Sum function doesn't work :/ - clojure

A while ago this code seemed to work, but now it doesn't anymore. Is there something wrong with it?
user=> (defn sum [a b] (a + b))
user=> (sum 3 4)
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
It's probably time to take a break :)

Perhaps try:
(defn sum [a b] (+ a b))
Clojure, being a member of the Lisp family, always uses prefix notation for arithmetic expressions.

Since you're trying to write such a function, I wonder if it might be helpful to point out that + is just a regular function in Clojure, as it is in any other Lisp. In fact, there are no special "arithmetic expressions" in Clojure, just function applications whose arguments are numbers and whose operator functions perform arithmetic operations.
In fact, in most Lisps there are no special "operators" in the sense distinguished pieces of syntax which would need to be wrapped for their functionality to be available in the form of a function. Clojure is unusual as a Lisp in this regard in that it explicitly depends on its host platform for some fairly basic features; e.g. floating-point exponentiation is available in vanilla Clojure in the form of the pow method of the java.lang.Math class (but see clojure.contrib.math for some nice functions to perform various arithmetic ops not in clojure.core).
Java methods would have to be wrapped in Clojure to be used as functions (e.g. passed to map etc.), so in that way they might bring to mind operators from languages such as C, Python or indeed Java itself. They are still called using prefix notation, though.

There is already a + function in clojure.core, so be very careful when redefining it, you're probably better off avoiding this.
All Lisps including Clojure use prefix notation. You should call a function like (fn-name args). In your example Clojure tries to call an Integer as a function, because that's the first element of the list. Integers do not implement the IFn interface, so that explains the error message.
You can in fact get an infix notation for mathematical functions using a function. For this function see page 13 of the first chapter of The Joy Of Clojure, freely available here:


Clojure Macros: When can a function not duplicate a macro's behaviour?

I'm playing around with clojure macros and I'm finding that a lot of macro behavior I can just replicate with function composition.
A good example of this is the threading macro:
(defn add1 [n] (+ n 1))
(defn mult10 [n] (* n 10))
(defn threadline [arg]
(-> arg
I can replicate this easily with a higher order function like pipe:
(defn pipe [& fns]
(reduce (fn [f g] (fn [arg] (g(f arg)))) fns))
(def pipeline
#(+ % 1)
#(* % 10)))
There must be instances where a macro can not be replaced by a function. I was wondering if someone had some good examples of these sorts of situations, and the reoccurring themes involved.
One important advantage of macros is their ability to transform code at compile-time without evaluating any of it. Macros receive code as data during compilation, but functions receive values at run-time. Macros allow you to extend the compiler in a sense.
For example, Clojure's and and or are implemented as recursive macros that expand into nested if forms. This allows lazy evaluation of the and/or's inner forms i.e. if the first or form is truthy, its value will be returned and none of the others will be evaluated. If you wrote and/or as a function, all its arguments would be evaluated before they could be examined.
Short-circuiting control flow isn't an issue in your pipe function example, but pipe adds considerable run-time complexity compared to -> which simply unrolls to nested forms. A more interesting macro to try to implement as a function might be some->.
I'm finding that a lot of macro behavior I can just replicate with function composition
If your functions are amenable to it, you can certainly replace a simple threading macro with function composition with comp, similar to "point free" style in other functional languages: #(-> % inc str) is functionally equivalent to (comp str inc) and #(str (inc %)).
It's generally advised to prefer functions when possible, and even when writing a macro you can usually farm out most of the "work" to function(s).
The first macro I ever learned is a good example of a macro that can't be written as a plain function:
(defmacro infix [[arg1 f arg2]]
(list f arg1 arg2))
(infix (1 + 2))
=> 3
Of course this exact macro would never be used in the wild, but it sets the stage for more useful macros that act as readability helpers. It should also be noted that while you can replicate a lot of basic macro's behavior with plain functions, should you? It would be hard to argue that your pipe example leads to easier to read/write code than, say, as->.
The "reoccurring themes" you're looking for are cases where you're manipulating data at compile-time ("data" being the code itself), not run-time. Any case that requires the function to take its argument unevaluated must be a macro. You can partially "cheat" in some cases and just wrap the code in a function to delay evaluation, but that doesn't work for all cases (like the infix example).
Macros are not interchangeable with functions, but you examples are:
(macroexpand '#(+ % 1))
; ==> (fn* [p1__1#] (+ p1__1# 1))
The reason why it works is because the argument expect a function and you use a macro that becomes a function. However I know that cond is a macro. It cannot be replaced with a function implementation since the arguments of a function gets evaluated and the whole point of cond is to only evaluate some parts of the arguments in a specific order based on evaluation of their predicates. eg. making a recursive function with that would never terminate since the default case will also always be called before the body of the function cond is evaluated.
The whole point of macros is to expand the lamguage and since the evaluation is controlled by the result you can make all sorts of new features that would be impossible with function except if one passed all arguments as functions to delay evaluation.
In any language, macros -- compile-time functions from code to code -- let you do three things:
Define new binding forms (e.g. Clojure's destructuring let).
Change the order of evaluation (e.g. or, and).
Present a domain-specific language (e.g. Instaparse).
You can debate 3 -- whether implementing DSLs truly requires macros. Sure you can do code generators that are functions from text files to text files. Or, sure you can do Ruby style runtime DSLs. But if you want a DSL that's integrated into the compiler at compile-time, then macros are effectively your "compiler API".
Having said that, it makes sense to use macros only for these special purposes. Use functions and/or data-driven code as much as possible. Including to do work behind the "facade" provide by a macro.
The two big things macros do is control evaluation of their arguments and transform code at compile time. You can do both with functions by requiring calling code to quote their arguments.
For instance, you could write a version of defn that is called this way:
(defn 'name '[arg1 arg2]
Then you could eval arguments at will, evaluating them or not, changing the order of execution, or altering forms before you evaluate them, exactly the things macros are good for.
What macros can do that functions can't is gain this ability without any cooperation from the calling code. Users can call macros as if they were plain functions and don't have to treat their arguments any differently.
That's how macros allow you to extend the language: you don't have to treat macro code any differently than regular code, unlike, say, JavaScript, Ruby, or Python, where the language can only be extended with new control flow constructs by doing what you've done in your example, wrapping code in a block, lambda, or function.

Clojure equivalent of Scala's andThen

Clojure and Scala both have composing functions/methods (comp and .compose respectively). Scala has a method .andThen which works the same way as .compose, except it nests the function application in the opposite order. Does an analog of this function exist in Clojure?
I could write it easily enough myself for example like this:
(defn and-then [& fns] (apply comp (reverse fns))), however it seems basic enough that it must already exist, especially since in Clojure it has natural application in converting threading-macro expressions into point-free functions, e.g. the following two expressions would be equivalent in the unary case: #(->> % a b c) and (and-then a b c)
I don't think there's anything built-in, likely because clojure does not have an infix syntax (i.e. (and-then f g) is not as clear as f andThen g). As you already recognized -> and ->> are what's generally used in it's place.
No, there is no such built-in functionality in Clojure. The code example you provided is good enough I believe.

Clojure let vs Common Lisp let

In Common Lisp, the let uses a list for a bindings, i.e:
(let ((var1 1)
(var2 2))
While Clojure uses a vector instead:
(let [a 1
b 2]
Is there any specific reason, other than readability, for Clojure to use a vector?
You can find Rich Hickey's argument at Simple Made Easy - slide 14, about 26 minutes in:
Rich's line on this was as follows
"Since we were talking about syntax, let’s look at
classic Lisp. It seems to be the simplest of syntax, everything is a
parenthesized list of symbols, numbers, and a few other things. What
could be simpler? But in reality, it is not the simplest, since to
achieve that uniformity, there has to be substantial overloading of
the meaning of lists. They might be function calls, grouping
constructs, or data literals, etc. And determining which requires
using context, increasing the cognitive load when scanning code to
assess its meaning. Clojure adds a couple more composite data literals
to lists, and uses them for syntax. In doing so, it means that lists
are almost always call-like things, and vectors are used for grouping,
and maps have their own literals. Moving from one data structure to
three reduces the cognitive load substantially."
One of the things he believes was overloaded in the standard syntax was access time. So vector syntax in arguments is related to the constant access time when you used them. He said:
Seems odd though as it only is valid for that one soon as it is stored in a variable or passed in any way the information is 'lost'. For example...
(defn test [a]
(nth a 0)) ;;<- what is the access time of and element of a?
I personally prefer harsh syntax changes like brackets to be reserved for when the programmer has to switch mental models e.g. for embedded languages.
;; Example showing a possible syntax for an embedded prolog.
{size [],0}
{size([H|T],N) :- size(T,N1), N is N1+1}
(size '(1 2 3 4) 'n) ;; here we are back to lisp code
Such a concept is syntactically constant. You don't 'pass around' structure at runtime. Before runtime (read/macro/compile time) is another matter though so where possible it is often better to keep things as lists.
The original source seems to have gone, but here is another record of the interview:

Enums and Clojure

In the Java/C world, people often use enums. If I'm using a Java library which using enums, I can convert between them and keywords, for example, using (. java.lang.Enum valueOf e..., (aget ^"[Ljava.lang.Enum;" (. e (getEnumConstants)) i), and some reflection. But in the Clojure world, do people ever need anything like an enum (a named integer) ? If not, how is their code structured that they don't need them ? If yes, what's the equivalent ? I sense I'm really asking about indices (for looping), which are rarely used in functional programming (I've used map-indexed only once so far).
For almost all the Clojure code I have seen keywords tend to be used instead of Enums they are name-spaced and have all the other useful properties of keywords while being much easier to write. They are not an exact standin because they are more dynamic (as in dynamic typing) than Java enums
as for indexing and looping I find it more idiomatic to map over a sequence of keywords:
(map do-stuff [:a :b :c :d] (range))
than to loop over the values in an enumeration, which I have yet to find an example of in Clojure code, though an example very likely exists ;-)
As Arthur points out - keywords are typically used in Clojure in place of enums.
You won't see numbered indexes used much - they aren't particularly idiomatic in Clojure (or most other functional programming languages)
Some other options worth being aware of:
Use Java enums directly - e.g. java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit/SECONDS
Define your own constants with vars if you want numeric values - e.g. (def ^:const PURPLE 1)
You could even implement a macro defenum if you wanted more advanced enum features with a simple syntax.
Yes, use keywords in most places where Java programmers would use enums. In the rare case that you need a number for each of them, you can simply define a map for converting: {:dog 0, :rabbit 1, ...}.
On the other hand, one of the first Clojure libraries I wrote was just this: a defenum macro that assigned numbers to symbols and created conversion systems back and forth. It's a terrible idea implemented reasonably well, so feel free to have a look but I don't recommend you use it.

Scheme and Clojure don't have the atom type predicate - is this by design?

Common LISP and Emacs LISP have the atom type predicate. Scheme and Clojure don't have it.
Is there a design reason for this - or is it just not an essential function to include in the API?
In Clojure, the atom predicate isn't so important because Clojure emphasizes various other types of (immutable) data structures rather than focusing on cons cells / lists.
It could also cause confusion. How would you expect this function to behave when given a hashmap, a set or a vector for example? Or a Java object that represents some complex mutable data structure?
Also the name "atom" is used for something completely different - it's one of Clojure's core concurrency mechanisms to manage shared, synchronous, independent state.
Clojure has the coll? (collection?) function, which is (sort of) the inverse of atom?.
In the book The Little Schemer, atom? is defined as follows:
(define (atom? x)
(and (not (pair? x))
(not (null? x))))
Noting that null is not considered an atom, as other answers have suggested. In the mentioned book atom? is used heavily, in particular when writing procedures that deal with lists of lists.
In the entire IronScheme standard libraries which implement R6RS, I never needed such a function.
In summary:
It is useless
It is easy enough to write if you need it
Which pretty much follows Scheme's minimalistic approach.
In Scheme anything that is not a pair is an atom. As Scheme already defines the predicate pair?, the atom? predicate is not needed, as it is so trivial to define:
(define (atom? s)
(not (pair? s)))
It's a trivial function:
(defun atom (x)
(not (consp x)))
It is used in list processing, when the Lisp dialect uses conses to build lists. There are some 'Lisps' for which this is not the case or not central.
Atom is either a symbol, a character, a number, or null.
(define (atom? a)
(or (symbol? a)
(char? a)
(number? a)
(null? a)))
I think those are all the atoms that exist, if you find more add to the conditional expression. For example, if you think a string is an atom, add (string? a), :-). The absence of a definition for atom, allows you to define it the way you want. After all, Scheme does not know what an atom is.
In Lisp nil is an atom, so I've made null an atom. nil is also a list by simplification nil = (nil . nil), the same way the integral numbers are rational numbers by simplification, 2 = 2/1, 2 is an integral number, 2/1 is a rational number, as both are equals by simplification of the rational one; one says the integral number 2 is also a rational number. But the list predicate is already defined in Scheme, nothing to worry about.
About the question. As long as I am concerned Scheme has predicates only for class types, atom is not a class type, atom is an abstraction that incorporates several class types. Maybe that is the reason. But pair is not a class type either, but it does not incorporate several class types, and yet some may consider pair as a class type.
Atom means that a certain thing is not a compound thing. One reason not to include such a predicate is when the language allows you to define atomic types, so the pletora of atoms can grow wider and wider, and such a predicate would make no sense. I don't know if Scheme allows for this. I can only say that Scheme predicates (the built-in ones) are all specific. You can ask, is this an apple?, is this an orange?; but you cannot ask is this a fruit?. :-). Well, you can, if you do it yourself. Despite what a said, Scheme has a general predicate number?, and number specific predicates, integer?, rational?, real?; notwithstanding, number can be thought of as a class type (the other predicates refer to sub-types of number), whereas atom is not (at least in Scheme).
class types: types that belong to a certain class of things. Example:
number, integer, real, rational, character, procedure, list, vector, string, etc.