Handle CSliderCtl messages placed on a CDialogBar - mfc

VS2008, 32 Bit Win XP
In a class derived from CFrameWnd, I have an object of CDialogBar
that needs to have certain controls on it. Among these controls would
be 2 sliders, whose event handling is to be done in CFrameWnd derived
class. How shall I go about this?
class CFrameWndCustom : public CFrameWnd
CDialogBar m_wndDialogBar; // the CDialogBar object.
In CFrameWnd derived class's OnCreateClient, I have created the
DialogBar using the above object like:
//Create the DialogBar
if (!m_wndDialogBar.Create(this,
TRACE("Warning: Couldn't create DialogBar Control!\n");
return FALSE;
Here, IDD_DIALOGBAR_CONTROL is a dialog resource with Style as Child.
After this, I drag-dropped a CSliderCtrl on the IDD_DIALOGBAR_CONTROL
in Resource View.
Now, how/where should I handle the CSliderCtrl's events? There would
be 2 such slider controls.
I finally need the values of the sliders in CFrameWndCustom class.
best regards,

Derive your own CDialogBar class. Then handle all the messages in that. You won't even need to make it do anything but handle the message you want. The rest will get passed up the hierarchy.
Failing that you create your custom CDialogBar class and define your own OnWndMsg function and pass all WM_COMMAND or WM_NOTIFY messages on to the parent window.


MFC Control "CVSListBox" - How to use the interface "AddButton"?

Is there anybody could tech me how to use the interface "AddButton" of the MFC control? "CVSListBox"? I wrote the below code, and the new buttons have showed on the control successful, but I can't respond its ON_BN_CLICKED event. Could you tell me why? thanks.
ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BTN_AWSPORTIMPORT, &CPgTestAwsPortfolio::OnBnClickedBtnAwsportimport)
void CPgTestAwsPortfolio::OnBnClickedBtnAwsportimport()
int xx = 100;
CPortCaseListBox m_lbAwsPortCases;
m_pgTestAwsPort.m_lbAwsPortCases.AddButton(IDB_AFXBARRES_NEW, _T("Import"), 0, 0, IDC_BTN_AWSPORTIMPORT);
The idea is different here.
All Buttons are handled internally in the CVSListBox class.
See CVSListBoxBaseBase::OnCommand override.
When a button sends a WM_COMMAND it is intercepted by CVSListBoxBaseBase::OnCommand
When the id is member of the internal button list of the ist Control the virtual function OnClickButton is executed.
GetButtonID might help you to convert the Position into the ID.
Note OnClickButton receives the number of the button, not the id.
So the parent never receives any notification of this Buttons. It is all handled in the virtual functions of CVSListBox.
The documentation is incomplete because the Base class isn't described and document.

How to implement UserControl in WinRT

I have created a simple UserControl consisting solely of a Grid and an embraced Image.
Now I want to apply events such as "ManipulationDeltaEvent", etc. for touch-control. When I assign an event-handler like
pic->ActionToken = pic->ManipulationDelta +=
ref new ManipulationDeltaEventHandler(this, &MainPage::SwipeImageEventHandler);
pic->CompletedToken = pic->ManipulationCompleted +=
ref new ManipulationCompletedEventHandler(this, &MainPage::ImageManipulationCompletedEventHandler);
I receive valid EventRegistrationTokens, but when I want to swipe over the control, simply nothing happens (I debugged).
I read about overriding the OnManipulationDelta-method from Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Control, but I here I am stuck:
void OnManipulationDelta
(Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs^ e) override {
Although only barely related, for C++\CLI it states on MSDN:
The OnManipulationDelta method has no default implementation. Override OnManipulationDelta in a derived class to handle the ManipulationDelta event. Be sure to call the OnManipulationDelta method of the base class so that base classes receive the event.
Please give me a hint, thank you.
The overriding is unnecessary
You need to specify ManipulationMode on the control and the control needs a non-null Background or Fill, e.g. Background="Transparent".

is there a function in dlg class as getdocument()?

I want to get a doc* in dlg class, and i know in view class we can get doc* like
doc* pdc=getdocument();
But how can i do it in dlg class?
There is no function in CDialog to retrieve a document pointer. To give your dialog access to the document, you can add a pointer or reference to the document as a member variable of the dialog class, and initialise it in the dialog's constructor.
CMyDocument* doc = GetDocument();
CMyDialog dialog(doc);
MFC's CDialog class does not have built-in CDocument's. You can implement a CFormView that is derived from CView (which are part of the Document/View architecture of MFC), but CFormView is not a dialog. However, CFormView's can hold controls like a dialog - you can actually assign a dialog template to a CFormView.
you can get document from dialog by doing as follows:
CMainFrame* pFrame = (CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd();
CMyProjDoc* pDoc = (CMyProjDoc*)(pFrame->GetActiveDocument());
pDoc->m_item[i].name // use

MFC: Deleting dynamically created CWnd objects

Lets say in a dialog, we dynamically create a variable number of CWnds... like creating a and registering a CButton every time the user does something/
Some pseudo-code...
class CMyDlg : public CDialog
vector<CWnd *> windows;
void onClick()
CButton *pButton = new CButton(...);
//do other stuff like position it here
Do I need to explicitly delete them or will MFC do it? If I have to, would it be in the destructor as normal, or are there any special things to avoid breaking MFC... making sure I don't delete the objects while the HWNDs are still in use for example?
CButton *pButton = new CButton(...);
These are C++ objects, which needs to be deleted explicitly. (Where as Main frame windows and Views are self destructed).
You can refer the detailed answer ( by me) Destroying Window Objects

How do i update a control outside of a dialog?

For example, in an MFC program, I have my main application and a 'class'. What should I do if I want to update a control (say, a listbox) that is situated on my main application from that 'class'?
heres an example that worked for me
theApp.m_pMainWnd->GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON6)->SetWindowTextW(L"Run Auto Test");
Your class can be designed to trigger an event which your main application can listen for. Then, a listener/event handler/delegate can be called to handle the event and update the listbox. Typically, most event formats pass a reference of the sender, in this case your 'class', as well as an object containing event arguments. These arguments can be used to pass the list of items you want to add to your listbox.
If you have the handle to dialog object in your class, then you can use GetDlgItem(ResourceID) to get list control object.
The easiest approach is to expose the listview from your application form/window to the classes that use it. You can do this either by passing the listview object (or parent window) to the class constructor, or storing it in a static variable that is accessible by the class.
For better encapsulation, you can put a method in the application that the class can call, e.g. "AddItemToListBox()". This allows the application object to remain in control of how you access the listbox. Again you can do this as a static method, or pass the main program object's 'this' pointer into the class constructor.
class CApplication
CListBox m_ListBox;
static void CApplication::AddItemToListBox(CString itemText)
// Add the item as you wish here
class CMyClass
afx_msg void CMyClass::OnMouseDown(...)
CApplication::AddItemToListBox("This is a test");