Regular Expression - Capture and Replace Select Sequences - regex

Take the following file...
Note that "ext" is a constant file extension throughout the file.
I am looking for an expression to turn that file into something like this...
In a nutshell I need to capture everything up to the urls. Then I need to capture each URL and put them on their own line with the leading capture.
I am working with sed to do this and I cannot figure out how to make it work correctly. Any ideas?

If the number of URLs in each line is guaranteed to be two, you can use:
sed -r "s/([A-Z0-9,]{10})(.+\.ext)(.+\.ext)/\1\2\n\1\3/" < input

This does not require the first two fields to be a particular width or limit the set of (non-comma) characters between the commas. Instead, it keys on the commas themselves.
sed 's/\(\([^,]*,\)\{2\}\)\(.*\.ext\)\(http:.*\)/\1\3\n\1\4/' inputfile.txt
You could change the "2" to match any number of comma-delimited fields.

I have no sed available to me at the moment.
sed -r 's/(....),(....),(.*\.ext)(http.*\.ext)/\1,\2,\3\n\1,\2,\4/g'
do the trick?
Edit: removed the lazy quantifier


Remove anything before primary domain or after forward slash

How can I extract domain names from the text input below? I tried this but it didn't work as expected:
grep -oP '(?<=[.])\w+(?=[.])'
Is there anyway to do this in sed/awk or any other Linux command?
Output desired:
I found so many solution thanks Google, Tried to craft my own regex ,
awk -F"." '{print $(NF-1)"."$NF}'
It looks like you are not only trying to remove the /, you are actually trying to extract the main domain from those URLs.
If you put the input in a file called input.txt, the following works for me on Ubuntu 20.10:
cat input.txt | sed -e 's;..([a-zA-Z0-9-].[a-zA-Z0-9-]).$;\1;'
As a brief explanation:
The domain name "parts" (the words between the dots) can only use numbers, letters and the dash symbol as characters. That pattern can be represented as:
The regex above will match 2 of those, separated by a dot, proceeded by a dot (and possibly a number of characters), and succeeded by either the end of line or a group of characters that are not part of the previous groups. I believe the greedy nature of .* will make sure that only the main domain is captured.
There is probably more robust solutions available too.

How to replace spaces after a certain pattern with commas?

I am new to coding and I'm trying to format some bioinformatics data. I am trying to remove all the spaces after GT:GL:GOF:GQ:NR:NV with commas, but not anything outside of the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (like the example). I know I need to use sed with regex option but I'm not very familiar with how to use it. I've never actually used sed before and got confused trying so any help would be appreciated. Sorry if I formatted this poorly (this is my first post).
EDIT 2: I got actual data from the file this time which may help solve the problem. Removed the bad example.
New Example: I pulled this data from my actual file (this is just two samples), and it is surrounded by other data. Essentially the line has a bunch of data followed by "GT:GL:GOF:GQ:NR:NV ", after this there is more data in the format shown below, and finally there is some more random data. Unfortunately I can't post a full line of the data because it is extremely long and will not fit.
0/1:-1,-1,-1:146:28:14,14:4,0 0/1:-1,-1,-1:134:6:2,2:1,0
With Basic Regular Expressions, you can use character classes and backreferences to accomplish your task, e.g.
$ sed 's/\([0-9][0-9]*:[0-9][0-9]*\)[ ]\([0-9][0-9]*:[0-9][0-9]*\)/\1,\2/g' file
1/0 ./. 0/1 GT:GL:GOF:GQ:NR:NV 1:12:314,213:132:13:31,14:31:31 AB GT BB
1/0 ./. 0/1 GT:GL:GOF:GQ:NR:NV 10:13:12,41:41:1:13,13:131:1:1 AB GT RT
1/0 ./. 0/1 GT:GL:GOF:GQ:NR:NV 1:12:314,213:132:13:31,14:31:31 AB GT
Which basically says:
find and capture any [0-9][0-9]* one or more digits,
separated by a :, and
followed by [0-9][0-9]* one or more digits -- as capture group 1,
match a space following capture group 1 followed by capture group 2 (which is the same as capture group 1),
then replace the space separating the capture groups with a comma reinserting the capture group text using backreference 1 and 2 (e.g. \1 and \2), finally
make the replacement global (e.g. g) to replace all matching occurrences.
Edit Based On New Input Posted
If you still need all of the original commas added, and you now want to add a comma between ,0 0/ (where there is a comma precedes a single-digit followed by the space to be replaced with a comma, followed by a single-digit and a forward-slash), then all you need to do is make your capture groups conditional (on either capturing the original data as above -or- capturing this new segment. You do that by including an OR (e.g. \| in basic regex terms) between the conditions.
For instance by adding \|,[0-9] at the end of the first capture group and \|[0-9][/] at the end of the second, e.g.
$ sed 's/\([0-9][0-9]*:[0-9][0-9]*\|,[0-9]\)[ ]\([0-9][0-9]*:[0-9][0-9]*\|[0-9][/]\)/\1,\2/g' file
If you have other caveats in your file, I suggest you post several complete lines of input, and if they are too long, then create a zip, gzip, bzip or xz file and post it to a site like pastebin and add the link to your question.
If all you really care about now is the space in ,0 0/, then you can shorten the sed command to:
$ sed 's/\(,[0-9]\)[[:space:]]\([0-9][/]\)/\1,\2/g' file
(note: I've included [[:space:]] to handle any whitespace (space, tab, ...) instead of just the literal [ ] (space) in the new example)
Let me know if this fixes the issue.
I'm assuming that the xx:xx:xx or xx:xx:xx:xx can have any number of parts, since some have 3, and some have 4.
This is quite difficult to do reliably with sed, as it does not support lookarounds, which seem like they might be needed for this example.
You can try something like:
perl -pe 's/(?<=\d) (?=\d+(:\d+){2,})/,/g' input.txt
If you've got your heart set on sed, you can try this, but it may miss some cases:
sed -r 's/(:[0-9]+) ([0-9]+:)/\1,\2/g' input.txt
Could you please try following. This will take care of printing those values also which are NOT coming in match of regex. Also we would have made regex mentioned in match a bit shorter by doing it as [0-9]+\.{4} etc since this is tested on old awk so couldn't test it.
awk '
match($0,/GT:GL:GOF:GQ:NR:NV [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+/){
print value,value1
' Input_file
You may also achieve your desired result without regex, using awk:
awk '{printf "%s", $1FS$2FS$3FS$4FS$5","$6","$7; for (i=8;i<=NF;i++) printf "%s", FS$i; print ""}' input.txt
Basically, it outputs from field 1 to 5 with the default field separator ("space"), then from field 5 to 7 with the comma separator, then from field 8 onwards with default separator again.
perl '0/1:-1,-1,-1:146:28:14,14:4,0 0/1:-1,-1,-1:134:6:2,2:1,0',
#!/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.20/bin/env perl
my $input = $ARGV[0];
$input =~ s/ /\,/g;
print $input, "\n";
This will remove all spaces, not just the space in question

Using sed to find inside of quotes and skip escaped quotes

I have a curl call that queries JIRA REST API and returns a JSON string like the following (expect on a single line):
{"summary":"the \"special\" field is not returning what is expected"}
I was trying to parse out the "summary" field using this sed script:
sed 's/^.*summary":"\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/'
Which works fine if the "summary" doesn't have an escaped \" inside of it - but of course, with the escaped quote all I get back is from the example is:
the \
My desired output would either be:
the \"special\" field is not returning what is expected
Or even more fancily this:
the "special" field is not returning what is expected
It doesn't appear that I can do a lookbehind in sed, is there a simple way to solve this in a bash script?
You're asking for a JSON parser written in sed. Sorry, but this is insane.
Here's an example of a sane way to do this in python:
import requests
response = requests.get(JIRA_API_ENDPOINT, headers = JIRA_HEADERS)
obj = response.json()
There's also a good JIRA API wrapper in python, called jira-python. Just use that and you wont have to do any parsing at all. I've used it to good effect before. Link here:
Your coworkers will thank you.
For the inside of double quotes, you really want at least one of these facilities:
lookarounds (so you can check that what precedes and follows are quote).
\K (so you can drop the opening quote)
the ability to examine capture groups (so you can match the whole quote, but only capture what's inside).
Typically, you would want something like this:
In grep -P mode, which uses PCRE, you can tap into even more features, such as the possessive quantifier I'll add here:
Note that the [^"] can normally run across multiple lines, which you'd typically control with [^"\r\n], but grep only looks line by line anyway.
For this limited case, you could use something like
vnix$ sed -n 's/.*summary":"\(\([^\\"]*\|\\.\)*\)".*/\1/p' file.json
the \"special\" field is not returning what is expected
Inside the quoted string, double quotes are disallowed, except any character is allowed immediately after a literal backslash. The character class disallows backslashes, too, to prevent a backslash from "leaking" into the wrong partial match. The repeat after the character class is just an optimization to avoid needless backtracking.
Any attempt at generalizing this will quickly become quite unwieldy. The Friedl book has an example which stretches over more than a page just to illustrate the futility of this.
After serious struggling, I have figured out a method that is working for this very specific use-case. I convern the escaped quotes (\") into an even more obscure character sequence of five underscores (_), do the regex, and then convert it back:
sed -e 's/\\"/_____/g' -e 's/^.*summary":"\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/' -e 's/_____/"/g'
So the full test looks like this:
echo '{"expand":"renderedFields,names,schema,transitions,operations,editmeta,changelo‌​g","id":"36112","self":"","key":"F‌​OO-1218","fields":{"summary":"the \"special\" field is not returning what is expected"}}' | sed -e 's/\\"/_____/g' -e 's/^.*summary":"\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/' -e 's/_____/"/g'
And the output looks like this:
the "special" field is not returning what is expected

Regex expression to find file extension in a file with multiple periods

How would you write a regular expression to find the file extension of the following files, keeping in mind that what I am looking for is the ".pdf" or ".xls" portion of the string?
The resulting filenames I want to end up with are the following:
I am on a Windows platform. I've played around with this a bit at but so far I can only figure out how to match the date:
Using sed:
sed 's/^\(.*[^.]*\)\.[^.]*$/\1/' <<< "REPORTPDF.20130810.pdf.pgp"
Using grep -P (PCRE regex):
grep -oP '^.+[^.]+(?=\.[^.]+$)' <<< "REPORTPDF.20130810.pdf.pgp"
.+\.(\w+)\.\w+$ would deliver the last but one extension as group 1, how this is accessed would then be dependent of your host language for the regex.
If you don't need the file extension to be capitalized, this should work
And then the groups you'd use are two and three
Problem is that you don't provide much context for how you're going about changing these file names.
You don't say what language/library you're using, but this Perl one-liner does the trick:
perl -lpe "s/^([^.]*)(...)\.(\d+)(\.\2)\.pgp/\1\3\4/i; $_=uc"
I think this will work for you :)
^(([A-Z a-z]*)(?:XLS.|PDF.)(\d{8})(.pdf|.xls))
Edit live on Debuggex
^ starts at the beginning of the string
(.*) any character before
\d any number 0-9
{8} only 8 times for that character section (in this case 8 times of
the numbers 0-9)
?: is non capture groups
I wrapped the capture groups into one large one so the thing that you want will be in the first capture group :).
This can be prob be replaced
([A-Z a-z]*)
This (.*?(?:\..*)?)(\..*) will hold things like:
'hello.1a.2bb.3' ---> group(1) == 'hello.1a.2bb', group(2) == '.3'
'yep.1' ---> group(1) == 'yep', group(2) == '.1'
If the format is pretty much fixed you could use
and cherry pick replacement based on what you want
Used java here but regex match would still be same
String a = "REPORTPDF.20130810.pdf.pgp".replaceAll(
String b = "REPORTXLS.20130810.xls.pgp".replaceAll(
in your case "$1$3.$2"
String b = "REPORTXLS.20130810.xls.pgp".replaceAll(
which produces intended result

Why doesn't this simple regex match what I think it should?

I have a data file that looks like the following example. I've added '%' in lieu of \t, the tab control character.
1234:56% Alice Worthington
alicew% Jan 1, 2010 10:20:30 AM% Closed% Development
Update%% file-one.txt% 1.1% c:/foo/bar/quux
Add%% file-two.txt% 2.5.2% c:/foo/bar/quux
Remove%% file-three.txt% 3.4% c:/bar/quux
Update%% file-four.txt% c:/zzz
... many more records of the above form
The records I'm interested in are the lines beginning with "Update", "Add", "Remove", and so on. I won't know what the lines begin with ahead of time, or how many lines precede them. I do know that they always begin with a string of letters followed by two tabs. So I wrote this regex:
generate-report-for 1234:56 | egrep "^[[:alpha:]]+\t\t.+"
But this matches zero lines. Where did I go wrong?
Edit: I get the same results whether I use '...' or "..." for the egrep expression, so I'm not sure it's a shell thing.
Apparently \t isn't a special character for egrep. You can either use grep -P to enable Perl-compatible regex engine, or insert literal tabs with CtrlvCtrli
Even better, you could use the excellent ack
It looks like the shell is parsing "\t\t" before it is sent to egrep. Try "\\t\\t" or '\t\t' instead. That is 2 slashes in double quotes and one in single quotes.
The file might not be exactly what you see. Maybe there are control characters hidden. It happens, sometimes. My suggestion is that you debug this. First, reduce to the minimum regex pattern that matches, and then keep adding stuff one by one, until you find the problem:
egrep "[[:alpha:]]"
egrep "[[:alpha:]]+"
egrep "[[:alpha:]]+\t"
egrep "[[:alpha:]]+\t\t"
egrep "[[:alpha:]]+\t\t.+"
egrep "^[[:alpha:]]+\t\t.+"
There are variations on that sequence, depending on what you find out at each step. Also, the first step can really be skipped, but this is just for the sake of showing the technique.
you can use awk
awk '/^[[:alpha:]]\t\t/' file