good/full Boot Spirit examples using version 2 syntax - c++

Almost all of the examples I've gone and looked at so far from: use the old syntax. I've read and re-read the actual documentation at and the examples therein. I know Joel is starting a compiler series on the blog but that hasn't gotten in full swing yet. Any other resources to see worked examples using some more sophisticated/involved aspects in the context of fully working applications?

Well, there is always the examples directory in Boost SVN: $BOOST_ROOT/libs/spirit/example containing a couple of more sophisticated things to look at. The tests directory adjacent to this contains a huge amount of small tests scrutinizing each and every technique we know of as well.
In addition, Joel and I will have a presentation about the progress we made with the compiler thing you mentioned at BoostCon next week. All of the material will be available right after the talk and all the related code is already in the examples directory in Boost SVN (trunk). We probably will start writing about this effort on the Spirit website after the conference.
I know this is not as much as we have for Spirit.Classic in the application repository, but we really hope to get there over time... Everything depends on what will get contributed by the people using Spirit!


Is There Documentation for xUnit++

xUnit++ isn't the same thing as xUnit, and google doesn't point me to any good documentation. The xUnit++ site has a Wiki, with about five pages of general stuff, but no real specifics and no tutorials.
Does anyone know of any relatively complete, or detailed, documentation of xUnit++. Also, if you know of any tutorials, that would be great!
At the moment, there isn't. I opened an issue about this on the author's homepage over a month ago. The link is here.
It can be assumed that he's busy because good programmers are usually swamped.
I would suggest making a bitbucket account to comment on the issue, or asking the author to move his repository to something like GitHub, where the community would take care of the rest of the work for him.
It might be a little bit difficult because he is currently using mecurial for his version control.
Not much of an answer, but there are other people looking for the same information as you.
[Change 2016-05-10]
I started using The Catch Framework for doing unit test in C and C++ approximately 2 months after answering this question. It is fairly well documented and in active development on GitHub. It might be worth a try.

What are some resources for Linux developers learning OpenAL Effects Extension (EFX)?

What are some resources for Linux developers learning OpenAL Effects Extension (EFX)? Creative's site and google did not seem to offer much in the way of documentation or tutorials. Any pointers to references are greatly appreciated.
The only kind of good source that I know is the "Effects Extension Guide" which comes as a PDF with the SDK (no official documentation is available on the internet otherwise, many attempts to find something have been futile, you also cannot download the Effects Extension Guide separately, it's only available with the SDK).
The SDK also comes with some mildly helpful EFX examples about how to query and initialize EFX, and a reverb example (which cynically needs OpenAL Soft on my computer, since it doesn't run properly with the Creative implementation).
While rather detailled, the Effects Extension Guide is unluckily (at least partly) written in a way that is not immediately comprehensive for someone not being an audio engineer.
Other than that, there exist about half a dozen master thesis papers (some in German) which contain a lot of blah blah but don't tell you much, and there are a few very basic usage examples on the net, such as this one.
Most of it, you'll sadly have figure yourself from the Effects Extension Guide.

Where is a good place for a code review?

A few colleagues and I created a simple packet capturing application based on libpcap, GTK+ and sqlite as a project for a Networks Engineering course at our university. While it (mostly) works, I am trying to improve my programming skills and would appreciate it if members of the community could look at what we've put together.
Is this a good place to ask for such a review? If not, what are good sites I can throw this question up on? The source code is hosted by Google Code ( and an executable is available for download (Windows only, though it does compile on Linux and should compile on OS X Leopard as well provided one has gtk+ SDK installed).
Thanks, everyone!
-Carlos Nunez
UPDATE: Thanks for the great feedback, everyone. The code is completely open-source and modifiable (licensed under Apache License 2.0). I was hoping to get more holistic feedback, considering that my postings would still be very lengthy.
As sheepsimulator mentioned, GitHub is good. I would also recommend posting your project on and/or Both are active developer communities where people often peruse projects like yours. The best thing for your code would be if someone found it useful and decided to extend it. Then, you'd probably end up with plenty of bug fixes and constructive criticism.
You might get some mileage by posting the code out in the public space (through github or some other open-posting forum), putting a link here on SO, and seeing what happens.
You could also make it an open-source project, and see if people find it and use it.
Probably your best bet is to talk to your prof/classmates, find some professional programmers willing to devote their time, and have them review the code. Like American Idol-esque judging, but for your software...
As #Noah states, this is not the site for code review. You may present problems and what you did to overcome those problems, asking if a given solution would be the best.
I found a neat little website that might be what you are looking for:

Parsing HTML to find specific links (Without Keywords)

I posted about this sort of earlier, but I am not sure how to post back to my original question as I can only comment or answer my own question.
Anyways, I need to get 4 links from a website, the latest stable build links for windows and linux, and the latest development build links for windows and linux (4 links total) within my C++ application.
I can download the page ( with LibCURL which is already implemented in the project, but after that I am not sure. I was looking at parsers, but I can't think of how I am going to discern link from link. Obviously using a parser I could get the first link from each table, but this does not seem efficient and would only provide me with the links to windows builds.
It looks like the links I need will be in the fourth in both tables, but I am just very familiar with a good way to go about this, so any help would be appreciated.
Maybe you'll find the location of the actual downloads,, easier to parse.
I'm not too familiar with c++, but if you don't come across any better solutions there's BeautifulSoup for Python that is really nice for parsing Html and even deals with malformed documents well. And here's an highly rated CodeProject article on embedding Python in C/C++ that claims "This is written for programmers who are more experienced in C/C++ than in Python, the tutorial takes a practical approach and omits all theoretical discussions."
(I haven't read through it personally, as I mentioned, not terribly familiar with C++)

Experiences with Adobe's "Adam and Eve" C++ GUI library?

I tried out the demo application which was pretty impressive. However building it and integrating it with my own code is hard because it's such a large project.
Has anyone successfully used it for their own projects? Was is difficult to build and integrate with your own C++ code?
Link: STLab.
For the interested: there's also a Google Tech Talk clarifying the philosophical ideas behind the project.
ASL is used fairly heavily within Adobe. The layout library (Eve) is used in many Adobe products and variants of it have been in use since Photoshop 5. The property model library (Adam) got a little use in CS4 and will likely be used more in future products. I can no longer speak with certainty because I left Adobe a few months ago and am now working at Google. I still put in some time on ASL and continue to collaborate with Prof. Jarvi and some of his students on the property model library (see the paper on the ASL wiki).
It can be a bit difficult to integrate with your product. The platform libraries in ASL (backends to Adam and Eve for Windows and Mac Carbon) started as some small example code, then the community started to refine it (the Windows port was initially a community effort), then we had some ambition to make it a real, supported library. But then Apple dropped Carbon for 64 bits and Adobe's framework plans changed so we weren't able to leverage our efforts here inside Adobe. Because of this the platform libraries are a little shaky - if your code base is already using a framework you might consider integrating Adam and Eve directly (the API for both libraries is very small). There are two challenges with integrating with a framework. Eve needs good metrics to do a good layout, including things like baselines - getting that from your UI toolkit may be tough. The property model library assumes a strict model/view/controller pattern that most UI toolkits don't obey so you have to do a bit of adapting. Feel free to ask questions on the ASL mailing list. We can also help with building - it really isn't as complex as it seems.
I watched the Tech Talk.. He sort of lost me when he showed the real world example code and then a massively shorter version using his model... I suspect that his implementation, just like anything else, would in practice be bogged down by real world considerations if actually pursued to solve real problems...
That said, it was interesting... The first half of the talk was great... I especially liked his assertion that Generic programming is the mathematics of coding...