How to load/save C++ class instance (using STL containers) to disk - c++

I have a C++ class representing a hierarchically organised data tree which is very large (~Gb, basically as large as I can get away with in memory). It uses an STL list to store information at each node plus iterators to other nodes. Each node has only one parent, but 0-10 children.
Abstracted, it looks something like:
struct node {
node_list_iterator parent; // iterator to a single parent node
double node_data_array[X];
map<int,node_list_iterator> children; // iterators to child nodes
class strategy {
list<node> tree; // hierarchically linked list of nodes
struct some_other_data;
void build(); // build the tree
void save(); // save the tree from disk
void load(); // load the tree from disk
void use(); // use the tree
I would like to implement the load() and save() to disk, and it should be fairly fast, however the obvious problems are:
I don't know the size in advance;
The data contains iterators, which
are volatile;
My ignorance of C++ is prodigious.
Could anyone suggest a pure C++ solution please?

It seems like you could save the data in the following syntax:
File = Meta-data Node
Node = Node-data ChildCount NodeList
NodeList = sequence (int, Node)
That is to say, when serialized the root node contains all nodes, either directly (children) or indirectly (other descendants). Writing the format is fairly straightforward: just have a recursive write function starting at the root node.
Reading isn't that much harder. std::list<node> iterators are stable. Once you've inserted the root node, its iterator will not change, not even when inserting its children. Hence, when you're reading each node you can already set the parent iterator. This of course leaves you with the child iterators, but those are trivial: each node is a child of its parents. So, after you've read all nodes you'll fix up the child iterators. Start with the second node, the first child (The first node one was the root) and iterate to the last child. Then, for each child C, get its parent and the child to its parent's collection. Now, this means that you have to set the int child IDs aside while reading, but you can do that in a simple std::vector parallel to the std::list<node>. Once you've patched all child IDs in the respective parents, you can discard the vector.

You can use boost.serialization library. This would save entire state of your container, even the iterators.

boost.serialization is a solution, or IMHO, you can use SQLite + Visitor pattern to load and save these nodes, but it won't be easy as it sounds.

Boost Serialization has already been suggested, and it's certainly a reasonable possibility.
A great deal depends on how you're going to use the data -- the fact that you're using a multiway tree in memory doesn't mean you necessarily have to store it as a multiway tree on disk. Since you're (apparently) already pushing the limits of what you can store in memory, the obvious question is whether you're just interested in serializing the data so you can re-constitute the same tree when needed, or whether you want something like a database so you can load parts of the information into memory as needed, and update records as needed.
If you want the latter, some of your choices will also depend on how static the structure is. For example, if a particular node has N children, is that number constant or is it subject to change? If it's subject to change, is there a limit on the maximum number of children?
If you do want to be able to traverse the structure on disk, one obvious possibility would be as you write it out, substitute the file offset of the appropriate data in place of the iterator you're using in memory.
Alternatively, since it looks like (at least most of) the data in an individual node has a fixed size, you might create a database-like structure of fixed-size records, and in each record record the record numbers of the parent/children.
Knowing the overall size in advance isn't particularly important (offhand, I can't think of any way I'd use the size even if it was known in advance).

Actually, I think your best option is to move the entire data structure into database tables. That way you get the benefit of people much smarter then you (or me) having dealt with issues of serialization. It will also prevent you from having to worry about whether the structure can fit into memory.

I've answered something like this on SO before, so I will summarize:
1. Use a database.
2. Substitute file offsets for links (pointers).
3. Store the data without the tree structure, in records, as a database would.
4. Use XML to create the tree structure, using node names instead of links.
5. This would be soooo much easier if you used a database like SqLite or MySQL.
When you spend too much time on the "serialization" and less on the primary purpose of your project, you need to use a database.

If you're doing it for persistence then there are several solutions you can use from the web i.e. google "persist std::list" or you can roll your own using mmap to create a file backed memory area.


How do you update a QuadTree after an object has moved in C++?

The easiest method is removing and inserting the object, but there are probably faster methods. (If I'm overthinking this and I should just do it the simple way, let me know)
Here are some notes about my QuadTree
The objects that are moving are AABBs and may be bigger than the
smallest QuadTree node.
The objects are not removed when creating children QuadTrees. That
means the root QuadTree has a pointer to every object inside the
The objects are stored as pointers in a vector outside of the QuadTree.
So far, each time an object moves it calls a function called Update() on the root QuadTree. It includes itself and its past bounding box before it moved in the parameters. I'm not sure how to make the function though.
Posting the entire code to my QuadTree here would make my post quite long, so I've created a GitHub repository for easier reading.
Edit: For anyone looking for an answer this seems to update objects by removing and deleting them and is pretty efficient judging by the test he did in the comments.
It'll be really hard to do better than remove and re-insert, especially in your case, since:
Removing seems super cheap (remove the pointer from the corresponding node's vector)
When looking for which node to move the object to, you need to traverse the tree the exact same way as when inserting, after which:
Insertion is pretty cheap
The only thing I would try if performance is really an issue is some sort of insertion from the leaves. Let's say your tree is pretty large and that objects usually move to immediately adjacent nodes, you could request insertion in the parent node, which would pass it to its parent if needed. Something like:
void insert_from_leaf(object* o) {
if (!is_in_this_subtree(o)) {
Basically, it might be more efficient to walk the tree from the leaf the object is coming from than always starting from the root since adjacent nodes tend to share a close ancestor.
In the worse case, you'll end up doing twice the work because you'll go back all the way to the root. In the best case, both source and destination share an immediate parent.
How good a gain this would be entirely depends on the layout of your particular tree, its size, and a bunch of other factors so you should measure the performance of your code before and after implementing something like this.
There are few solutions for that:
You can recreate whole tree each update. You can also simple remove and insert object when it moves.
Another solution (in my case it gives me the best performance) is to store only static objects in quad tree. I stored dynamic objcts in list (in my game there is much less dynamic objects than static).
Also you can read about other spatial data structures like grid, it is much simplier to move objects between cells.

Is there any MFC / STL class that represents Binary Tree [duplicate]

Why does the C++ STL not provide any "tree" containers, and what's the best thing to use instead?
I want to store a hierarchy of objects as a tree, rather than use a tree as a performance enhancement...
There are two reasons you could want to use a tree:
You want to mirror the problem using a tree-like structure:
For this we have boost graph library
Or you want a container that has tree like access characteristics
For this we have
std::map (and std::multimap)
std::set (and std::multiset)
Basically the characteristics of these two containers is such that they practically have to be implemented using trees (though this is not actually a requirement).
See also this question:
C tree Implementation
Probably for the same reason that there is no tree container in boost. There are many ways to implement such a container, and there is no good way to satisfy everyone who would use it.
Some issues to consider:
Are the number of children for a node fixed or variable?
How much overhead per node? - ie, do you need parent pointers, sibling pointers, etc.
What algorithms to provide? - different iterators, search algorithms, etc.
In the end, the problem ends up being that a tree container that would be useful enough to everyone, would be too heavyweight to satisfy most of the people using it. If you are looking for something powerful, Boost Graph Library is essentially a superset of what a tree library could be used for.
Here are some other generic tree implementations:
Kasper Peeters' tree.hh
Adobe's forest
"I want to store a hierarchy of objects as a tree"
C++11 has come and gone and they still didn't see a need to provide a std::tree, although the idea did come up (see here). Maybe the reason they haven't added this is that it is trivially easy to build your own on top of the existing containers. For example...
template< typename T >
struct tree_node
T t;
std::vector<tree_node> children;
A simple traversal would use recursion...
template< typename T >
void tree_node<T>::walk_depth_first() const
for ( auto & n: children ) n.walk_depth_first();
If you want to maintain a hierarchy and you want it to work with STL algorithms, then things may get complicated. You could build your own iterators and achieve some compatibility, however many of the algorithms simply don't make any sense for a hierarchy (anything that changes the order of a range, for example). Even defining a range within a hierarchy could be a messy business.
The STL's philosophy is that you choose a container based on guarantees and not based on how the container is implemented. For example, your choice of container may be based on a need for fast lookups. For all you care, the container may be implemented as a unidirectional list -- as long as searching is very fast you'd be happy. That's because you're not touching the internals anyhow, you're using iterators or member functions for the access. Your code is not bound to how the container is implemented but to how fast it is, or whether it has a fixed and defined ordering, or whether it is efficient on space, and so on.
If you are looking for a RB-tree implementation, then stl_tree.h might be appropriate for you too.
the std::map is based on a red black tree. You can also use other containers to help you implement your own types of trees.
The problem is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Moreover, there is not even a one-size-fits-all interface for a tree. That is, it is not even clear which methods such a tree data structure should provide and it is not even clear what a tree is.
This explains why there is no STL support on this: The STL is for data structures that most people need, where basically everyone agrees on what a sensible interface and an efficient implementation is. For trees, such a thing just doesn't exist.
The gory details
If want to understand further what the problem is, read on. Otherwise, the paragraph above already should be sufficent to answer your question.
I said that there is not even a common interface. You might disagree, since you have one application in mind, but if you think further about it, you will see that there are countless possible operations on trees. You can either have a data structure that enables most of them efficiently, but therefore is more complex overall and has overhead for that complexity, or you have more simple data structure that only allows basic operations but these as quick as possible.
If you want the complete story, check out my paper on the topic. There you will find possible interface, asymptotic complexities on different implementations, and a general description of the problem and also related work with more possible implementations.
What is a tree?
It already starts with what you consider to be a tree:
Rooted or unrooted: most programmers want rooted, most mathematicians want unrooted. (If you wonder what unrooted is: A - B - C is a tree where either A, B, or C could be the root. A rooted tree defines which one is. An unrooted doesn't)
Single root/connected or multi root/disconnected (tree or forest)
Is sibling order relevant? If no, then can the tree structure internally reorder children on updates? If so, iteration order among siblings is no longer defined. But for most trees, sibiling order is actually not meaningful, and allowing the data structure to reorder children on update is very beneficial for some updates.
Really just a tree, or also allow DAG edges (sounds weird, but many people who initially want a tree eventually want a DAG)
Labeled or unlabled? Do you need to store any data per node, or is it only the tree structure you're interested in (the latter can be stored very succinctly)
Query operations
After we have figured out what we define to be a tree, we should define query operations: Basic operations might be "navigate to children, navigate to parent", but there are way more possible operations, e.g.:
Navigate to next/prev sibling: Even most people would consider this a pretty basic operation, it is actually almost impossible if you only have a parent pointer or a children array. So this already shows you that you might need a totally different implementation based on what operations you need.
Navigate in pre/post order
Subtree size: the number of (transitive) descendants of the current node (possibly in O(1) or O(log n), i.e., don't just enumerate them all to count)
the height of the tree in the current node. That is, the longest path from this node to any leave node. Again, in less than O(n).
Given two nodes, find the least common ancestor of the node (with O(1) memory consumption)
How many nodes are between node A and node B in a pre-/post-order traversal? (less than O(n) runtime)
I emphasized that the interesting thing here is whether these methods can be performed better than O(n), because just enumerating the whole tree is always an option. Depending on your application, it might be absolutely crucial that some operations are faster than O(n), or you might not care at all. Again, you will need vastely different data structures depending on your needs here.
Update operations
Until now, I only talked about query opertions. But now to updates. Again, there are various ways in which a tree could be updated. Depending on which you need, you need a more or less sophisticated data structure:
leaf updates (easy): Delete or add a leaf node
inner node updates (harder): Move or delete move an inner node, making its children the children
of its parent
subtree updates (harder): Move or delete a subtree rooted in a node
To just give you some intuition: If you store a child array and your sibling order is important, even deleting a leaf can be O(n) as all siblings behind it have to be shifted in the child array of its parent. If you instead only have a parent pointer, leaf deletion is trivially O(1). If you don't care about sibiling order, it is also O(1) for the child array, as you can simply replace the gap with the last sibling in the array. This is just one example where different data structures will give you quite different update capabilities.
Moving a whole subtree is again trivially O(1) in case of a parent pointer, but can be O(n) if you have a data structure storing all nodes e.g., in pre-order.
Then, there are orthogonal considerations like which iterators stay valid if you perform updates. Some data structures need to invalidate all iterators in the whole tree, even if you insert a new leaf. Others only invalidate iterators in the part of the tree that is altered. Others keep all iterators (except the ones for deleted nodes) valid.
Space considerations
Tree structures can be very succinct. Roughly two bits per node are enough if you need to save on space (e.g., DFUDS or LOUDS, see this explanation to get the gist). But of course, naively, even a parent pointer is already 64 bits. Once you opt for a nicely-navigable structure, you might rather require 20 bytes per node.
With a lot of sophisication, one can also build a data structure that only takes some bits per entry, can be updated efficiently, and still enables all query operations asymptotically fast, but this is a beast of a structure that is highly complex. I once gave a practical course where I had grad students implement this paper. Some of them were able to implement it in 6 weeks (!), others failed. And while the structure has great asymptotics, its complexity makes it have quite some overhead for very simple operations.
Again, no one-size-fits-all.
I worked 5 years on finding the best data structure to represent a tree, and even though I came up with some and there is quite some related work, my conclusion was that there is not one. Depending on the use case, a highly sophsticated data struture will be outperformed by a simple parent pointer. Even defining the interface for a tree is hard. I tried defining one in my paper, but I have to acknowledge that there are various use cases where the interface I defined is too narrow or too large. So I doubt that this will ever end up in STL, as there are just too many tuning knobs.
In a way, std::map is a tree (it is required to have the same performance characteristics as a balanced binary tree) but it doesn't expose other tree functionality. The likely reasoning behind not including a real tree data structure was probably just a matter of not including everything in the stl. The stl can be looked as a framework to use in implementing your own algorithms and data structures.
In general, if there's a basic library functionality that you want, that's not in the stl, the fix is to look at BOOST.
Otherwise, there's a bunch of libraries out there, depending on the needs of your tree.
All STL container are externally represented as "sequences" with one iteration mechanism.
Trees don't follow this idiom.
I think there are several reasons why there are no STL trees. Primarily Trees are a form of recursive data structure which, like a container (list, vector, set), has very different fine structure which makes the correct choices tricky. They are also very easy to construct in basic form using the STL.
A finite rooted tree can be thought of as a container which has a value or payload, say an instance of a class A and, a possibly empty collection of rooted (sub) trees; trees with empty collection of subtrees are thought of as leaves.
template<class A>
struct unordered_tree : std::set<unordered_tree>, A
template<class A>
struct b_tree : std::vector<b_tree>, A
template<class A>
struct planar_tree : std::list<planar_tree>, A
One has to think a little about iterator design etc. and which product and co-product operations one allows to define and be efficient between trees - and the original STL has to be well written - so that the empty set, vector or list container is really empty of any payload in the default case.
Trees play an essential role in many mathematical structures (see the classical papers of Butcher, Grossman and Larsen; also the papers of Connes and Kriemer for examples of they can be joined, and how they are used to enumerate). It is not correct to think their role is simply to facilitate certain other operations. Rather they facilitate those tasks because of their fundamental role as a data structure.
However, in addition to trees there are also "co-trees"; the trees above all have the property that if you delete the root you delete everything.
Consider iterators on the tree, probably they would be realised as a simple stack of iterators, to a node, and to its parent, ... up to the root.
template<class TREE>
struct node_iterator : std::stack<TREE::iterator>{
operator*() {return *back();}
However, you can have as many as you like; collectively they form a "tree" but where all the arrows flow in the direction toward the root, this co-tree can be iterated through iterators towards the trivial iterator and root; however it cannot be navigated across or down (the other iterators are not known to it) nor can the ensemble of iterators be deleted except by keeping track of all the instances.
Trees are incredibly useful, they have a lot of structure, this makes it a serious challenge to get the definitively correct approach. In my view this is why they are not implemented in the STL. Moreover, in the past, I have seen people get religious and find the idea of a type of container containing instances of its own type challenging - but they have to face it - that is what a tree type represents - it is a node containing a possibly empty collection of (smaller) trees. The current language permits it without challenge providing the default constructor for container<B> does not allocate space on the heap (or anywhere else) for an B, etc.
I for one would be pleased if this did, in a good form, find its way into the standard.
Because the STL is not an "everything" library. It contains, essentially, the minimum structures needed to build things.
This one looks promising and seems to be what you're looking for:
IMO, an omission. But I think there is good reason not to include a Tree structure in the STL. There is a lot of logic in maintaining a tree, which is best written as member functions into the base TreeNode object. When TreeNode is wrapped up in an STL header, it just gets messier.
For example:
template <typename T>
struct TreeNode
T* DATA ; // data of type T to be stored at this TreeNode
vector< TreeNode<T>* > children ;
// insertion logic for if an insert is asked of me.
// may append to children, or may pass off to one of the child nodes
void insert( T* newData ) ;
} ;
template <typename T>
struct Tree
TreeNode<T>* root;
// TREE LEVEL functions
void clear() { delete root ; root=0; }
void insert( T* data ) { if(root)root->insert(data); }
} ;
Reading through the answers here the common named reasons are that one cannot iterate through the tree or that the tree does not assume the similar interface to other STL containers and one could not use STL algorithms with such tree structure.
Having that in mind I tried to design my own tree data structure which will provide STL-like interface and will be usable with existing STL algorthims as much as possible.
My idea was that the tree must be based on the existing STL containers and that it must not hide the container, so that it will be accessible to use with STL algorithms.
The other important feature the tree must provide is the traversing iterators.
Here is what I was able to come up with:
And here are the tests:
All STL containers can be used with iterators. You can't have an iterator an a tree, because you don't have ''one right'' way do go through the tree.

How to store a tree on the disk and make add/delete/swap operations easy

All right, this question requires a bit of reading on your side. I'll try to keep this short and simple.
I have a tree (not a binary tree, just a tree) with data associated to each node (binary data, I don't know what they are AND I don't know how long they are)
Each node of the tree also has an index which isn't related to how it appears in the tree, to make it short it could be like that:
The index number represents the order the user WANTS the tree to be navigated and cannot be duplicated.
I need to store this structure in a file on the disk.
My problem is: how to design a flexible disk storing format that can make loading and working on the tree as easy as possible.
In fact the user should be allowed to
Create a child block to an element (and this should be easy enough, it's sufficient to add data to the file paying attention to avoiding duplicated indices)
Delete a child (I should prompt the user "do you want to delete all this node's children as well? or should I add its children to its parent?"). The tricky part about this is that deleting a node could also free up an index, and I can't let the user use that index again when adding another node (or the order he set could be messed up), I need to update the entire tree!
Swap an index with another one
I'm using C++ and Qt and by now I thought of a lot of structures with a lot of fields like this one
struct dataToBeStoredInTheFile
long data_size;
byte *data; //... the data here
int index;
int number_of_children;
int *children_indices; // ... array of integers
this has the advantage to identify each node with its respective index, but it's highly slow when swapping indices between two nodes or deleting a node and updating each other node's index because you have to traverse all the nodes and all their "children_indices" arrays.
Would using something like an "hash" to identify each node be more flexible?
Should I use two indices, one for the position in the tree and one for the user's index? If you have any better idea to store the data, you're welcome
I would suggest using something like boost.serialization, then you don't have to worry about the actual format when save on disk, and can concentrate on effective in-memory solution.
Edit: Re-reading your question I see you are using Qt, in that case it should have it's own serialization framework that you can use.
If it doesn't have to be a SINGLE file, you could use the file/directory structure to represent your tree, where each node corresponds to a single file (w/ a directory for each interior node). Maybe not the most efficient, but incredibly easy to do.
Again, if you have some flexibility on the number of files (but not as much as above), you could have one file for the tree structure (so that each node is a fixed size, simplifying its manipulation) and a separate one for storing node contents. To speed up working with the "content file", you could treat it the way a garbage collecting system would: just keep adding new/updated nodes on the end, marking old nodes as no longer in use, and periodically clearing things out.
Better yet, follow #JoachimPileborg's advice :)
I don't think you should use the user-specified index to identify the nodes, as that's not directly related to the way you're storing the tree, and you don't have an efficient way of accessing the nodes by index. You should either keep two indices for each node - the user-specified one, and another one that's implementation dependent; or maintain an array mapping the user-specified index to one you're using for the implementation.
Also, it might be better if you use a different structure to store the tree. For each node, store the following:
the index of the parent
the index of the leftmost son
the index of the left brother
the index of the right brother
This way adding a node and swapping two nodes could be done with some simple pointer manipulations (I don't mean explicit pointers - the indices are somewhat like pointers anyway). Deleting a node would still probably be slow as you have to visit all the children.
As a bonus, if you use this structure, every node has a fixed size (unlike with the linked list you're proposing). This means that you can access a node directly by seeking in the file.
You should also maintain the smallest index the user can use for new nodes - so, for example, even if the largest index was 5 and it was deleted, you still keep 6 as the next free index so 5 cannot be reused.

Hash table with two keys

I have a large amount of data the I want to be able to access in two different ways. I would like constant time look up based on either key, constant time insertion with one key, and constant time deletion with the other. Is there such a data structure and can I construct one using the data structures in tr1 and maybe boost?
Use two parallel hash-tables. Make sure that the keys are stored inside the element value, because you'll need all the keys during deletion.
Have you looked at Bloom Filters? They aren't O(1), but I think they perform better than hash tables in terms of both time and space required to do lookups.
Hard to find why you need to do this but as someone said try using 2 different hashtables.
Just pseudocode in here:
Hashtable inHash;
Hashtable outHash;
//Hello myObj example!!
//adding stuff,myObj.outKey);,myObj);
//deleting stuff
//findin stuff
//the other way; still constant time
Not sure, thats what you're looking for.
This is one of the limits of the design of standard containers: a container in a sense "own" the contained data and expects to be the only owner... containers are not merely "indexes".
For your case a simple, but not 100% effective, solution is to have two std::maps with "Node *" as value and storing both keys in the Node structure (so you have each key stored twice). With this approach you can update your data structure with reasonable overhead (you will do some extra map search but that should be fast enough).
A possibly "correct" solution however would IMO be something like
struct Node
Key key1;
Key key2;
Payload data;
Node *Collision1Prev, *Collision1Next;
Node *Collision2Prev, *Collision2Next;
basically having each node in two different hash tables at the same time.
Standard containers cannot be combined this way. Other examples I coded by hand in the past are for example an hash table where all nodes are also in a doubly-linked list, or a tree where all nodes are also in an array.
For very complex data structures (e.g. network of structures where each one is both the "owner" of several chains and part of several other chains simultaneously) I even resorted sometimes to code generation (i.e. scripts that generate correct pointer-handling code given a description of the data structure).

Why does the C++ STL not provide any "tree" containers?

Why does the C++ STL not provide any "tree" containers, and what's the best thing to use instead?
I want to store a hierarchy of objects as a tree, rather than use a tree as a performance enhancement...
There are two reasons you could want to use a tree:
You want to mirror the problem using a tree-like structure:
For this we have boost graph library
Or you want a container that has tree like access characteristics
For this we have
std::map (and std::multimap)
std::set (and std::multiset)
Basically the characteristics of these two containers is such that they practically have to be implemented using trees (though this is not actually a requirement).
See also this question:
C tree Implementation
Probably for the same reason that there is no tree container in boost. There are many ways to implement such a container, and there is no good way to satisfy everyone who would use it.
Some issues to consider:
Are the number of children for a node fixed or variable?
How much overhead per node? - ie, do you need parent pointers, sibling pointers, etc.
What algorithms to provide? - different iterators, search algorithms, etc.
In the end, the problem ends up being that a tree container that would be useful enough to everyone, would be too heavyweight to satisfy most of the people using it. If you are looking for something powerful, Boost Graph Library is essentially a superset of what a tree library could be used for.
Here are some other generic tree implementations:
Kasper Peeters' tree.hh
Adobe's forest
"I want to store a hierarchy of objects as a tree"
C++11 has come and gone and they still didn't see a need to provide a std::tree, although the idea did come up (see here). Maybe the reason they haven't added this is that it is trivially easy to build your own on top of the existing containers. For example...
template< typename T >
struct tree_node
T t;
std::vector<tree_node> children;
A simple traversal would use recursion...
template< typename T >
void tree_node<T>::walk_depth_first() const
for ( auto & n: children ) n.walk_depth_first();
If you want to maintain a hierarchy and you want it to work with STL algorithms, then things may get complicated. You could build your own iterators and achieve some compatibility, however many of the algorithms simply don't make any sense for a hierarchy (anything that changes the order of a range, for example). Even defining a range within a hierarchy could be a messy business.
The STL's philosophy is that you choose a container based on guarantees and not based on how the container is implemented. For example, your choice of container may be based on a need for fast lookups. For all you care, the container may be implemented as a unidirectional list -- as long as searching is very fast you'd be happy. That's because you're not touching the internals anyhow, you're using iterators or member functions for the access. Your code is not bound to how the container is implemented but to how fast it is, or whether it has a fixed and defined ordering, or whether it is efficient on space, and so on.
If you are looking for a RB-tree implementation, then stl_tree.h might be appropriate for you too.
the std::map is based on a red black tree. You can also use other containers to help you implement your own types of trees.
The problem is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Moreover, there is not even a one-size-fits-all interface for a tree. That is, it is not even clear which methods such a tree data structure should provide and it is not even clear what a tree is.
This explains why there is no STL support on this: The STL is for data structures that most people need, where basically everyone agrees on what a sensible interface and an efficient implementation is. For trees, such a thing just doesn't exist.
The gory details
If want to understand further what the problem is, read on. Otherwise, the paragraph above already should be sufficent to answer your question.
I said that there is not even a common interface. You might disagree, since you have one application in mind, but if you think further about it, you will see that there are countless possible operations on trees. You can either have a data structure that enables most of them efficiently, but therefore is more complex overall and has overhead for that complexity, or you have more simple data structure that only allows basic operations but these as quick as possible.
If you want the complete story, check out my paper on the topic. There you will find possible interface, asymptotic complexities on different implementations, and a general description of the problem and also related work with more possible implementations.
What is a tree?
It already starts with what you consider to be a tree:
Rooted or unrooted: most programmers want rooted, most mathematicians want unrooted. (If you wonder what unrooted is: A - B - C is a tree where either A, B, or C could be the root. A rooted tree defines which one is. An unrooted doesn't)
Single root/connected or multi root/disconnected (tree or forest)
Is sibling order relevant? If no, then can the tree structure internally reorder children on updates? If so, iteration order among siblings is no longer defined. But for most trees, sibiling order is actually not meaningful, and allowing the data structure to reorder children on update is very beneficial for some updates.
Really just a tree, or also allow DAG edges (sounds weird, but many people who initially want a tree eventually want a DAG)
Labeled or unlabled? Do you need to store any data per node, or is it only the tree structure you're interested in (the latter can be stored very succinctly)
Query operations
After we have figured out what we define to be a tree, we should define query operations: Basic operations might be "navigate to children, navigate to parent", but there are way more possible operations, e.g.:
Navigate to next/prev sibling: Even most people would consider this a pretty basic operation, it is actually almost impossible if you only have a parent pointer or a children array. So this already shows you that you might need a totally different implementation based on what operations you need.
Navigate in pre/post order
Subtree size: the number of (transitive) descendants of the current node (possibly in O(1) or O(log n), i.e., don't just enumerate them all to count)
the height of the tree in the current node. That is, the longest path from this node to any leave node. Again, in less than O(n).
Given two nodes, find the least common ancestor of the node (with O(1) memory consumption)
How many nodes are between node A and node B in a pre-/post-order traversal? (less than O(n) runtime)
I emphasized that the interesting thing here is whether these methods can be performed better than O(n), because just enumerating the whole tree is always an option. Depending on your application, it might be absolutely crucial that some operations are faster than O(n), or you might not care at all. Again, you will need vastely different data structures depending on your needs here.
Update operations
Until now, I only talked about query opertions. But now to updates. Again, there are various ways in which a tree could be updated. Depending on which you need, you need a more or less sophisticated data structure:
leaf updates (easy): Delete or add a leaf node
inner node updates (harder): Move or delete move an inner node, making its children the children
of its parent
subtree updates (harder): Move or delete a subtree rooted in a node
To just give you some intuition: If you store a child array and your sibling order is important, even deleting a leaf can be O(n) as all siblings behind it have to be shifted in the child array of its parent. If you instead only have a parent pointer, leaf deletion is trivially O(1). If you don't care about sibiling order, it is also O(1) for the child array, as you can simply replace the gap with the last sibling in the array. This is just one example where different data structures will give you quite different update capabilities.
Moving a whole subtree is again trivially O(1) in case of a parent pointer, but can be O(n) if you have a data structure storing all nodes e.g., in pre-order.
Then, there are orthogonal considerations like which iterators stay valid if you perform updates. Some data structures need to invalidate all iterators in the whole tree, even if you insert a new leaf. Others only invalidate iterators in the part of the tree that is altered. Others keep all iterators (except the ones for deleted nodes) valid.
Space considerations
Tree structures can be very succinct. Roughly two bits per node are enough if you need to save on space (e.g., DFUDS or LOUDS, see this explanation to get the gist). But of course, naively, even a parent pointer is already 64 bits. Once you opt for a nicely-navigable structure, you might rather require 20 bytes per node.
With a lot of sophisication, one can also build a data structure that only takes some bits per entry, can be updated efficiently, and still enables all query operations asymptotically fast, but this is a beast of a structure that is highly complex. I once gave a practical course where I had grad students implement this paper. Some of them were able to implement it in 6 weeks (!), others failed. And while the structure has great asymptotics, its complexity makes it have quite some overhead for very simple operations.
Again, no one-size-fits-all.
I worked 5 years on finding the best data structure to represent a tree, and even though I came up with some and there is quite some related work, my conclusion was that there is not one. Depending on the use case, a highly sophsticated data struture will be outperformed by a simple parent pointer. Even defining the interface for a tree is hard. I tried defining one in my paper, but I have to acknowledge that there are various use cases where the interface I defined is too narrow or too large. So I doubt that this will ever end up in STL, as there are just too many tuning knobs.
In a way, std::map is a tree (it is required to have the same performance characteristics as a balanced binary tree) but it doesn't expose other tree functionality. The likely reasoning behind not including a real tree data structure was probably just a matter of not including everything in the stl. The stl can be looked as a framework to use in implementing your own algorithms and data structures.
In general, if there's a basic library functionality that you want, that's not in the stl, the fix is to look at BOOST.
Otherwise, there's a bunch of libraries out there, depending on the needs of your tree.
All STL container are externally represented as "sequences" with one iteration mechanism.
Trees don't follow this idiom.
I think there are several reasons why there are no STL trees. Primarily Trees are a form of recursive data structure which, like a container (list, vector, set), has very different fine structure which makes the correct choices tricky. They are also very easy to construct in basic form using the STL.
A finite rooted tree can be thought of as a container which has a value or payload, say an instance of a class A and, a possibly empty collection of rooted (sub) trees; trees with empty collection of subtrees are thought of as leaves.
template<class A>
struct unordered_tree : std::set<unordered_tree>, A
template<class A>
struct b_tree : std::vector<b_tree>, A
template<class A>
struct planar_tree : std::list<planar_tree>, A
One has to think a little about iterator design etc. and which product and co-product operations one allows to define and be efficient between trees - and the original STL has to be well written - so that the empty set, vector or list container is really empty of any payload in the default case.
Trees play an essential role in many mathematical structures (see the classical papers of Butcher, Grossman and Larsen; also the papers of Connes and Kriemer for examples of they can be joined, and how they are used to enumerate). It is not correct to think their role is simply to facilitate certain other operations. Rather they facilitate those tasks because of their fundamental role as a data structure.
However, in addition to trees there are also "co-trees"; the trees above all have the property that if you delete the root you delete everything.
Consider iterators on the tree, probably they would be realised as a simple stack of iterators, to a node, and to its parent, ... up to the root.
template<class TREE>
struct node_iterator : std::stack<TREE::iterator>{
operator*() {return *back();}
However, you can have as many as you like; collectively they form a "tree" but where all the arrows flow in the direction toward the root, this co-tree can be iterated through iterators towards the trivial iterator and root; however it cannot be navigated across or down (the other iterators are not known to it) nor can the ensemble of iterators be deleted except by keeping track of all the instances.
Trees are incredibly useful, they have a lot of structure, this makes it a serious challenge to get the definitively correct approach. In my view this is why they are not implemented in the STL. Moreover, in the past, I have seen people get religious and find the idea of a type of container containing instances of its own type challenging - but they have to face it - that is what a tree type represents - it is a node containing a possibly empty collection of (smaller) trees. The current language permits it without challenge providing the default constructor for container<B> does not allocate space on the heap (or anywhere else) for an B, etc.
I for one would be pleased if this did, in a good form, find its way into the standard.
Because the STL is not an "everything" library. It contains, essentially, the minimum structures needed to build things.
This one looks promising and seems to be what you're looking for:
IMO, an omission. But I think there is good reason not to include a Tree structure in the STL. There is a lot of logic in maintaining a tree, which is best written as member functions into the base TreeNode object. When TreeNode is wrapped up in an STL header, it just gets messier.
For example:
template <typename T>
struct TreeNode
T* DATA ; // data of type T to be stored at this TreeNode
vector< TreeNode<T>* > children ;
// insertion logic for if an insert is asked of me.
// may append to children, or may pass off to one of the child nodes
void insert( T* newData ) ;
} ;
template <typename T>
struct Tree
TreeNode<T>* root;
// TREE LEVEL functions
void clear() { delete root ; root=0; }
void insert( T* data ) { if(root)root->insert(data); }
} ;
Reading through the answers here the common named reasons are that one cannot iterate through the tree or that the tree does not assume the similar interface to other STL containers and one could not use STL algorithms with such tree structure.
Having that in mind I tried to design my own tree data structure which will provide STL-like interface and will be usable with existing STL algorthims as much as possible.
My idea was that the tree must be based on the existing STL containers and that it must not hide the container, so that it will be accessible to use with STL algorithms.
The other important feature the tree must provide is the traversing iterators.
Here is what I was able to come up with:
And here are the tests:
All STL containers can be used with iterators. You can't have an iterator an a tree, because you don't have ''one right'' way do go through the tree.