Notepad++ premade template - templates

I have seen in videos, that people get html template by typing "html:5" or something like that (btw, they're not using notepad++). Is this possible in notepad++? Thanks.

A little late, but what you're looking for is called Zen Coding.
The Zen Coding project hosted on Google has a plugin for NotePad++ that should do exactly what you need.
For example, entering something like:
Followed by Ctrl + E, expands into:
<div id="content">
<ul class="nav">

Now it's called Emmet plugin in Notepad++
Just type html:5 and press control + alt + enter
and you will get the following markup:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">

Option 1
Install and use the Notepad++ Snippets plugin.
You can input whatever code snippet you want and give each snippet a name.
When you double-click on your snippet name, the snippet text just gets copied to your editor (before or after your cursor, based on how you set it)
Option 2
If you don't have admin access or behind a firewall, there is a Macro hack.
If your template is a bit short, then you can use the built-in MACRO and manually key in the template text (a one-time operation per template). You can then "Save Current Recorded Macro" and replay it for every new file that you create. Emmet works only for html, but this technique works for any kind of text(as long as you can manually key-in the text)
Note: You cannot copy-paste (Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V) text while recording as it will copy-paste current clipboard's contents which is undesirable!
For those who like step-by-step instructions:
Open Notepad++. Select Macro -> Start Recording.
Key-in your text (every key-stroke is now being recorded, so minimize backspaces and deletes)
Click : Macro -> Stop Recording
Click : Save Current Recorded Macro and give it a name (say "bash_header" or "html_structure")
Now click on your Macro name to repeatedly apply the template text to your notepad++ file.

Using NP++v6.1.4, I got this to work pretty quickly doing this:
Choose Plugins -> Plugin manager -> Show plugin manager
Wait for all the plugins to be shown, and check the box Emmet
It may alert you that Python will also be installed
Once it completes its installation, allow NP++ to be restarted, and now you can use the many Emmet features :)
Now, just type ! and hit ctrl-alt-enter.

You can use QuickText to create your own templates. It seems that QuickText isn't supported anymore, but it still works, the documentation just has some wrong content.

I use a program called Ditto, it's like a clipboard of all your copy-paste material. I have my prewritten syntax in there pinned. It helps.

In actuality, it is called marking up your code. Although "zen coding" is becoming well known in place of markup, it is the original term for building a structure for your code; which makes it easier for others to read.
As far as the template thing goes for Notepad++, I'm afraid that it is difficult to find public, custom made templates. Although the program does come with custom made templates, such as the Hello Kitty template, your best bet would be to ask people in online programming communities.
My personal favorite is DreamInCode, where they offer help and support, as well as pretty informative tutorials on numerous different computer programming and web development languages. I'm confident that if you can't find one you like that has been posted there, if any, someone would be glad to help you.


Play 2, how to reuse a HTML code with a tag

In Play! Framework v. 1.x there was such thing like a 'tag' where was possible to reuse some thml/template code.
In Play! Framework v 2.x, for me it is not clear still how it's going to be used (here).
For example, I want to use tag to define a header for my site (in order not to repeat myself, but just include the header every in the pages where I need it).
Could someone explain me / show how to use tags, or whatever I should use to include the header or any block of html/template code.
You showed us a sample and you are asking for sample :)
That's easy, create a common view in views.tags package (remember to leave first line empty if you're not gonna to pass any params! also remember to add brackets after tags name):
<div id="header">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
So you can 'include' it in any other view just with:
Some other content

Generating a Concordion summary report

My project is looking at using Concordion to do automated acceptance tests. The big lack I'm seeing in Concordion is an automatically-generated summary page. As it stands we would have to have a tester or functional user dig into each of the generated HTML pages to check for success or failure.
In looking at Concordion's svn repository I see one proposed modification to generate a summary XML file -- but that change hasn't been incorporated into the trunk line as far as I can tell. I would rather avoid cracking Concordion's source open and modifying it directly, if I can.
Is anybody aware of a quick & dirty way to generate a Concordion master/summary report type page?
Definitely late reply for your question but this might help others who end up in this question.
We use concordion:run="concordion" feature to generate a meaningful summary page.
As you can see below we have the initial Customer.html file invoking other Customer flow concordion scripts.
<html xmlns:concordion="">
<div class='testcontent'>
<h3>Customer flows:</h3>
<li><a concordion:run="concordion" href="CreateNewCustomer.html">Create New Customer</a></li>
<li><a concordion:run="concordion" href="ModifyCustomer.html">Modify Customer</a></li>
<li><a concordion:run="concordion" href="DeleteCustomer.html">Delete Customer</a></li>
public class SpecsTest{
CreateNewCustomer.html, ModifyCustomer.html and DeleteCustomer.html files will have the actual specification with Given, When, Then.
When we run, all these three flows get executed and Customer.html summary page
will show all three specs as Red or Green based on whether it was a success or failure.
We have multiple levels of grouping Spec file like these and we end up with a good summary page.
Just getting started myself, but it seems like the purpose of the html pages is to document what is being tested. The tests are run as junit tests and the results can be captured with whatever harness you already use.
A summary page would be nice, but it isn't necessary to determine if there are any failures.

Change ticket display in Trac

With default template, trac ticket is available for viewing only, I must click modify to expand properties tab to modify, change state of a ticket.
Now I want to expand that tab automatically? How can I change it quickly without changing the template itself?
Is it possible to change it with trac.ini file?
I cannot find where's location of default template to change, so I cannot change myself.
I think the best way to enable the behavior you're looking for is to add a custom JS file (which can be injected much like a custom CSS, read TracInterfaceCustomization).
In that file do this:
$(document).ready(function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
This code is untested but it should give you the idea. Basically we need to wait until the DOM is ready ($(document).ready) but as there are multiple JS functions called during that event, the setTimeOut sets a slight delay to make sure that the collapse command went through before.
HTH from a professional Trac developer :-)
I'm using trac 0.12 and had the same issue.
...without changing the template itself
I couldn't find a option to configure it but I did notice if you click the "modify" quick link at the top right of the ticket then the "Modify Ticket" foldable area is automatically uncollapsed for you.
I know you didn't ask for it, but just in case, you want a horrible template hack...
Open the template file in editor, e.g. for me in CentOS 5.5:
sudo emacs /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Trac-0.12-py2.4.egg/trac/ticket/templates/ticket.html
Comment out the jQuery line that triggers the modify section to collapse on page ready:
I found the edit didn't take effect straight away - perhaps the template is cached or something? It worked after a few minutes of shift-refreshing and restarting apache.
Lets hope someone else answers with a better solution...
This is basically Schwarz's answer but in a simpler form
To get ticket contols expanded on load do following. Put following code
<html xmlns=""
<!--! Add site-specific style sheet -->
<head py:match="head" py:attrs="select('#*')">
<script type="text/JavaScript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
<body py:match="body" py:attrs="select('#*')">
in /path/to/your/trac/project/templates directory in file site.html.

What does <a href="#" class="view"> mean?

In my html page, I see a link whose 'view source' code is as below :
<a href="#" class="view">
I see a valid link when I hover my mouse on it and when I click it, it works. But I am not able to find where and how this URL gets generated. I found the class a.view being defined in one of the CSS, but couldn't find the URL in the page source.. Can somebody help me out on whr i can find this URL ?
I felt like replying as well, explaining the same thing as the others a bit differently. I am sure you know most of this, but it might help someone else.
<a href="#" class="view">
part is a commonly used way to make sure the link doesn't lead anywhere on it's own. the #-attribute is used to create a link to some other section in the same document. For example clicking a link of this kind:
Go to news
will take you to wherever you have the
<a name="news"></a>
code. So if you specify # without any name like in your case, the link leads nowhere.
part gives it an identifier that CSS or javascript can use. Inside the CSS-files (if you have any) you will find specific styling procedures on all the elements tagged with the "view"-class.
To find out where the URL is specified I would look in the javascript code. It is either written directly in the same document or included from another file.
Search your source code for something like:
<script type="text/javascript"> bla bla bla </script>
<script> bla bla bla </script>
and then search for any reference to your "view"-class. An included javascript file can look something like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="include/javascript.js"></script>
In that case, open javascript.js under the "include" folder and search in that file. Most commonly the includes are placed between <head> and </head> or close to the </body>-tag.
A faster way to find the link is to search for the actual link it goes to. For example, if you are directed to when you click it, search for "" or something in all the files you have in your web project, just remember the included files.
In many text editors you can open all the files at once, and then search in them all for something.
The href is probably generated in a javascript function. For example with jQuery:
$(function() {
$('a.view').attr('href', '');
Javascript may be hooking up to the click-event of the anchor, rather than injecting any href.
For example, jQuery:
$('a.view').click(function() { Alert('anchor without a href was clicked');});
Of course, the javascript can do anything it wants with the click event--such as navigate to some other page (in which case the href is never set, but the anchor still behaves as though it were)
Don't forget to look at the Javascript as well. My guess is that there is custom Javascript code getting executed when you click on the link and it's that Javascript that is generating the URL and navigating to it.
It probably works with Javascript. When you click the link, nothing happens because it points to the current site. The javascript will then load a window or an url. It's used a lot in AJAX web apps.

Regex help with Google Page Monitor extension

I'm trying to monitor a small section of a web page for changes using the the Google Page Monitor extension --
Under advanced settings I can use either Regex or Selectors to accomplish this, but need help with this. In the following html, I'd like to monitor the following for changes in either the URL in line 4 or the text in line 5. Any pointers gratefully accepted.
<div id="rtBtmBox"><div id="sectHead" style="margin-bottom:5px;">
<h3>SLJ's Pick of the Day</h3></div>
<p align="center">From the March issue</p>
<p align="center"><a target="_blank" href="">
<font color="#0000ff"><strong><em>The Summer I Turned Pretty</em></strong><br/>
Awesome, to find a question about my own extension on the front page of StackOverflow.
Anyway, it's easier using a selector. This should do the job: #rtBtmBox p:nth-child(3). However, if that paragraph has more contents, you might need something different (post or link the whole page if so).
A regex that will probably work is: <div id="rtBtmBox">[^]*?<a target="_blank" href="([^"]+)"