Use boost library in cocoa project - c++

It is theoretically possible to use a boost library (e.g. boost threads) inside a cocoa project?

Yes, there is nothing stopping you from doing that:
you can mix Objective-C and C++ - the result is called Objective-C++
you can of course also link to C and C++ libraries

Yes. You can compile boost as a static library and link against it, or you can add the source code to your project and compile it with it.

Yeah, just make sure you use Objective-C++ and include to the boost directories you need. (Note: to change to objective-C++ change the file extension to .mm instead of .m, and keep the .h files the same)


Using Cocoa static library built in c++, some ObjC code tries to rebuilt it in OC

I am programming in Xcode in ObjC using a Cocoa static library built in c++ (built by me). For the library project, I made one public header(.hpp) that includes all the other header files(.hpp). Then in the ObjC project, I wrote a wrapper code(.hpp and .mm) to play as the interface, so it includes the public hpp header. To access the library, I then include the wrapper code in a normal m file. I believe all of these followed the tutorials, as it worked well for a few weeks.
However, after doing something stupid yesterday, the compiler for the ObjC project started to insist on building all the headers in ObjC. It first had problems with openCV packages in the c++ library, producing errors saying thoses are supposed to be built in c++ (as shown below). Even if I removed the openCV, the compiler cannot find any standard c++ libararies. I tried renaming the .hpp's to .h but it did not work.
Any suggestions on what I did wrong and how I can fix this?Much appreciated!
Your errors are coming from compiling ImageProcessor.m. .m is the extension Obj-C files, so the compiler will try to compile it, and everything it includes as Obj-C.
I'd suggest renaming it to
After learning more about header files, I realized what I did wrong: I included every header in the interface, so they are re-built every time outside the library, even if they are referenced by none-c++ code. The solution is to separate the interface header with other headers in the library completely.

Is there Something in the Standard Library or Boost to Compile a dll at Runtime?

In C# I can use CSharpCodeProvider to take in a file and compile it on the fly.
I want the same thing for C++. Essentially I'm trying to compile a .dll from a file specified at runtime and dynamically link it to the executing program.
I'm sure there's some crazy library out there that does this, but what I was hoping is that there is a library in either the Standard Library or Boost which does this. Does anyone know of one?
No, there is nothing like this in the standard library or boost.
There is however clang which is a full C++ compiler built on LLVM which is organized as a library that you can (with "some" work) use in your program.
#Perreal also pointed out correctly that if you are using C++/CLI (which is usually not included when talking about C++ in general), you can access a .NET component that will allow you to compile C++/CLI code - but not native C++ code.

Import C++ code to IOS application [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I use C++ with Objective-C in XCode
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I write a code in C++, and I want to use some of it's methods in my IOS application, so is it possible to (import) C++ library "t.cpp" to IOS application in XCode?
if yes what's the simple way to do it?
Yes, that will work without error, however you might want to change the Xcode C++ compiler settings (language level and runtime library), depending on the version of iOS you are using.
When it comes to actually using the C++ classes within your Objective-C code, you simply need to rename any files from .m to .mm.
A complication occurs when you want to include the C++ headers in Objective-C headers where both .m and .mm see that Objective-C header file. In this case you might find that you need to change many more files from .m to .mm in order for this to work, but there are ways around this if that becomes too onerous.
Just add the file to the project.
You need to rename a file from .m too .mm only if the translation unit contains a C++ header. Then, the module gets "infected" by C++ and needs to be compiled with the Objective-C++ compiler.
This is only required if any C++ header will be directly or indirectly included/imported from that module. There is no need to rename all files.
Additionally, if this C++ code depends on the C++ standard lib, you need also ensure, that the executable binary links against the C++ standard lib, via setting the appropriate build setting in the executable binary.
For example, in the target build settings of your app, add the following option to Other Linker Flags:
If possible, don't include/import a C++ header in a public Objective-C header, since then all modules will be infected by C++ when they import this Objective-C header and become Objective-C++.

VS2012 C++ to XCode

I have written a DLL in VS2012 C++ and did not use anything fancy.
I think I have stayed cross-platform, at least I hope so.
Can somebody tell me how to most easily get it to compile to OSX code?
I think I will have to do some manual work, but I would like to find a pipeline that would allow me to easily upgrade my application both in VS2012 and in XCode without having to write down what I changed and then do the same changes in XCode.
Perhaps I can write one interface for Windows and one for XCode and simply leave the rest of the files as they are???
Thank you very much for the help.
You could:
Create a XCode project with the template: Cocoa Touch Static Library and add the code of the VS12 inside a folder Source.
Create an ObjC class to wrap your C++ code.
Compile the project like a static lib.
Add your static library with the correspond .h to your Xcode Project that will use the library.
Link the library with the dlyb used in your C++ code.
So you will have a VS solution and a XCode project for compile the library.
Here is a template with a UnitTest with simple C++ class and a ObjC Wrapper.

Using a c++ static library (CCFits) in Xcode iOS Project

I am trying to using the CCfits library in an iOS project. CCfits is a C++ wrapper to the c library cfitsio.
I have the source code to both of these, and also have them built as static libraries (.a files). I would like to add the CCfits library (libCCfits.a) to an iOS project but when I am confused on how to access the library classes from my iPhone source files. I have the library added under "Link Binary with Libraries".
I understand that Xcode needs me to import a header file, but what is the proper way to attach the headers to the project? Do I need to make a framework file somehow? Or is the .a file enough?
You can easily mix C++ and Objective-C using Objective-C++. In XCode just rename your .m files to .mm and it will recognize the files as Objective-C++. Then you can use the C++ classes in your Objective-C code (some restrictions apply, but not many).
Since Objective-C is an extension to C you can use C libraries in any Objective-C program easily.