Deleting index from Solr using solrj as a client - solrj

I am using solrj as client for indexing documents on the solr server.
I am having problem while deleting the indexes by 'id' from the solr server.
I am using following code to delete the indexes:
After this when i again search for the documents, the search result contains the above document also. Dont know what is going wrong with this code.
Please help me out with issue.

When you call deleteById, just use the id, without query syntax:

After you delete the document, commit the server and add the following lines.
After the server commit line.
UpdateRequest req = new UpdateRequest();
req.setAction( UpdateRequest.ACTION.COMMIT, false, false );
req.add( docs );
UpdateResponse rsp = req.process( server );

Use the method deleteByQuery() to delete the documents matching the query:

So the deleteById will work only if you are forming your key using only one attribute. So, I had case where the id was a combination of multiple attributes like employeeId+deptId. But, my table had employeeId & deptId as separate columns as well with indexes created on it. So when I wanted to delete a record I had only the employeeId and not deptId. I used the curl command to delete where you can specify the column and its value and it will delete the entire record.
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/update --data ':' -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'


Ember - Fetching live records with meta information

I have created a comment model and trying to fetch all comments records. But I need a meta info total comments which is getting as a separate attribute outside comments array.
I am using Ember store.query to fetch records from rest service(I tried store.findAll, but it is giving me only record array of comments in promise response. Is it possible to modify that?). I am getting the records with total comments(meta) while using store.query(), but that record array is not getting updated when we save new records.
After doing some analysis I found that we can use filter for loading the live record, but filter is now deprecated in Ember(Ember 2.5.1). From the documentation It is clear that we can use ember-data-filter for loading live record. But I am confused to use that addon(Mentioned like it has some memory leakage issue) and not sure whether I will get meta information from response. Is there is any other way to fetch live records with meta information from the response.
Anyone please suggest a solution
After doing some analysis, I found a solution to access meta data using store.findAll(). We can use typeMapFor in the findAll response to get the meta info in the response
Full code below,
store.findAll("comment").then(function(response) {
var meta = store.typeMapFor(response.type);
// your meta info will be in meta.metadata
// var totalComments = meta.metadata.totalComments;
And the response record array is liveRecords which will get updated automatically, if we save new records.
store.query("comment").then(function(response) {
var meta = response.get("meta");
// We will get meta like this but reponse record array is not a liveRecords
Response getting from store.query() is just a recordArray (not liveRecords) which will not get updated with new records
If you want an array of all records that updates as new records are populated you can use peekAll which returns a live record array.
Added Code sample:
loadRecords: function (){
this.set('allComments', store.peekAll('comment'));'comment');
recordCount: Ember.computed.alias('allComments.length')

SOLR Java APi - Adding multiple condition

I am using Solr API to index the records and for search functionality. I am using the following code to search through
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.set("q", "country_id:("+id+")");
I would like to add one more parameter like state_id and I would like to do logical AND/OR operations and depending on the result the records should be retrieved. I searched through Google, but could not find a way to combine the conditions. Is it possible through the SOLR api? Or am I doing something wrong?
You can make Your Query as Following.....
String qr="cstm_text:"+"devotional";
SolrQuery qry = new SolrQuery(qr);
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.set("qt", "/spell");
params.set("spellcheck", "on");

Display name & picture knowing ID

I was looking to find an answer to my question, but so far I got this:,picture
I need to be able to display/print first,last name and picture of a set list of users for which I know their ID. What code is required to get this data and then to publish it on a php/html page? Of course, this will means that if I want to show 10 users, I will input 10 different IDs (read smtg about an array list?). Notice that I DO NOT require for this to work for the current user.
Thanks in advance for your replies.
You need to use file_get_contents ( ) or curl in php and issue a request to the url such as follows:,id2,id3&fields=name,picture
(replacing id1,id2 with your ids)
this will then return you a json object. You then need to decode ( ) and loop through this and access the information
this should get you started
// people array uses the users id as the key and the dessert as the value. The id is then used in the query to facebook to select the corresponding value from this array
$people = array("id1"=>"favourite "dessert", "id2"=>"favourite dessert", "id3"=>"apple pie");
$json = file_get_contents(',id2,id3&fields=id,name,picture');
$json = json_decode($json);
foreach($json as $key=>$person){
echo '<p><img src="'.$person->picture.'" alt="'.$person->name.'" />';
echo $person->name.'\'s favourite dessert is '.$people[$person->id'];
echo '</p>';
I've batched the requests here, alternatively you could perform 10 separate queries for each user, but that would be a bit pointless and inefficient
The easiest way is with an FQL query:
SELECT first_name, last_name, pic, uid FROM user WHERE uid IN
(Known_ID_1, Known_ID_2, ... Known_ID_n)
The easiest, if you're using PHP is to install the PHP SDK, though you can also make a call directly to

Amazon Product Advertising API: Get Average Customer Rating

When using Amazon's web service to get any product's information, is there a direct way to get the Average Customer Rating (1-5 stars)? Here are the parameters I'm using:
Title=A Game of Thrones
I would expect it to have a customer rating of 4.5 and total reviews of 2177. But instead I get the following in the response.
Is there a way to get the overall customer rating, besides for reading the <IFrameURL/> value, making another HTTP request for that page of reviews, and then screen scraping the HTML? That approach is fragile since Amazon could easily change the reviews page structure which would bust my application.
You can scrape from here. Just replace the asin with what you need.
As far as i know, Amazon changed it's API so its not possible anymore to get the reviewrank information. If you check this Link the note sais:
As of November 8, 2010, only the iframe URL is returned in the request
However, testing with the params you used to get the Iframe it seems that now even the Iframe dosn't work anymore. Thus, even in the latest API Reference in the chapter "Motivating Customers to Buy" the part "reviews" is compleatly missing.
However: Since i'm also very interested if its still possible somehow to get the reviewrank information - maybe even not using amazon API but a competitors API to get review rank informations - i'll set up a bounty if anybody can provide something helpful on that. Bounty will be set in this topic in two days.
You can grab the iframe review url and then use css to position it so only the star rating shows. It's not ideal since you're not getting raw data, but it's an easy way to add the rating to your page.
Sample of this in action -
Here is a VBS script that would scrape the rating. Paste the code below to a text file, rename it to Test.vbs and double click to run on Windows.
sAsin = InputBox("What is your ASIN?", "Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN)", "B000P0ZSHK")
if sAsin <> "" Then
sHtml = SendData("" & sAsin)
sRating = ExtractHtml(sHtml, "<span class=""a-size-base a-color-secondary"">(.*?)<\/span>")
sReviews = ExtractHtml(sHtml, "<a class=""a-size-small a-link-emphasis"".*?>.*?See all(.*?)<\/a>")
MsgBox sRating & vbCrLf & sReviews
End If
Function ExtractHtml(sHtml,sPattern)
Set oRegExp = New RegExp
oRegExp.Pattern = sPattern
oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
Set oMatch = oRegExp.Execute(sHtml)
If oMatch.Count = 1 Then
ExtractHtml = Trim(oMatch.Item(0).SubMatches(0))
End If
End Function
Function SendData(sUrl)
Dim oHttp 'As XMLHTTP30
Set oHttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") "GET", sUrl, False
SendData = Replace(oHttp.responseText,vbLf,"")
End Function
Amazon has completely removed support for accessing rating/review information from their API. The docs mention a Response Element in the form of customer rating, but that doesn't work either.
Google shopping using Viewpoints for some reviews and other sources
This is not possible from PAPI. You either need to scrape it by yourself, or you can use other free/cheaper third-party alternatives for that.
We use the amazon-price API from RapidAPI for this, it supports price/rating/review count fetching for up to 1000 products in a single request.

persistent cookies, jquery, ajax

$("input[type=checkbox]").click(function() {
This piece of code sends values to my PHP script which implodes the values into a MySQL query.
My problem is, It is not keeping the checked value upon executing, which then leads to it not being able to implode values into the MySQL query
$title = implode(',',$_GET['brand']);
FROM ITEMS where brand_id in ($title)"
Do I need to use cookies for this?