How to force restart after uninstall for a Basic MSI Project in InstallShield 2009 Premier - uninstallation

InstallShield 2009 Premier, Basic MSI Project:
After uninstall completes, I want to force restart the computer. How?
Googling found, i have to set 'REBOOTPROMPT' TO 'S' or 'R' and the "Reboot" property.
How to set these properties and with what values?

Here is the Solution
You have to let InstallShield know that you want a reboot.How?: From 'Installation Designer' tab -> 'Behavior and Logic' -> 'Custom Actions and Sequences' -> 'Sequences' -> 'Installation' -> 'Execute' -> 'ScheduleReboot' set the value of 'Conditions' to "NOT REMOVE" (with out the inverted commas) if you want the reboot to happen after install and to "REMOVE" if after uninstall.
So up to now after install/uninstall the installer would show a warning message something like "... click ok to restart your machine now or cancel to restart later...". Now if you don't want to show this warning message even do step 3.
Go to 'Installation Designer' tab -> 'Behavior and Logic' -> 'Property Manager', a table would be open. Now add/edit the (Name, Value) pair with (REBOOTPROMPT, Suppress). This would suppress the message.


wt: Document root was not set, or was set to the empty path.

I am new to wt(Web Toolkit/witty). When I try to execute hello-world example program source code , I got the following exception "Document root was not set, or was set to the empty path. Use --docroot to set the HTML root directory." I set the command arguments as "--http-address= --http-port=8080 --deploy-path=/hello --docroot=.". I capture argument values as "Arg C = 1 and Arg V = 0000023C3B649E30" Please help.
I'm not sure if you have got the solution. Just to help others.
here is the list of options which you need to give if you are tyring to run your wt web app from cli/terminal in linux.
./<your_web_app> --http-address= --http-port=8085 --deploy-path=/hello --docroot=.
now after go to your browser and open the new tab and give "http://localhost:8085/hello"
should give you your webpage which you are building
Below solution worked for me.
"If you are using Visual Studio you can add them by right clicking on your project, then going to Properties > Configuration Properties > Debugging > Command Arguments.
Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8080/hello to test your application."

Wamp: The configuration file contains a syntax error on line 24

How can I start the wamp server on windows 7 using wamp version 2.4?
Following is the error message I get:
The configuration file contains a syntax error on line 24:
[EParseError][config] section directive "ImageList" already specified.
The configuration file contains a syntax error on line 7;
[EParseError] No tray icon was specified. Please assign a tray icon by
using on the of the Tray icon directives in the [Config] section.
Caused by:
Computer abruptly shutting down while server is running
• Go to the wamp/scripts folder
• Open console/cmd as admin
• run: php refresh.php
• Done!
Make sure you have php in your system environment settings
then go to the wamp/scripts folder
open console
php refresh.php
answer from here solved my issue, referenced above info from this stack answer
You have a duplicate entry on C:\wamp\wampmanager.ini
ImageList=images_off.bmp or something like that.
Remove one of them (probably line 24)
It sounds like you have been playing with \wamp\wampmanager.tpl
Never play with wampmanager.tpl unless you have taken a copy first!
WAMPServer rebuilds \wamp\wampmanager.ini using a script that uses \wamp\wampmanager.tpl among other files as input, each time you start WAMPServer or when you use the wampmanager menus and click refresh.
So to fix your problem edit of wampmanager.tpl to remove the duplicated line and then do:
rightclick wampmanager icon -> refresh
Or just exit wampmanager and restart it.
to rebuild the \wamp\wampmanager.ini file
Take a backup of your Wampmanager.ini file in your wamp installation directory (in my case it is c:\Wamp64). Then rename it or move it to some other folder.
Get the wampmanager.ini from a new installation or any similar installation if you already have, then paste it in the same path. It will work like charm. This may change any of the settings you had earlier but it will make your wamp working without reinstalling it.
Wamp Manager folder
Wamp Manager configuration file in CMD prompt
It is interesting that this error shows up after initial install of the current version 3.2.6 found on aviatechno (without being able to tamper with any installed configuration file, the .ini in the installation is broken). It reports an error with line 27: WAMPMARIADBOFF.
Use the new ini repair tool you can find on the aviatechno website
which corrects the lines in the ini file as:
Name: wampapache
Name: wampmysqld
Name: wampmariadb
Action: service; Service: wampapache; ServiceAction: startresume; Flags: ignoreerrors
Action: service; Service: wampmysqld; ServiceAction: startresume; Flags: ignoreerrors
Action: service; Service: wampmariadb; ServiceAction: startresume; Flags: ignoreerrors
Only do this on new installs
Even after that wampserver does not start or does not start the services. To repair: stop the background process AeTrayMenu, head over to the folder c:\wamp64 removing its content and reinstall.
This did the trick for me.

Xcode4 show all output (remove “Showing first 200 notices only”) in Terminal

we're using xcodebuild for some Jenkins CI tasks.
We have an error that stops the build, but can't see what it is because xcodebuild limits the log length to the first 200 notices:
Showing first 200 notices only
Is there a way to remove the 200 notice limit? We know we can do this in Xcode using the UI, but need to be able to do it from the command line with xcodebuild
Just use xcodebuild cli.
In Jenkins set "invoke script" step with following content:
xcodebuild clean test -project SOMEPROJECT.xcodeproj -scheme SOMECHEME -destination 'name=iPhone 6,OS=9.1'
You can basically do this in one of the following ways:
a. Add this in your configuration files. OTHER_CFLAGS (Other C Flags)
e.g. OTHER_CFLAGS=-ferror-limit=0
c. INFOPLIST_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS (Info.plist Preprocessor Definitions)
If in Xcode you want to try, Select Show the issue navigator in left side pane ,select the target, if you have any linker warning or Dsymutil Warning , click anyone of that, you should be able to see the list of all the warning, filter it with by selecting "ALL" and "ALL Issues" in right side pane. You will now be able to see total warnings with details.

Installing MinGW's gdb.exe for Code Blocks

Hey guys I really need help.
I have recently started programming C++ again and I am trying to get Code Blocks up and running but it keeps failing because of this error.
"ERROR: You need to specify a debugger program in the debuggers's settings."
Understandably this means there isn't a debugger program so I have to download one. I tried to find the gdb.exe for MinGW but I can't find it at all. I just end up with the MinGW's Installation Manager and being left confused.
Are there any tutorials about using the MinGW written for beginners or anyone willing to help?
Thanks in advance.
Steps to add gdb.exe
Open MinGW Installation Manager
select package "mingw32-gdb" from the list.
Then select "Apply Changes" in Installation menu.
This will automatically install gdb.exe in the path C:\MinGW\bin.
Please let me suggest you debugger program TDM-GCC. For download and install visit
Because a debugger program (toolchain) is very complex undertaking, is not standard in Code::Blocks. You must download it and install on Code::Blocks.
Note: It is impossible copy and paste images here. In the case linked page changes, I, or another one, should suggest new link.
However following are instructions according to images and my experience.
Download TDM-GCC from click [tdm64-gcc-10.3.0-2.exe] and run it.
In Wizard Action window - Click [Create].
In Select Edition window - If MinGW/TDM (32-bit) is not checked, check it. Click [Next>].
In Licence Changes window - Click [Next>].
In New Instalation: Instalation Directory window - If text box is "C:\TDM-GCC-32", it's okay. If is not, click [Browse ...], and navigate: C:\ > TDM-GCC-32 > click [OK]. Now text box is C:\TDM-GCC-32. Click [Next>].
If a small window appears saying The directory TDM-GCC-32 is not empty! Are you sure you want to install here?. Click [Yes].
In New Installation: Download Mirror window - Click [Next>].
In New Installation: Choose Components window - Check whether Add to PATH box is checked. Actually is checked. Click [Install].
In Installing window - Wait till [Next] become black. Then click it. Even if Instalation Failed window appears click [Next].
In Completing the TDM-GCC Setup Wizard window - Click [Finish].
Go to Code Blocks > Settings > Compiler.
10a. In Global compiler settings window click "Toolchain executables". Just below, find "Compiler's installation directory". If the below text field is C:\TDM-GCC-32, it's okay. If not, click the [...] at the end of the field. In "Select directory" wizard, navigate to C:\TDM-GCC-32. Now "Folder:" should be TDM-GCC-32. Click [Select a folder] in "Select directory" wizard.
10b. In Global compiler settings. Below red "Note:..." find "Program Files" > "Debuger". If text field reads "GDB/CDB debuger : Default", it's okay, click [OK]. If not, click the down arrow at the end of the field > choose "GDB/CDB debuger : Default". Check that text field is "GDB/CDB debuger : Default". Click [OK].
Go to Code Blocks > Settings > Debugger... . In Common window, left list, click "Default". If "Executable path:"'s text field is "C:\TDM-GCC-32\bin\gdb32.exe", it's okay, click [OK]. If not, click [...] button and navigate C: > TDM-GCC-32 > bin > click gdb32 (or gdb32.exe) file > click [open] in "Select executable file" wizard. "Executable path:" should be C:\TDM-GCC-32\bin\gdb32.exe. Click [OK]. Now you can debug your program.
If Debugger does not function, close Code Blocks and restart them.
Hey guys I suggest a better way. Download "gdb.exe" from the Internet and copy it to the below path.
It's really works. I did it.

visual studio 2010 issue

When I write a program using C++ and I want to run it, I can't catch the console window. I press CTRLF5 and it does not work.
I want the window to stay open and wait, even it finishes executing. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.
In the older versions it would default to the console subsystem even if you selected "empty project", but not in 2010, so you have to set it manually. To do this select the project in the solution explorer on the right or left (probably is already selected so you don't have to worry about this). Then select "project" from the menu bar drop down menus, then select "*project_name* properties" > "configuration properties" > "linker" > "system" and set the first property, the drop down "subsystem" property to "console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)". The console window should now stay open after execution as usual.
try using system("Pause"); as the last line on your code (before the return of your main function)
Ctrl+F5 should work. Just in case, if you have the source of your program, add the following just before the closing brace of main.
int x;
cin >> x;
the program will wait for you to enter some value.
If you want a breakpoint to be triggerred in debugger, do simple F5 instead of Ctrl+F5, after putting a breakpoint on the relevant source line (assuming the source/debug symbols are available)
Sorry to say, Ruba, but it looks like Microsoft removed this nifty little feature when moving from VS2008 to VS2010.
I can't find anything on MSDN, the web in general, or VS options to turn it back on.
My advice is to bypass the environment altogether for testing your application. Simply open a cmd.exe window in your runtime directory (debug or release or whatever), build the executable within the IDE then switch to the command window and enter testprog.exe to run your program.
Make sure you include any required command line parameters and, after you've entered it the first time, you can just use the up-arrow to retrieve the last command.
Yes, it's a bit of a pain but, until someone comes up with a better solution, it's probably the best way to ensure you see all the output while ensuring the program has shut down completely.
Just set a breakpoint at main()'s closing curly brace if you want to see the console after the program is finished.
You should create VS 2010 C++ Projects as below:
New project -> Visual C++ -> Win32 -> Win32ConsoleApplication
In this way you will be getting "Press any key to continue..." when you run program with ctrl+F5, as it was in VS 2008.
New project -> Visual C++ -> Win32 -> Win32ConsoleApplication -> Next -> Check 'Empty project' -> Finish = what you actually need.