difference between infix, infixr, infixl - sml

I read a book that uses infix, infixr, and infixl in the sample programs. I'm wondering what the differences are. I'm guessing that infixr performs operation from right to left, and vice versa.

Yes, the r/l indicates the associativity. Without testing I'd assume that infix has normal left associativity.

infix defines the operator to be left-associative, infixr defines it to be right-associative. infixl does not exist.

It depends on the implementation. The SML '97 standard is a little different from SML/NJ and Mlton. You get slightly different behaviour with each in terms of associativity rules and the way expressions are parenthesised depending on priority (the standard is a bit stricter than the implementations).


C++: why is iter++->empty() legal?

Exercise 4.20 of C++ Primer, 5e asks whether the expression iter++->empty(); is legal. Assume that iter is a vector<string>::iterator.
This expression is legal. I compiled it with gcc, and the answers to another question on Stack Overflow have addressed this much. However, I'm confused as to why it is legal.
This answer to a similar question gives the following as an equivalent pair of expressions:
The operator precedence table in my book lists -> as having higher precedence than the postfix ++ operator. This matches the explicit order of operations in the equivalent code above. However, I am used to seeing operators apply to whatever is right next to them. In the case of ->, I expected the compiler would to apply it to ++ (by itself, without iter) and throw an error. In other words, I tried to parenthesize the original expression as iter(++->empty());, which is obviously illegal.
So, it seems like c++ requires compilers to parse expressions in a more complex way than just parenthesizing based on precedence and associativity. Is that right? If there is an easy way to explain how this actually happens, I would like to know about it.
Per cppreference, ++ and -> have the same precedence and have left to aright associativity. That means that iter++ is executed first, and then ->empty() is applied to the result of iter++, which is just iter (from before the increment) since it is postfix increment.

Using C ampersand with or without brackets

Let's have two lines of code:
Are these two lines equivalent? Will I get in both cases address to the speed?
If they are equivalents, what is better to choose as coding convention?
Are these two lines equivalent? Will I get in both cases address to the speed?
Yes. -> has higher precedence than that of unary &, therefore &car->speed and &(car->speed) are equivalent.
If they are equivalents, what is better to choose as coding convention?
Go with second as it shows the intended behaviour that you are interested in the address of speed.
This question already asked here several times. Postfix expression operators have higher priority than unary operators. So these two expressions
are equivalent.
Or another similar example with other unary operator !
As for coding convention I would prefer
and if you want to ampersandify car alone, use this:
( &car )->speed

Are C/C++ operator precedence & associativity rules ever violated?

Are operator precedence & associativity rules ever violated in any C/C++ expression?
If so, can you give an example?
Assume the claims of precedence and associativity rules are:
Each operator has a given precedence level, and each precedence level has a given associativity. If a sub-expression is seen by two operators where they expect an operand, it belongs to the one with higher precedence. Ties are broken by associativity.
Edit: Background
The standard defines C/C++ expressions as a CFG, which is much more flexible than a precedence-based parser. For example, it would have been possible to give binary operators asymmetrical "precedence", which would have rendered any precedence table incorrect. However, it appears to me that the design of the grammar was constrained to uphold simple precedence rules. Here are some alleged "counterexamples" that I have come across:
1) a?b,c:d is not interpreted as (a?b),(c:d)
Some claim that the ?: operator exhibits different precedence towards its middle operand than towards its other operands, because a?b,c:d, for example, is not interpreted as (a?b),(c:d). However, neither b nor c occupies a position in which it appears to ?: as its inner operand. By that reasoning a[b+c] should be interpreted as (a[b)+(c]), which is ludicrous.
2) sizeof(int)*a is interpreted as (sizeof(int))*a rather than sizeof((int)(*a))
... because C disallows an uparenthesized cast as sizeof's operator. However, both of these interpretations conform to precedence rules. The confusion comes from the * operator's ambiguity (Is it the binary or the unary operator?). Precedence tables are not meant to resolve operator ambiguities. They are, after all, not operator-symbol-precedence tables. So the operator precedence rules themselves are intact.
3) a+b=c results in syntax error, not semantic error
a+b=c, according to the standard, is invalid C syntax. If C had had a precedence-based parser, it would only have been caught at the semantic level. In C, it so happens that any expression that is not a unary-expression cannot be l-valued. These semantically doomed LHS expressions therefore do not need to be accommodated syntactically. It makes no difference to the language as a whole, and precedence tables needn't be in the business of predicting the syntacticness/symanticness of the error that is going to result from an expression.
For one example, the usual precedence table says that sizeof and cast expressions have the same precedence. Both the table and the standard say that they associate right-to-left.
This simplification is fine when you're looking at, say, *&foo, which means the same as *(&foo).
It might also suggest to you that sizeof (int) 1 is legal C++ and that it means the same thing as sizeof( (int) 1 ). But it's not legal, because in fact sizeof( type-id ) is a special thing of its own in the grammar. Its existence prevents sizeof (int) 1 from being a sizeof expression whose operand is a cast-expression whose operand is 1.
So I think you could say that the "sizeof ( type-id )" production in the C++ grammar is an exception to what the usual precedence/associativity tables say. They do accurately describe the "sizeof unary-expression" production.
It depends on whether the "rules" are correct. The language definition doesn't talk about precedence, so the precedence tables you see in various places may or may not reflect what the language definition actually requires.
Until someone can find a counterexample, I'm going to put forward this as the default answer:
No, C/C++ precedence and associativity rules are never violated.

Why does postfix operator++ have higher precedence than prefix operator++?

Defined this way, we can do neither ++x++ nor ++x--. But on the other hand, both (++x)++ and (++x)-- are useful expressions: (++x)++ increments x by two and returns the value "in the middle", while (++x)-- is essentially equivalent to x+1 but completely avoids having to call operator+, which can be quite useful sometimes.
So why is the precedence not defined to have ++x++ automatically expand to (++x)++ rather than ++(x++)? Is there some hidden meaning to the latter which I don't understand, or is it just to keep the precedence a simple list with all prefix operators making up one single level?
EDIT Ok, I didn't explicitly say it, but: of course I meant x to be user-defined type. For built-in types, (x+=2)-1 is of course better than (++x)++, and x+1 is a lot better than (++x)--. The situation that I have in mind is an iterator to a rather complicated type of semi-associative container, where operators += and + (being designed for random access) have to rebuild a cache in order to work efficiently for general requests, and are therefore an order of magnitude slower than ++. But of course I can modify them to always check first if the argument is a very small integer, and in that case just call operator++ repeatedly instead of doing the random-access procedure. That should work fine here, though I could imagine I might at some point have a situation in which I want operator+= to always go the random-access way, regardless of how small numbers I present it.
So... for me, I would conclude the answer to be:
the advantage of having a simple and well-memorizeable precedence list in which all postfix operators come before any of the prefix operators is sufficient to tolerate the minor drawback of always having to use parentheses to compose pre- and postfix operators ++/--, as this composition is used very seldom.
The simpler "C does it this way", while it seems likely to be the real reason, is far less satisfying in to me, because since ++x++ was not allowed at all in C it would have been possible to redefine this very composition without damaging any existing code.
Anyway, I will go on using (++x)--, as the parentheses really do not hurt so much.
(++x)++ increments x by two and returns the value "in the middle"
Why not (x += 2) - 1 or (++x, x++)? Both seem to be clearer. For scalars, both are well-defined also in C++03, as opposed to your proposed expression.
(++x)-- is essentially equivalent to x+1 but completely avoids having to call operator+, which can be quite useful sometimes.
That's an arbitrary statement without any explanation. So I'm going to throw into the pool:
x+1 is essentially equivalent to (++x)-- but completely avoids having to call operator++ and operator-- which can be useful sometimes.
So why is the precedence not defined to have ++x++ automatically expand to (++x)++ rather than ++(x++)
Just to make such arcane corner cases not error out? No way. Can you please recite man operator for me? If you cannot do that, better not try and write ++x++ in your code.
C++ standard just kept the C rules and obviously those weren't fixed considering operator overloading and idioms yet be invented in a yet to be invented language.
Looking at what is available in D.M. Ritchie Home Page, on see that this precedence is already present in B (Unary operators are bound right to left. Thus -!x++ is bound -(!(x++)) in Users' Reference to B) and I didn't see increment operators in BCPL.
Both (++x)++ and (++x)-- invoke undefined behaviour [assuming x to be a primitive type]. For user defined type the scenario would be different. However it is not generally recommended to use such confusing expressions in your code.
As far as the precendence is concerned this answer explains why post increment has higher precedence than pre increment.

Why "**" does not bind more tightly than negation in OCaml?

after this question, I don't know what to think.
In OCaml, if you do something like -1.0**2.0 (because of the typing you need to have float), you obtain 1.00. According to the standard order of operations, the result should be -1 (as in python).
I wasn't able to find the reason or a clear definition of the operator precedence in OCaml...
Is this because of the type system ? or the fact that there's a binding underneath with pow ?
As the very page you quote says, "The order in which the unary operator − (usually read "minus") acts is often problematical." -- it quotes Excel and bc as having the same priority for it as O'CAML, but also says "In written or printed mathematics" it works as in Python. So, essentially, there's no universal consensus on this specific issue.
Operator precedence is syntax-directed in OCaml, which means that the first character of the function identifier (and whether it's unary or binary) determines the operator precedence according to a fixed sequence. Contrast this with languages like Haskell, where the operator precedence can be specified at function definition regardless of which characters are used to form the function identifier.