Communication between web services on different servers - web-services

I have 2 different webservices running on 2 different tomcat application servers (w/ axis2 web service engine) (Webservice A runs on Server A and Webservice B runs on Server B).
How can web service A on Server A pass Data A (file) to Web Service B on Server B? I am new to web services and would appreciate any help in this regard. The webservices are in Java.

Service A needs to be a client of service B. Service B should expose some method service A will consume (and pass required data using it). The process is as follows:
If suitable service method doesn't exist yet in service B then add new method to service B's WSDL file.
Regenerate intefaces from extended WSDL file.
Create functional test for new service method .
Make service A a consumer of method of new (extended) service.
Create acceptance tests for service A methods using service B's method :-)
Implement new service method in service B.
Implement conusmer logic in service A.

Expose a "send" web-service API on B and call it from A.

There are thousends of ways, but with HTTP Protocol you can use: POST or PUT methods.
However, you'll need to write application on each side...


Is there a way to publish a Spring web-service endpoint only for a specific environment?

There is a web-application that uses WebServiceTemplate from spring-ws to consume remote SOAP-based web-services.
I would like to create a web-service endpoint ("mocking" the remote endpoints) so that it can be used when the remote web-service is down. However, I want this "mocked" web-service to be reachable only from the environment used for development, it shouldn't be published in other environments (e.g.: Integration, Test, Production, etc.).
The current environment can be determined from a configuration-entry.
Is there a way I can publish a web-service with spring in such a way?
If you want to create this mock object only in dev environment then you should use Spring's #Conditional annotation. Here's an example.

SoapUI: Create mock service with pass-through behavior for selected methods

While developing a web application I have the following use case:
a 3rd party Web Service with quite a lot of methods is deployed on a test server A (with a single endpoint, e.g. http://3rdPartyServer/3rdPartySvc?WSDL)
a new method is about to be implemented in the near future, but I need to use it now
the rest of the methods are used throughout my code extensively
So I would like to do the following:
Create a mock service in SoapUI locally, based on the new WSDL which includes the new WS method (i.e. a superset of the WS methods currently on server A)
point my local application server to use the SoapUI mock service endpoint
mock only the response of the new WS method (create a dummy response for it in SoapUI)
let the other WS method calls to reach server A and return whatever it returns normally (i.e. use SoapUI as a proxy for these calls)
I've gone through the SoapUI documentation regarding service mocking and have used it numerous times, but could not find an option for such "pass-through" behavior.
When you read in your WSDL, the endpoint will point to your server.
Open your service, and select the service endpoint.
Add a second endpoint, to point to your mock. SoapUI has little bit of documentation showing this here. Only step "2. Getting Started" applies, not step 3!
In each of your tests, where you are using the mocked method, you will need to select the mock endpoint. Further discussion is here.

Can a wcf client handle 2 version of a SOAP response from the same url?

I imported a service reference to a SOAP web service from the customer and coded my client based on that.
After going to production, they said they will launch a new version of the web service with changes to the output type of one of the requests I make to the service (among new messages that I don't consume).
I know I can update my service reference and update my client code to process the updated wsdl and launch an update to my client at the same time the web service updates.
But, is it possible to instrument the WCF code in some way so that I can handle both versions of the response without having to coordinate the update of my client with the update of the web service?
In most cases, NO. It depends on what has changes in the service interface? In most cases you'll need (and want) to upgrade your client. You can always ask them to support more versions of their interfaces.

How to create SOAP client with spring application

I need to create a client with WSDL. I have a Java web application with JSF, Spring and JPA. In this application I need to create a form and send the info to the SOAP web service. This service should return another object with status.
Please, any idea I will be grateful
sorry by my english
I assume you have generated classes from the WSDL needed for you client. In Spring it is very simple by using Apache CXF. For e.g.:
<jaxws:client id="yourService"
address="the URL of web service"
And in your class where you need to call this web service just autowire it:
private YourService service;
Take a look at the example:

Axis2 multiple connection authentication issue

I have two servlets that access two corresponding Axis2 web services on the same host. One of the servlets is read-only, while the other writes to a database.
Each of the Axis2 web services uses BASIC authentication. The read-only web service uses a system account, while the write web service uses the user's credentials (which are submitted as part of a web form).
The problem I'm running into is that the servlet called second always fails authentication to its web service. For example, I can query the read-only service through it's servlet all I want, but I get a "401: Authorization Required" when I try to use the write service. If I call the write service first, I get the same error when I try to use the read-only service.
Here is how I am setting the credentials for the connections in the servlets:
Stub service = new Stub(serviceUrl);
HttpTransportProperties.Authenticator auth = new HttpTransportProperties.Authenticator();
service._getServiceClient().getOptions().setProperty(HTTPConstants.AUTHENTICATE, auth);
The servlet that accesses the read-only service has this code in it's constructor. The servlet that accesses the write service has this code in it's doGet/doPost method.
It seems that the credentials for the first service called are getting cached somewhere, but I can't find where that could be. I saw a possible solution here, but I can't find where WSClientConstants.CACHED_HTTP_STATE is defined. The comments in this JIRA issue seems to imply that it's part of org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants but it's not there.
Axis version: 1.5.1
Tomcat Version: 6.0.26
Java version: 1.6.0_23
It turns out the connections to the two different services were using the same JSESSIONID. Thus, the connection to the second web service was trying to use a session authenticated for the first web service, causing the error.
My solution for this was to define an HttpClient for each service, done by the following
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager manager = new MuliThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
HttpClient client = new HttpClient(manager);
ConfigurationContext context = ConfigurationContextFactory.createDefaultConfigurationContext();
context.setProperty(HTTPConstants.CACHED_HTTP_CLIENT, client);
context.setProperty(HTTPConstants.REUSE_HTTP_CLIENT, true);
Stub service = new Stub(context, serviceUrl);
This allows both servlets to have a separate session for their corresponding services.
The important point is to create a dedicated ConfigurationContext.
I've solved in a simpler way using a default config context when creating the stub without the multithreaded connection factory
stub = new MyStub(ConfigurationContextFactory.createDefaultConfigurationContext(), myServicesUrl);