Matching unmatched strings based on a unknown pattern - regex

Alright guys, I really hurt my brain over this one and I'm curious if you guys can give me any pointers towards the right direction I should be taking.
The situation is this:
Lets say, I have a collection of strings (let it be clear that the pattern of this strings is unknown. For a fact, I can say that the string contain only signs from the ASCII table and therefore, I don't have to worry about weird Chinese signs).
For this example, I take the following collection of strings (note that the strings don't have to make any human sense so don't try figuring them out :)):
"[001].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[002].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[003].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[001].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test.sample'",
"[002].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test.sample'",
"-001- BAR.[TEST] - 'bartest.xx1",
"-002- BAR.[TEST] - 'bartest.xx1"
Now, what I need to have is a way of finding logical groups (and subgroups) of these set of strings, so in the above example, just by rational thinking, you can combine the first 3, the 2 after that and the last 2. Also the resulting groups from the first 5 can be combined in one main group with 2 subgroups, this should give you something like this:
"[001].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[002].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[003].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[001].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test.sample'",
"[002].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test.sample'",
"-001- BAR.[TEST] - 'bartest.xx1",
"-002- BAR.[TEST] - 'bartest.xx1"
Sorry for the layout above but indenting with 4 spaces doesn't seem to work correctly (or I'm frakk'n it up).
Anyway, I'm not sure how to approach this problem (how to get the result desired as indicated above).
First of, I thought of creating a huge set of regexes which would parse most known patterns but the amount of different patterns is just to huge that this isn't realistic.
Another think I thought of was parsing each individual word within a string (so strip all non alphabetic or numeric characters and split by those), and if X% matches, I can assume the strings belong to the same group. (where X will probably be around 80/90). However, I find the area of speculation kinda big. For example, when matching strings with each 20 words, the change of hitting above 80% is kinda big (that means that 4 words can differ), however when matching only 8 words, 2 words at most can differ.
My question to you is, what would be a logical approach in the above situation?
As for a reallife example:
Thanks in advance!

Basically I would consider each string as a bag of characters. I would define a kind of distance between two strings which would be sth like "number of characters belonging to both strings" divided by "total number of characters in string 1 + total number of characters in string 2". (well, it's not a distance mathematically speaking...) and then I would try to apply some algorithms to cluster your set of strings.
Well, this is just a basic idea but I think it would be a good start to try some experiments...

Building on #PierrOz' answer, you might want to experiment with multiple measures, and do a statistical cluster analysis on those measures.
For example, you could use four measures:
How many letters (upper/lowercase)
How many digits
How many of ([,],.)
How many other characters (probably) not included above
You then have, in this example, four measures for each string, and you could, if you wished, apply a different weight to each measure.
R has a number of functions for cluster analysis. This might be a good starting point.
Afterthought: the measures can be almost anything you invent. Some more examples:
Binary: does the string contain a given character (0 or 1)?
Binary: does the string contain a given substring?
Count: how many times does the given substring appear?
Binary: does the string include all these characters?
Enough for a least a weekend's tinkering...

I would recommend using this: as the distance.
Also, For files a good heuristic would be to remove checksum in the end from the filename before calculating the distance:
A check is simple - it's always 10 characters, the first being [, the last -- ], and the rest ALPHA-numeric :)
With the heuristic and the distance max of 4, your stuff will work in the vast majority of the cases.
Good luck!

Your question is not easy to understand, but I think what you ask is impossible to do in a satisfying way given any group of strings. Take these strings for instance:
Each is close to those listed next to it, so they should all group with their neighbours, but the first and the last are completely different, so it would not make sense to group those together. Given a more "grouping" dataset you might get pretty good results with a method like the one PierrOz describes, but there is no guarantee for meaningful results.
May I enquire what the purpose is? It would allow us all to better understand what errors might be tolerated, or perhaps even come up with a different approach to solving the problem.
Edit: I wonder, would it be OK if one string ends up in multiple different groups? That could make the problem a lot simpler, and more reliably give you useful information, but you would end up with a bigger grouping tree with the same node copied to different branches.

I'd be tempted to tackle this with cluster analysis techniques. Hit Wikipedia for an introduction. And the other answers probably fall within the domain of cluster analysis, but you might find some other useful approaches by reading a bit more widely.


Create regex from samples algorithm

AFAIK no one have implemented an algorithm that takes a set of strings and substrings and gives back one or more regular expressions that would match the given substrings inside the strings. So, for instance, if I'd give my algorithm this two samples:
string1 = "fwef 1234 asdfd"
substring1 = "1234"
string2 = "asdf456fsdf"
substring2 = "456"
The algorithm would give me the regular expression "[0-9]*" back. I know it could give more than one regex or even no possible regex back and you might find 1000 reasons why such algorithm would be close to impossible to implement to perfection. But what's the closest thing?
I don't really care about regex itself also. Basically what I want is an algorithm that takes samples as the ones above and then finds a pattern in them that can be used to easily find the "kind" of text I want to find in a string without having to write any regex or code manually.
I don't have proof but I suspect no such discrete algorithm with a finite output could exist since you are asking for the creation of a regular language which could be "large" in respect to the input size.
With that, I suggest you peek at txt2re which can break down sample texts one-by-one and help you build regexes.
FlashFill a new feature of MS Excel 2013 would do exactly the task you want, but it does not give you the regular expression. It's a NP-complete problem and an open question for practical purposes. If you're interested in how to synthesise string manipulation from multiple examples, Go Flash Fill official website and read a few papers. They have pseudo-code and demo. movies as well.
There are many such algorithm in fact. This is a research area called "Grammatical inference".
I know RPNI, for example. (you could also look on the probabilistic branch, alergia, MDI, DEES). These algorithms generate DSA (Deterministic State Automata). In fact you absolutely don't need to enter the strings in your example. Only substrings.
There are also some algorithms to generate directly Non deterministic automata.
Of course, get the regular expression from an Non Deterministic Automata is easy.
The main ideas are simple:
Generate a PTSA (Prefix Tree State Automata) from your sample.
Then, you have to try to "merge" some states. From these merge, will emerge loops (i.e. * in the regular expression). All the difficulty being to choose the right rule to merge.
Here you go:
re = '|'.join(substrings)
If you want anything more general, your algorithm is going to have to make educated guesses about what type of strings are acceptable as matches, and it's trivial to demonstrate that no procedure can account for all possible sets of possible inputs without simply enumerating them all. For instance, consider some of these scenarios:
Match all prime numbers
Match hexadecimal strings, but no strings containing 'f' are in the sample set
Match the same string repeated twice
Match any even-length string
The root problem is that your question is incompletely specified. If you have a more specific requirement, that might be solvable, depending on what it is.

Using the Levenshtein distance in a spell checker

I am working on a spell checker in C++ and I'm stuck at a certain step in the implementation.
Let's say we have a text file with correctly spelled words and an inputted string we would like to check for spelling mistakes. If that string is a misspelled word, I can easily find its correct form by checking all words in the text file and choosing the one that differs from it with a minimum of letters. For that type of input, I've implemented a function that calculates the Levenshtein edit distance between 2 strings. So far so good.
Now, the tough part: what if the inputted string is a combination of misspelled words? For example, "iloevcokies". Taking into account that "i", "love" and "cookies" are words that can be found in the text file, how can I use the already-implemented Levenshtein function to determine which words from the file are suitable for a correction? Also, how would I insert blanks in the correct positions?
Any idea is welcome :)
Spelling correction for phrases can be done in a few ways. One way requires having an index of word bi-grams and tri-grams. These of course could be immense. Another option would be to try permutations of the word with spaces inserted, then doing a lookup on each word in the resulting phrase. Take a look at a simple implementation of a spell checker by Peter Norvig from Google. Either way, consider using an n-gram index for better performance, there are libraries available in C++ for reference.
Google and other search engines are able to do spelling correction on phrases because they have a large index of queries and associated result sets, which allows them to calculate a statistically good guess. Overall, the spelling correction problem can become very complex with methods like context-sensitive correction and phonetic correction. Given that using permutations of possible sub-terms can become expensive you can utilize certain types of heuristics, however this can get out of scope quick.
You may also consider using and existing spelling library, such as aspell.
A starting point for an idea: one of the top hits of your L-distance for "iloevcokies" should be "cookies". If you can change your L-distance function to also track and return a min-index and max-index (i.e., this match is best starting from character 5 and going to character 10) then you could remove that substring and re-check L-distance for the string before it and after it, then concatenate those for a suggestion....
Just a thought, good luck....
I will suppose that you have an existing index, on which you run your levenshtein distance (for example, a Trie, but any sorted index generally work well).
You can consider the addition of white-spaces as a regular edit operation, it's just that there is a twist: you need (then) to get back to the root of your index for the next word.
This way you get the same index, almost the same route, approximately the same traversal, and it should not even impact your running time that much.

Damerau–Levenshtein distance for language specific quirks

To Dutch speaking people the two characters "ij" are considered to be a single letter that is easily exchanged with "y".
For a project I'm working on I would like to have a variant of the Damerau–Levenshtein distance that calculates the distance between "ij" and "y" as 1 instead of the current value of 2.
I've been trying this myself but failed. My problem is that I do not have a clue on how to handle the fact that both texts are of different lengths.
Does anyone have a suggestion/code fragment on how to solve this?
The Wikipedia article is rather loose with terminology. There are no such things as "strings" in "natural language". There are phonemes in natural language which can be represented by written characters and character-combinations.
Some character-combinations are vestiges of historical conventions which have survived into modern times, as in modern English "rough" where the "gh" can sound like -f- or make no sound at all. It seems to me that in focusing on raw "strings" the algorithm must be agnostic about the historical relationship of language and orthographic convention, which leads to some arbitrary metrics whenever character-combinations correlate to a single phoneme. How would it measure "rough" to "ruf"? Or "through" to "thru"?
Or German o-umlaut to "oe"?
In your case the -y- can be exchanged phonetically and orthographically with -ij-. So what is that according to the algorithm, two deletions followed by an insertion, or a single deletion of the -j- or of the -i- followed by a transposition of the remaining character to -y-? Or is -ij- being coalesced and the coalescence is followed by a transposition?
I would recommend that you use another unused comnbining character for -ij- before applying the algorithm, perhaps U00EC, Latin small letter i with grave accent.
How does the algorithm handle multi-codepoint characters?
Well the D-L distance itself isn't going to handle it for you, due to the way it measure distances.
As there is no code (or language) involved here, I can only leave you with a suggestion to ensure all strings adhere to the same structure.
To clarify the situation since your asking in general terms,
bear in mind that the D-L distance compares character for character and doesn't actually read your strings in themselves, as such you'll have to parse before compare, as cases where ij shouldn't be exchanged with y will cause other issues instead.
An idea is to translate each string into some sort of constructed orthographemic representation, where digraphs such as "ij" and the english "gh" "th" and friends are only one character long. The distance metric does not have to be equal for all types of replactements when doing Damerau-Levenshtein so you can use whatever penalties you want, but the table needs to be filled locally, therefore you really want each sound to be one cell in the table.
This however breaks when the "ij" was not intended as "ij" but a misspelling or at a word-segmentation border (I don't know if that can happen in Dutch), or in any other situation it is not actually (meant as) a digraph.
Otherwise you will need to do some lookaround, this will complicate things but should not change the growth order of the algorithm (I believe), provided you only look at constant number of cells around. The constant factors will still be much bigger though.

efficient algorithm for searching one of several strings in a text?

I need to search incoming not-very-long pieces of text for occurrences of given strings. The strings are constant for the whole session and are not many (~10). Additional simplification is that none of the strings is contained in any other.
I am currently using boost regex matching with str1 | str2 | .... The performance of this task is important, so I wonder if I can improve it. Not that I can program better than the boost guys, but perhaps a dedicated implementation is more efficient than a general one.
As the strings stay constant over long time, I can afford building a data structure, like a state transition table, upfront.
e.g., if the strings are abcx, bcy and cz, and I've read so far abc, I should be in a combined state that means you're either 3 chars into string 1, 2 chars into string 2 or 1 char into string 1. Then reading x next will move me to the string 1 matched state etc., and any char other than xyz will move to the initial state, and I will not need to retract back to b.
Any ideas or references are appreciated.
Check out the Aho–Corasick string matching algorithm!
Take a look at Suffix Tree.
Look at this:
The existence of a recursive/non-recursive distinction is a pretty strong suggestion that BOOST is not necessarily a linear-time discrete finite-state machine. Therefore, there's a good chance you can do better for your particular problem.
The best answer depends quite a bit on how many haystacks you have and the minimum size of a needle. If the smallest needle is longer than a few characters, you may be able to do a little bit better than a generalized regex library.
Basically all string searches work by testing for a match at the current position (cursor), and if none is found, then trying again with the cursor slid farther to the right.
Rabin-Karp builds a DFSM out of the string (or strings) for which you are searching so that the test and the cursor motion are combined in a single operation. However, Rabin-Karp was originally designed for a single needle, so you would need to support backtracking if one match could ever be a proper prefix of another. (Remember that for when you want to reuse your code.)
Another tactic is to slide the cursor more than one character to the right if at all possible. Boyer-Moore does this. It's normally built for a single needle. Construct a table of all characters and the rightmost position that they appear in the needle (if at all). Now, position the cursor at len(needle)-1. The table entry will tell you (a) what leftward offset from the cursor that the needle might be found, or (b) that you can move the cursor len(needle) farther to the right.
When you have more than one needle, the construction and use of your table grows more complicated, but it still may possibly save you an order of magnitude on probes. You still might want to make a DFSM but instead of calling a general search method, you call does_this_DFSM_match_at_this_offset().
Another tactic is to test more than 8 bits at a time. There's a spam-killer tool that looks at 32-bit machine words at a time. It then does some simple hash code to fit the result into 12 bits, and then looks in a table to see if there's a hit. You have four entries for each pattern (offsets of 0, 1, 2, and 3 from the start of the pattern) and then this way despite thousands of patterns in the table they only test one or two per 32-bit word in the subject line.
So in general, yes, you can go faster than regexes WHEN THE NEEDLES ARE CONSTANT.
I've been looking at the answers but none seem quite explicit... and mostly boiled down to a couple of links.
What intrigues me here is the uniqueness of your problem, the solutions exposed so far do not capitalize at all on the fact that we are looking for several needles at once in the haystack.
I would take a look at KMP / Boyer Moore, for sure, but I would not apply them blindly (at least if you have some time on your hand), because they are tailored for a single needle, and I am pretty convinced we could capitalized on the fact that we have several strings and check all of them at once, with a custom state machine (or custom tables for BM).
Of course, it's unlikely to improve the big O (Boyer Moore runs in 3n for each string, so it'll be linear anyway), but you could probably gain on the constant factor.
Regex engine initialization is expected to have some overhead,
so if there are no real regular expressions involved,
C - memcmp() should do fine.
If you can tell the file sizes and give some
specific use cases, we could build a benchmark
(I consider this very interesting).
Interesting: memcmp explorations and timing differences
There is always Boyer Moore
Beside Rabin-Karp-Algorithm and Knuth-Morris-Pratt-Algorithm, my Algorithm-Book suggests a Finite State Machine for String Matching. For every Search String you need to build such a Finite State Machine.
You can do it with very popular Lex & Yacc tools, with the support of Flex and Bison tools.
You can use Lex for getting tokens of the string.
Compare your pre-defined strings with the tokens returned from Lexer.
When match is found, perform the desired action.
There are many sites which describe about Lex and Yacc.
One such site is

Distance between regular expression

Can we compute a sort of distance between regular expressions ?
The idea is to mesure in which way two regular expression are similar.
You can build deterministic finite-state machines for both regular expressions and compare the transitions. The difference of both transitions can then be used to measure the distance of these regular expressions.
There are a few of metrics you could use:
The length of a valid match. Some regexs have a fixed size, some an upper limit and some a lower limit. Compare how similar their lengths or possible lengths are.
The characters that match. Any regex will have a set of characters a match can contain (maybe all characters). Compare the set of included characters.
Use a large document and see how many matches each regex makes and how many of those are identical.
Are you looking for strict equivalence?
I suppose you could compute a Levenshtein Distance between the actual Regular Experssion strings. That's certainly one way of measuring a "distance" between two different Regular Expression strings.
Of course, I think it's possible that regular expressions are not required here at all, and computing the Levenshtein Distance of the actual "value" strings that the Regular Expressions would otherwise be applied to, may yield a better result.
If you have two regular expressions and have a set of example inputs you could try matching every input against each regex. For each input:
If they both match or both don't match, score 0.
If one matches and the other doesn't, score 1.
Sum this score over all inputs, and this will give you a 'distance' between the regular expressions. This will give you an idea of how often two regular expressions will differ for typical input. It will be very slow to calculate if your sample input set is large. It won't work at all if both regexes fail to match for almost all random strings and your expected input is entirely random. For example the regex 'sgjlkwren' and the regex 'ueuenwbkaalf' would probably both never match anything if tested on random input, so this metric would say the distance between them is zero. That might or might not be what you want (probably not).
You might be able to analyze the structure of the regex and use biased random sampling to deliberately hit strings that match more frequently than in completely random input. For example, if both regex require that the string starts with 'foo', you could make sure that your test inputs also always start with foo, to avoid wasting time testing strings that you know will fail for both.
So in conclusion: unless you have a very specific situation with a restricted input set and/or restricted regular expression language, I'd say its not possible. If you do have some restrictions on your input and on the regular expression, it might be possible. Please specify what these restrictions are and maybe I can come up with something better.
There's an answer hidden in an earlier question here on SO: Generating strings from regexes. You can calculate an (asymmetric) distance measure by generating strings using one regex and checking how many of those match the other regex.
This can be optimized by stripping out shared prefixes/suffixes. E.g. a[0-9]* and a[0-7]* share the a prefix, so you can calculate the distance between [0-9]* and [0-7]* instead.
I think first you need to understand for yourself how you see a "difference" between two expressions. Basically, define a distance metric.
In general case, it would be quite different to make. Depending on what you need to do, you may see allowing one different character in some place as a big difference. In the other case, allowing any number of consequent but same characters may not yield much difference.
I'd like to emphasize as well that normally when they talk about distance functions, they apply them to..., well, let's call them, tokens. In our case, character sequences. What you are willing to do, is to apply this method not to those tokens, but to the rules a multitude of tokens will match. I'm not quite sure it even makes sense.
Still, I believe we could think of something, but not in general, but for one particular and quite restricted case. Do you have some sort of example to show us?