Is there any way to use VC++ 2010 without including stdafx.h? - c++

I've successfully installed M$ VC2010 and start writing simple programs using it.
I am very annoyed from the #include<stdafx.h>, So is there any way to compile and run programs without it???

It's for pre-compiled headers. Don't use pre-compiled headers, don't include it.

Goto Project Settings->Precompiled Headers.
Select Not using precompiled headers.

You can also turn off precompiled headers per file.
Setting this in VS Express C++ 2012 is as follows:
In Project Explorer right-click on .cpp file, select Properties.
On the left pane select Configuration Properties/C++/ Precompiled
Now, on the right pane there is 'Precompiled Header' value which
you can change from Use /Yu to :
'Not Using Precompiled Headers'

Of course, just go to Project Settings, C/C++ → Precompiled Headers, and choose "Not Using Precompiled Headers".
BTW: On large projects using precompiled headers may significantly decrease build time.

When you create your project, create an empty project.
For now, you can disable it in Project Settings.


Removing extra files generated while creating a dll project in visual studio

While creating a dll project in VS17, I see multiple files were created on initialization.
But whichever project on C++ I work on, I don't see any such files in their environment. How can I get rid of these files in my environment. Is there any workaround to remove them entirely or reduce these 4 files to one file to reduce mess?
Also before VS17 we used to have stdafx.h, it is mandatory to include this header but in few projects I couldn't find this file, is there any way to remove these initial files entirely?
When you create a new project in Visual Studio, a precompiled header file named pch.h is added to the project. (In Visual Studio 2017 and earlier, the file was called stdafx.h.)
For more details about pch.h and stdafx.h, I suggest you could refer to the Doc:
Precompiled Header Files
If you couldn't want to use precompiled header file, I suggest you could choose to not use precompiled headers (Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Precompiled Headers).
When you create a dll project, you also directly choose uncheck Precompiled header or check Empty project.
stdafx.h/cpp resp. pch.h/cpp are the default generated files for supporting precompiled headers. If you don't want them you can delete them. In order to compile you then have to go to your project settings Configuration Properties -> C/C++ precompiled headers and change the Precompiled Header setting to Not using Precompiled Headers.
Before you delete thos files, you should check the cpp/h file and put the include files into your files.

C++ Precompiled Header Disabled

In Visual Studio 2015, I have a C++/CLI project with the following error:
"fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you forget to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source?"
I turned off precompiled headers in the project options but it keeps giving me the same error. I even removed the name of the precompiled header file but it still says "stdafx.h".
Yes, every source file indivuduially doesn't have it enabled.
Ok. Hans Passant found out what was happening:
The build configuration that I used to build it still had precompiled headers enabled.
You may have disabled it for the project, but each individual source file can have it's own specific compiler settings. It's also possible you disabled pre-compiled headers for a specific source file, erroneously mistaking that action for a project wide setting.
For each individual C/C++ file in Solution Explorer, right click on it and select "Properties". Under C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers, make sure the Precompiled Header setting is "Not using Precompiled Headers".
The right click on your Project name in Solution Explorer and select "Properties as well" Double-check that the project settings are the same.
And if there's a stdafx.cpp file, it likely has the "Create Precompiled Header" setting. You can typically remove this file if it doesn't have any relevant code in it.
Repeat all the same steps for each Solutions configuration (e.g. both Debug and Release).
I met the same problem (turned off precompiled in project properties but the error remains).
open .proj file with any text editor and search for
you will see that there are still some properties set to use it. Just replace word "Use" with "NotUsing" and problem fixed.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015:
Right click on solution -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers -> Precompiled Header => Not Using Precompiled Headers
In my case, I found the pch.h still set in: c++ -> advanced -> forced include files.
Anyhow, Andrew's solution is still the best. Just open the proj. file in a text editor and ctrl-f search for the filename causing the issue. Much easier than skimming through all the properties in vs.

Build Eclipse C++ Docfrac project using Visual Studio 2012

Can someone please help me understand how to build the open source Docfrac C++ Eclipse project with Visual Studio 2012?
When building project in VS 2012, I get:
Unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you forget to add '#include "pch.h"' to your source?
UPDATE 2: Got past above issues thanks to Rowland.
Now i get, could not open #include vcl.h. No such file or directory.
Unfortunately, what I wanted to achieve is not directly possible. Thanks to Rowland for pointing me in the right direction.
For the error relating to precompiled headers, select the source code files (.cpp or .c) that you added to the project in the Solution Explorer. Then right-click, choose Properties. Then in the C/C++ section under Precompiled Headers, select the option that says "Not using precompiled headers". Rebuild and bingo.
Alternatively, you can right-click the project itself and set it for all files.

What is the difference between "Create Precompiled Header" (/Yc) and "Use Precompiled Header" (/Yu) in Visual Studio?

I read the documentation in MSDN, but in the end I didn't get a clear idea what is the practical difference between them, exactly. Both seem to require stdafx.h to be added at the top of every *.cpp file.
I'm using VS2008.
Can anyone help clear things up?
Short summary of how to use PCH files in Visual Studio:
All cpp files in the project have to include stdafx.h (you can change this to something else if you wish)
Select project in Solution Explorer and in Properties -> C++ -> Precompiled Headers set 'Create/Use precompiled headers' to 'Use'. Hit Apply
While the Property Pages are still shown select stdafx.cpp in solution explorer and set the value to 'Create'
Well, I think that you must first understand the purpose of precompiled headers. In large projects, it can take ages to process all the headers required by a single client extension for example, so some people prefer to distribute the .pch files along with their libraries. In order to generate the .pch files, you use the /Yc compiler flag and the person who wants to consume your library will set the /Yu flag. See here and here for details.

Rebuild precompiled header

I am trying to use MFC with ProC.
Functions.pc is where I do the ProC syntax to connect to the database. So I include the 'Functions.h' in the dialog model where I want to call the functions in 'Funtions.h'. And now I got this error.
Add directive to 'stdafx.h' or rebuild precompiled header
I understand that I need to include 'stdafx.h' to 'Functions.h' for it to work. And I did that. It can compile,but then when I try to run the program,it won't recognize the syntax of ProC created by the 'Functions.cpp' created. I don't really understand how to rebuild the precompiled header since I don't understand the codes in 'stdafx.h'.
The common way to use precompiled headers on windows is
Include system , third party headers or infrequently changing headers in stdadx.h
stdafx.cpp usually only includes stdafx.h
All your project cpp files include stdafx.h as the first header
Your project header files should not include stdafx.h
To trigger a precompiled header rebuild,
Modify stdafx.h and do an incremental build
Or Do a rebuild project
Found the solution myself. I need to set the properties of that .cpp file to not using any pre-compiled header.
Within VS 2012 you can set the properties of the Project, the Solution, or Source File(s) to not use Precompiled Headers. See attached graphic for how to do it...
VS Turn off Precompiled Headers
In VS2017, this error persisted until I switched Project Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Precompiled Headers > Precompiled Header setting from "Use (/Yu)" to "Create (/Yc)".
For the project setting, use:
"Create" for pre-compiled headers to be produced by the project
"Use" for pre-compiled headers produced by another project
For per-file settings, use:
"Create" for the stdafx.cpp file only
"Use" for all other .c and .cpp files