSound(SoundId) override { /* Does Nothing */ }
I can't seem to find any examples from my google searches for automatic code generation - they all turn up things that reference code completion in editors. I would even consider running a python script that looks for files starting with I - like IAudio.hpp, parses it and writes out a file if that is the common way to do this.
I think I figured it out. Write a small tool to do what I want, configure CMake to compile it first, and then have CMake run the tool with add_custom_command.

load config file for game, singleton or passing down the tree or anything else?

I'm trying to create simple game in C++. At one point I want to have some setting, save and load from config file.
The config file should be read from the beginning, and should be accessible anywhere it needed.
So far I only see Singleton pattern as a solution.
Another way is to create an object an pass it down, but it can mess
up the current code.
I've also search and found something called Dependency Injection.
Is dependency injection useful in C++
Which design patterns can be applied to the configuration settings problem?
But I don't quite understand it, you still have to create an object in main and pass it down, right?
Singleton is quite simple, but some consider it antipattern, while pass it down the tree can mess up my current code. Is there any other Patterns?
P/S: I'm also curious how games load their setting.
I would suggest something simple as the following example, which circumvents any singleton-related or initialization order issue:
struct global_state
config _config;
struct game_state
global_state& _global_state;
int main()
global_state globals{load_config_from_file()};
game_state game{globals};;
Since _global_state is a member of game_state, it can be used in member functions without the need of explicitly passing it as a parameter:
void game_state::update_ui()
const float text_size = _global_state._config.get_float("text_size");

Override System class in Java and more precisely currentTimeMillis [duplicate]

Aside from recompiling rt.jar is there any way I can replace the currentTimeMillis() call with one of my own?
1# The right way to do it is use a Clock object and abstract time.
I know it but we'll be running code developed by an endless number of developers that have not implemented Clock or have made an implementation of their own.
2# Use a mock tool like JMockit to mock that class.
Even though that only works with Hotspot disabled -Xint and we have success using the code bellow it does not "persist" on external libraries. Meaning that you'd have to Mock it everywhere which, as the code is out of our control, is not feasible. All code under main() does return 0 milis (as from the example) but a new DateTime() will return the actual system millis.
#MockClass(realClass = System.class)
public class SystemMock extends MockUp<System> {
// returns 1970-01-01
#Mock public static long currentTimeMillis() { return 0; }
3# Re-declare System on start up by using -Xbootclasspath/p (edited)
While possible, and though you can create/alter methods, the one in question is declared as public static native long currentTimeMillis();. You cannot change it's declaration without digging into Sun's proprietary and native code which would make this an exercise of reverse engineering and hardly a stable approach.
All recent SUN JVM crash with the following error:
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000, pid=4668, tid=5736
4# Use a custom ClassLoader (new test as suggested on the comments)
While trivial to replace the system CL using -Djava.system.class.loader JVM actually loads up the custom classLoader resorting to the default classLoader and System is not even pushed trough the custom CL.
public class SimpleClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
public SimpleClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return super.loadClass(name);
We can see that java.lang.System is loaded from rt.jar using java -verbose:class
Line 15: [Loaded java.lang.System from C:\jdk1.7.0_25\jre\lib\rt.jar]
I'm running out of options.
Is there some approach I'm missing?
You could use an AspectJ compiler/weaver to compile/weave the problematic user code, replacing the calls to java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() with your own code. The following aspect will just do that:
public aspect CurrentTimeInMillisMethodCallChanger {
long around():
call(public static native long java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis())
&& within(user.code.base.pckg.*) {
return 0; //provide your own implementation returning a long
I'm not 100% sure if I oversee something here, but you can create your own System class like this:
public static class System {
static PrintStream err = System.err;
static InputStream in =;
static PrintStream out = System.out;
static void arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int length) {
System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, length);
// ... and so on with all methods (currently 26) except `currentTimeMillis()`
static long currentTimeMillis() {
return 4711L; // Your application specific clock value
than import your own System class in every java file. Reorganize imports in Eclipse should do the trick.
And than all java files should use your applicatikon specific System class.
As I said, not a nice solution because you will need to maintain your System class whenever Java changes the original one. Also you must make sure, that always your class is used.
As discussed in the comments, it is possible that option #3 in the original question has actually worked, successfully replacing the default System class.
If that is true, then application code which calls currentTimeMillis() will be calling the replacement, as expected.
Perhaps unexpectedly, core classes like java.util.Timer would also get the replacement!
If all of the above are true, then the root cause of the crash could be the successful replacement of the System class.
To test, you could instead replace System with a copy that is functionally identical to the original to see if the crashes disappear.
Unfortunately, if this answer turns out to be correct, it would seem that we have a new question. :) It might go like this:
"How do you provide an altered System.currentTimeMillis() to application classes, but leave the default implementation in place for core classes?"
i've tried using javassist to remove the native currentTimeMills, add a pure java one and load it using bootclasspath/p, but i got the same exception access violation as you did. i believe that's probably because of the native method registerNatives that's called in the static block but it's really too much to disassemble the native library.
so, instead of changing the System.currentTimeMills, how about changing the user code? if the user code already compiled (you don't have source code), we can use tools like findbugs to identify the use of currentTimeMillis and reject the code (maybe we can even replace the call to currentTimeMills with your own implementation).

Project structure in C++ in relation to publicly exposed headers

I am trying to understand project structure in c++, I am finding it difficult to get my head around class structure and header files.
Extract from article 1 (linked at bottom of this post)
By convention, include directory is for header files, but modern practice > suggests that include directory must strictly contain headers that need
to be exposed publicly.
My first question of this process is with regards to a separate class file that is within the include directory.
What is purpose of exposing your headers?
Following on from this, looking at an example of an exposed header file. Linked in the following GH repo:
How does the Game_Interface class relate back to the Game_Engine?
#pragma once
#include <game_engine.h>
class GameInterface
GameEngine *game;
GameInterface(int length);
void play(int num);
I have looked else where for a simple explanation of this process but, all I have found so far is nothing that can be understood in the context of this example.
Fairly new to C++ background in web technologies.
Link to article 1:
What is purpose of exposing your headers?
Sometimes you may be developing some functionality or a library. You might want to help some other person or customer or client by sharing the functionality of your code. But you don't want to share the exact working details.
So for instance you wish to share an Image processing functionality which applies beautiful filters to it. But at the same time you don't want them to exactly know how did you implement it. for such scenarios, you can create a header file, say img_filter.h having function declaration -
bool ApplyFilter(const string & image_path);
Now you can implement entire details in img_filter.cpp:
bool ApplyFilter(const string & image_path)
// Implementation detail
Next you can prepare a dll of this file which could be used by your client. For reference of working, parameters, usage etc. you can share the img_filter.h.
Relation with Interface:
A well defined interface is generally nice to have so you can change implementation details transparently, which means, that HOW you implement the details don't matter as long as the interface or the function name and parameters are kept intact.

C++ - Using a variable without knowing what it is called

I have a program that uses plug-ins. As I'm in development, these plug-ins are currently just .h and .cpp files that I add or remove from my project before re-compiling, but eventually they will be libraries.
Each plug-in contains lists of data in vectors, and I need to dynamically load data from the plug-ins without knowing which plug-ins are present. For instance:
// plugin1.h
extern vector<int> plugin1Data;
// plugin2.h
extern vector<int> plugin2Data;
// main.cpp
vector<vector<int>> pluginDataList;
int CountPlugins () {
// Some function that counts how many plug-ins are present, got this bit covered ;)
int main() {
int numPlugins = CountPlugins();
for (int i = 0; i < numPlugins; i++) {
vector<int> newPluginData = /***WAY TO ADD PLUGIN DATA!!!***/;
I already access the names of each plugin present during my CountPlugins() function, and have a list of names, so my first gut feeling was to use the name from each plugin to create a variable name like:
vector<string> pluginNames = /*filled by CountPlugins*/;
string pluginDataName = + "Data";
// Use pluginDataName to locate plugin1Data or plugin2Data
That's something I've done before in c# when I used to mess around with unity, but I've read a few stackoverflow posts clearly stating that it's not possible in c++. It's also a fairly messy solution in C# anyway as far as I remember.
If each plugin was a class instead of just a group of vectors, I could access the specific data doing something like but then I still need to be able to reference the object stored within each plugin, and that'll mean that when I get round to compiling the plugins as libraries, I'll always have to link to class declaration and definition, which isn't ideal (though not out of the question if it'll give a nicer solution over all).
I'm all out of ideas after that, any help you can offer will be most welcome!
Thanks! Pete
Why dont you save the data as JSON between the application and the plugins ? That way you will also allow other types of tech to plug-into your app, like javascript based plugins via an embedded version of v8 or c#/.net plugins via mono.'