Operator overload for [] operator - c++

Why would you need to overload the [] operator? I have never come across a practical scenario where this was necessary. Can somebody tell me a practical use case for this.

Err.. std::vector<t>, std::basic_string<t>, std::map<k, v>, and std::deque<t> ?
I used this for a class representing a registry key, where operator[] returned an object representing a registry value with the string between []s.
See also, the Spirit Parser Framework, which uses [] for semantic actions.

Any indexable container can usefully define operator[] to become usable in any template that uses []-syntax indexing.
You don't need that syntax sugar if you're not doing generic programming -- it may look nice, but, cosmetics apart, you could always define specific named methods such as getAt, setAt, and the like, with similar and simpler-to-code functionality.
However, generic programming is at the core of modern C++... and it bears an eerie resemblance to "compile-time, type-safe duck typing" (I'm biased towards such peculiar terminology, of course, having had a part in shaping it -- cfr wikipedia;-).
Just as you should try to use, e.g., prefix-* to mean "dereferencing" for all kinds of iterators and other pointer-like types (so they can be duck-typingly substituted for pointers in a template!), so similarly you should strive to define operator[] in container types where it makes sense, just so they can be duck-typingly substituted for arrays in appropriate templates.

It is useful if you implement almost any type of container that provides random access (or at least some form of keyed access) to its elements (e.g., consider std::vector).

If you write a class that inherits from another class that implements the [] operator, you might want to overwrite the [] operator, such as std::vector or std::string. If you don't do this, your class may not work as the user expects, as your class will implicitly inherit the parent's implementation of [].

Well, several STL containers give some examples - vector<> overloads it to make it act like an array. map<> for example provides the operator[] overload to provide an 'associative array'.

While it is not strictly necessary, it is incredibly useful in making user-defined containers or strings behave like builtin arrays or C strings. This cuts down on verbosity a lot (for example, in Java, you would have to use x.getElementAt(i) while in C++ you can use x[i]; similarly, in Java you need x.compareTo(y)<0, while in C++ you can achieve the same thing using x < y). It is syntactic sugar... but it is very, very tasty.


Why doesn't the ranges v3 library's sort function use operator< defined on custom types while std::sort does? [duplicate]

On cppreference on std::ranges::less, in notes we can see that:
Unlike std::less, std::ranges::less requires all six comparison operators <, <=, >, >=, == and != to be valid (via the totally_ordered_with constraint).
But... why? Why would we use std::ranges::less{} instead of std::less{}? What is the practical situation in which we want to less{} only if there are other comparison operators defined, not only the < one?
What is the practical situation in which we want to less{} only if there are other comparison operators defined, not only the < one?
Not everything about the Ranges library is based purely on what is "practical". Much of it is about making the language and library make logical sense.
Concepts as a language feature gives the standard library the opportunity to define meaningful combinations of object features. To say that a type has an operator< is useful from the purely practical perspective of telling you what operations are available to it. But it doesn't really say anything meaningful about the type.
If a type is totally ordered, then that logically means that you could use any of the comparison operators to compare two objects of that type. Under the idea of a total order, a < b and b > a are equivalent statements. So it makes sense that if code is restricted to types that provide a total order, that code should be permitted to use either statement.
ranges::less::operator() does not use any operator other than <. But this function is constrained to types modelling the totally_ordered concept. This constraint exists because that's what ranges::less is for: comparing types which are totally ordered. It could have a more narrow constraint, but that would be throwing away any meaning provided by total ordering.
It also prevents you from exposing arbitrary implementation details to users. For example, let's say that you've got a template that takes some type T and you want to use T in a ranges::less-based operation. If you constrain this template to just having an operator<, then you have effectively put your implementation into the constraint. You no longer have the freedom for the implementation to switch to ranges::greater internally. Whereas if you had put std::totally_ordered in your constraint, you would make it clear to the user what they need to do while giving yourself the freedom to use whatever functors you need.
And since operator<=> exists and makes it easy to implement the ordering operators in one function, there's no practical downside. Well, except for code that has to compile on both C++17 and C++20.
Essentially, you shouldn't be writing types that are "ordered" by just writing operator< to begin with.
As far as I can tell based on the proposal the idea is to just simplify the design of the function objects. std::less is a template class which requires a template parameter and represents a homogeneous comparison. This template parameter can be omitted to default to std::less<void> which allows heterogeneous comparisons. The argument seems to be that the homogeneous case is unnecessary as it's handled fine by the heterogeneous approach, so the design can be simplified considerably and a class template isn't needed at all.
As to why the other operators besides operator< are required I'm not completely sure. My best guess is that this is just part of what it means to have a total order defined in C++ between two, possibly different, types.

Why was std::ranges::less introduced?

On cppreference on std::ranges::less, in notes we can see that:
Unlike std::less, std::ranges::less requires all six comparison operators <, <=, >, >=, == and != to be valid (via the totally_ordered_with constraint).
But... why? Why would we use std::ranges::less{} instead of std::less{}? What is the practical situation in which we want to less{} only if there are other comparison operators defined, not only the < one?
What is the practical situation in which we want to less{} only if there are other comparison operators defined, not only the < one?
Not everything about the Ranges library is based purely on what is "practical". Much of it is about making the language and library make logical sense.
Concepts as a language feature gives the standard library the opportunity to define meaningful combinations of object features. To say that a type has an operator< is useful from the purely practical perspective of telling you what operations are available to it. But it doesn't really say anything meaningful about the type.
If a type is totally ordered, then that logically means that you could use any of the comparison operators to compare two objects of that type. Under the idea of a total order, a < b and b > a are equivalent statements. So it makes sense that if code is restricted to types that provide a total order, that code should be permitted to use either statement.
ranges::less::operator() does not use any operator other than <. But this function is constrained to types modelling the totally_ordered concept. This constraint exists because that's what ranges::less is for: comparing types which are totally ordered. It could have a more narrow constraint, but that would be throwing away any meaning provided by total ordering.
It also prevents you from exposing arbitrary implementation details to users. For example, let's say that you've got a template that takes some type T and you want to use T in a ranges::less-based operation. If you constrain this template to just having an operator<, then you have effectively put your implementation into the constraint. You no longer have the freedom for the implementation to switch to ranges::greater internally. Whereas if you had put std::totally_ordered in your constraint, you would make it clear to the user what they need to do while giving yourself the freedom to use whatever functors you need.
And since operator<=> exists and makes it easy to implement the ordering operators in one function, there's no practical downside. Well, except for code that has to compile on both C++17 and C++20.
Essentially, you shouldn't be writing types that are "ordered" by just writing operator< to begin with.
As far as I can tell based on the proposal the idea is to just simplify the design of the function objects. std::less is a template class which requires a template parameter and represents a homogeneous comparison. This template parameter can be omitted to default to std::less<void> which allows heterogeneous comparisons. The argument seems to be that the homogeneous case is unnecessary as it's handled fine by the heterogeneous approach, so the design can be simplified considerably and a class template isn't needed at all.
As to why the other operators besides operator< are required I'm not completely sure. My best guess is that this is just part of what it means to have a total order defined in C++ between two, possibly different, types.

C++ 2a - polymorphic range

I am writing a C++ library and have had this amazing idea of using as much C++2a/C++20 as possible. Thus, I am using the standard library concepts and creating my own. However, the idea of a function returning a std::vector<X> seemed non-C++20 enough to me, so I declared in my concept a return type matching std::ranges::view<X>. I've then implemented some classes that fulfill this concept.
However, the problem appeared when I wanted to devise a polymorphic wrapper class. So, let's say the concept is C and I have three implementing classes C1, C2 and C3 (but allow for more). Now I want to create a class C_virtual and a template C_virtual_impl<C c> deriving from it, which will allow me to refer to all classes fulfilling C polymorphically. However, for that to work I need a polymorphic std::ranges::view wrapper, similar in spirit to C_virtual.
I have not seen any such class in the headers and in C++ reference. Moreover, when I started implementing it myself, I quickly found myself unable to due to some requirements on iterators, in particular default constructibility, swappability and similar.
Is there a nonobvious solution in the standard library or an idiom? If not, how do I deal with the problem? Possibly a change of design will work. I certainly do not want to return a std::vector<X> or to return a V<X> where V would be a type parameter of C. How do I do this?
Range views, and many other template techniques, are not meant to be used with inheritance-based polymorphism. This is much like how vector<BaseClass> is not especially useful.
If you need runtime polymorphism, then the tool you want is not inheritance (directly); it's type erasure. That is, you have some view wrapper which uses type erasure to forward the various view operations to the erased type. This would also need to be paired with type-erased iterators that wrap the iterators of the given view.
Now of course, this means that the characteristics of the view have to be defined by the type erased wrapper. The wrapper could implement the input_range concept, but it could never fulfill more than input_range itself. Even if you put a contiguous_range type in the wrapper, the wrapper will limit the interface to that of an input_range.
As such, it's best to just avoid this case and rely on static polymorphism via templates whenever possible.

Why isn't std::initializer_list a language built-in?

Why isn't std::initializer_list a core-language built-in?
It seems to me that it's quite an important feature of C++11 and yet it doesn't have its own reserved keyword (or something alike).
Instead, initializer_list it's just a template class from the standard library that has a special, implicit mapping from the new braced-init-list {...} syntax that's handled by the compiler.
At first thought, this solution is quite hacky.
Is this the way new additions to the C++ language will be now implemented: by implicit roles of some template classes and not by the core language?
Please consider these examples:
widget<int> w = {1,2,3}; //this is how we want to use a class
why was a new class chosen:
widget( std::initializer_list<T> init )
instead of using something similar to any of these ideas:
widget( T[] init, int length ) // (1)
widget( T... init ) // (2)
widget( std::vector<T> init ) // (3)
a classic array, you could probably add const here and there
three dots already exist in the language (var-args, now variadic templates), why not re-use the syntax (and make it feel built-in)
just an existing container, could add const and &
All of them are already a part of the language. I only wrote my 3 first ideas, I am sure that there are many other approaches.
There were already examples of "core" language features that returned types defined in the std namespace. typeid returns std::type_info and (stretching a point perhaps) sizeof returns std::size_t.
In the former case, you already need to include a standard header in order to use this so-called "core language" feature.
Now, for initializer lists it happens that no keyword is needed to generate the object, the syntax is context-sensitive curly braces. Aside from that it's the same as type_info. Personally I don't think the absence of a keyword makes it "more hacky". Slightly more surprising, perhaps, but remember that the objective was to allow the same braced-initializer syntax that was already allowed for aggregates.
So yes, you can probably expect more of this design principle in future:
if more occasions arise where it is possible to introduce new features without new keywords then the committee will take them.
if new features require complex types, then those types will be placed in std rather than as builtins.
if a new feature requires a complex type and can be introduced without new keywords then you'll get what you have here, which is "core language" syntax with no new keywords and that uses library types from std.
What it comes down to, I think, is that there is no absolute division in C++ between the "core language" and the standard libraries. They're different chapters in the standard but each references the other, and it has always been so.
There is another approach in C++11, which is that lambdas introduce objects that have anonymous types generated by the compiler. Because they have no names they aren't in a namespace at all, certainly not in std. That's not a suitable approach for initializer lists, though, because you use the type name when you write the constructor that accepts one.
The C++ Standard Committee seems to prefer not to add new keywords, probably because that increases the risk of breaking existing code (legacy code could use that keyword as the name of a variable, a class, or whatever else).
Moreover, it seems to me that defining std::initializer_list as a templated container is quite an elegant choice: if it was a keyword, how would you access its underlying type? How would you iterate through it? You would need a bunch of new operators as well, and that would just force you to remember more names and more keywords to do the same things you can do with standard containers.
Treating an std::initializer_list as any other container gives you the opportunity of writing generic code that works with any of those things.
Then why introduce a new type, instead of using some combination of existing? (from the comments)
To begin with, all others containers have methods for adding, removing, and emplacing elements, which are not desirable for a compiler-generated collection. The only exception is std::array<>, which wraps a fixed-size C-style array and would therefore remain the only reasonable candidate.
However, as Nicol Bolas correctly points out in the comments, another, fundamental difference between std::initializer_list and all other standard containers (including std::array<>) is that the latter ones have value semantics, while std::initializer_list has reference semantics. Copying an std::initializer_list, for instance, won't cause a copy of the elements it contains.
Moreover (once again, courtesy of Nicol Bolas), having a special container for brace-initialization lists allows overloading on the way the user is performing initialization.
This is nothing new. For example, for (i : some_container) relies on existence of specific methods or standalone functions in some_container class. C# even relies even more on its .NET libraries. Actually, I think, that this is quite an elegant solution, because you can make your classes compatible with some language structures without complicating language specification.
This is indeed nothing new and how many have pointed out, this practice was there in C++ and is there, say, in C#.
Andrei Alexandrescu has mentioned a good point about this though: You may think of it as a part of imaginary "core" namespace, then it'll make more sense.
So, it's actually something like: core::initializer_list, core::size_t, core::begin(), core::end() and so on. This is just an unfortunate coincidence that std namespace has some core language constructs inside it.
Not only can it work completely in the standard library. Inclusion into the standard library does not mean that the compiler can not play clever tricks.
While it may not be able to in all cases, it may very well say: this type is well known, or a simple type, lets ignore the initializer_list and just have a memory image of what the initialized value should be.
In other words int i {5}; can be equivalent to int i(5); or int i=5; or even intwrapper iw {5}; Where intwrapper is a simple wrapper class over an int with a trivial constructor taking an initializer_list
It's not part of the core language because it can be implemented entirely in the library, just line operator new and operator delete. What advantage would there be in making compilers more complicated to build it in?

STL container requierments

Does the standard require that some_container<T>::value_type be T?
I am asking because I am considering different approaches to implementing an STL-compliant 2d dynamic array. One of them is to have 2Darray<T>::value_type be 2Darray_row<T> or something like that, where the array would be iterated as a collection of rows (a little simplified. My actual implementation allows iteration in 3 directions)
The container requirements are a bit funky in the sense that they are actually not used by any generic algorithm. In that sense, it doesn't really matter much.
That said, the requirements are on the interface for containers not on how the container is actually instantiated. Even non-template classes can conform to the various requirements and, in fact, do. The requirement is that value_type is present; what it is defined to depends entirely on the container implementation.
Table 96 in ยง23.2.1 in the standard (c++11) requires a container class X containing objects of type T to return T for X::value_type.
So, if your some_container stores objects of type T, then value_type has to be T.
Either have a nested container (so colArray<rowArray<T> >) or have a single wrapping (2dArray<T>), but don't try to mix them. The nested approach allows you to use STL all the way down (vector<vector<T> >), but can be confusing and doesn't allow you column iterators etc, which you seem to want.
This SO answer addresses using ublas, and another suggests using Boost multi-arrays.
Generally, go for the STL or Boost option if you can. You are unlikely to write something as well by yourself.