Compare contents of two files in Dreamweaver - compare

Is it possible to compare the contents of two files in Dreamweaver?

However, dreamweaver doesn't have native compare tool.
You will need to download a third-party merge or "diff" utility and configure Dreamweaver to integrate with this program.
WinMerge utility
To configure dreamweaver use compare tool go to:
Edit -> Preferences (CTRL + U) -> File Compare -> "Browse..." for executable file of compare tool

Download and install notepad++ (a wonderful free editor).
If you want to compare two local files:
Open the two files in notepad++.
Choose Plugins -> Compare (or alt-D).
If you want to compare a remote file with some other file, follow the instructions in Dreamweaver Help for comparing files. Tell DW you will use notepad++.

Don't think that DreamWeaver has that functionality, but it has been a little while. I use's free. Can be found here.

Dreamweaver 8 is able to do so (according to Adobe), however, you have to install a third-party-product to enable it (so I doubt that one can call this beeing able).
Here are some links:
My choice when it comes to comparing two files is WinMerge:


Compare two files in Sublime Text 3

I am not able to compare two files in sublime text 3. I have selected the two files I want to compare, however there is no Diff File option when searching for option through right click..
You have to install a package such as:
Sublimerge, FileDiffs, Diffy between others.
Once you have it installed, just follow the instructions of the creator.
Useful links:
Use third party software Code Compare to compare code file and whole project.

On Eclipse, is there a way to modify several include paths in one shot?

I'm trying to change the include paths from relative path to fixed path. Is there a way to do it in a bulk? Or do I need to manually edit one by one?
I'm currently going to
C/C++ Build -> Settings -> ** Compiler -> Includes
And have to manually edit the path from something like:
I wonder if there's a way to export this to an XML file or something and then import it.
Thank you!
I've had this issue before in a workspace that contains more than 40+ similar C++ projects. The way I deal with it is to write a shell script that modifies the .cproject files on disk:
Use find to recursively find the .cproject files that I need to modify.
Use sed to search and replace inside each file using sed s/find-expression/replace-expression/g < .cproject > .cproject.tmp.
When I'm happy that the .cproject.tmp files contain the correct replacements then I add mv .cproject.tmp .cproject to the script to finalise the operation.
Since you're using Windows you'll need to get your projects into an environment where shell-scripting is easy - cygwin or msys are both powerful enough to do this.
In C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Includes ... (then possibly your language), there is an export settings button which has a checkbox which includes the includes path. To import these settings into another project, you would use the import settings button when you open the properties to the same place in another project.

Running NotePad++ from Command line with Compare Plugin showing compare result

I am trying to find a way to call notepad++ from command line with compare plugin showing the compare result providing I pass 2 files name which I want to compare.
Think like I have a batch file, which does some work and result is opening notepad++ showing 2 files in compare mode. (Yes, compare plugin is installed)
If anyone has any other suggestion to using any other editor or software also welcome..
The command is Notepad++\plugins\ComparePlugin\compare.exe file1 file2.
Download the compare plugin Installing the compare plugin from the plugin manager within Notepad++ does not install the requisite exe. I assume you could also build from source to obtain the exe.
Follow the manual installation instructions in the readme:
To install manually, copy ComparePlugin.dll and ComparePlugin subfolder
into the plugins directory C:\Program Files\Notepad++\Plugins.
For a portable Notepad++ installation, you need to run the command from a directory above the notepad++ directory (or with absolute path of exe), otherwise you get an error that Notepad++.exe is not found.
The commands look like this:
>cd C:\portapps\Notepad++
>cd ..
>Notepad++\plugins\ComparePlugin\compare.exe C:\files\file1.txt C:\files\file2.txt
ufo's answer put me on the right track but it did not contain the commands to run.
There's a tool called NppCompareLoader doing exactly what you want. Simply drop it in the N++ installation folder. I'm using it since many years as a diff viewer for TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit, thus you should certainly be able to call it right from command line.
Since the (unofficial) Compare-plug-in version the additional loader mentioned above isn't required anymore. There's already one included in the plug-in. Here's the regarding change-log fragment:
NEW: Loader for using N++ as an external diff viewer (e.g. in TortoiseSVN, TortoiseGit, ..)

How to add and use .zip (or .pak) files to c++ project?

I'm compiling CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) for our local html5 presentation.
I should say I'm very new for all this (CEF and C++).
I've already optimized cefclient project for the presentation, but I need to embed all html/js/css/etc files into project (reading from local storage is not an option).
As I understood, I should use .zip or .pak (renamed zip) files to embed. But how can I use them inside the project?
Should I use some lib for unzipping (zlib?) or there is another popular way? And how can I be sure that files will be compiled into project?
Sorry for such basic questions but there are very few information about this (or google hates me today).
Thank you for any help!
UPD: found great tool - WBEA (, it looks like exactly what I want to, but works pretty slow (with JS).
UPD 2: It turns out that there are many ways to make HTML5 desktop application, for example Node-Webkit.
Here is an article that compares some of them
You need:
Create zip file whitin your resources.
Embed it as win32 resource (after this step you will get correct executable with .zip file inside).
Create custom scheme handler to access this zip file.
CefZipReader class will be handly to implement handler from step 3.
Look around, may be something like what you want already exist somewhere.
This sounds very similar to self extracting installers.
No need to compile anything, just concatenate the zip to the end of the executable. All you need to do is find the offset at runtime from the start of the executable. This can be done easily by writing a large magic number and looking for it later.
Example Linux:
cat app magic_number data > new_app
Example Windows:
copy app.exe /B + magic.dat /B + data.dat /B new_app.exe

how to install cc-mode-5.32.3? (hightling in C++ mode of emacs)

I am editting my C++ program on a unix cluster by using emacs. I wanna emacs to highlight key words in C++. After searching online, I decide to install cc-mode-5.3.3. But I stuck here:
follow the readme instruction at
After byte compiling, I don't understand
Put the compiled files somewhere (X)Emacs will find them, i.e. in
some path that's in the load-path variable. You must make sure
they are found before any CC Mode files which are distributed with
(X)Emacs. A directory has higher precendence than all directories
after it in the load-path list.
GNU Emacs comes together with cc-mode installed by default, so you don't need to install it manually. To enable symbols hightlighting, you need to set variable global-font-lock-mode to true value, for example, by using M-x customize-variable global-font-lock-mode, switching it to t, and pressing Apply and Save.
P.S. Are you running Emacs in console, or in graphical mode? If in console, then you could be need to setup corresponding font-lock faces. Use the M-x customize-face command to set faces whose names are starting with font-lock-