I'm looking to find how to implement this scenario:
I have logic code that is inside function,
now I like to be able to execute this function in a separate thread.
now what I have is a raw implementation of this ..
I simple Init the Thread that in its Start/Run method I keep the function logic .
how can I make it more generic? so I could send the function (maybe function pointer)
to generic thread factory/pool?
in c++
This is the command pattern. The usual solution is to bundle the logic into a function object:
class DoSomething {
// Constructor accepts and stores parameters to be used
// by the code itself.
DoSomething(int i, std::string s)
: i_(i), s_(s) { }
void operator()() {
// Do the work here, using i_ and s_
int i_;
std::string s_;
Have a look at boost::thread and boost::bind as these will become the std::tr1::thread and std::tr1::bind.
boost::thread is a small object, receiving a functor pointer with no return value and no arguments.
That means either a pointer to a function declared as void (*function)(void); or a struct/class implementing void operator()().
If you also use boost::bind, you can adapt basically any functor to be called as void (*functor)(void).
That's as flexible as you can get (as you can transform any function or function-like object to be called with no parameters, then launch it in it's own thread).
So I have done some research, and have found you can create a boost::thread object and have it start with a non-static class function by using "this" and boost::bind etc. It really doesn't make much sense to me and all the examples I could find had the boost::thread object launched within the same class as the function it was starting with so this could be used. I however, am launching the thread in a different class so I'm afraid by using "this", I will be saying the "this" is from the class I am creating the thread from, rather than the one the function is in (I'm probably wrong, I need to learn more about this "this" guy). Here is an example of my source I am having the problem with.
class ANNGUI
boost::thread *GUIThread;
Main *GUIMain;
// Creates the entire GUI and all sub-parts.
int CreateGUI();
int ANNGUI::CreateGUI()
GUIMain = new Main();
GUIThread = new boost::thread(GUIMain->MainThreadFunc);
This isn't all the source, but I think my problem is in here somewhere, I know I have to deal with the "this" somehow, but I'm unsure how. I Could use a static function, but I didn't really want to make my variables static either.
Also, Is there any very good resource for using any boost libraries? Their web site documentation seems good, but over my head.
The this keyword is used with boost::bind when the function object you're creating is bound to a object member function. Member functions can't exist apart from instances, so when creating a functor object out of a member function with boost::bind, you need a pointer to an instance. That's exactly what the this keyword actually is. If you use the this keyword within a member function of a class, what you get is a pointer to the current instance of that class.
If you were to call bind from outside a class member function, you might say something like:
int main()
Foo f;
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Foo::some_function, &f));
Here, we're using Foo::some_function as our thread function. But we can't use this because we're calling bind from main. But the same thing could be achieved using this if we called bind from within a member function of Foo, like so:
void Foo::func1()
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Foo::some_function, this));
If a member function is static, or is simply a regular (non-member) function, then you don't need an instance pointer at all. You would just do:
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(some_regular_function);
As others mentioned, when you want to call an object method in a new thread, you have to supply the address of that object. But you don't need to call boost::bind, you can use the overloaded boost::thread constructor like this:
GUIThread = new boost::thread(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain);
If the method is in the same class you use this to get the address of the current instance, e.g.:
t = new boost::thread(&myclass::compute, this);
If the method has parameters, you can specify them after the second argument, e.g.:
t = new boost::thread(&myclass::compute, this, p1, p2);
boost::bind is your friend (it can sometimes have a rough way of showing it though)!
use GUIThread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain));
and then make your MainThreadFunc a regular member. That means that you can use the instance variables directly like you would normally do.
Something like this:
class GUIMain {
GUIMain() : m_Member(42) {}
void MainThreadFunc() {
// use all members as you would normally do
std::cout << m_Member << std::endl;
int m_Member;
In cases like this it is useful to think of non-static member functions as free functions that take the this as first parameter, for example in your case void MainThreadFunc(Main* this).
boost::thread accepts a nullary functor, so you have to pass it a nullary functor which contains a reference to the instance GUIMain and calls GUIMain->MainThreadFunc which, seen as I explained above, would be something like MainThreadFunc(GUIMain).
Boost (and now also C++ with TR1) provides helpers to create such functors, namely boost::bind (or alternatively boost::lambda::bind). The expression boost::bind(f, arg1, arg2, ...) means "return a nullary functor which calls f(arg1, arg2, ...)".
That said, you can use the following expression to create the thread:
GUIThread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain))
If your object is a functor, i.e. has an operator(), you can pass an instance of it to boost::thread. The operator() does not need to be static. For example:
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
struct th {
void operator()();
void th::operator()()
for (;;) {
// stuff
int main()
th t;
boost::thread my_thread( t ); // takes a copy of t !
my_thread.join(); // blocks
return 0;
Present is a class to register functions as callbacks.
class Action {
static std::multimap<std::string, std::function<void()>> actions;
static void registerAction(const std::string &key, std::function<void()> action);
Obviously it can not register member functions, as function pointer objects to member functions require the class to be specified, but every class should be able to register their functions. std::function<void(Class&)>
Using a template system, I couldn't access all actions from one "instance" of the static class I suppose. How could this be realized?
Example how it should look like:
class B {
B() {
Action::registerAction("some_action", &callMe);
void callMe(){}
Given that member functions taken an additional argument, you need to bind this argument. For example, you could use something like this:
Action::registerAction("come_action", std::bind(&callMe, this));
The bind() expression will created a function object taking no arguments. Obviously, for this approach to work, this needs to stick around long enough.
you could use std::bind or a lambda function
// std::bind
Action::registerAction( "bla", std::bind(&callMe, this) );
// lambda
Action::registerAction( "bla", [this]() { this->callMe(); } );
i would suggest reading up on lambda functions. Pretty easy to use, and much more powerful than std::bind.
I have a framework function which expects an object and a member function pointer (callback), like this:
do_some_work(Object* optr, void (Object::*fptr)()); // will call (optr->*fptr)()
How can I pass a lambda expression to it? Want to do somethink like this:
class MyObject : public Object
void mystuff()
do_some_work(this, [](){ /* this lambda I want to pass */ });
The meaning of it all is to not clutter the interface of MyObject class with callbacks.
I can improve do_some_work in no way because I don't control framework and because actually it isn't one function, there're hundreds of them. Whole framework is based on callbacks of that type. Common usage example without lambdas:
typedef void (Object::*Callback)();
class MyObject : public Object
void mystuff()
do_some_work(this, (Callback)(MyClass::do_work));
void do_work()
// here the work is done
SOLUTION Here's my solution based on Marcelo's answer:
class CallbackWrapper : public Object
fptr fptr_;
CallbackWrapper(void (*fptr)()) : fptr_(fptr) { }
void execute()
class MyObject : public Object
void mystuff()
CallbackWrapper* do_work = new CallbackWrapper([]()
/* this lambda is passed */
do_some_work(do_work, (Callback)(CallbackWrapper::execute));
Since we create the CallbackWrapper we can control it's lifetime for the cases where the callback is used asynchonously. Thanks to all.
This is impossible. The construct (optr->*fptr)() requires that fptr be a pointer-to-member. If do_some_work is under your control, change it to take something that's compatible with a lambda function, such as std::function<void()> or a parameterised type. If it's a legacy framework that isn't under your control, you may be able to wrap it, if it's a function template, e.g.:
template <typename Object>
do_some_work(Object* optr, void (Object::*fptr)());
Then, you can implement a wrapper template:
template <typename F>
void do_some_work(F f) {
struct S {
F f;
S(F f) : f(f) { }
void call() { f(); delete this; }
S* lamf = new S(f);
do_some_work(lamf, &S::call);
class MyObject // You probably don't need this class anymore.
void mystuff()
do_some_work([](){ /* Do your thing... */ });
Edit: If do_some_work completes asynchronously, you must allocate lamf on the heap. I've amended the above code accordingly, just to be on the safe side. Thanks to #David Rodriguez for pointing this out.
There are deeper problems with the approach that you are trying to take than the syntactical mismatch. As DeadMG suggests, the best solution is to improve the interface of do_some_work to take a functor of some sort (std::function<void()> in C++11 or with boost, or even a generic F on which operator() is called.
The solution provided by Marcelo solves the syntactical mismatch, but because the library takes the first element by pointer, it is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the object will be alive when the callback is executed. Assuming that the callback is asynchronous, the problem with his solution (and other similar alternatives) is that the object can potentially be destroyed before the callback is executed, causing undefined behavior.
I would suggest that you use some form of plimp idiom, where the goal in this case would be to hide the need for callbacks (because the rest of the implementation might not need to be hidden you could use just another class to handle the callbacks but store it by value, if you don't want do have to dynamically allocate more memory):
class MyClass;
class MyClassCallbacks {
MyClass* ptr;
MyClassCallbacks( MyClass* ptr ) : ptr(ptr) {}
// callbacks that execute code on `ptr`
void callback1() {
// do some operations
// update *ptr
class MyClass {
MyClassCallbacks callbackHandler;
void mystuff() {
do_some_work( &callbackHandler, &MyClassHandler::callback1 );
In this design, the two classes are separated but represent a unique single entity, so it is fine to add a friend declaration and let MyClassCallbacks access the internal data in MyClass (both of them are one single entity, divided only to provide a cleaner interface, but coupling is already high, so adding the extra coupling requiered by friend is no problem).
Because there is a 1-1 relationship between MyClass and MyClassCallbacks instances, their lifetimes are bound and there would be no lifetime issues, except during destruction. During destruction you must ensure that there is no callback registered that can kick in while the MyClass object is being destroyed.
Since you are at it, you might want to walk the extra mile and do a proper pimpl: move all of the data and implementation into a different type that is held by pointer, and offer a MyClass that stores a pointer and offers just the public functions, implemented as forwarders to the pimpl object. This could be somehow tricky as you are using inheritance, and the pimpl idiom is a bit cumbersome to implement on type hierarchies (if you need to extend MyClass, deriving from Object could be done in the pimpl object, rather than the interface type).
I don't think you can do that. Your do_some_work() is declared to accept pointer to methods of class Object, so such should be provided. Otherwise optr->*fptr is invalid since the lambda is not member of Object. Probably you should try using std::function and adding the needed members of Object in its closure.
You must use std::function<void()>. Both function and member function pointers are highly unsuited to being callbacks.
So I have done some research, and have found you can create a boost::thread object and have it start with a non-static class function by using "this" and boost::bind etc. It really doesn't make much sense to me and all the examples I could find had the boost::thread object launched within the same class as the function it was starting with so this could be used. I however, am launching the thread in a different class so I'm afraid by using "this", I will be saying the "this" is from the class I am creating the thread from, rather than the one the function is in (I'm probably wrong, I need to learn more about this "this" guy). Here is an example of my source I am having the problem with.
class ANNGUI
boost::thread *GUIThread;
Main *GUIMain;
// Creates the entire GUI and all sub-parts.
int CreateGUI();
int ANNGUI::CreateGUI()
GUIMain = new Main();
GUIThread = new boost::thread(GUIMain->MainThreadFunc);
This isn't all the source, but I think my problem is in here somewhere, I know I have to deal with the "this" somehow, but I'm unsure how. I Could use a static function, but I didn't really want to make my variables static either.
Also, Is there any very good resource for using any boost libraries? Their web site documentation seems good, but over my head.
The this keyword is used with boost::bind when the function object you're creating is bound to a object member function. Member functions can't exist apart from instances, so when creating a functor object out of a member function with boost::bind, you need a pointer to an instance. That's exactly what the this keyword actually is. If you use the this keyword within a member function of a class, what you get is a pointer to the current instance of that class.
If you were to call bind from outside a class member function, you might say something like:
int main()
Foo f;
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Foo::some_function, &f));
Here, we're using Foo::some_function as our thread function. But we can't use this because we're calling bind from main. But the same thing could be achieved using this if we called bind from within a member function of Foo, like so:
void Foo::func1()
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Foo::some_function, this));
If a member function is static, or is simply a regular (non-member) function, then you don't need an instance pointer at all. You would just do:
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(some_regular_function);
As others mentioned, when you want to call an object method in a new thread, you have to supply the address of that object. But you don't need to call boost::bind, you can use the overloaded boost::thread constructor like this:
GUIThread = new boost::thread(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain);
If the method is in the same class you use this to get the address of the current instance, e.g.:
t = new boost::thread(&myclass::compute, this);
If the method has parameters, you can specify them after the second argument, e.g.:
t = new boost::thread(&myclass::compute, this, p1, p2);
boost::bind is your friend (it can sometimes have a rough way of showing it though)!
use GUIThread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain));
and then make your MainThreadFunc a regular member. That means that you can use the instance variables directly like you would normally do.
Something like this:
class GUIMain {
GUIMain() : m_Member(42) {}
void MainThreadFunc() {
// use all members as you would normally do
std::cout << m_Member << std::endl;
int m_Member;
In cases like this it is useful to think of non-static member functions as free functions that take the this as first parameter, for example in your case void MainThreadFunc(Main* this).
boost::thread accepts a nullary functor, so you have to pass it a nullary functor which contains a reference to the instance GUIMain and calls GUIMain->MainThreadFunc which, seen as I explained above, would be something like MainThreadFunc(GUIMain).
Boost (and now also C++ with TR1) provides helpers to create such functors, namely boost::bind (or alternatively boost::lambda::bind). The expression boost::bind(f, arg1, arg2, ...) means "return a nullary functor which calls f(arg1, arg2, ...)".
That said, you can use the following expression to create the thread:
GUIThread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain))
If your object is a functor, i.e. has an operator(), you can pass an instance of it to boost::thread. The operator() does not need to be static. For example:
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
struct th {
void operator()();
void th::operator()()
for (;;) {
// stuff
int main()
th t;
boost::thread my_thread( t ); // takes a copy of t !
my_thread.join(); // blocks
return 0;
I want to implement a class in c++ that has a callback.
So I think I need a method that has 2 arguments:
the target object. (let's say
the pointer to a member function of
the target object. (so i can do
*myObj->memberFunc(); )
The conditions are:
myObj can be from any class.
the member function that is gonna be the callback function is non-static.
I've been reading about this but it seems like I need to know the class of myObj before hand. But I am not sure how to do it. How can I handle this? Is this possible in C++?
This is something I have in mind but is surely incorrect.
class MyClassWithCallback{
void *targetObj;
void (*callback)(int number);
void setCallback(void *myObj, void(*callbackPtr)(int number)){
targetObj = myObj;
callback = callbackPtr;
void callCallback(int a){
class Target{
int res;
void doSomething(int a){//so something here. This is gonna be the callback function};
int main(){
Target myTarget;
MyClassWithCallback myCaller;
myCaller.setCallback((void *)&myTarget, &doSomething);
I appreciate any help.
Thank you.
Most of you said Observing and Delegation, well that's i exactly what i am looking for, I am kind of a Objective-C/Cocoa minded guy.
My current implementation is using interfaces with virtual functions. Is just I thought it would be "smarter" to just pass the object and a member function pointer (like boost!) instead of defining an Interface. But It seems that everybody agrees that Interfaces are the easiest way right? Boost seems to be a good idea, (assuming is installed)
The best solution, use boost::function with boost::bind, or if your compiler supports tr1/c++0x use std::tr1::function and std::tr1::bind.
So it becomes as simple as:
boost::function<void()> callback;
Target myTarget;
callback(); // calls the function
And your set callback becomes:
class MyClassWithCallback{
void setCallback(boost::function<void()> const &cb)
callback_ = cb;
void call_it() { callback_(); }
boost::function<void()> callback_;
Otherwise you need to implement some abstract class
struct callback {
virtual void call() = 0;
virtual ~callback() {}
struct TargetCallback {
virtual void call() { ((*self).*member)()); }
void (Target::*member)();
Target *self;
TargetCallback(void (Target::*m)(),Target *p) :
And then use:
myCaller.setCallback(new TargetCallback(&Target::doSomething,&myTarget));
When your class get modified into:
class MyClassWithCallback{
void setCallback(callback *cb)
void call_it() { callback_->call(); }
std::auto_ptr<callback> callback_;
And of course if the function you want to call does not change you may just implement some interface, i.e. derive Target from some abstract class with this call.
One trick is to use interfaces instead, that way you don't need specifically to know the class in your 'MyClassWithCallback', if the object passed in implements the interface.
e.g. (pseudo code)
struct myinterface
void doSomething()=0;
class Target : public myinterface { ..implement doSomething... };
myinterface *targetObj;
void setCallback(myinterface *myObj){
targetObj = myObj;
doing the callback
setting it up:
Target myTarget;
MyClassWithCallback myCaller;
The Observer design pattern seems to be what you're looking for.
You have a few basic options:
1) Specify what class the callback is going to use, so that the object pointer and member function pointer types are known, and can be used in the caller. The class might have several member functions with the same signature, which you can choose between, but your options are quite limited.
One thing that you've done wrong in your code is that member function pointers and free function pointers in C++ are not the same, and are not compatible types. Your callback registration function takes a function pointer, but you're trying to pass it a member function pointer. Not allowed. Furthermore, the type of the "this" object is part of the type of a member function pointer, so there's no such thing in C++ as "a pointer to any member function which takes an integer and returns void". It has to be, "a pointer to any member function of Target which takes an integer and returns void". Hence the limited options.
2) Define a pure virtual function in an interface class. Any class which wants to receive the callback therefore can inherit from the interface class. Thanks to multiple inheritance, this doesn't interfere with the rest of your class hierarchy. This is almost exactly the same as defining an Interface in Java.
3) Use a non-member function for the callback. The for each class which wants to use it, you write a little stub free function which takes the object pointer and calls the right member function on it. So in your case you'd have:
dosomething_stub(void *obj, int a) {
((Target *)obj)->doSomething(a);
4) Use templates:
template<typename CB> class MyClassWithCallback {
CB *callback;
void setCallback(CB &cb) { callback = &cb; }
void callCallback(int a) {
class Target {
void operator()(int a) { /* do something; */ }
int main() {
Target t;
MyClassWithCallback<T> caller;
Whether you can use templates depends whether your ClassWithCallback is part of some big old framework - if so then it might not be possible (to be precise: might require some more tricks, such as a template class which inherits from a non-template class having a virtual member function), because you can't necessarily instantiate the entire framework once for each callback recipient.
Also, look at the Observer Pattern and signals and slots . This extends to multiple subscribers.
In C++, pointers to class methods are hardly used. The fact that you called in - it is delegates and their use is not recommended. Instead of them, you must use virtual functions and abstract classes.
However, C++ would not have been so fond of me, if it not supported completely different concepts of programming. If you still want delegates, you should look towards "boost functional" (part of C + +0 x), it allows pointers to methods of classes regardless of the class name. Besides, in C++ Builder has type __closure - implementation of a delegate at the level of the compiler.
P.S. Sorry for bad English...