How to reliably identify users across Internet? - cookies

I know this is a big one. In fact, it may be used for some SO community wiki.
Anyways, I am running a website that DOES NOT use explicit authentication of users. It's public as in open to everybody. However, due to the nature of the service, some users need to be locked out due to misbehavior.
I am currently blocking IP addresses, but I am aware of the supposed fact that many people purposefully reset their DHCP client cache to have their ISP assign them new addresses. Is that a fact? I think it certainly is a lucrative possibility for some people who want to circumvent being denied access.
So IPs turn out to be a suboptimal way of dealing with this. But there is nothing else, is it?
MAC addresses don't survive on WAN (change from hop to hop?), and even if they did - these can also be spoofed, although I think less easily than IP renewal.
Cookies and even Flash cookies are out of the question, because there are tons of "tutorials" how to wipe these, and those intent on wreaking havoc on Internet are well aware and well equipped against such rudimentary measures I would employ.
Is there anything else to lean on? I was thinking heuristical profiling - collecting available data from client-side and forming some key with it, but have not gone as far as to implementing it - is it an option?

Due to the nature of the internet, this isn't practically possible. Yes, you can block specfic IPs, but as you've said, it's easy enough for the average "misbehaver" to simply change their IP. Even MAC addresses can be spoofed. This is why sites with these problems use authentication. It's the only real solution.

You are not going to be able to completely block a user who is determined to access your site. You can, however, make it difficult enough for them that it isn't worth their time.

As others have said, this is an impossible problem. Anyone determined enough can always find another way in. The canonical example of this problem is with Wikipedia, and you can read about the various blocking steps they take here:

The simple answer is that this is impossible. As others (including yourself) have already said, anyone determined will find another way.
You can block IPs or use cookies, to deter the casual troublemaker. Someone who just wants to post rude words in blog comments will probably go elsewhere, but it won't scare off someone who wants to cause trouble on your site specifically,
If this misbehaviour is a serious problem for you, then I think your only recourse is to require authentication for any kind of access that could be subject to such abuse.
You can minimise the annoyance to your users by using OAuth, and accepting many different providers, much as SO does, rather than forcing all your users to sign up and memorise yet another set of login credentials.


Crossplatform library for uniquely identifying the machine my app is currently running on?

So I have next situation - shared file system, over N alike machines. My app is run on all of them. I need to understand on which machine my app runs in each instance - some unique ID... Is there such thing, is it possible to emulate it? Is there any crossplatform library that would help with that?
There are two concerns here, security and stability of your matching.
Hardware characteristics are a good place to start. Things like MAC address, CPU, hdd identifiers.
These things theoretically can change. If a hdd failed you probably would lose whatever configuration you had on the system as well. I could see a system that sent a hash of each characteristic separately work alright. If 4 out of 5 matched, you could probably guess that their network card caught on fire and it was replaced.
If you just need a head count, you may not even be interested that this new system with a different signature used to be another one.
Usually, people aren't too concerned with security with these systems; they just want to track resources on a network. If someone wanted to spoof the hardware identifiers they could. For simple cases, I would look into an installer that registered a salted identifier. If you really need something terribly secure you might start looking at commercial products (or ask another question about the security aspects specifically).
Both of these are error prone obviously. I'm not sure you should even fully automate it in those cases. Think about a case where network cards were behaving weird and you swapped them with another machine.
Human eyes are pretty good, let an administrator use them. At worst, they can probably figure things out with a quick email. Just give them enough information to make an informed decision when something does go wrong. Really, if you just log everything a human should be able to recreate the scenario and make a decision. Most of these things won't change daily. There is more work when hardware fails, not every day.

Protecting a program from unauthorised use/"crackers"

I am writing a piece of software in C++ which is targeted at a market in which software is traditionally heavily cracked (or at least, attempted to be). I realise that nothing can be completely protected, however I feel that trying would be a good idea and also I think some of the specifics of the situation that I'm in might be helpful.
Firstly, it would not be annoying to the user that they must have an internet connection to use the software. I hate it when games etc. do this too, but the software requires an internet connection to function anyway due to its purpose, so this wouldn't hinder a normal user.
Secondly, it depends fairly heavily on external scripts written by me and/or supplied by third-parties, so I can have these stored on some website somewhere meaning that people who crack the software will have to also track down new copies of the scripts, which may annoy them into becoming legit.
Thirdly, new versions will, by definition due to what the app does, have to be released very often, weekly or every two weeks max. The program will obviously have an autoupdater, but since I am churning out (required to function) updates so often, any sort of key-based encryption or whatever could possibly have the keys/method change every update, and I am capable of breaking existing cracks when they do happen.
Does anyone know of any available solutions or techniques I could implement which fit the bill?
If you application is doing some sort of data processing or analysis, you can protect it by putting that part into a web service (maybe in a cloud) that your client application connects and authenticate to and then receive results from. So even if your client application is reversed engineered, it would be missing that important piece of processing.
If your application is web based, you get the same effect too.
I've previously used CrypKey successfully.
I'm going to guess that older copies of the software are far less useful than the latest copy.
If that's the case, then you already have a powerful anti-cracker technology in place: your update mechanism. When you become aware of a hacked version of your software, then you can immediately check for it, and cause trouble for users of the hacked software.

Machine ID for Mac OS?

I need to calculate a machine id for computers running MacOS, but I don't know where to retrieve the informations - stuff like HDD serial numbers etc. The main requirement for my particular application is that the user mustn't be able to spoof it. Before you start laughing, I know that's far fetched, but at the very least, the spoofing method must require a reboot.
The best solution would be one in C/C++, but I'll take Objective-C if there's no other way. The über-best solution would not need root privileges.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Erik's suggestion of system_profiler (and its underlying, but undocumented SystemProfiler.framework) is your best hope. Your underlying requirement is not possible, and any solution without hardware support will be pretty quickly hackable. But you can build a reasonable level of obfuscation using system_profiler and/or SystemProfiler.framework.
I'm not sure your actual requirements here, but these posts may be useful:
Store an encryption key in Keychain while application installation process (this was related to network authentication, which sounds like your issue)
Obfuscating Cocoa (this was more around copy-protection, which may not be your issue)
I'll repeat here what I said in the first posting: It is not possible, period, not possible, to securely ensure that only your client can talk to your server. If that is your underlying requirement, it is not a solvable problem. I will expand that by saying it's not possible to construct your program such that people can't take out any check you put in, so if the goal is licensing, that also is not a completely solvable problem. The second post above discusses how to think about that problem, though, from a business rather than engineering point of view.
EDIT: Regarding your request to require a reboot, remember that Mac OS X has kernel extensions. By loading a kernel extension, it is always possible to modify how the system sees itself at runtime without a reboot. In principle, this would be a Mac rootkit, which is not fundamentally any more complex than a Linux rootkit. You need to carefully consider who your attacker is, but if your attackers include Mac kernel hackers (which is not an insignificant group), then even a reboot requirement is not plausible. This isn't to say that you can't make spoofing annoying for the majority of users. It's just always possible by a reasonably competent attacker. This is true on all modern OSes; there's nothing special here about Mac.
The tool /usr/sbin/system_profiler can provide you with a list of serial numbers for various hardware components. You might consider using those values as text to generate an md5 hash or something similar.
How about getting the MAC ID of a network card attached to a computer using ifconfig?

C++ Intellectual Property Protection/Anti-Reversing

I've seen a lot of discussion on here about copy protection. I am more interested in anti-reversing and IP protection.
There are solutions such as Safenet and HASP that claim to encrypt the binary, but are these protected from reversing when used with a valid key?
What kinds of strategies can be used to obfuscate code and throw off reversers? Are there any decent commercial implementations out there?
I know most protection schemes can be cracked, but the goal here is to delay the ability to reverse the software in question, and make it much more blatant if another company tries to implement these methods.
There are solutions such as Safenet and HASP that claim to encrypt the binary, but are these protected from reversing when used with a valid key?
No. A dedicated reverse engineer can decrypt it, because the operating system has to be able to decrypt it in order to run it.
Personally, I wouldn't worry. Admittedly I don't know anything about your business, but it seems to me that reverse engineering C++ is relatively difficult compared to languages like Java or .NET. That will be enough protection to see off all but the most determined attackers.
However, a determined attacker will always be able to get past whatever you implement, because at some point it has to be turned into a bunch of CPU instructions and executed. You can't prevent them from reading that.
But that's a lot of effort for a non-trivial program. It seems a lot more likely to me that somebody might just create a competitor after seeing your program in action (or even just from your marketing material). It's probably easier than trying to reverse engineer yours, and avoids any potential legal issues. That isn't something you can (or should) prevent.
hire some of the people I've worked with over the years, they will completely obfuscate the source code!
Read this
There are two main areas on this:
Obfuscation - Often means renaming and stripping symbols. Some may also rearrange code by equivalent code transformations. Executable packers also typically employ anti-debugging logic.
Lower level protection - This means kernel or hardware level programming. Seen in rootkits like Sony, nProtect, CD/DVD copy protection.
Its almost impossible to truely obfuscate code in such a way that it will be totaly impossible to reverse engineer.
If it was possible, then computer virus would be absolutely unstoppable, no one would be able to know how they work and what they do. Until we are able to run encrypted code, the encryption is at some point decrypted and "readable" (as in, someone that can read machine code) before it can be executed by the cpu.
Now with that in mind, you can safely assume that cheap protection will fend off cheap hackers. Read cheap as in "not good", it is totaly unrelated to price you pay. Great protection will fend off great hackers, but ultimate protection doesn't exist.
Usually, the more commercial your solution is, the more "well-known" the attack vectors are.
Also, please realise that things such as encrypted applications imply extra overhead and annoy users. USB dongles also annoy users because they have to carry it around and cost a fortune to replace. So it also become a trade-off between you being happy that you've been protected against a handful of hackers and all of your customers which will have to carry the hindrances your protection method bears.
Sure, you can go to all sorts of clever lengths to attempt to defeat/delay debuggers and reverse-engineering. As others have said, you will not stop a determined attacker, period...and once your app is hacked you can expect it to be available for free online.
You state two goals of your desired protection scheme:
1) Make it hard to reverse engineer.
2) Make it blatent somebody is ripping you off.
For #1, any obfuscator/debugging-detector/etc scheme will have at least some impact. Frankly, however, the shrinking % of engineers who have ever delved into compiler output means that compiled C/C++ code IS obfuscated code to many.
For #2, unless you have a specific and legally protected algorithm/process which you're trying to protect, once the app is reverse engineered you're sunk. If it IS legally protected you've already published the protected details, so what are you trying to gain?
In general, I think this is a hard way to "win" and that you're better off fixing this on the "business-side" -- that is, make your app a subscription, or charge maintenance/support...but the specifics are obviously dependant on your circumstances.
You need to set a limit of how far you will go to protect your code. Look at the market and what your are charging for your solution. You will never secure your product 100% so you should evaluate what method will give you the best protection. In most cases, a simple license key and no obfuscation will suffice.
Delaying reverse engineering will only 'delay' the inevitable. What you need to focus on is deterring the initial attempt to breach copyright/IP. A good legal Terms and Conditions notice on the About page, or a bold copyright notice warning that any attempts to reverse engineer the code will result in a pick-axe through the spinal column...
Most people will back off attempting to rip something off if there is a chance they will be served some legal action.
We use SafeNet and our clients see it as 'official' protection. That in itself is a good deterrent.

Inform potential clients about security vulnerabilities?

We have a lot of open discussions with potential clients, and they ask frequently about our level of technical expertise, including the scope of work for our current projects. The first thing I do in order to gauge the level of expertise on staff they have now or have previously used is to check for security vulnerabilities like XSS and SQL injection. I have yet to find a potential client who is vulnerable, but I started to wonder, would they actually think this investigation was helpful, or would they think, "um, these guys will trash our site if we don't do business with them." Non-technical folks get scared pretty easily by this stuff, so I'm wondering is this a show of good faith, or a poor business practice?
I would say that surprising people by suddenly penetration-testing their software may bother people if simply for the fact that they didn't know ahead of time. I would say if you're going to do this (and I believe it's a good thing to do), inform your clients ahead of time that you're going to do this. If they seem a little distraught by this, tell them the benefits of checking for human error from the attacker's point of view in a controlled environment. After all, even the most securely minded make mistakes: the Debian PRNG vulnerability is a good example of this.
I think this is a fairly subjective decision and different prospects would react differently if you told them.
I think an idea might be to let them know after they have given business to someone else.
At least this way, the ex-prospect will not think that you are trying to pressure them into giving you the business.
I think the problem with this would be, that it would be quite hard to do checks on XSS without messing up their site. Also, things like SQL injection could be quite dangerous. If you stuck with appending selects, you might not have too much of a problem, but then the question is, how do you know it's even executing the injected SQL?
From the way you described it, it seems like a poor business practice that could be a beneficial one with some modification.
First off, any vulnerability assessment or penetration test you conduct on a customer should be agreed upon in writing by that customer, period. This covers your actions legally. Without a written agreement, if you inadvertently cause damage (application crash, denial-of-service, data leak, etc) during your inspection, you are liable and could be charged (under US law; other countries have different standards).
Even if you do not cause damage, a clueless or potentially malicious customer could take you to court claiming damages; a clueless judge might just award them.
If you have written authorization to do so, then a free vulnerability assessment to attract potential customers sounds like a show of good faith and demonstrates what you want -- your skills.