Clojure Metaprogramming Question (for a beginner!) - clojure

All, I'm starting to take a look at the Clojure language, and had a couple questions about something I'm trying to do. The broad objective is to alias the sequence function every? to all?. I'm sure there's a function or macro that does alias-ing (or something along those lines) but I wanted to see if it was possible with some of the basic constructs I know thus far. My approach was going to be to define a function called all? that applies its arguments to the every? implementation.
I'm curious to see if this can be made agnostic, so I wanted to parameter my alias function to take two arguments, the new name (as a Keyword) and the old name (as a function reference). In striving towards this goal, I've encountered two problems.
1) Defining named functions with Keywords throws errors. Apparently it wants clojure.lang.IObj.
user=> (defn :foo "bar")
java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.Keyword cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IObj (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
Is there a function to cast a Keyword to an IObj, or other means to parameterize the name of a newly defined function with some provided value? (In Ruby, define_method amongst other techniques does this)
irb(main)> self.class.instance_eval do
irb(main)* define_method(:foo) { "bar" }
irb(main)> end
=> #<Proc>
irb(main)> foo
=> "bar"
2) Collect all arguments to a function into a single variable. Even basic functions such as (+ 1 2 3 4) take a variable amount of arguments. All the function definition techniques I've seen so far take a specific amount of arguments, with no way to just aggregate everything in a list for handling in the function body. Once again, what I'm going for is done in Ruby like so:
irb(main)> def foo(*args)
irb(main)> p args
irb(main)> end
=> nil
irb(main)> foo(1, 2, 3)
[1, 2, 3]
=> nil
Thanks for any help you can provide me!

I'll answer in bullet points, since the questions can be split neatly into a number of separate issues.
Something which is implicitly contained in what is to follow, but which perhaps warrants a bullet of its own: the top-level objects created by def & Co. (and in particular by defn) are Vars. So what you actually want to do is to alias a Var; functions are just regular values which don't really have names (except they may have a name bound to themselves locally inside their bodies; that's nothing to do with the issue at hand, though).
There is indeed an "aliasing macro" available in Clojure -- clojure.contrib.def/defalias:
(use '[clojure.contrib.def :only [defalias]])
(defalias foo bar)
; => foo can now be used in place of bar
The advantage of this over (def foo bar) is that it copies over metadata (such as the docstring); it even appears to work with macros in the current HEAD, although I recall a bug which prevented that in earlier versions.
Vars are named by symbols, not keywords. Symbol literals in Clojure (and other Lisps) do not start with colons (:foo is a keyword, not a symbol). Thus to define a function called foo you should write
(defn foo [...] ...)
defn is a helper macro easing the creation of new function-holding Vars by allowing the programmer to use a mix of def & fn syntax. So defn is out of question for creating Vars with preexisting values (which might be functions), as is required for creating aliases; use defalias or simply def instead.
To create a variadic function, use the following syntax:
(fn [x y & args] ...)
x and y will be required positional arguments; the rest of the arguments passed to the function (any number of them) will be collected into a seq and available under the name args. You don't have to specify any "required positional arguments" if they are not needed: (fn [& args] ...).
To create a Var holding a variadic function, use
(defn foo [x y & args] ...)
To apply a function to some arguments you've got assembled into a seqable object (such as the args seq in the above examples or perhaps a vector &c.), use apply:
(defn all? [& args]
(apply every? args))
If you want to write a function to create aliases -- as opposed to a macro -- you'll need to investigate the functions intern, with-meta, meta -- and possibly resolve / ns-resolve, depending on whether the function is to accept symbols or Vars. I'll leave filling in the details as an exercise to the reader. :-)

All you need to do is bind the every? function to the all? symbol, which is done via def:
(def all? every?)
For a bit more on this, see Clojure macro to create a synonym for a function

Don't think I can add much to the existing explanations here, except perhaps fill out a couple of blanks in the Ruby traveller's dictionary on argument collection and destructuring:
(defn foo [& args] ; Ruby: def foo(*args)
(println args))
user=> (foo 1 2 3)
(1 2 3)
(defn foo [& args]
(+ args))
user=> (foo 1 2 3)
java.lang.ClassCastException ; + takes numbers, not a list
(defn foo [& args]
(apply + args)) ; apply: as Ruby*args)
user=> (foo 1 2 3)
(defn foo [& args]
(let [[a b & other] args] ; Ruby: a, b, *other = args
(println a b other)))
user=> (foo 1 2 3)
1 2 (3)


How can you destructure in the REPL?

Suppose I've got a function (remove-bad-nodes g) that returns a sequence like this:
[updated-g bad-nodes]
where updated-g is a graph with its bad nodes removed, and bad-nodes is a collection containing the removed nodes.
As an argument to a function or inside a let, I could destructure it like this:
(let [[g bads] (remove-bad-nodes g)]
but that only defines local variables. How could I do that in the REPL, so that in future commands I can refer to the updated graph as g and the removed nodes as bads? The first thing that comes to mind is this:
(def [g bads] (remove-bad-nodes g)
but that doesn't work, because def needs its first argument to be a Symbol.
Note that I'm not asking why def doesn't have syntax like let; there's already a question about that. I'm wondering what is a convenient, practical way to work in the REPL with functions that return "multiple values". If there's some reason why in normal Clojure practice there's no need to destructure in the REPL, because you do something else instead, explaining that might make a useful answer. I've been running into this a lot lately, which is why I'm asking. Usually, but not always, these functions return an updated version of something along with some other information. In side-effecting code, the function would modify the object and return only one value (the removed nodes, in the example), but obviously that's not the Clojurely way to do it.
I think the way to work with such functions in the repl is just to not def your intermediate results unless they are particularly interesting; for interesting-enough intermediate results it's not a big hassle to either def them to a single name, or to write multiple defs inside a destructuring form.
For example, instead of
(def [x y] (foo))
(def [a b] (bar x y))
you could write
(let [[x y] (foo),
[x' y'] (bar x y)])
(def a x') ; or maybe leave this out if `a` isn't that interesting
(def b y'))
A nice side effect of this is that the code you write while playing around in the repl will look much more similar to the code you will one day add to your source file, where you will surely not be defing things over and over, but rather destructuring them, passing them to functions, and so on. It will be easier to adapt the information you learned at the repl into a real program.
There's nothing unique about destructuring w/r/t the REPL. The answer to your question is essentially the same as this question. I think your options are:
(let [[light burnt just-right] (classify-toasts (make-lots-of-toast))]
(prn light burnt just-right))
def the individual values:
(def result (classify-toasts (make-lots-of-toast)))
(def light (nth result 0))
(def burnt (nth result 1))
(def just-right (nth result 2))
Or write a macro to do that def work for you.
You could also consider a different representation if your function is always returning a 3-tuple/vector e.g. you could alternatively return a map from classify-toasts:
{:light 1, :burnt 2, :just-right 3}
And then when you need one of those values, destructure the map using the keywords wherever you need:
(:light the-map) => 1
user=> (def results [1 2 3])
user=> (let [[light burnt just-right] results] (def light light) (def burnt burnt) (def just-right just-right))
user=> light
user=> burnt
user=> just-right

Make list of not-nil entries

say I have a function like this:
(defn my-f [a & [b]]
(if (nil? b)
(my-other-f a)
(my-other-f a b)))
This of course is a simplification. It's a wrapper function for another function - and in reality a is processed inside this function.
If the optional argument b is not passed to my-f, it should also not be passed to my-other-f.
I was thinking of another way to achieve this:
(defn my-f [a & [b]]
(apply my-other-f (make-list-of-not-nil-entries a b)))
Is there maybe a built-in function doing this job?
Sometimes, being too abstract is confusing, so I'm providing the real case here. The following ClojureScript code works, it's purpose is obviously to try different browser-specific options in order to get a "webgl" context from an HTML canvas element.
(defn create-ctx [canvas & [options]]
(some (if options
#(.getContext canvas % (clj->js options))
#(.getContext canvas %))
["webgl" "experimental-webgl" "webkit-3d" "moz-webgl"]))
The given Canvas element's method getContext awaits actually one argument, and another one which is optional. The above wrapper functions has the same arity.
I just wanted to see, if there is a quick way to avoid the explicit switch for the 1 and the 2 arity function call.
I would argue that your first solution is much more readable and explicit about its intention. It will also have much better performance than the one with apply.
If you still want to go with apply, the shortest solution using clojure.core would be:
(remove nil? [a b])
(keep identity [a b])
(filter some? [a b])
I am not aware of any built in function which takes varargs and returns a seq of only non nil elements. You could create one:
(defn non-nils [& args]
(remove nil? args)
Or use ignoring-nils from flatland.useful.fn.

How to pass a list to clojure's `->` macro?

I'm trying to find a way to thread a value through a list of functions.
Firstly, I had a usual ring-based code:
(defn make-handler [routes]
(-> routes
;; and so on
But this was not optimal as I wanted to write a test to check the routes are actually wrapped with wrap-cors. I decided to extract the wrappers into a def. So the code became as follows:
(def middleware
(list ('wrap-json-body)
;; and so on
(defn make-handler [routes]
(-> routes middleware))
This apparently doesn't work and is not supposed to as the -> macro doesn't take a list as the second argument. So I tried to use the apply function to resolve that:
(defn make-handler [routes]
(apply -> routes middleware))
Which eventually bailed out with:
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't take value of a
macro: #'clojure.core/->
So the question arises: How does one pass a list of values to the -> macro (or, say, any other macro) as one would do with apply for a function?
This is an XY Problem.
The main point of -> is to make code easier to read. But if one writes a new macro solely in order to use -> (in code nobody will ever see because it exists only at macro-expansion), it seems to me that this is doing a lot of work for no benefit. Moreover, I believe it obscures, rather than clarifies, the code.
So, in the spirit of never using a macro where functions will do, I suggest the following two equivalent solutions:
Solution 1
(reduce #(%2 %) routes middleware)
Solution 2
((apply comp middleware) routes)
A Better Way
The second solution is easily simplified by changing the definition of middleware from being a list of the functions to being the composition of the functions:
(def middleware
(comp wrap-json-body
;; and so on
(middleware routes)
When I began learning Clojure, I ran across this pattern often enough that many of my early projects have an freduce defined in core:
(defn freduce
"Given an initial input and a collection of functions (f1,..,fn),
This is logically equivalent to ((comp fn ... f1) input)."
[in fs]
(reduce #(%2 %) in fs))
This is totally unnecessary, and some might prefer the direct use of reduce as being more clear. However, if you don't like staring at #(%2 %) in your application code, adding another utility word to your language is fine.
you can make a macro for that:
;; notice that it is better to use a back quote, to qoute function names for macro, as it fully qualifies them.
(def middleware
;; and so on
(defmacro with-middleware [routes]
`(-> ~routes ~#middleware))
for example this:
(with-middleware [1 2 3])
would expand to this:
(-> [1 2 3] (wrap-json-body) (wrap-cors))

Calling Clojure functions using var-quote syntax

Occasionally when looking at other people's Clojure code, I see a function defined via defn and then called using the var-quote syntax, e.g.:
user> (defn a [] 1)
user> (a) ; This is how you normally call a function
user> (#'a) ; This uses the var-quote syntax and produces the same result
For the life of me I can't figure out the difference between these two ways of calling a function. I can't find anything in the evaluation documentation to say what happens when the operator of a call is a var that might suggest why the second form would be preferred. They both seem to respond in the same to binding assignments and syntax-quoting.
So, can somebody please provide a code sample that will illustrate the difference between (a) and (#'a) above?
Edit: I know that var-quote can be used to get to a var that's shadowed by a let lexical binding, but that doesn't seem to be the case in the code that I'm looking at.
(#'a) always refers to the var a, while (a) can be shadowed by local bindings:
user> (defn a [] 1)
user> (let [a (fn [] "booh")] [(a) (#'a)])
["booh" 1]
But most actual uses of var-quote / function call are not calling the var-quote expression directly, but instead cache its value so that higher-order constructs refer to the current value of var a instead of its value when passed in:
(defn a [] 1)
(defn my-call [f] (fn [] (+ 1 (f))))
(def one (my-call a))
(def two (my-call #'a))
(defn a [] 2)
user> (one)
user> (two)
This is mostly useful for interactive development, where you're changing some function that gets wrapped in a bunch of other functions in other packages.
The second form allows you to circumvent the privacy restrictions that clojure puts in place.
So, for instance, if you develop a library with private functions, but want to test them from a separate namespace, you cannot refer to them directly. But you can get to them using the var quote syntax. It's very useful for this.
Privacy is clojure is, in essence, a form of automatic documentation, as opposed to the privacy you see in Java. You can get around it.
user> (defn- a [] 1)
user> (ns user2)
user2> (user/a)
CompilerException java.lang.IllegalStateException: var: #'user/a is not public, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1)
user2> (#'user/a)

Which Vars affect a Clojure function?

How do I programmatically figure out which Vars may affect the results of a function defined in Clojure?
Consider this definition of a Clojure function:
(def ^:dynamic *increment* 3)
(defn f [x]
(+ x *increment*))
This is a function of x, but also of *increment* (and also of clojure.core/+(1); but I'm less concerned with that). When writing tests for this function, I want to make sure that I control all relevant inputs, so I do something like this:
(assert (= (binding [*increment* 3] (f 1)) 4))
(assert (= (binding [*increment* -1] (f 1)) 0))
(Imagine that *increment* is a configuration value that someone might reasonably change; I don't want this function's tests to need changing when this happens.)
My question is: how do I write an assertion that the value of (f 1) can depend on *increment* but not on any other Var? Because I expect that one day someone will refactor some code and cause the function to be
(defn f [x]
(+ x *increment* *additional-increment*))
and neglect to update the test, and I would like to have the test fail even if *additional-increment* is zero.
This is of course a simplified example – in a large system, there can be lots of dynamic Vars, and they can get referenced through a long chain of function calls. The solution needs to work even if f calls g which calls h which references a Var. It would be great if it didn't claim that (with-out-str (prn "foo")) depends on *out*, but this is less important. If the code being analyzed calls eval or uses Java interop, of course all bets are off.
I can think of three categories of solutions:
Get the information from the compiler
I imagine the compiler does scan function definitions for the necessary information, because if I try to refer to a nonexistent Var, it throws:
user=> (defn g [x] (if true x (+ *foobar* x)))
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: *foobar* in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:24)
Note that this happens at compile time, and regardless of whether the offending code will ever be executed. Thus the compiler should know what Vars are potentially referenced by the function, and I would like to have access to that information.
Parse the source code and walk the syntax tree, and record when a Var is referenced
Because code is data and all that. I suppose this means calling macroexpand and handling each Clojure primitive and every kind of syntax they take. This looks so much like a compilation phase that it would be great to be able to call parts of the compiler, or somehow add my own hooks to the compiler.
Instrument the Var mechanism, execute the test and see which Vars get accessed
Not as complete as the other methods (what if a Var is used in a branch of the code that my test fails to exercise?) but this would suffice. I imagine I would need to redefine def to produce something that acts like a Var but records its accesses somehow.
(1) Actually that particular function doesn't change if you rebind +; but in Clojure 1.2 you can bypass that optimization by making it (defn f [x] (+ x 0 *increment*)) and then you can have fun with (binding [+ -] (f 3)). In Clojure 1.3 attempting to rebind + throws an error.
Regarding your first point you could consider using the analyze library. With it you can quite easily figure out which dynamic vars are used in an expression:
user> (def ^:dynamic *increment* 3)
user> (def src '(defn f [x]
(+ x *increment*)))
user> (def env {:ns {:name 'user} :context :eval})
user> (->> (analyze-one env src)
(filter (op= :var))
(map :var)
(filter (comp :dynamic meta))
I know that this doesn't answer your question, but wouldn't it be a lot less work to just provide two versions of a function where one version has no free variables, and the other version calls the first one with the appropriate top-level defines?
For example:
(def ^:dynamic *increment* 3)
(defn f
(f x *increment*))
([x y]
(+ x y)))
This way you can write all your tests against (f x y), which doesn't rely on any global state.