Ask about the copyright of develop destop application based on web application - desktop

I googled and found some web online calculators (such as BodyFatCalculator & CaloricCalculator).
I plan to develop the desktop Calculators in C# (WPF & .net 3.5). But I would test the online function and build my application model (I think some body properties not suit for Asian people, maybe I still need do more research.).
But now I must study others web app before my desktop app design. Could I develop my app without the web application owner's permission?

As long as you aren't using any of the original code and haven't been looking at the original code from the web application, and as long as your aren't cloning their interface or infringing any of their patents, then you should be fine. The copyright only applies to the code, and you are fine as long as you don't copy the code... however, you shouldn't even look at the code so that there is no question that you didn't copy it.


how to use addin developed with microsoft.sharepoint.dll in other system

I've developed an outlook addin in vs2013. The development machine has sharepoint installed. My code has:
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
But when I run this code on a client machine it shows an error.
enter image description here.In some sites they suggest using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll. Can anyone help?
This won't work as you expected. Microsoft.SharePoint.dll is a server side library which is part of Microsoft SharePoint and hence can neither be referenced nor used otherwise in a client-side environment such as an Outlook add-in.
What you are looking for is Client-Side Object Model, or CSOM for short. However, developing CSOM apps is a completely different story, needs slightly different knowledge and skills. The bad news is most of your SharePoint-related work will have to be redeveloped almost from scratch.
If your SharePoint integration isn't heavy, you might be able to achieve what you want with SharePoint's web services, either REST or SOAP. There an article on MSDN providing insight to various types of SharePoint APIs and providing guidance which API to use in what situation. You shoudl read this first.
we can't use using Microsoft.SharePoint; in sharepoint not installed system.
we need to use using Microsoft.SharePoint.client; for client system and use client object model code.

Host a c++ desktop application on a webpage

I am having a desktop application which having a UI interface made in Qt linked with a library which is doing all the calculation stuff. Values from UI is taken and pass to the API's in the DLL to get the output which is shown on Screen.
Now i want to do the same thing by transferring my application UI to a web page so that people can access the tool from anywhere without any installation process.
I want to retain my c++ DLL code so i don't have to do a lot of work. I am thinking of just converting this DLL to a C++ server by any communication Process(Sockets). I want to host this application on my company's website. (We have to make the website also so we are open to any set of tools).
I want to know what will be the best set of tools to do this stuff. Also there will be lot of data exchange between the webpage and server so the wholething should be optimized also. I goggled a bit and find stuff like silverlight and ASP.NET, But i am still not very clear which option will be more suitable.
I am a c++ programmer with no web application development experience. I am open to learn any new technology.
Why not use Qt on the web directly? There are several projects like this one:
There is a netscape plugin that will host a QT application and an ActiveX control wrapper on the QT website. You could use one of those to wrap your application. Note that this approach would require the user (or their administrator) to download and install the plugin.
An alternative approach might be to run your application through a remote desktop such as XVNC, NX or an RDP based layer. IIRC browser based remote desktop clients are available for most such protocols.
A few options:
pick a messaging/queue implementation (like and provide a service
implement a Windows Web Service if you want to be more enterprise friendly:
I would not expose the implementation on the internet. Enough to have a simple buffer overflow and the machine can be taken over quickly. Adding a layer between the app and the web provides an easy way to validate input, access, stats ...
You should be able to use your DLL from an wt or cppcms application. Then you do not have to learn something new and can just use C++.
The way I'm currently doing this is with Boost.Python + django

Web interface for c++ applications

Our company has a set of 3d modeling softwares written in c++ with qt based gui. We are planning to offer these applications to customers to try them from a web browser. I mean to say, we need to create web interfaces for native c++ codes. Please suggest me which technology, languages should be used. If possible please give some links to some white papers or case studies for this kind of projects. I am totally clue less :)
Ideally you would keep your c++ code on the server and use a mixture of HTML and Javascript on the browser. However since 3d modeling is so client centric you may have to run some c++ code directly in the browser.
There are a few options to look at:
Adobe Alchemy
Google Native Client
A Java Applet using NestedVM
Netscape plugin API
You could also run a few instances of your application on your server inside an XVnc session and let people use it through a VNC viewer applet. The simplest solution however is still to offer a downloadable demo of your application.
Have a look at Wt
Take a look at Native Client.
Soon you might be use WebGL to do 3D in the browser. But how long it will take for browsers to include it I do not know. But it might be good to look at it to not rule out using it in the future.
If creating everything again is too expensive, always you can create a distributed application:
One program running the main application in C++ and generating (for example) XML files.
A web application reading the XML files generated by the C++ application and translating them into the web application language (for example Adobe Flex).
Good luck!

Django Projects as Desktop applications : how to?

How to make Django projects packaged as desktop applications?
I found some tutorials, but is there any solution as DjangoKit , for Linux and Windows?
List of related tutorials :
Deploying a Django app on the desktop
Django application as a stand-alone desktop application
This project started when I needed to
distribute a self contained user
installable Windows demo of a Django
Edit: Another alternative is Super Zippy, it takes a Python package and its pure Python dependencies and transforms them all into a single executable file.
You might want to look into Appcelerator's (link) Titanium Desktop for developing web apps on the desktop.
It's fully cross platform, Linux, Mac OSX, Windows.
It's supports running Python, Ruby, and JavaScript code in your application all concurrently interacting with one anther in one application. It's pretty sweet.
(Full disclosure, I'm the founder of ToDesktop. I think this is a helpful answer though)
If your Django app is already deployed as a web app then you can wrap the web app in Electron.
If the web app does not need to be distributed to users (i.e.. you don't need an installer or code signing) then Nativefier is great for that. It's free and open-source. I made a Nativefier guide here.
If you're distributing to users then you'll probably want an installer and code signing and auto-updates for Electron. ToDesktop will do all that for you without any coding or configuration.
There's a comparison of the two here.

How to build stand-alone SOAP web services using Delphi?

How can I build a stand-alone SOAP-based Web Services using Delphi? Must work with Delphi 2009, but it'd be nice if it worked with older ones too.
The built-in WebBroker Web Services creates CGI or ISAPI. It would be nice to create a stand-alone executable that I can control from bottom to top, especially during development.
RemObjects SDK for Delphi (RO/Delphi).
Different messaging formats are
provided, including our own highly
efficient binary BinMessage format, as
well as support for SOAP, XML-RPC and
- new - JSON encoding, in case you want to make your servers accessible
to clients not using RO, or write
clients to access Web Services
provided by others.
Dave Nottage wrote Building a stand-alone Web service with Indy (source code).
This article explains how to fit Indy
into Delphi 6's Web services (SOAP)
According to the comment on the page, it works with Delphi 2009 with some modification.
Edit: People in Indy 10 and IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge with CBuilder 2009 posted modified version. For example, IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas is by Jochanan van der Niet.
It should be possible to build a web service with VCL for the Web (formerly: Intraweb). It has an option of creating a standalone executable that contains both: web server and web application
In D7 I used IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge (Indy 9). But i don't know if it is still available in D2009.
There are a series of SOAP articles on Dr. Bob's website and specifically there is RAD Studio 2007 XML, SOAP and Web Services Development manual, but it's 99 Euro.
Something I used in the past was idRunner which is an extension to the indy library and it allows you to develop ISAPI dll's which your application then runs. The advantage of this approach, is you can deploy a standalone application to run your soap service, that can easily be deployed via IIS at a later date.
For debugging, I strongly suggest the idDebugger on the same page. It makes debugging ISAPI applications very easy.
Here is a step-by-step solution "Delphi 7 Indy Standalone Web Services/SOAP Server" which looks like it can be useful for Delphi 2009 too:
this solutions uses IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge, it can be used in Delphi 2009 with minor changes.