I am looking for a blogging and comments system that can smoothly integrate with my Django sites. I've found there is a lot on the Net and got lost a bit, and I don't have much experience on this. Hope you guys can give me some suggestions.
Here are the things that I would like to have:
Tag Clouds
Articles Archive (by months/by years)
Articles Rating (e.g. with Stars or customize icons)
Comments to the particular Topic/Articles
Sub-Comments of a particular comments (i.e. following up comments)
Blogs/Articles Searching
Able to relate other articles that is relevant (i.e. follow up Articles)
Pagination of the comments if get too long
OpenIDs supports (e.g. facebook, hotmail, blogger, twitter...etc)
Support login before user can comments
Able to retrieve Blogs' Header and customized the display order
Able to subscribe this article to RSS
Able to Email this to friends (this may not belongs to the comments system)
If I missed some common functions, please let me know. The comments system I am looking for should do most jobs that those popular comments system should do on the web, e.g. WordPress.
Thank you so much everyone. Have a nice day.
I myself really like django-threadedcomments. It supports threaded commenting like what you would see in Disqus.
i heard django-comment-utils is quite good. - may you test it :)
We operate a ColdFusion site with a custom CSS acting as a directory of various companies. Depending on the type of company, we have a set of subpages containing specific information pulled from the CMS about the company, such as "location/directions". We're looking to add functionality enabling users to add comments to the existing content. I'm looking for suggestions on open source or other available ColdFusion software out there that could work for this. While we could write something custom, commenting tools have been done a thousand times and probably better than we can do it.
While what we're looking for sounds like a blog or forum, its more of a hybrid. We'd like to be able to add functionality enabling commenting on the content we post in the context we post it in. Seems like there must be something out there that can be easily modified and integrated with our CMS.
Does anyone know of anything out there we should look into?
I'm going to vote to close this too, as per the others, but here's an answer anyway.
If you just want to add commenting to existing content, perhaps use Disqus. It's not locally installable (and is not CFML-based; it's all JS), but it does handle most things one would need if just wanting to add comments to a site.
If you want a native, self-managed solution, unfortunately StackOverflow have deemed that sort of question "unworthy", so you'll need to ask elsewhere. Despite being an entirely reasonable question, for which the answers would be helpful to other people later on (which is - in theory - the raison d'etre of Stack Overflow. Although that's hard to tell, sometimes).
I have googled for to find a topic of a site and end with delicious.com but that is not that kind of helpfull..is there any other way to find it?? I am not talking about meta tags or description but catagory of a site...any Ideas??
I hate to give an answer to such a sloppy and carelessly written question, but nonetheless...
If you are looking to categorize a specific website, try typing this into google site:http://www.google.com/dirhp?hl=en along with the website you want to categorize and see if you get any results.
If you question is to find websites in a certain category, then try google's categorized directory. It's different than a normal web search.
and... If this answer helped you, please click the checkbox next to it.
I want to do something a bit like they have on IMDb - every film and every person has a forum dedicated just to them. I also want to have a forum on the main message boards, which would show all the threads from the film pages and another forum for all the threads from the people pages.
I've been looking at DjangoBB, Dinette and Sphene (SCT). DjangoBB looks like it has the most features and it's very elegant. Dinette doesn't seem that far behind. Sphene has a few disadvantages - less features I think and it makes me dependent on Sphene's Community app, but it seems like it might be the easiest to use in my scenario - I've seen examples of Sphene being used in similar fashion.
I'm pretty sure all three can be made to do more or less what I want, but would love some opinions on what might work best for me.
Another thing to consider: you could just use django-threadedcomments. It won't be as full-featured as installing a full forum solution, but has the advantage of being very compact and flexible -- basically, threaded comments can be attached to anything (a Person, a Film, etc).
It appears that DjangoBB and Dinette are not set up so that forums could attach themselves to a record in this fashion. Not sure about Sphene but it sounds like you'd have to use the entire community app.
I've set up a very, very simple Discussion app that could perform what you want. If you're interested let me know and I'll put it up on github for you to take a look at. Note that it's not at all full-featured like the ones you mentioned.
A bit late to answer this, but I think it might be worth mentioning The Pinax Project, which is django-based and is geared toward rapid development of social websites with many applications integrated together and customizeable at the user-level.
I am using the built in comment system with Django but it has started to be spammed. Can anyone recommend anything I can use to stop this such as captcha for django etc. I'm looking for something that I can use along with the comment system rather than replacing it.
Do you use all the fields of the built in comments-form? There is a honeypot-field to help prevent spam (see the docs). Would django-simple-captcha help?
see if this snippet can help you to use Akismet on you Django comments
Depending on the popularity of your site, I decreased my spam 100% by putting up a static captcha with no obstructions. If your site isn't hugely popular, spammers won't waste their time trying to crack your captcha. I mainly bring this up, because these days it seems like captchas are becoming harder and harder for humans to read consistently (might just be me, but the Google captcha usually takes at least two tries).
Do you use a wiki in your company? Who uses it and what for. Do you share information between projects / teams / departments or not?
We use ours to store
Coding Style docs
Setup and Deployment procedures for web servers and sites
Network diagrams (what are all the servers in Dev, Staging, QA and Production called etc.)
Project docs (pdfs, visios, excel, docs, etc.) are stored in SVN. For the non-techies we have links to those docs in the wiki that point to an up-to-date share on my box. (tip: some wikis provide source control integration but ours doesn't)
Installation and Setup procedures for development tools
Howto's on things like using our bug tracking system, our unit testing philosophy
When doing research on a topic I often capture the important information in a wiki page for others to learn from
I've seen them used to keep seating charts in medium to large size organizations for the new people
At my previous company all of the emergency contacts and procedures for handling a critical outage where available on the front page of the wiki
The best part about a wiki is that it's searchable. Some wiki's support searching inside uploaded or linked docs as well.
If you setup a wiki and encourage or even require people to use it the amount of information that will accumulate can be amazing. It's definately worth the effort especially if you have someone in IT with some spare time on their hands to set it up.
Do you use a wiki in your company?
= We use it for the purpose of a Knowlede Based. Basically it is a wiki but many more functionalities intagrated.
Who uses it and what for
= Employees. Knowledge Sharing, Preparation of collaborative-documents, etc.
Do you share information between projects / teams / departments or not?
= Depends on the requirements. It is possible to set permissions between users.
We use a wiki, for documenting our systems. It's updated gradually as things update and evolve. It should go without saying that there's benefit in that, however whether you use a wiki or other methods is worth thinking about.
A wiki is great for collarborative editing. The information shouldn't go stale in theory, because as people use the systems they have the opportunity to keep it up to date.
However we have found in our organisation that people struggle a little with wiki markup. Especially tables. I think a solution that has wysiwyg editing would be better if you have non-highly-technical people editing it. Sharepoint springs to mind, but it's expensive.
I use a wiki as my virtual "story wall" for agile development. All of my stories are written and organized in the wiki. While my customers are reasonably local (we can have face-to-face meetings), they aren't co-located. To enable better customer interaction I've resorted to a wiki instead of a wall-based story tracking mechanism. It also works a little better for me due to the fact that I often have multiple, concurrent projects and limited wall space in my cube. In a larger team with more focused projects and more wall area, I'm not sure I'd make the same choice.
My company uses a wiki for project-planing but also for storing documentation and ideas.
I have found that a wiki is a great way to link the programmers in the company with the business-people.
When someone who are not on the programming-team comes up with an idea or finds a bug, it's a loot simpler to let that person document it in the wiki.
I think it's an important aspect for a small company like mine to easily synchronize the business-team with the development-team. A wiki helps with that, since it gives the feeling of being a part of the development process, instead of having to ask the programmer directly about every little detail.
we have MediaWiki to store technical information that is not ready to be published in other formats - specification drafts, diagrams (via GraphViz extension), results of short investigations, etc.
I also think this question is a wiki too :)