1>Project : error PRJ0003 : Error spawning 'rc.exe' - c++

1>Project : error PRJ0003 : Error spawning 'rc.exe'.. this is the error i get when i try to run this small practice program of reading and writing files which i cant do because of the reason of me not being able to get the files to open correctly. i use microsoft visual c++ 2008 and i have used the file path to try to open the file as well and i cant can someone help?
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
ifstream infile;
ofstream myfile;
int num;
cout << "error" << endl;
myfile.open ("example.txt");
cout << "error" << endl;
example >> num;
example << num;
return 0;

The cause of the infamous: Error spawning 'rc.exe'
You freshly installed Visual Studio 2008 (VS2008)
Then dutifully patch with Service Pack 1 (SP1)
And find that VS environment variables are screwed up, like $(WindowsSdkDirs).
This happens when the service pack doesn't correctly tell the registry where to find the install directory. To fix this:
Close Visual Studio 2008
Start > Run > Regedit
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows
Add new string value called CurrentInstallFolder (if it's not there already)
Give this key the value C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\ (or wherever you installed it to)
When you restart VS2008, you ought to be able compile your program properly.

There's something wrong with your setup of Visual Studio, it should never have any trouble finding and running rc.exe. First thing to check if the file is there. It should be located in c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\bin\rc.exe.
Next thing to check is that the paths are set properly. Tools + Options, Projects and Solutions, C++ Directories. Upper right: Show directories for = Executable files. Verify that $(WindowsSdkDirs)\bin is listed there. Try adding the folder name explicitly. If the latter step works then your registry is messed up. Despair a bit, rerun Setup.exe and choose Repair.

Make sure one of the "Executable files" directories (editable via Tools->Options->VC++ Directories) contain both the RC.exe and RcDll.Dll.
The required RC.exe will most likely placed in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\XXX\Bin" where XXX is the different version number.
If a particular version of Microsoft SDK didn't contain RC.exe, you might download the latest one from Microsoft and point the "Executable files" directly to the new directory, try to not use $(WindowsSdkDir) macro since it might still point to the old sdk directory.

Maybe your rc.exe is missing in this path:
c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\bin\rc.exe
If this is your problem you can copy this application from your friend's computer. hehe,..

I realize this is old, but I fixed the same error by checking the "tools" option when installing the Windows SDK. This is selected by default, I had removed it assuming Visual Studio's tools will be used.
(Using Windows SDK 7.1)

There is nothing to do in the Registry, nor in the Visual Studio settings!
You find a LOT of misleading and wrong answers to this question!
A detailed explanation of the problem can be found on the link below.
The missing files can be downloaded there, too.

I had this case too.
From reading the answer by Elmue (elsewhere on this page) I found out it was caused by me having installed VS2008 + VS2010 + SDK then uninstalling all and deleting some folders manually. After reinstalling VS2008 and SDK in a nonstandard folder the RC.EXE file simply wasn't there, something got mixed up in the installation where some of the registry entries pointed to the SDK default folder (instead of the nonstandard one I used). Correcting the registry entries didn't work. Upon running Repair installation of SDK it just "corrected" the entries to point in the wrong direction again, but RC.EXE still didn't install.
In the end I had to bite the bitter apple: uninstalled everything and reinstalled SDK + VS2008 in their standard folders. Then it worked!


How to properly delete projects in PlatformIO?

I use PlatformIO with Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.
Now whenever I:
create a Project with a name X
close Visual Studio Code
delete the Project folder X
open Visual Studio Code
create a new Project with the same name X
I get an empty project with a main.cpp file as expected, but the IDE shows an error for the line:
#include <Arduino.h>
The Error says: "Include Error recognised. Update your includePath." (Translated)
However, if I try to build, it compiles just fine. Even uploading and running works.
This include error appears not only with Arduino.h but with all includes, even if the file is in the exact same location. And it appears in other files than just main.cpp as well.
Can you tell me why this happens? How can I reuse the project names of deleted projects? Or If I should not delete projects like this (delete the project folder), how else would I delete a project?
I tried this with multiple project names and different boards, always with the same result.
Things I tried so far:
I found a Folder .cache in the PIO directory. But unfortunately renaming it (after step 3) did not help: after restarting PIO it recreated the folder as expected but the error message is still here.
In the same location there is a file homestate.json that among other things contains the path to recently opened projects. I removed those entries without luck.
I am just starting out with VSCoode and PlatformIO so i can't tell you why all of what you are seeing is happening is happening.
I use VSCode v1.63.0 on Windows 10.
If you want to delete the old project name, reuse it or not, you can bring up the Command Palette under the View menu (Shift-Control-P for me) and search for Workspace: Remove Folder from Workspace...., it will only be listed if you have projects in the workspace. A list of projects will be displayed, selected which one to delete and click on it. There will not be a confirmation prompt.

Calling MATLAB Engine error: libeng.dll is missing from your computer

I am struggling to call MATLAB from a simple .cpp program despite the many resources online for this problem.
My Objective:
Use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional 64-bit to build .cpp program that
calls MATLAB Engine for built-in functions and graphs (MATLAB R2013b 64-bit)
What I have done:
In the .cpp file property pages, I have:
1) Changed the platform to Active(x64)
2) Added the following paths to the VC++ Directories
Executable Directories: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\bin
Include Directories: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\extern\include
Reference Directories: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\bin\win64
Library Directories: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\extern\lib\win64\microsoft
Path Edits
3) Wrote the following program:
// mEng.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// libeng.dll is in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\bin\win64
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Engine.h>
#include <matrix.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#pragma comment (lib, "libmat.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "libmx.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "libmex.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "libeng.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "libut.lib")
using namespace std;
int main()
Engine *m_pEngine;
if (!(m_pEngine = engOpen("")))
fprintf(stderr, "\nCan't start MATLAB engine\n");
//Now call the MATLAB script through MATLAB Engine
engEvalString(m_pEngine, "script");
cout << "Hit return to continue\n\n";
//Close the MATLAB Engine
Errors received:
“The program can’t start because libeng.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.”
I faced the same problem and spent one day to solve it.
So here is my answer.
Actually you overdefine different directories (see the "Path Edits" link).
It is enough to made just these:
Project Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Library Directories. Add here path C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a\bin\win64 (version and path can differ, but the idea is to est path to the same folder of your MATLAB)
Project Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories. Add path C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a\extern\include (your path of this folder)
Project Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories. Add path C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a\extern\lib\win64\microsoft
Project Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies. Add here: libeng.lib; libmx.lib;
And the last and the most important: add the path of MATLAB Engine dll libraries to your Windows. This step solve your problem. We can do it this way: My Computer -> right click: Settings. Opened window System. Left bottom corner: Advanced System Settings
Advanced Tab
In the Environment variables for your user press Create... button and add this one:
Variable name: PATH
Variable value: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a\bin\win64
This path is reference on where is your libeng.dll located.
Important moment: it can require to restart VS or even restart computer.
Hope it helps some people, who start to work in MATLAB and C++!
Follow my notes here:
I would like to take this opportunity though to re-format the instructions given there:
To compile a MATLAB engine application in the Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 (2008) or Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 (2010) environments, perform the steps outlined below:
Open Microsoft Visual Studio and select
and then select:
Visual C++ -> General -> Empty Project
Following this, enter the name of the project and its location in the
indicated text areas and click OK.
Note be very careful with this step as it will create the solution folder and
put a project folder in there, so you won't want to set this up, get it all
working and then change the folder as that will break the solution and you'll
have to start all over.
Right-click on the SOURCE FILES folder in the SOLUTION EXPLORER and click
Add -> "New Item..."
Choose "C++ file (.cpp)", enter the name of the file
(as enginedemo.cpp) as you wish. Click OK.
Copy the code from the source file: engwindemo.c, and paste it into this
file enginedemo.cpp. The file engwindemo.c may be obtained from the following
where $MATLABROOT is the MATLAB root directory, and may be determined by
entering the command:
at the MATLAB command prompt.
I'd suggest that at this point you open it in Notepad and if it has some
weird format, fix and save it so it looks like a normal C file when you open
it in Notepad (or gedit or whatever).
This is where things change in Visual Studio and I hope this extends somewhat
transparently to VS Code, Eclipse, or whatever IDE you'd like to use.
So I will re-number the property change section in roman numerals and fix the
Also be sure to hit ENTER and then APPLY after making every change.
Make sure of the change before you go to the next section.
Double-check the spelling and MAKE SURE the directories exist on your
Go into the Solution Explorer view, Right click on the project name and
select PROPERTIES in the solution explorer to open the project properties.
Once this window has opened, make the following changes:
Go to the Configurations bar at the top of the property page.
You most definitely want to start with this setting.
Pick a configuration, debug or release, or "all configs" if you want the
changes to apply to BOTH debug and release, or you will have to do them all
over again for the other configuration. Which may not be such a bad idea, as
the individual release options are often more "optimized" versions of the
corresponding debug options. Note you can run
into serious trouble changing the property values while switching between
debug and release modes, don't be surprised if the IDE crashes, the solution
database gets corrupt, even the debug won't build and you have
to start all over. Get the debug to work first, back-up the entire solution,
then "clone" the debug settings to release, and then tweak the release
settings one at a time, making sure that the code still builds and runs
between each change.
If compiling to 64-bit Windows, change the target from x86 to x64 & use 64-
bit DLLs and library files.
If this is not in the Configuration options at the very top where it says
"Configuration Manager" (as in VS2015), then follow your IDE instructions...
as mentioned on the following link:
Configuration Properties ->Debugging
Add the following Target path in the Environment:
(for 32 bit MATLAB)
(for 64-bit MATLAB)
PATH=$matlabroot\bin\win64 If you want to use an absolute path instead,
use the following (with a semicolon at the end)
PATH=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\win32; (for 32 bit MATLAB)
PATH=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\win64; (for 64 bit MATLAB)
(probably can skip the "PATH=" here as it doesn't seem to remain there,
otherwise this is straight from the MATLAB reference )
Under C/C++ General, add the following directory to the field ADDITIONAL
c:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019a\extern\include;
Put a semicolon at the end of every line that you enter that is a path. after
the .lib files in that section also.
Under C/C++ Precompiled Headers, select "Not Using Precompiled Headers".
(in release mode this was set to "yes")
Under Linker General, add the library directory to the field ADDITIONAL
(For 32-bit Windows)
(For 64-bit Windows)
c:\Program Files\MATLAB\Rxxxxx\extern\lib\win(32|64)\microsoft;
Under Linker Input, add the following library names to the field marked
(use this string in front of whatever else is in there)
I don't know if the order really matters, but the original reference listed
them in reverse alphabetical order. "I've heard it both ways".
Ok, now you're done changing the VS project property pages, save the changes
(as you've done all along by clicking "Apply" after each change) and click
Ok. The property pages window will close. At this point your code will build
but still won't call Matlab. Back-up the solution again.
I would save the solution, close VS, back it up, make the PATH changes and
reopen VS and try to build your program and run it and have it work.
The PATH string must be changed so that the bin\win(32:64) directory is the
first instance related to Matlab on the path.
Go in the "advanced system settings" \ Environment
To do this, check the Windows system path by clicking on Start -> Right click
on Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment
variables -> System Variables -> Open "Path" for editing.
and modify the PATH variable as so:
Make sure that the following directory is in the PATH:
(For 32-bit Windows)
(For 64-bit Windows)
It does not have to be the first directory in the path, but it needs to be
the first MATLAB directory in the path
PATH=c:\;....;c:\Program Files\MATLAB\Rxxxxx\bin\win(32/64);
The matlab.exe is in \bin; you might want that on the path also just not
before the \bin\win64 entry...
Note: If the machine has more than one MATLAB installed, the directory for
the target platform must be ahead of any other MATLAB directory (for
instance, when compiling a 64-bit application, the directory in the MATLAB
64-bit installation must be the first one on the PATH).
Also make sure that your target install of
MATLAB is registered as a COM server:
For Matlab 2020a & later, try comserver('query') and comserver('register').
For 2019 & earlier use regmatlabserver() (run Matlab as administrator).
Build and execute the application.
So I include a simple app that should demonstrate the functionality:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "engine.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Engine *eng;
eng=engOpen(""); // put a breakpoint here
cout << "...now you see it...\n"
engClose(eng); // put a breakpoint here
cout << "...now you don't!\n"
return 0;

Strange (c++) debug issues using VS2013

I have inherited a project to work on and the initial build was developed on linux. I dont know if this matters or not but thought I would share it.
In order to debug the project on a windows machine I first use the CMakeGUI on win7 to create a Visual Studio Solutions file to open the project using Visual Studio 2013 and then set the startup project and build the project I am interested in. Up till now everything is okay. Now comes the confusing part.
On load the program is suppose to read a file lets call it in.dat and is declared in const char * inputFileName this variable is then passed through a class which attempts to open then file to obtain data.
fstream fs;
fs.open(inputFileName.c_str(), fstream::in);
std::cout << "Cannot open input file!" << std::endl;
This where I am stumped...the file when placed in the debug folder for some reason cannot be opened i.e fs.is_open() returns false when I try debugging the application BUT if I cd directly into the debug folder of the project, outside of VS, and run the executable it runs as expected i.e fs.is_open() now returns true.
Your debugger's working directory defaults to your project's root directory and the binary is in the \debug subdirectory, resulting, in effect, to the path to the input file being wrong.
Set the debugger's working directory to \debug.
Here is more info on that:

VS 2010 error - cannot open file "iostream"

I've just migrated from VS2005 to VS2010 and it fails to compile a simple program.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
cout << "Hello Visual Studio 2010 :)" << endl;
Errors -
1 error TRK0005: Failed to locate: "CL.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.
2 IntelliSense: cannot open source file "iostream"
3 IntelliSense: name followed by '::' must be a class or namespace name
4 IntelliSense: name followed by '::' must be a class or namespace name
5 IntelliSense: identifier "cout" is undefined
6 IntelliSense: identifier "endl" is undefined
PS: I'm completely new to using VS2010 but have experience in VS 2005.
Here are lists of directories that I added from VS2005 to VS2010 under 'user property sheet'
Executable -
$(VCInstallDir)bin; $(VSInstallDir)Common7\Tools\bin; $(VSInstallDir)Common7\tools; $(VSInstallDir)Common7\ide; $(VSInstallDir); $(VSInstallDir)\SDK\v2.0\bin
Include -
$(VCInstallDir)include; $(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\include; $(FrameworkSDKDir)include
Library -
$(VCInstallDir)lib; $(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\lib; $(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\lib\i386; $(FrameworkSDKDir)lib; $(VSInstallDir); $(VSInstallDir)lib
Source -
$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\src\mfc; $(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\src\mfcm; $(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\src\atl; $(VCInstallDir)crt\src
I've run into the same issue on a couple of different machines where there were other versions of VS (2005, 2008) already installed. I ended up also getting all sorts of strange errors.
I found the following trick worked for me, maybe it will work in your case too:
- Open a new instance of VS2010
- Create new console application with the def settings.
- Try compile: there should be some errors
- Open the "Property Manager"
- Bring up the Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user property sheet of the project
- Click on VC++ Directories
- Click on the "Executable Directories" field. That should display a drop down, click on the drop down and select "Edit". You should see a bunch of inherited values that supposedly contain all the required directories similar to the ones you listed above. Uncheck the "Inherit from parent or project defaults" option. Recheck it and click "Ok".
- Repeat this for the includes, library directories, etc.
-Click on "Apply" and "Ok"
- Rebuild the project and check if this worked.
I only needed to do this once. After closing VS and creating a new project, I could just compile. Before I discovered this, I manually removed all inherited values and added absolute paths to all the VS and SDK directories. That also worked, but was a lot more work.
The system could not find the Visual C++ compiler (CL.exe)...
Things you should try:
Rerun the Visual Studio 2010 installer and make sure you selected to install Visual C++ tools for your platform (either x86 or amd64).
Run the installer in repair mode.
If this does not solve your problem:
Try to run Visual Studio 2010 Uninstall Utility (by Microsoft) and then try installing VS 2010 again.
I had the same problem and found this page via a search, but I didn't quite grasp Ralf's answer about the user property sheet, and had no luck with re-installing. I think Ralf's answer would have worked for me, but I was looking at the "Property Pages" dialog that comes up when you right-click on a project in the Solution Explorer and choose "Properties". I didn't realize that it was different from the "Property Manager".
So, I asked on the msdn forum and got an answer and a nice explanation of property sheets. The solution that worked for me was to edit the user property sheet in a text editor and delete all the paths, leaving it empty like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
The user property sheet is Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props under
<localappdata>\microsoft\msbuild\v4.0 where <localappdata> is
c:\users\<username>\appdata\local under Win7.
I have no idea why this worked but I was getting this error and installing Visual Studio Power Commands solved this for me. This extension adds the Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories that allows you to directly modify the ExecutableDirectories macro, it might have something to do with that.

VC2008 compiler errors opening sbr files (C2418 C1903 C2471)

EDIT: See my answer below for the hotfix.
In setting up for our boat-programming adventure I have to set up source control and fix project files for a team to use them. (the project was previously only being worked on by one person who took shortcuts with setting up the project includes, etc)
I am fixing those SLN and Proj files. When trying to do a build on an external USB drive (I have not tried it on the primary hard drive) I am getting odd errors (lots of them for various files):
fatal error C1083: Cannot open
compiler generated file:
'.\Debug\.sbr': Permission
These files are referenced in the vcproj file with relative paths in double quotes:
I get the same errors form within a sln file in the IDE or if I call msbuild with the sln file.
The files are kind of "shared" for a few sln files (projects).
The person who originally created the SLN files is not known for being a wizard at configuring MSDev or making things work for teams.
Is this an issue with the way the source files are referenced? Any suggestions on how to fix these?
This URL does not seem to have helpful information:
Fatal Error C1083 on MSDN
Note - there were/are still hardcoded paths in the proj file, but i don;t see them for these files. They were mostly for the include and lib dirs. I think I removed them all.
I also get these errors:
..\..\Source\.cpp : error C2471:
cannot update program database '\debug\vc90.pdb'
..\..\Source\.cpp(336) : fatal
error C1903: unable to recover from
previous error(s); stopping
..\..\Source\.cpp(336) : error
C2418: cannot delete browser file:
Title: You may receive a "PRJ0008" or "C2471" or "C1083" or "D8022" or "LNK1103" or similar error message when you try to build a solution in Visual C++
D8022 : Cannot open 'RSP00000215921192.rsp'
PRJ0008 : Could not delete file 'vc90.idb'.
C1083 : Cannot open program database file 'vc90.pdb'
C2471 : Cannot update program database 'vc90.pdb'
LNK1103 : debugging information corrupt.
This problem occurs when all of the following conditions are true:
You have a solution with more than one project in it.
Two or more of the projects are not dependent on each other.
You have parallel builds enabled. (Tools -> Options: Projects and Solutions, Build and Run: "maximum number of parallel project builds" is set to a value greater than 1)
You are building on a system with multiple CPUs (cores).
Two or more of the non-dependent projects are configured to use the same Intermediate and/or Output directory.
A specific race condition in mspdbsrv.exe remains uncorrected.
To resolve the problem do one or more of the following:
Reconfigure the non-dependent projects to specify an Intermediate and Output directory that is different from one another, e.g. Output Directory = "$(SolutionDir)$(ProjectName)\$(ConfigurationName)", Intermediate Directory = "$(OutDir)".
Adjust your solution's project dependencies (Project -> Project Dependencies...) so that each is dependent on another.
Disable parallel builds.
Add the "/onecpu" boot option to your boot.ini file.
Change you BIOS settings to enable/use only one CPU.
File a problem report with Microsoft Technical Support and keep bugging the crap out of them until they eventually fix mspdbsrv.
The problem is a combination of both a user project configuration error as well as a race condition in Microsoft's "mspdbsrv.exe" utility that does not properly handle more than one thread calling it at the same time for the same file resulting in the file's HANDLE being left open.
Additionally Visual Studio itself and/or its build system (VCBUILD and/or MSBUILD) (or all three!) should be made smart enough to detect and alert the user of such user errors so that corrective action can be taken.
This problem has been around for a LOOOOOONG time.
Applies to:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
Respectfully submitted:
"Fish" (David B. Trout)
You're welcome. :)
there is a hotfix from MS
That might be my problem. I think it might only be on one machine I have.
I downloaded and ran the hotfix installer. It seems to have fixed it.
I get this same error when I physically remove a file from disk, but leave it in VS. In VS2005 it would give a much better : fatal error file not found. I think this is a bug in VS2008. The hotfix mentioned above didn't help me.
In my case it was my virus package (Trend Micro) causing all the problems. I added my Dev folders to the Ignore/White lists to solve the problem
delete your debug folder and build your project agian.
Occastionally my Visual Studio will suddenly decide something like this. I have found it maybe help to toggle to release, do a full rebuild, then toggle back to debug.