Middleware with generic communication media layer - c++

Greetings all,
I'm trying to implement middleware (driver) for an embedded device with generic communication media layer. Not sure what is the best way to do it so I'm seeking an advice from more experienced stackoverflow users:). Basically we've got devices around the country communicating with our servers (or a pda/laptop in used in field). Usual form of communication is over TCP/IP, but could be also using usb, RF dongle, IR, etc. The plan is to have object corresponding with each of these devices, handling the proprietary protocol on one side and requests/responses from other internal systems on the other.
The thing is how create something generic in between the media and the handling objects. I had a play around with the TCP dispatcher using boost.asio but trying to create something generic seems like a nightmare :). Anybody tried to do something like that? What is the best way how to do it?
Example: Device connects to our Linux server. New middleware instance is created (on the server) which announces itself to one of the running services (details are not important). The service is responsible for making sure that device's time is synchronized. So it asks the middleware what is the device's time, driver translates it to device language (protocol) and sends the message, device responses and driver again translates it for the service. This might seem as a bit overkill for such a simple request but imagine there are more complex requests which the driver must translate, also there are several versions of the device which use different protocol, etc. but would use the same time sync service. The goal is to abstract the devices through the middleware to be able to use the same service to communicate with them.
Another example: we find out that the remote communications with the device are down. So we send somebody out with PDA, he connects to the device using USB cable. Starts up the application which has the same functionality as the timesync service. Again middleware instance is created (on the PDA) to translate communication between application and the device this time only using USB/serial media not TCP/IP as in previous example.
I hope it makes more sense now :)

The thing is how create something generic in between the media and the handling objects. I had a play around with the TCP dispatcher using boost.asio but trying to create something generic seems like a nightmare :). Anybody tried to do something like that? What is the best way how to do it?
I haven't used Boost, but the way I usually handled that kind of problem was to create a Device base class which the server interacts with, and then subclassed it for each device type, and made the subclasses deal with the device oddness. That way, the Device class becomes a definition of your protocol. Also, the Device class would need to be portable, but the subclasses would not.
If you had to get fancier than that, you could use the Factory pattern to create the actual subclassed objects.
As far as actually communicating, I'd see if I could just run one process per Device. If you have to have more than one Device per process, on Linux I'd just use select() and its friends to manage I/O between the various Device instances. I don't know how to do that on Windows; its select only works for sockets, not serial ports or other file-like things.
Other things that come to mind that might be useful include dbus and the MPI (Message Passing Interface) library, though they aren't complete solutions for your problem (dbus doesn't do inter-computer communications, IIRC).
Does this help at all?
EDIT: Needed a formatted response to Tom's reply...
Does your device class contain the communication specific parts? Because that's the thing I wanted to avoid.
The subclasses contain the communication specific parts. That's the whole point of using subclasses here; the generic stuff goes in the base class, and the specifics go in the subclass.
I was thinking about something like this: Say there is a dispatcher specific for media used which creates Connection object for each connection (media specific), Device obj. would be created as well but just a generic one and the Connection would pass the incoming data to Device and the Device would pass the responses back to Connection.
I think that may be a bit complex, and you're expecting a generic Device to deal with a specific Connection, which can get hard to maintain fast.
What I'd recommend is a Device subclass specifically for handling that type of Connection which takes the Connection from the dispatcher and owns it until the connection closes. Then your manager can talk to the generic Device and the Connection can mess with the specifics.
An example: Say you have a temperature sensor USB thingamajig. You have some dispatcher that catches the "USB thing plugged in" signal. When it sees the USB thing plugged in:
Dispatcher creates a USBTemperatureThingConnection.
Dispatcher creates a USBTemperatureDevice, which is a subclass of Device, giving the USBTemperatureThingConnection to the USBTemperatureDevice as a constructor parameter.
USBTemperatureDevice::USBTemperatureDevice(USBTemperatureThingConnection* conn) goes and sets up whatever it needs locally to finish setting up the Connection, then sends a message to the Device Manager saying it has set itself up.
Some time later, the Device Manager wants to set the time on all devices. So it iterates through its list of devices and calls the generic (maybe even abstract) Device::SetTime(const struct timespec_t&) method on each of them.
When it gets to your temperature device, it calls USBTemperatureDevice::SetTime(const struct timespec_t&), since USBTemperatureDevice overrode the one in Device (which was either abstract, i.e. virtual void SetTime(const struct timespec_t&) = 0; or a no-op, i.e. virtual void SetTime(const struct timespec_t&) {}, so you don't have to override it for devices that can't set time). USBTemperatureDevice::SetTime(const struct timespec_t&) does whatever USB Temperature sensor-specific things are needed, using the USBTemperatureThingConnection, to get the time set.
Some time later, the device might send back a "Time Set Result" message, saying if it worked or not. That comes in on the USBTemperatureThingConnection, which wakes up your thread and you need to deal with it. So your USBTemperatureDevice::DealWithMessageFromSensor() method (which only exists in USBTemperatureDevice) dives into the message contents and figures out if the time setting worked or not. It then takes that result, turns it into a value defined in enum Device::ResultCode and calls Device::TimeSetComplete(ResultCode result), which records the result, sets a flag (bool Device::timeComplete) saying the result is in, and then hits a Semaphore or Condition to wake up the Device Manager and get it to check all the Device's, in case it was blocked waiting for all the devices to finish setting time before continuing.
I have no idea what that pattern is called. If pressed, I'd say "subclassing", or "object-oriented design" if I felt grumpy. The "middleware" is the Device class, the DeviceManager, and all their underlings. The application then just talks to the Device Manager, or at most to the generic Device interface of a specific device.
Btw. Factory pattern was planned, each object would run in separate thread :)
Good to hear.

I'm assuming by TCP/IP you mean remote nodes, and by USB, etc. the local devices connected to the same physical box. I think what I'm missing in your explanation is the part that announces the new local devices to the server process ( i.e. the analog of a listening socket) Again, assuming something along the lines of Linux uevent, I would start with the following structure:
Controller: knows correct time, manages event sources, reacts to events
Event source: produces "new/delete device" events, knows its device class
server socket
local device monitor
Device class: encapsulates device-specific logic and manages/enumerates devices
remote device type (connected socket)
USB device type
USB device version X.Y.Z type
The high-level protocol is very simple - on receipt or "new device" event, query the "Device class" for time from given device, then update the time on the device. The "Device class" is the driver/translator/bridge that implements the conversion from query/update interface to device-specific commands (network exchange for remote nodes.) It also holds a list of its devices.
This should easily map to a class diagram. Was there something else that I missed?


How to make interaction kext os x network filter with application?

I am writing network filter kernel extension for os x.
I want to call something like callbacks in kext.
For example in data_in function when I get a tcp packet I want to call this callback from user application. Application changes this packet and I inject it.
How to make this interaction between kext and user application?
First of all, you don't want to block the data_in callback - you should "swallow" the packet, send it to userspace, and when it comes back, re-inject it into the connection.
There are a few ways of exchanging data with userspace processes. The most convenient way for exchanging network packets is probably the kernel control mechanism, which essentially allows you to open a socket connection between a user program and your kext.
Apple used to offer sample source code, "tcplognke" that did something extremely similar, but it seems to have disappeared from their own site. Someone kindly appears to have saved it and is offering it for download - looks OK to me right now, but obviously be cautious about downloading stuff from random websites.

Create virtual serial port in Qt/C++

I would like to create a linux app which appears as a serial port (eg /dev/ttyTEST). This app will listen for commands sent to the port, and respond back.
Is this possible using Qt/C++ ? I haven't done kernel programming so I'm hoping this is possible in user space.
Everything depends on what the application using such device expects.
If /dev/ttyTEST is to behave like a real serial device and respond properly to all ioctl's that set its speed etc., then this can't be done from userspace. It wouldn't be too hard to implement in the kernel space, though.
If /dev/ttyTEST only needs to be a tty, then provide a pseudo tty.
If /dev/ttyTEST is merely to be something another application can write to and read from then socketpair() does it.
If you have control over the application's code, then you can have it check whether the device is a socket pair or a real character device, and ignore the failures of the serial-port-specific APIs on a socket.

Simulate network conditions with a C/C++ Socket

I'm looking for a way to add network emulation to a socket.
The basic solution would be some way to add bandwidth limitation to a connection.
The ideal solution for me would:
Support advanced network properties (latency, packet-loss)
Have a similar API as standard sockets (or wraps around them)
Work on both Windows and Linux
Support IPv4 and IPv6
I saw a few options that work on the system level, or even as proxy (Dummynet, WANem, neten, etc.), but that won't work for me, because I want to be able to emulate each socket manually (for example, open one socket with modem emulation and one with 3G emulation. Basically I want to know how these tools do it.
EDIT: I need to embed this functionality in my own product, therefore using an extra box or a third-party tool that needs manual configuration is not acceptable. I want to write code that does the same thing as those tools do, and my question is how to do it.
Epilogue: In hindsight, my question was a bit misleading. Apparently, there is no way to do what I wanted directly on the socket. There are two options:
Add delays to send/receive operation (Based on #PaulCoccoli's answer):
by adding a delay before sending and receiving, you can get a very crude network simulation (constant delay for latency, delay sending, as to not send more than X bytes per second, for bandwidth).
Paul's answer and comment were great inspiration for me, so I award him the bounty.
Add the network simulation logic as a proxy (Based on #m0she and others answer):
Either send the request through the proxy, or use the proxy to intercept the requests, then add the desired simulation. However, it makes more sense to use a ready solution instead of writing your own proxy implementation - from what I've seen Dummynet is probably the best choice (this is what webpagetest.org does). Other options are in the answers below, I'll also add DonsProxy
This is the better way to do it, so I'm accepting this answer.
You can compile a proxy into your software that would do that.
It can be some implementation of full fledged socks proxy (like this) or probably better, something simpler that would only serve your purpose (and doesn't require prefixing your communication with the destination and other socks overhead).
That code could run as a separate process or a thread within your process.
Adding throttling to a proxy shouldn't be too hard. You can:
delay forwarding of data if it passes some bandwidth limit
add latency by adding timer before read/write operations on buffers.
If you're working with connection based protocol (like TCP), it would be senseless to drop packets, but with a datagram based protocol (UDP) it would also be simple to implement.
The connection creation API would be a bit different from normal posix/winsock (unless you do some macro or other magic), but everything else (send/recv/select/close/etc..) is the same.
If you're building this into your product, then you should implement a layer of abstraction over the sockets API so you can select your own implementation at run time. Alternatively, you can implement wrappers of each socket function and select whether to call your own version or the system's version.
As for adding latency, you could have your implementation of the sockets API spin off a thread. In that thread, have a priority queue ordered by time (i.e. this background thread does a very basic discrete event simulation). Each "packet" you send or receive could be enqueued along with a delivery time. Each delivery time should have some amount of delay added. I would use some kind of random number generator with a Gaussian distribution.
The background thread would also have to simulate the other side of the connection, though it sounds like you may have already implemented that part?
I know only Network Link Conditioner for Mac OS X Lion. You should be mac developer to download it, so i cannot put download link there. Only description from 9to5mac.com: http://9to5mac.com/2011/08/10/new-in-os-x-lion-network-link-conditioner-utility-lets-you-simulate-internet-and-bandwidth-conditions/
This answer might be a partial solution for you when using linux:
Simulate delayed and dropped packets on Linux. It refers to a kernel module called netem, which can simulate all kinds of network problems.
If you want to work with TCP connections, having "packet loss" could be problematic since a lot of error-handling (like recovering lost packages) is done in the kernel. Simulating this in a cross-platform way could be hard.
you usually add a network device to your network that throttles the bandwidth or latency, on a port by port basis, you can then achieve what you want just by connecting to the port allocated to the particular type of crappy network you want to test, with no code changes or modifications required.
The easiest ways to do this is just add iptables rules to a Linux server acting as a proxy.
If you want it to work without the separate device, try trickle that is a software package that throttles your network on your client PC. (or for Windows)
You may would like to check WANem http://wanem.sourceforge.net/ . WANEM is Open Source and licensed under the GNU General Public License.
WANem allows the application development team to setup a transparent application gateway which can be used to simulate WAN characteristics like Network delay, Packet loss, Packet corruption, Disconnections, Packet re-ordering, Jitter, etc.
I think you could use a tool like Network Simulator. It's free, for Windows.
The only thing to do is to setup your program to use the right ports (and the settings for the network, of course).
If you want a software only solution that you control, you will have to implement it yourself. I know of no such existing package.
While a wrapper layer over a socket may give you the ability to introduce delay, it won't be sufficient to introduce loss or out of order delivery. In order to simulate those activities, you actually need intercept the data in transit between the two TCP stacks.
The approach I would recommend is to use a tunneling device (say tunX). Routes should be set so the client believes the way to the server is through tunX. Additional code (perhaps running in a different thread) would promiscuously intercept traffic on tunX, and perform your augmented behavior, before forwarding packets over the true physical interface that will get the traffic to your server. The reverse would happen for packets arriving from the server on the physical interface. Those packets would be intercepted by the client code, behavior augmented, before forwarding through tunX.
However, since you are testing client software, I am unclear as to why you would want to embed this code in your released software, unless the software itself is a WAN simulating client.

WaitCommEvent compatible with pipes?

I am working with legacy C++/MFC/Win32 code. The project multiplexes various serial protocols over separate physical serial ports, one per client system, to a common front end data repository.
Since the program was originally designed to communicate over serial ports there are many assumptions in the code as far as setup and management of serial events go: ACK/NAK transport verification, inner-byte delay checks, etc…
The existing architecture leverages overlapped reads and writes with event notification via WaitCommEvent.
I have been tasked to add another client interface, using a single client pipe server; which, like the serial ports, will support one client per “file”.
In reading the docs for WaitCommEvent it looks like it was designed to work with OS abstracted physical communications devices; like serial ports.
The simple question, can I leverage the existing serial skewed “wait” model to work with a pipe, or should I go ahead and virtualize it so that it can be overridden it with specific pipe logic?
Thanks to those (the minority for sure) of developers who know what I am asking.
I can't find a good reference right now, but it is my understanding that WaitCommEvent only works with communications resources and that a pipe is not defined to be a communications resource in the same sense as e.g. a serial port. WaitCommEvent waits for the underlying driver to set certain bit-flags, like when new characters arrive, and I don't believe pipes (or files) work that way internally.

Recommendations on multiple types of games server

I've already developed some online games (like chess, checkers, risk clone) using server side programming (PHP and C++) and Flash (for the GUI). Now, I'd like to develop some kind of game portal (like www.mytopia.com). In order to do so, I must decide what is a good way to structure my server logic.
At first I thought in programming separated game servers for each game. In this way, each game will be an isolated program that opens a specific port to the client. I thought also in creating different servers to each game room (each game room allow 100 clients connected on the same time). Of course I'd use database to link everything (like highscores, etc).
Then, I guess it is not the best way to structure a game portal server. I'm reading about thread programming and I think that is the best way to do it. So, I thought in doing something like a connection thread that will listen only to new connection clients (that way every type of game client will connect in only one port), validate this client (login) and then tranfer this client to the specific game thread (like chess thread, checkers thread, etc). I'll be using select (or variants) to handle the asynchronous clients (I guess the "one thread per client" is not suited this time). This structure seems to be the best but how do I make the communication between threads? I've read about race conditions and global scope variables, so one solution is to have a global clients array (vector or map) that need to be locked by connection thread or game thread everytime it is changed (new connection, logout, change states, etc). Is it right?
Has anyone worked in anything like this? Any recommendations?
Thanks very much
A portal needs to be robust, scalable and extensible so that you can cope with larger audiences, more games/servers being added, etc. A good place to start is to look into the way MMOs and distributed systems are designed. This might help too: http://onlinegametechniques.blogspot.com/
Personally, I'd centralise the users by having an authentication server, then a separate game server for each game that validates users against the authentication server.
If you use threads you might have an easier time sharing data but you'll have to be more careful about security for exactly the same reason. That of course doesn't address MT issues in general.
TBH I've been doing a voip system where the server can send out many streams and the client can listen to many streams. The best architecture I've come up with so far is just to bind to a single port and use sendto and recvfrom to handle communications. If i receive a valid connect packet from a client on a new address then I add the client to an internal list and begin sending audio data to them. The packet receive and response management (RRM) all happens in one thread. The audio, as it becomes ready, then gets sent to all the clients from the audio thread. The clients respond saying they received the audio and that gets handle on the RRM thread. If the client fails to respond for longer than 30 seconds then I send a disconnect and remove the client from my internal list. I don't need to be particularly fault tolerant.
As for how to do this in a games situation my main thought was to send a set of impulse vectors (the current one and 'n' previous ones). This way if the client moves out of sync it can check how out of sync it is by checking the last few impulses it should have received for a given object. If it doesn't correspond to what its got then it can either correct or if it is too far out of sync it can ask for a game state reset. The idea being to try and avoid doig a full game state reset as it is going to be quite an expensive thing to do.
Obviously each packet would be hashed so the client can check the validity of incoming packets but it also allows for the client to ignore an invalid packet and still get the info it needs in the next update and thus helping prevent the state reset.
On top of that its worth doing things like keeping an eye on where the client is. There is no point in sending updates to a client when the client is looking in the other direction or there is something in the way (ie the client can't see the object its being told about). This also limits the effectiveness of a wallhack packet sniffing the incoming packets. Obviously you have to start sending things a tad before the object becomes visible, however, or you will get things popping into existence at inconvenient moments.
Anyway ... thats just some random thoughts. I have to add that I've never actually written a multiplayer engine for a game so I hope my musings help ya a bit :)