django internationalization doesn't work - django

I have created translation strings in the template and in the application view.
Then I ran: makemessages -l it
and the file it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po has been created
I have now translated strings in the django.po file, and then I ran: compilemessages
And I receive:
processing file django.po in /home/jobber/Desktop/library/books/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES
My looks like this:
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( "django.core.context_processors.auth",
"", )
USE_I18N = True
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
but I still always see English text. Why?

Maybe your browser language is English. The LocaleMiddleware tries to detect the language based on this algorithm (i.e. Accept-Language HTTP header).
So you can either remove the LocaleMiddleware to avoid this or use the set_language redirect view.

In addition to the accepted answer: If you're using Firefox you can install Quick Locale Switcher to test your application with different languages (based on the browser language). It adds a button at the bottom of your screen where you can easily change your browser language.


Django only translating one word

I am attempting a navbar translation to simplified Chinese in Django, however, only the first word is being translated. To wit, I have created a navbar.html with the following content:
{% load i18n %}
<li>{% trans 'Home' %}</li>
<li>{% trans 'Security' %}</li>
I then do a ./ makemessages -l zh_CN and constructed a file django.po which contains
#: templates/navbar.html:20
msgid "Home"
msgstr "首页"
#: templates/navbar.html:25
msgid "Security"
msgstr "安全性"
I then did a ./ compilemessages to get the, which appears to have all the translations I need.
As opposed to this question, my LOCALE_PATHS is indeed a tuple:
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'locale'),
and my LocaleMiddleware is after SessionMiddleware and before CommonMiddleware, as the documentation specifies:
Yet nonetheless, only Home is translated; all other template variables are left untranslated.
To add a bit more mystery, I translated the navbar to Spanish and all variable were translated properly in the browser. This made me suspect my browser was not using the correct language code, so I ran ./ makemessages -l zh-hans and copied over the translation from the zh_CN directory, but no dice.
Following this, I have removed all instances of #, fuzzy, to no avail.
I am on Django 1.10.3 and Python 3.5.

Cannot get django-debug-toolbar to appear

No matter what I do, I simply cannot get django-debug-toolbar to appear. I've tried everything suggested in every answer on this question.
I have DEBUG=True in my settings
I have django.contrib.staticfiles and debug_toolbar in INSTALLED_APPS
I have 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware' high up in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
I have INTERNAL_IPS = () in my settings
I tried adding print("IP Address for debug-toolbar: " + request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) in a view, and it printed IP Address for debug-toolbar:
I have a closing </body></html> in my template
I have run pip install django-debug-toolbar in my virtualenv, without any issues
I have run python collectstatic and there is a debug_toolbar directory in my static files
When I run the app, I see no request in the console for any URLs containing django_debug_toolbar, so I suspect it's the application not being loaded.
I don't see any failed requests in the developer console, either.
I've read the django-debug-toolbar installation docs and am out of ideas.
Does anyone have any suggestions for debugging? I'm running OSX and Django 1.7. The curious thing is that debug-toolbar WAS appearing just fine - I think I've made some tweak that caused it to vanish, but I don't know what.
UPDATE: I've even tried adding this in my settings file, which is supposed to force the toolbar to appear:
def show_toolbar(request):
return True
But it doesn't help.
I've also tried throwing a deliberate exception in my view, so that I can check DEBUG is on and all the settings are as above. They are, and still no toolbar!
UPDATE 2: When I set INTERNAL_IPS=('',), I start to see debug-toolbar requests in the console, but no toolbar on the page.
And the following HTML appears in my page - so the toolbar is there, but it's not visible because it's got display=none set all over it:
I had the same problem but managed to fix it following dvl's comment on this page. Here is a summary of the fix:
In the project, add this url pattern to the end:
from django.conf import settings
if settings.DEBUG:
import debug_toolbar
urlpatterns += [
url(r'^__debug__/', include(debug_toolbar.urls)),
Some information for news users as me, when dev on virtual or remote machine
Add this ligne in a file
print("IP Address for debug-toolbar: " + request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'])
When the views is call, you can see the client IP in the shell
You have to add this IP the file
All of the divs with display: none; are in fact behaving properly. They won't change to display: block; until you actually click on them in the toolbar itself.
The button used to toggle the toolbar is the div with an id="djDebugToolbarHandle". As you can see in your console, this button has a top position of 2310px. What this means is that it is rendering, but it is just way down off the page.
Try typing the following in the console to reset its position:
I had the same problem. Changing the finder module in my worked for me:
#'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', #THIS BREAKES debug_toolbar
'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder', #THIS WORKS
Make sure to clean the browser cache after this change.
But after this, Django gave me error messages during collectstatic, due to this issue. I solved creating two configurations in my
class Production(Base):
DEBUG = False
class Develop(Base):
DEBUG = True
I hope it helps.
One reason why django-debug-toolbar might appear but not appear correctly, (items stuck in "Loading") is if collectstatic has not been run. Just thought I'd post that here in case it helps someone.
i was have same issue with django-toolbar
all tags have class djdt-hidden and hidden
<div id="djDebug" class="djdt-hidden" dir="ltr" data-default-show="true">
i using pycharm and GoogleChrome
just using FireFox and it was fixed

Setting up local django environment for multiple domains

I'm trying to set up a Django application that will accept multiple subdomain URLs. I'd like to test this locally. Since I can't nail this first step of passing in a url that has a subdomain, I can't get to the second part (figuring out if the URLconf I've set up for django-subdomains is working). The middleware checks for a subdomain, and chooses a URLconf file based on that subdomain.
I've set the following configs in /etc/hosts. When I've got the server running, and I hit these URLs, I go to the real
(in case it matters) django-subdomains middleware settings from
'payments': 'main.urls',
'rampup': 'rampup.urls'
# Uncomment the next line for simple clickjacking protection:
# 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware',
Try this:

Django middleware: Isn't a middleware module error

I am using the middleware provided in to do cross site scripting.
However, when I add the middleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES, I get the error:
ImproperlyConfigured: isn't a middleware module.
My MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES looks like this:
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ('django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
I have not changed any code in the gist. process_request and process_response methods are there. I am on Ubuntu running the latest versions of Python and Django.
What's TempMiddleware? The name of the module, or the name of the class? As you can see with the other entries, you need the fully-qualified Python path of the actual class. If TempMiddleware is the name of the module, you need TempMiddleware.MyMiddlewareClass (and you should really follow PEP8 naming conventions) - and if it's the name of the class, you need my_module.TempMiddleware.
TempMiddleware is not importable. It's the name of the class, you must put the entire import path.
and not
So if your class is in app_name/, it should be
It just mean that in your settings file, the variable MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES contains a list of modules in which one of the listed module is not a middleware.
Possible causes:
you added a middleware that doesn't declare middleware methods: fix that by removing the last middleware you added
you added a correct middleware but forget to put a coma at the end of the name, so strings are concatenated and it make django thinks 2 middlewares are in fact one: fix that by adding the missing coma

Django Per-site caching using memcached

So I'm using per-site caching on a project and I've observed the following, which is kind of confusing. When I load a flat page in my browser then change it through admin and then do a refresh (within the cache timeout) there is no change in the page--as expected. However when I stat a new session in a different browser and load the page (still within the timeout) the app is hit instead of the cache, with the
Isn't the cache key generated from the URL? it seems that the session state is getting in there somewhere, which is causing a cache miss.
'SSL.middleware.SSLRedirect', #SSL middleware to handle SSL