C++ Thread Safe Integer - c++

I have currently created a C++ class for a thread safe integer which simply stores an integer privately and has public get a set functions which use a boost::mutex to ensure that only one change at a time can be applied to the integer.
Is this the most efficient way to do it, I have been informed that mutexes are quite resource intensive? The class is used a lot, very rapidly so it could well be a bottleneck...
Googleing C++ Thread Safe Integer returns unclear views and oppinions on the thread safety of integer operations on different architectures.
Some say that a 32bit int on a 32bit arch is safe, but 64 on 32 isn't due to 'alignment' Others say it is compiler/OS specific (which I don't doubt).
I am using Ubuntu 9.10 on 32 bit machines, some have dual cores and so threads may be executed simultaneously on different cores in some cases and I am using GCC 4.4's g++ compiler.
Thanks in advance...
Please Note: The answer I have marked as 'correct' was most suitable for my problem - however there are some excellent points made in the other answers and they are all worth reading!

There is the C++0x atomic library, and there is also a Boost.Atomic library under development that use lock free techniques.

It's not compiler and OS specific, it's architecture specific. The compiler and OS come into it because they're the tools you work through, but they're not the ones setting the real rules. This is why the C++ standard won't touch the issue.
I have never in my life heard of an 64-bit integer write, which can be split into two 32-bit writes, being interrupted halfway through. (Yes, that's an invitation to others to post counterexamples.) Specifically, I have never heard of a CPU's load/store unit allowing a misaligned write to be interrupted; an interrupting source has to wait for the whole misaligned access to complete.
To have an interruptible load/store unit, its state would have to be saved to the stack... and the load/store unit is what saves the rest of the CPU's state to the stack. This would be hugely complicated, and bug prone, if the load/store unit were interruptible... and all that you would gain is one cycle less latency in responding to interrupts, which, at best, is measured in tens of cycles. Totally not worth it.
Back in 1997, A coworker and I wrote a C++ Queue template which was used in a multiprocessing system. (Each processor had its own OS running, and its own local memory, so these queues were only needed for memory shared between processors.) We worked out a way to make the queue change state with a single integer write, and treated this write as an atomic operation. Also, we required that each end of the queue (i.e. the read or write index) be owned by one and only one processor. Thirteen years later, the code is still running fine, and we even have a version that handles multiple readers.
Still, if you want to treat a 64-bit integer write as atomic, align the field to a 64-bit bound. Why worry?
EDIT: For the case you mention in your comment, I'd need more information to be sure, so let me give an example of something that could be implemented without specialized synchronization code.
Suppose you have N writers and one reader. You want the writers to be able to signal events to the reader. The events themselves have no data; you just want an event count, really.
Declare a structure for the shared memory, shared between all writers and the reader:
#include <stdint.h>
struct FlagTable
{ uint32_t flag[NWriters];
(Make this a class or template or whatever as you see fit.)
Each writer needs to be told its index and given a pointer to this table:
class Writer
Writer(FlagTable* flags_, size_t index_): flags(flags_), index(index_) {}
void SignalEvent(uint32_t eventCount = 1);
FlagTable* flags;
size_t index;
When the writer wants to signal an event (or several), it updates its flag:
void Writer::SignalEvent(uint32_t eventCount)
{ // Effectively atomic: only one writer modifies this value, and
// the state changes when the incremented value is written out.
flags->flag[index] += eventCount;
The reader keeps a local copy of all the flag values it has seen:
class Reader
Reader(FlagTable* flags_): flags(flags_)
{ for(size_t i = 0; i < NWriters; ++i)
seenFlags[i] = flags->flag[i];
bool AnyEvents(void);
uint32_t CountEvents(int writerIndex);
FlagTable* flags;
uint32_t seenFlags[NWriters];
To find out if any events have happened, it just looks for changed values:
bool Reader::AnyEvents(void)
{ for(size_t i = 0; i < NWriters; ++i)
if(seenFlags[i] != flags->flag[i])
return true;
return false;
If something happened, we can check each source and get the event count:
uint32_t Reader::CountEvents(int writerIndex)
{ // Only read a flag once per function call. If you read it twice,
// it may change between reads and then funny stuff happens.
uint32_t newFlag = flags->flag[i];
// Our local copy, though, we can mess with all we want since there
// is only one reader.
uint32_t oldFlag = seenFlags[i];
// Next line atomically changes Reader state, marking the events as counted.
seenFlags[i] = newFlag;
return newFlag - oldFlag;
Now the big gotcha in all this? It's nonblocking, which is to say that you can't make the Reader sleep until a Writer writes something. The Reader has to choose between sitting in a spin-loop waiting for AnyEvents() to return true, which minimizes latency, or it can sleep a bit each time through, which saves CPU but could let a lot of events build up. So it's better than nothing, but it's not the solution to everything.
Using actual synchronization primitives, one would only need to wrap this code with a mutex and condition variable to make it properly blocking: the Reader would sleep until there was something to do. Since you used atomic operations with the flags, you could actually keep the amount of time the mutex is locked to a minimum: the Writer would only need to lock the mutex long enough to send the condition, and not set the flag, and the reader only needs to wait for the condition before calling AnyEvents() (basically, it's like the sleep-loop case above, but with a wait-for-condition instead of a sleep call).

C++ has no real atomic integer implementation, neither do most common libraries.
Consider the fact that even if said implementation would exist, it would have to rely on some sort of mutex - due to the fact that you cannot guarantee atomic operations across all architectures.

As you're using GCC, and depending on what operations you want to perform on the integer, you might get away with GCC's atomic builtins.
These might be a bit faster than mutexes, but in some cases still a lot slower than "normal" operations.

For full, general purpose synchronization, as others have already mentioned, the traditional synchronization tools are pretty much required. However, for certain special cases it is possible to take advantage of hardware optimizations. Specifically, most modern CPUs support atomic increment & decrement on integers. The GLib library has pretty good cross-platform support for this. Essentially, the library wraps CPU & compiler specific assembly code for these operations and defaults to mutex protection where they're not available. It's certainly not very general-purpose but if you're only interested in maintaining a counter, this might be sufficient.

you can also have a look at the atomic ops section of intels Thread Building Blocks or the atomic_ops project


Can/should non-lock-free atomics be implemented with a SeqLock?

In both MSVC STL and LLVM libc++ implementations std::atomic for non-atomic size is implemented using a spin lock.
libc++ (Github):
_LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void __lock() const volatile {
while(1 == __cxx_atomic_exchange(&__a_lock, _LIBCPP_ATOMIC_FLAG_TYPE(true), memory_order_acquire))
_LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void __lock() const {
while(1 == __cxx_atomic_exchange(&__a_lock, _LIBCPP_ATOMIC_FLAG_TYPE(true), memory_order_acquire))
MSVC (Github) (recently discussed in this Q&A):
inline void _Atomic_lock_acquire(long& _Spinlock) noexcept {
#if defined(_M_IX86) || (defined(_M_X64) && !defined(_M_ARM64EC))
// Algorithm from Intel(R) 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual, May 2020
// Example 2-4. Contended Locks with Increasing Back-off Example - Improved Version, page 2-22
// The code in mentioned manual is covered by the 0BSD license.
int _Current_backoff = 1;
const int _Max_backoff = 64;
while (_InterlockedExchange(&_Spinlock, 1) != 0) {
while (__iso_volatile_load32(&reinterpret_cast<int&>(_Spinlock)) != 0) {
for (int _Count_down = _Current_backoff; _Count_down != 0; --_Count_down) {
_Current_backoff = _Current_backoff < _Max_backoff ? _Current_backoff << 1 : _Max_backoff;
/* ... */
While thinking of a better possible implementation, I wonder if it is feasible to replace this with SeqLock? Advantage would be cheap reads if reads don't contend with writes.
Another thing I'm questioning is if SeqLock can be improved to use OS wait. It appears to me that if reader observes an odd count, it can wait with atomic wait underlying mechanism (Linux futex/Windows WaitOnAddress), thus avoiding the starvation problem of spinlock.
To me it looks like possible. Though C++ memory model doesn't cover Seqlock currently, types in std::atomic must be trivially copyable, so memcpy reads/writes in seqlock will work and will deal with races if sufficient barriers are used to get a volatile-equivalent without defeating optimizations too badly. This will be part of a specific C++ implementation's header files so it doesn't have to be portable.
Existing SO Q&As about implement a SeqLock in C++ (perhaps using other std::atomic operations)
Implementing 64 bit atomic counter with 32 bit atomics
how to implement a seqlock lock using c++11 atomic library
Yes, you can use a SeqLock as a readers/writers lock if you provide mutual exclusion between writers. You'd still get read-side scalability, while writes and RMWs would stay about the same.
It's not a bad idea, although it has potential fairness problems for readers if you have very frequent writes. Maybe not a good idea for a mainstream standard library, at least not without some testing with some different workloads / use-cases on a range of hardware, since working great on some machines but faceplanting on others is not what you want for standard library stuff. (Code that wants great performance for its special case often unfortunately has to use an implementation that's tuned for it, not the standard one.)
Mutual exclusion is possible with a separate spinlock, or just using the low bit of the sequence number. In fact I've seen other descriptions of a SeqLock that assumed you'd be using it with multiple writers, and didn't even mention the single-writer case that allows pure-load and pure-store for the sequence number to avoid the cost of an atomic RMW.
How to use the sequence number as a spinlock
A writer or RMWer attempts to atomically CAS the sequence number to increment (if it wasn't already odd). If the sequence number is already odd, writers just spin until they see an even value.
This would mean writers have to start by reading the sequence number before trying to write, which can cause extra coherency traffic (MESI Share request, then RFO). On a machine that actually had a fetch_or in hardware, you could use that to atomically make the count odd and see if you won the race to take it from even to odd.
On x86-64, you can use lock bts to set the low bit and find out what the old low bit was, then load the whole sequence number if it was previously even (because you won the race, no other writer is going to be modifying it). So you can do a release-store of that plus 1 to "unlock" instead of needing a lock add.
Making other writers faster at reclaiming the lock may actually be a bad thing, though: you want to give a window for readers to complete. Maybe just use multiple pause instructions (or equivalent on non-x86) in write-side spin loops, more than in read-side spins. If contention is low, readers probably had time to see it before writers got to it, otherwise writers will frequently see it locked and go into the slower spin loop. Maybe with faster-increasing backoff for writers, too.
An LL/SC machine could (in asm at least) test-and-increment just as easily as CAS or TAS. I don't know how to write pure C++ that would compile to just that. fetch_or could compile efficiently for LL/SC, but still to a store even if it was already odd. (If you have to LL separately from SC, you might as well make the most of it and not store at all if it will be useless, and hope that the hardware is designed to make the best of things.)
(It's critical to not unconditionally increment; you must not unlock another writer's ownership of the lock. But an atomic-RMW that leaves the value unchanged is always ok for correctness, if not performance.)
It may not be a good idea by default because of bad results with heavy write activity making it potentially hard for a reader to get a successful read done. As Wikipedia points out:
The reader never blocks, but it may have to retry if a write is in progress; this speeds up the readers in the case where the data was not modified, since they do not have to acquire the lock as they would with a traditional read–write lock. Also, writers do not wait for readers, whereas with traditional read–write locks they do, leading to potential resource starvation in a situation where there are a number of readers (because the writer must wait for there to be no readers). Because of these two factors, seqlocks are more efficient than traditional read–write locks for the situation where there are many readers and few writers. The drawback is that if there is too much write activity or the reader is too slow, they might livelock (and the readers may starve).
The "too slow reader" problem is unlikely, just a small memcpy. Code shouldn't expect good results from std::atomic<T> for very large T; the general assumption is that you'd only bother with std::atomic for a T that can be lock-free on some implementations. (Usually not including transactional memory since mainstream implementations don't do that.)
But the "too much write" problem could still be real: SeqLock is best for read-mostly data. Readers may have a bad time with a heavy write mix, retrying even more than with a simple spinlock or a readers-writers lock.
It would be nice if there was a way to make this an option for an implementation, like an optional template parameter such as std::atomic<T, true>, or a #pragma, or #define before including <atomic>. Or a command-line options.
An optional template param affects every use of the type, but might be slightly less clunky than a separate class name like gnu::atomic_seqlock<T>. An optional template param would still make std::atomic types be that class name, so e.g. matching specializations of other things for std::atomic. But might break other things, IDK.
Might be fun to hack something up to experiment with.

Does this envelope implementation correctly use C++11 atomics?

I have written a simple 'envelope' class to make sure I understand the C++11 atomic semantics correctly. I have a header and a payload, where the writer clears the header, fills in the payload, then fills the header with an increasing integer. The idea is that a reader then can read the header, memcpy out the payload, read the header again, and if the header is the same the reader can then assume they successfully copied the payload. It's OK that the reader may miss some updates, but it's not OK for them to get a torn update (where there is a mix of bytes from different updates). There is only ever a single reader and a single writer.
The writer uses release memory order and the reader uses acquire memory order.
Is there any risk of the memcpy being reordered with the atomic store/load calls? Or can the loads be reordered with each other? This never aborts for me but maybe I'm lucky.
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <cstring>
struct envelope {
alignas(64) uint64_t writer_sequence_number = 1;
std::atomic<uint64_t> sequence_number;
char payload[5000];
void start_writing()
sequence_number.store(0, std::memory_order::memory_order_release);
void publish()
sequence_number.store(++writer_sequence_number, std::memory_order::memory_order_release);
bool try_copy(char* copy)
auto before = sequence_number.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire);
if(!before) {
return false;
::memcpy(copy, payload, 5000);
auto after = sequence_number.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire);
return before == after;
envelope g_envelope;
void reader_thread()
char local_copy[5000];
unsigned messages_received = 0;
while(true) {
if(g_envelope.try_copy(local_copy)) {
for(int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i) {
// if there is no tearing we should only see the same letter over and over
if(local_copy[i] != local_copy[0]) {
if(messages_received++ % 64 == 0) {
std::cout << "successfully received=" << messages_received << std::endl;
void writer_thread()
const char alphabet[] = {"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"};
unsigned i = 0;
while(true) {
char to_write = alphabet[i % (sizeof(alphabet)-1)];
::memset(g_envelope.payload, to_write, 5000);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
std::thread writer(&writer_thread);
std::thread reader(&reader_thread);
return 0;
This is called a seqlock; it has a data race simply because of the conflicting calls to memset and memcpy. There have been proposals to provide a memcpy-like facility to make this sort of code correct; the most recent is not likely to appear before C++26 (even if approved).
This is called a seqlock. It's a known pattern, and it works well for publish occasionally, read often. If you republish too often (especially for a buffer as large as 5000 bytes), you risk too many retries by the readers as they keep detecting possible tearing. It's commonly used to e.g. publish a 64-bit or 128-bit timestamp from a timer interrupt handler to all cores, where the fact that the writer doesn't have to acquire a lock is great, and so is the fact that readers are read-only and have negligible overhead in the fast-path.
Acq and Rel are one-way barriers.
You need atomic_thread_fence(mo_acquire) before the 2nd load of the sequence number in the reader to make sure it doesn't happen earlier, before the memcpy finishes. And same for atomic_thread_fence(mo_release) in the writer, after the first store before writing the data. Note that acquire / release fences are 2-way barriers, and do affect non-atomic variables1. (Despite misconceptions to the contrary, fences really are 2-way barriers, unlike acquire or release operations. Jeff Preshing explains and debunks the confusion)
See also Implementing 64 bit atomic counter with 32 bit atomics for my attempt at a templated SeqLock class. I required the template class T to provide an assignment operator to copy itself around, but using memcpy might be better. I was using volatile for extra safety against the C++ UB we include. That works easily for uint64_t but is a huge pain in C++ for anything wider, unlike in C where you can get the compiler to efficiently emit code to load from a volatile struct into a non-volatile temporary.
You're going to have C++ data-race UB either way (because C++ makes best efficiency impossible without UB: the whole point of a SeqLock is to let tearing potentially happen on data[], but detect that and never actually look at the torn data). You could avoid UB by copying your data as an array of atomic<unsigned long> or something, but current compilers aren't smart enough to use SIMD for that so the access to the shared data would be inefficient. (And HW vendors fail to document Per-element atomicity of vector load/store and gather/scatter?, even though we all know that current CPUs do give that and future CPUs almost certainly will too.)
A memory barrier is probably sufficient, but it would be nice to do something to "launder" the value to make extra sure the compiler doesn't put another reload of the non-atomic data after the 2nd load. Like What is the purpose of glibc's atomic_forced_read function?. But as I said, I think atomic_thread_fence() is sufficient. At least in practice with compilers like GCC, which treat thread_fence like asm("":::"memory") that tells the compiler all values in memory might have changed.
Footnote 1: Maxim points out that atomic_thread_fence may be sort of a hack because ISO C++ specifies things only in terms of barriers and release-sequences synchronizing with loads that see the value stored.
But it's well known how fences and acq/rel loads/stores map to asm for any given target platform. It's implausible that a compiler will do enough whole-program inter-thread analysis to prove that it can break your code.
There might be an argument to be made in terms of the language used in the C++ standard about establishing happens-before relationships between the store of tmp+1 and at least some hypothetical reader. In practice that's enough to stop a compiler from breaking the writer: it can't know what code will be reading the data it's writing so it has to respect barriers. And probably the language in the standard is strong enough that a reader that sees an odd sequence number (and avoids reading data[]) can avoid data-race UB, so there would be a valid happens-before relationship between an atomic store that has to stay ahead of some non-atomic stores. So I'm not convinced that there's any room for a malicious all-seeing compiler to not respect atomic_thread_fence() there, let alone any real compiler.
In any case, you definitely do not want _mm_lfence() on x86. You want the compiler barrier against runtime reordering, but you definitely do not want the main effect of lfence: blocking out-of-order execution.Understanding the impact of lfence on a loop with two long dependency chains, for increasing lengths and Are loads and stores the only instructions that gets reordered?
i.e. you just want GNU C asm("":::"memory"), aka atomic_signal_fence(mo_seq_cst). Also equivalent to atomic_thread_fence(mo_acq_rel) on x86, which only has to block compile-time reordering to control runtime ordering, because the only runtime reording x86's strong memory model allows is StoreLoad (except for NT stores). x86's memory model is seq_cst + a store-buffer with store forwarding (which weakens seq_cst to acq/rel, and occasionally has other funky effects especially for loads that partially overlap a store).
For more about _mm_lfence() and so on vs. the asm instructions, see When should I use _mm_sfence _mm_lfence and _mm_mfence.
Other tweaks
Your sequence number is unnecessarily wide, and 64-bit atomics are less efficient on some 32-bit platforms, and very inefficient on a few. A 32-bit sequence number won't wrap in any reasonable thread-sleep time. (e.g. a 4GHz CPU will take about a whole second to do 2^32 stores at 1 store per clock, and that's with zero contention for writes to the cache line. And no cycles spend executing stores of the actual data. And practical use-cases don't have the writer in a tight loop publishing new values constantly: that could lead to something similar to livelock with readers constantly retrying and making no progress.)
unsigned long is never (AFAIK) too wide to handle efficiently, except on CPUs narrower than 32-bit. So atomic<long> or atomic<unsigned long> would use a 64-bit counter on CPUs where that's fine, but definitely avoid the risk of using a 64-bit atomic in 32-bit code. And long is required to be at least 32 bits wide.
Also, you don't need two copies of the write sequence number. Just have the writer do an atomic load into a tmp var, then separate atomic stores of tmp+1 and tmp+2.
(You're correct in wanting to avoid sequence_number++; it would be a bad idea to ask the compiler to do two atomic RMWs). The only advantage of a separate non-atomic var for the writer's private seq number is if this can inline into a write loop and keep it in a register so the writer never reloads the value.

What is the best architecture to frequently communicate values between multiple threads?

I am writing an application in C++14 that consists of a master thread and multiple slave threads. The master thread coordinates the slave threads which coordinately perform a search, each exploring a part of the search space. A slave thread sometimes encounters a bound on the search. Then it communicates this bound to the master thread which sends the bound to all other slave threads so that they can possibly narrow their searches.
A slave thread must very frequently check whether there is a new bound available, possibly at the entrance of a loop.
What would be the best way to communicate the bound to the slave threads? I can think of using std::atomic<int>, but I am afraid of the performance implications this has whenever the variable is read inside the loop.
The simplest way here is IMO to not overthink this. Just use a std::mutex for each thread, protecting a std::queue that the boundary information is in. Have the main thread wait on a std::condition_variable that each child can lock, write to a "new boundary" queue , then signals te cv, which the main thread then wakes up and copies the value to each child one at at time. As you said in your question, at the top of their loops, the child threads can check their thread-specific queue to see if there's additional bounding conditions.
You actually don't NEED the "main thread" in this. You could have the children write to all other children's queues directly (still mutex-protected), as long as you're careful to avoid deadlock, it would work that way too.
All of these classes can be seen in the thread support library, with decent documentation here.
Yes there's interrupt-based ways of doing things, but in this case polling is relatively cheap because it's not a lot of threads smashing on one mutex, but mostly thread-specific mutexes, and mutexes aren't all that expensive to lock, check, unlock quickly. You're not "holding" on to them for long periods, and thus it's OK. It's a bit of a test really: do you NEED the additional complexity of lock-free? If it's only a dozen (or less) threads, then probably not.
Basically you could make a bet with your architecture that a single write to a primitive datatype is atomic. As you only have one writer, your program would not break if you use the volatile keyword to prevent compiler optimizations that might perform updates to it only in local caches.
However everybody serious about doing things right(tm) will tell you otherwise. Have a look at this article to get a pretty good riskassessment: http://preshing.com/20130618/atomic-vs-non-atomic-operations/
So if you want to be on the safe side, which I recommend, you need to follow the C++ standard. As the C++ standard does not guarantee any atomicity even for the simplest operations, you are stuck with using std::atomic. But honestly, I don't think it is too bad. Sure there is a lock involved, but you can balance out the reading frequency with the benefit of knowing the new boundary early.
To prevent polling the atomic variable, you could use the POSIX signal mechanism to notify slave threads of an update (make sure it works with the platform you are programming for). If that benefits performance or not needs to be seen.
This is actually very simple. You only have to be aware of how things work to be confident the simple solution is not broken. So, what you need is two things:
1. Be sure the variable is written/read to/from memory every time you access it.
2. Be sure you read it in an atomic way, which means you have to read the full value in one go, or if it is not done naturally, have a cheap test to verify it.
To address #1, you have to declare it volatile. Make sure the volatile keyword is applied to the variable itself. Not it's pointer of anything like that.
To address #2, it depends on the type. On x86/64 accesses to integer types is atomic as long as they are aligned to their size. That is, int32_t has to be aligned to 4 bit boundary, and int64_t has to be aligned to 8 byte boundary.
So you may have something like this:
struct Params {
volatile uint64_t bound __attribute__((aligned(8)));
If your bounds variable is more complex (a struct) but still fits in 64 bits, you may union it with uint64_t and use the same attribute and volatile as above.
If it's too big for 64 bit, you will need some sort of a lock to ensure you did not read half stale value. The best lock for your circumstances (single writer, multiple readers) is a sequence lock. A sequence lock is simply an volatile int, like above, that serves as the version of the data. Its value starts from 0 and advances 2 on every update. You increment it by 1 before updating the protected value, and again afterwards. The net result is that even numbers are stable states and odd numbers are transient (value updating). In the readers you do this:
1. Read the version. If not changed - return
2. Read till you get an even number
3. Read the protected variable
4. Read the version again. If you get the same number as before - you're good
5. Otherwise - back to step 2
This is actually one of the topics in my next article. I'll implement that in C++ and let you know. Meanwhile, you can look at the seqlock in the linux kernel.
Another word of caution - you need compiler barriers between your memory accesses so that the compiler does not reorder things it should really not. That's how you do it in gcc:
asm volatile ("":::"memory");

Synchronizing access to variable

I need to provide synchronization to some members of a structure.
If the structure is something like this
struct SharedStruct {
int Value1;
int Value2;
and I have a global variable
SharedStruct obj;
I want that the write from a processor
obj.Value1 = 5; // Processor B
to be immediately visible to the other processors, so that when I test the value
if(obj.Value1 == 5) { DoSmth(); } // Processor A
else DoSmthElse();
to get the new value, not some old value from the cache.
First I though that if I use volatile when writing/reading the values, it is enough. But I read that volatile can't solve this kind o issues.
The members are guaranteed to be properly aligned on 2/4/8 byte boundaries, and writes should be atomic in this case, but I'm not sure how the cache could interfere with this.
Using memory barriers (mfence, sfence, etc.) would be enough ? Or some interlocked operations are required ?
Or maybe something like
lock mov addr, REGISTER
The easiest would obviously be some locking mechanism, but speed is critical and can't afford locks :(
Maybe I should clarify a bit. The value is set only once (behaves like a flag). All the other threads need just to read it. That's why I think that it may be a way to force the read of this new value without using locks.
Thanks in advance!
There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. If your data is being accessed from multiple threads, and it is necessary that updates are immediately visible by those other threads, then you have to protect the shared struct by a mutex, or a readers/writers lock, or some similar mechanism.
Performance is a valid concern when synchronizing code, but it is trumped by correctness. Generally speaking, aim for correctness first and then profile your code. Worrying about performance when you haven't yet nailed down correctness is premature optimization.
Use explicitly atomic instructions. I believe most compilers offer these as intrinsics. Compare and Exchange is another good one.
If you intend to write a lockless algorithm, you need to write it so that your changes only take effect when conditions are as expected.
For example, if you intend to insert a linked list object, use the compare/exchange stuff so that it only inserts if the pointer still points at the same location when you actually do the update.
Or if you are going to decrement a reference count and free the memory at count 0, you will want to pre-free it by making it unavailable somehow, check that the count is still 0 and then really free it. Or something like that.
Using a lock, operate, unlock design is generally a lot easier. The lock-free algorithms are really difficult to get right.
All the other answers here seem to hand wave about the complexities of updating shared variables using mutexes, etc. It is true that you want the update to be atomic.
And you could use various OS primitives to ensure that, and that would be good
programming style.
However, on most modern processors (certainly the x86), writes of small, aligned scalar values is atomic and immediately visible to other processors due to cache coherency.
So in this special case, you don't need all the synchronizing junk; the hardware does the
atomic operation for you. Certainly this is safe with 4 byte values (e.g., "int" in 32 bit C compilers).
So you could just initialize Value1 with an uninteresting value (say 0) before you start the parallel threads, and simply write other values there. If the question is exiting the loop on a fixed value (e.g., if value1 == 5) this will be perfectly safe.
If you insist on capturing the first value written, this won't work. But if you have a parallel set of threads, and any value written other than the uninteresting one will do, this is also fine.
I second peterb's answer to aim for correctness first. Yes, you can use memory barriers here, but they will not do what you want.
You said immediately. However, how immediate this update ever can be, you could (and will) end up with the if() clause being executed, then the flag being set, and than the DoSmthElse() being executed afterwards. This is called a race condition...
You want to synchronize something, it seems, but it is not this flag.
Making the field volatile should make the change "immediately" visible in other threads, but there is no guarantee that the instant at which thread A executes the update doesn't occur after thread B tests the value but before thread B executes the body of the if/else statement.
It sounds like what you really want to do is make that if/else statement atomic, and that will require either a lock, or an algorithm that is tolerant of this sort of situation.

I've heard i++ isn't thread safe, is ++i thread-safe?

I've heard that i++ isn't a thread-safe statement since in assembly it reduces down to storing the original value as a temp somewhere, incrementing it, and then replacing it, which could be interrupted by a context switch.
However, I'm wondering about ++i. As far as I can tell, this would reduce to a single assembly instruction, such as 'add r1, r1, 1' and since it's only one instruction, it'd be uninterruptable by a context switch.
Can anyone clarify? I'm assuming that an x86 platform is being used.
You've heard wrong. It may well be that "i++" is thread-safe for a specific compiler and specific processor architecture but it's not mandated in the standards at all. In fact, since multi-threading isn't part of the ISO C or C++ standards (a), you can't consider anything to be thread-safe based on what you think it will compile down to.
It's quite feasible that ++i could compile to an arbitrary sequence such as:
load r0,[i] ; load memory into reg 0
incr r0 ; increment reg 0
stor [i],r0 ; store reg 0 back to memory
which would not be thread-safe on my (imaginary) CPU that has no memory-increment instructions. Or it may be smart and compile it into:
lock ; disable task switching (interrupts)
load r0,[i] ; load memory into reg 0
incr r0 ; increment reg 0
stor [i],r0 ; store reg 0 back to memory
unlock ; enable task switching (interrupts)
where lock disables and unlock enables interrupts. But, even then, this may not be thread-safe in an architecture that has more than one of these CPUs sharing memory (the lock may only disable interrupts for one CPU).
The language itself (or libraries for it, if it's not built into the language) will provide thread-safe constructs and you should use those rather than depend on your understanding (or possibly misunderstanding) of what machine code will be generated.
Things like Java synchronized and pthread_mutex_lock() (available to C/C++ under some operating systems) are what you need to look into (a).
(a) This question was asked before the C11 and C++11 standards were completed. Those iterations have now introduced threading support into the language specifications, including atomic data types (though they, and threads in general, are optional, at least in C).
You can't make a blanket statement about either ++i or i++. Why? Consider incrementing a 64-bit integer on a 32-bit system. Unless the underlying machine has a quad word "load, increment, store" instruction, incrementing that value is going to require multiple instructions, any of which can be interrupted by a thread context switch.
In addition, ++i isn't always "add one to the value." In a language like C, incrementing a pointer actually adds the size of the thing pointed to. That is, if i is a pointer to a 32-byte structure, ++i adds 32 bytes. Whereas almost all platforms have an "increment value at memory address" instruction that is atomic, not all have an atomic "add arbitrary value to value at memory address" instruction.
They are both thread-unsafe.
A CPU cannot do math directly with memory. It does that indirectly by loading the value from memory and doing the math with CPU registers.
register int a1, a2;
a1 = *(&i) ; // One cpu instruction: LOAD from memory location identified by i;
a2 = a1;
a1 += 1;
*(&i) = a1;
return a2; // 4 cpu instructions
register int a1;
a1 = *(&i) ;
a1 += 1;
*(&i) = a1;
return a1; // 3 cpu instructions
For both cases, there is a race condition that results in the unpredictable i value.
For example, let's assume there are two concurrent ++i threads with each using register a1, b1 respectively. And, with context switching executed like the following:
register int a1, b1;
a1 = *(&i);
a1 += 1;
b1 = *(&i);
b1 += 1;
*(&i) = a1;
*(&i) = b1;
In result, i doesn't become i+2, it becomes i+1, which is incorrect.
To remedy this, moden CPUs provide some kind of LOCK, UNLOCK cpu instructions during the interval a context switching is disabled.
On Win32, use InterlockedIncrement() to do i++ for thread-safety. It's much faster than relying on mutex.
If you are sharing even an int across threads in a multi-core environment, you need proper memory barriers in place. This can mean using interlocked instructions (see InterlockedIncrement in win32 for example), or using a language (or compiler) that makes certain thread-safe guarantees. With CPU level instruction-reordering and caches and other issues, unless you have those guarantees, don't assume anything shared across threads is safe.
Edit: One thing you can assume with most architectures is that if you are dealing with properly aligned single words, you won't end up with a single word containing a combination of two values that were mashed together. If two writes happen over top of each other, one will win, and the other will be discarded. If you are careful, you can take advantage of this, and see that either ++i or i++ are thread-safe in the single writer/multiple reader situation.
If you want an atomic increment in C++ you can use C++0x libraries (the std::atomic datatype) or something like TBB.
There was once a time that the GNU coding guidelines said updating datatypes that fit in one word was "usually safe" but that advice is wrong for SMP machines, wrong for some architectures, and wrong when using an optimizing compiler.
To clarify the "updating one-word datatype" comment:
It is possible for two CPUs on an SMP machine to write to the same memory location in the same cycle, and then try to propagate the change to the other CPUs and the cache. Even if only one word of data is being written so the writes only take one cycle to complete, they also happen simultaneously so you cannot guarantee which write succeeds. You won't get partially updated data, but one write will disappear because there is no other way to handle this case.
Compare-and-swap properly coordinates between multiple CPUs, but there is no reason to believe that every variable assignment of one-word datatypes will use compare-and-swap.
And while an optimizing compiler doesn't affect how a load/store is compiled, it can change when the load/store happens, causing serious trouble if you expect your reads and writes to happen in the same order they appear in the source code (the most famous being double-checked locking does not work in vanilla C++).
NOTE My original answer also said that Intel 64 bit architecture was broken in dealing with 64 bit data. That is not true, so I edited the answer, but my edit claimed PowerPC chips were broken. That is true when reading immediate values (i.e., constants) into registers (see the two sections named "Loading pointers" under listing 2 and listing 4) . But there is an instruction for loading data from memory in one cycle (lmw), so I've removed that part of my answer.
Even if it is reduced to a single assembly instruction, incrementing the value directly in memory, it is still not thread safe.
When incrementing a value in memory, the hardware does a "read-modify-write" operation: it reads the value from the memory, increments it, and writes it back to memory. The x86 hardware has no way of incrementing directly on the memory; the RAM (and the caches) is only able to read and store values, not modify them.
Now suppose you have two separate cores, either on separate sockets or sharing a single socket (with or without a shared cache). The first processor reads the value, and before it can write back the updated value, the second processor reads it. After both processors write the value back, it will have been incremented only once, not twice.
There is a way to avoid this problem; x86 processors (and most multi-core processors you will find) are able to detect this kind of conflict in hardware and sequence it, so that the whole read-modify-write sequence appears atomic. However, since this is very costly, it is only done when requested by the code, on x86 usually via the LOCK prefix. Other architectures can do this in other ways, with similar results; for instance, load-linked/store-conditional and atomic compare-and-swap (recent x86 processors also have this last one).
Note that using volatile does not help here; it only tells the compiler that the variable might have be modified externally and reads to that variable must not be cached in a register or optimized out. It does not make the compiler use atomic primitives.
The best way is to use atomic primitives (if your compiler or libraries have them), or do the increment directly in assembly (using the correct atomic instructions).
On x86/Windows in C/C++, you should not assume it is thread-safe. You should use InterlockedIncrement() and InterlockedDecrement() if you require atomic operations.
If your programming language says nothing about threads, yet runs on a multithreaded platform, how can any language construct be thread-safe?
As others pointed out: you need to protect any multithreaded access to variables by platform specific calls.
There are libraries out there that abstract away the platform specificity, and the upcoming C++ standard has adapted it's memory model to cope with threads (and thus can guarantee thread-safety).
Never assume that an increment will compile down to an atomic operation. Use InterlockedIncrement or whatever similar functions exist on your target platform.
Edit: I just looked up this specific question and increment on X86 is atomic on single processor systems, but not on multiprocessor systems. Using the lock prefix can make it atomic, but it's much more portable just to use InterlockedIncrement.
According to this assembly lesson on x86, you can atomically add a register to a memory location, so potentially your code may atomically execute '++i' ou 'i++'.
But as said in another post, the C ansi does not apply atomicity to '++' opération, so you cannot be sure of what your compiler will generate.
The 1998 C++ standard has nothing to say about threads, although the next standard (due this year or the next) does. Therefore, you can't say anything intelligent about thread-safety of operations without referring to the implementation. It's not just the processor being used, but the combination of the compiler, the OS, and the thread model.
In the absence of documentation to the contrary, I wouldn't assume that any action is thread-safe, particularly with multi-core processors (or multi-processor systems). Nor would I trust tests, as thread synchronization problems are likely to come up only by accident.
Nothing is thread-safe unless you have documentation that says it is for the particular system you're using.
Throw i into thread local storage; it isn't atomic, but it then doesn't matter.
AFAIK, According to the C++ standard, read/writes to an int are atomic.
However, all that this does is get rid of the undefined behavior that's associated with a data race.
But there still will be a data race if both threads try to increment i.
Imagine the following scenario:
Let i = 0 initially:
Thread A reads the value from memory and stores in its own cache.
Thread A increments the value by 1.
Thread B reads the value from memory and stores in its own cache.
Thread B increments the value by 1.
If this is all a single thread you would get i = 2 in memory.
But with both threads, each thread writes its changes and so Thread A writes i = 1 back to memory, and Thread B writes i = 1 to memory.
It's well defined, there's no partial destruction or construction or any sort of tearing of an object, but it's still a data race.
In order to atomically increment i you can use:
std::atomic<int>::fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed)
Relaxed ordering can be used because we don't care where this operation takes place all we care about is that the increment operation is atomic.
You say "it's only one instruction, it'd be uninterruptible by a context switch." - that's all well and good for a single CPU, but what about a dual core CPU? Then you can really have two threads accessing the same variable at the same time without any context switches.
Without knowing the language, the answer is to test the heck out of it.
I think that if the expression "i++" is the only in a statement, it's equivalent to "++i", the compiler is smart enough to not keep a temporal value, etc. So if you can use them interchangeably (otherwise you won't be asking which one to use), it doesn't matter whichever you use as they're almost the same (except for aesthetics).
Anyway, even if the increment operator is atomic, that doesn't guarantee that the rest of the computation will be consistent if you don't use the correct locks.
If you want to experiment by yourself, write a program where N threads increment concurrently a shared variable M times each... if the value is less than N*M, then some increment was overwritten. Try it with both preincrement and postincrement and tell us ;-)
For a counter, I recommend a using the compare and swap idiom which is both non locking and thread-safe.
Here it is in Java:
public class IntCompareAndSwap {
private int value = 0;
public synchronized int get(){return value;}
public synchronized int compareAndSwap(int p_expectedValue, int p_newValue){
int oldValue = value;
if (oldValue == p_expectedValue)
value = p_newValue;
return oldValue;
public class IntCASCounter {
public IntCASCounter(){
m_value = new IntCompareAndSwap();
private IntCompareAndSwap m_value;
public int getValue(){return m_value.get();}
public void increment(){
int temp;
do {
temp = m_value.get();
} while (temp != m_value.compareAndSwap(temp, temp + 1));
public void decrement(){
int temp;
do {
temp = m_value.get();
} while (temp > 0 && temp != m_value.compareAndSwap(temp, temp - 1));