Several ifstreams vs. ifstream + constant seeking - c++

I'm writing an external merge sort. It works like that: read k chunks from big file, sort them in memory, perform k-way merge, done. So I need to sequentially read from different portions of the file during the k-way merge phase. What's the best way to do that: several ifstreams or one ifstream and seeking? Also, is there a library for easy async IO?

Use one ifstream at a time on the same file. More than one wastes resources, and you'd have to seek anyway (because by default the ifstream's file pointer starts at the beginning of the file).
As for a C++ async IO library, check out this question.
EDIT: I originally misunderstood what you are trying to do (this Wikipedia article filled me in). I don't know how much ifstream buffers by default, but you can turn off buffering by using the pubsetbuf(0, 0); method described here, and then do your own buffering. This may be slower, however, than using multiple ifstreams with automatic buffering. Some benchmarking is in order.

Definitely try the multiple streams. Seeking probably throws away internally buffered data (at least within the process, even if the OS retains it in cache), and if the items you're sorting are small that could be very costly indeed.
Anyway, it shouldn't be too hard to compare the performance of your two fstream strategies. Do a simple experiment with k = 2.
Note that there may be a limit on the number of simultaneous open files one process can have (ulimit -n). if you reach that, then you might want to consider using a single stream, but buffering data from each of your k chunks manually.
It might be worth mmapping the file and using multiple pointers, if the file is small enough (equivalently: your address space is large enough).


Thread Optimization [duplicate]

I have an input file in my application that contains a vast amount of information. Reading over it sequentially, and at only a single file offset at a time is not sufficient for my application's usage. Ideally, I'd like to have two threads, that have separate and distinct ifstreams reading from two unique file offsets of the same file. I can't just start one ifstream up, and then make a copy of it using its copy constructor (since its uncopyable). So, how do I handle this?
Immediately I can think of two ways,
Construct a new ifstream for the second thread, open it on the same file.
Share a single instance of an open ifstream across both threads (using for instance boost::shared_ptr<>). Seek to the appropriate file offset that current thread is currently interested in, when the thread gets a time slice.
Is one of these two methods preferred?
Is there a third (or fourth) option that I have not yet thought of?
Obviously I am ultimately limited by the hard drive having to spin back and forth, but what I am interested in taking advantage of (if possible), is some OS level disk caching at both file offsets simultaneously.
Two std::ifstream instances will probably be the best option here. Modern HDDs are optimized for a large queue of I/O requests, so reading from two std::ifstream instances concurrently should give quite nice performance.
If you have a single std::ifstream you'll have to worry about synchronizing access to it, plus it might defeat the operating system's automatic sequential access read-ahead caching, resulting in poorer performance.
Between the two, I would prefer the second. Having two openings of the same file might cause an inconsistent view between the files, depending on the underlying OS.
For a third option, pass a reference or raw pointer into the other thread. So long as the semantics are that one thread "owns" the istream, the raw pointer or reference are fine.
Finally note that on the vast majority of hardware, the disk is the bottleneck, not CPU, when loading large files. Using two threads will make this worse because you're turning a sequential file access into a random access. Typical hard disks can do maybe 100MB/s sequentially, but top out at 3 or 4 MB/s random access.
Other option:
Memory-map the file, create as many memory istream objects as you want. (istrstream is good for this, istringstream is not).
It really depends on your system. A modern system will generally read
ahead; seeking within the file is likely to inhibit this, so should
definitly be avoided.
It might be worth experimenting how read-ahead works on your system:
open the file, then read the first half of it sequentially, and see how
long that takes. Then open it, seek to the middle, and read the second
half sequentially. (On some systems I've seen in the past, a simple
seek, at any time, will turn off read-ahead.) Finally, open it, then
read every other record; this will simulate two threads using the same
file descriptor. (For all of these tests, use fixed length records, and
open in binary mode. Also take whatever steps are necessary to ensure
that any data from the file is purged from the OS's cache before
starting the test—under Unix, copying a file of 10 or 20 Gigabytes
to /dev/null is usually sufficient for this.
That will give you some ideas, but to be really certain, the best
solution would be to test the real cases. I'd be surprised if sharing a
single ifstream (and thus a single file descriptor), and constantly
seeking, won, but you never know.
I'd also recommend system specific solutions like mmap, but if you've
got that much data, there's a good chance you won't be able to map it
all in one go anyway. (You can still use mmap, mapping sections of it
at a time, but it becomes a lot more complicated.)
Finally, would it be possible to get the data already cut up into
smaller files? That might be the fastest solution of all. (Ideally,
this would be done where the data is generated or imported into the
My vote would be a single reader, which hands the data to multiple worker threads.
If your file is on a single disk, then multiple readers will kill your read performance. Yes, your kernel may have some fantastic caching or queuing capabilities, but it is going to be spending more time seeking than reading data.

How do I do stdin.byLine, but with a buffer?

I'm reading multi-gigabyte files and processing them from stdin. I'm reading from stdin like this.
string line;
foreach(line1; stdin.byLine){
line = to!string(line1);
Is there a faster way to do this? I tried a threading approach with
auto childTid = spawn(&fn, thisTid);
string line;
foreach(line1; stdin.byLine){
line = to!string(line1);
send(childTid, line);
int x= 0;
send(childTid, x);
That allows it to load at least one more line from disk while my process is running at the cost of a copy operation, but this is still silly, what I need is fgets, or a way to combine stdio.byChunk(4096) with readline. I tried fgets.
char[] buf = new char[4096];
fgets(buf.ptr, 4096, stdio)
but it always fails with stdio is a file and not a stream. Not sure how to make it a stream. Any help would be appreciated with the approach you think best. I'm not very good at D, apologies for any noob mistakes.
There are actually already two layers of buffering under the hood (excluding the hardware itself): the C runtime library and the kernel both do a layer of buffering to minimize I/O costs.
First, the kernel keeps data from disk in its own buffer and will look ahead, loading beyond what you request in a single call if you are following a predictable pattern. This is to mitigate the low-level costs associated with seeking the device and will cache across processes - if you read a file with one program then again with a second, the second will probably get it from the kernel memory cache instead of the physical disk and may be noticeably much faster.
Second, the C library, on which D's std.stdio is built, also keeps a buffer. readln ultimately calls C file I/O functions which read a chunk from the kernel at a time. (Fun fact, writes are also buffered by the C library, default by line if user interactive and by chunk otherwise. Writing is quite slow and doing it by chunk makes a big difference, but sometimes the C lib thinks a pipe isn't interactive when it is and leads to a FAQ: Simple D program Output order is wrong )
These C lib buffers also mitigate the costs of many small reads and writes by batching them up before even sending to the kernel. In the case of readln, it will likely read several kilobytes at once, even if you ask for just one line or one byte, and the rest stays in the buffer for next time.
So your readln loop is already going to be automatically buffered and should get decent I/O performance.
You might be able to do it better yourself with a few techniques though. In that case, you may try using std.mmfile for a memory-mapped file and reading it as if i was an array, but your files are too big to fit in that on 32 bit. Might work on 64 bit though. (Note that a memory mapped file is NOT loaded all at once, it is just mapped to a memory address. When you actually touch part of it, the operating system will load/save on demand.)
Or, of course, you can use the lower level operating system functions like write from import core.sys.posix.unistd or WriteFile from import, which will bypass the C lib's layers (but, of course, keep the kernel layers, which you want, don't try to bypass them.)
You can look for any win32 or posix system call C tutorials if you want to know more about using those functions. It is the same in D as in C, with minor caveats like the import instead of #include.
Once you load the chunk, you will want to scan it for the newline and slice it in all probability to form the range to pass to the loop or other algorithms. The std.range and std.algorithm modules also have searching, splitting, and chunking functions that might help, but you need to be careful with lines that span the edges of your buffers to keep correctness and efficiency.
But if your performance is good enough as it is, I'd say just leave it - the C lib+kernel's buffering do a pretty good job in most cases.

Speed to create and read data

I have some small questions about the speed to create and read data in C/C++:
=> If I need to fill data in a array of any type (think about a 2048*2048 array), using a loop and fill each cell is faster then loading it from a file? (excluding time spent to open and close the file).
=> If have data in a separate file and read it, it costs the same time to read it from the original file? (imagine that I need to fill an array, is better to have this array filled on the main program or I can read without loss from a external file? (excluding the time to open and close the file))
=> Memcpy still fast if I need to copy a lot of data ?
The file operations will be MANY MANY MANY Times slower than memory operations.
memcpy is up to the compiler, but yes, in general it will do it quicker or just the same as you could without resorting to assembly.
If I need to fill data in a array of any type (think about a 2048*2048 array), using a loop and fill each cell is faster then loading it from a file? (excluding time spent to open and close the file).
where does data for you to fill, when you not read from file ? But in general, read from file is extremely slow. when reading on main memory is nearly atomic, a same operation on file is slower than 1000x or more. In practice, always to prevent to read from file if not necessary.
Memcpy still fast if I need to copy alot of data ?
yes. often it's faster, depend on Compiler and your hardware. because memcpy use some special CPU instruction for example SIMD (single intruction - multiply data) for performance, and maybe your CPU doesn't have it. Compiler still have this function for comparable.
In-memory operations are many orders faster than FILE IO operations, but you might be able to utilise a half way house.
Memory Mapped files use OS technology to map the contents of the file directly to memory without you having to read and copy each byte. You can then read/write the memory as normal. It's the basis of virtual memory in many architectures and as such is highly optimised and performant.

method to read multiple lines from a file at once without partial lines

I'm reading in from a CSV file, parsing it, and storing the data, pretty simple.
Right now were using the standard readLine() method to do that, and I'm trying to squeeze some extra efficency out of this processing loop. I don't know how much they hide behind the scenes, but I assume each call to getLine is a new OS call with all the pain that entails? I don't want to pay for OS calls on each line of input. I would provide a huge buffer and have it fill the buffer with many lines at once.
However, I only care about full lines. I don't want to have to handle maintaining partial lines from one buffer read to append to the second buffer read to make a full line, that's just ugly and annoying.
So, is there a method out there that does this for me? It seems like there almost has to be. Any method which I can instruct to read in x number of lines, or x bytes but don't output the last partial line, or even an easy way for me to manage the memory buffer so I minimize the amount of code for handling partial strings would be appreciated. I can use Boost, though if there is a method in standard C++ I would prefer that.
It's very unlikely that you'll be able to do better than the built-in C++ streams. They're quite fast. In general, the fastest way to completely read a file is to use a single thread to read the entire file from start to end, especially if the file is contiguous on disk. Furthermore, it's likely that the disk is much more of a bottleneck during reading than the OS. If you need to improve the performance of your app, I have a few recommendations.
Use a profiler. If your app is reading a line then parsing it or processing it in some way, it's possible that the parsing or processing is something that can be optimized. This can be determined in profiling. If parsing or processing takes up substantial CPU resources, then optimization may be worth the effort.
If you determine that parsing or processing is responsible for a slow application, and that it can't be easily optimized, consider multiprogramming. If the processing of individual lines does not depend on the results of previous lines being processed, then use multiple threads or CPUs to do the processing.
Use pipelining if you have to process multiple files. For example, suppose you have four stages in your app: reading, parsing, processing, saving. It may be more efficient to read one file at a time rather then all of them all at once. However, while reading the second file, you can still parse the first one. While reading the third file, you can parse the second file and process the first one, etc. One way to implement this is a staged mult-threaded application design.
Use RAID to improve disk reads. Certain raid modes can create faster reads and writes.
i am java programmer, but still i have a hint... read the data in a stream. that means for example 4 or 5 times 2048bytes (or much more)... you can iterate over the stream (and convert it) and search for your line-ends(or some other char)... but i think "readLine" is doing the same anyway...

Efficient way to write results to file during the computational experiment

I have a piece of software that performs a set of experiments (C++).
Without storing the outcomes, all experiments take a little over a minute.
The total amount of data generated is equal to 2.5 Gbyte, which is too large to store in memory till the end of the experiment and write to file afterwards.
Therefore I write them in chunks.
for(int i = 0; i < chunkSize;i++){
outfile << results_experiments[i] << endl;
ofstream outfile("data");
and outfile is only closed at the end.
However when I write them in chunks of 4700 kbytes (actually 4700/Chunksize = size of results_experiments element) the experiments take about 50 times longer (over an hour...). This is unacceptable and makes my prior optimization attempts look rather silly. Especially since these experiments again need to be perfomed using many different parameter settings ect.. (at least 100 times, but preferably more)
Concrete my question is:
What would be the ideal chunksize to write at?
Is there a more efficient way than (or something very inefficient in) the way I write data currently?
Basically: Help me getting the file IO overhead introduced as small as possible..
I think it should be possible to do this a lot faster as copying (writing & reading!) the resulting file (same size), takes me under a minute..
The code should be fairly platform independent and not use any (non standard) libraries (I can provide seperate versions for seperate platforms & more complicated install instructions, but it is a hassle..)
If it is not feasible to get the total experiment time under 5 minutes, without platform/library dependencies (and possible with), I will seriously consider introducing these. (platform is windows, but a trivial linux port should at least be possible)
Thank you for your effort.
For starters not flushing the buffer for every chunk seems like a good idea. It also seems possible to do the IO asynchronously, as it is completely independent of the computation. You can also use mmap to improve the performance of File I/O.
If the output doesn't have to be human-readable, then you could investigate a binary format. Storing data in binary format occupies less space than text format and therefore needs less disk i/o. But there'll be little difference if the data is all strings. So if you write out as much as possible as numbers and not formatted text you could get a big gain.
However I'm not sure if/how this is done with STL iostreams. The C-style way is using fopen(..., "wb") and fwrite(&object, ...).
I think boost::Serialisation can do binary output using << operator.
Also, can you reduce the amount you write? e.g. no formatting or redundant text, just the bare minimum.
Whether endl flushes the buffer when writing to a ofstream is implementation dependent--
You might also try increasing the buffer size of your ofstream
char *biggerbuffer = new char[512000];
The availability of pubsetbuf may vary depending on your iostream implementation