MSVC enum debugging - c++

Is there a quick way of outputting the names of enumerated values? I suppose you know what I mean, and at all this isn't possible as of course all of this data becomes irrelevant during compile process, but I'm using MSVC in debugging mode, so is it possible?

Metamacros cause all sorts of havoc on Intellisense and the like, but they can make this task easy...
#define MY_ENUMS(e_) \
e_(Enum_A), \
e_(Enum_B), \
e_(Enum_C), \
#define ENUM_EXPANDER(e_) e
enum MyEnums
#define STRING_EXPANDER(e_) #e_
const char* g_myEnumStrings[] =
Possibly even
#define CASE_EXPANDER(e_) case e_: return #e_;
const char* GetEnumName(MyEnums e)
switch (e)
return "Invalid enum value";
Different "expander macros" can be used to fill maps or other data structures of your choice. I've used this sort of horror to parse enums out of config files (so the person authoring the config file could use the enum rather than the index).

I just put the enum names in a lookup table (or you could use a map<>) with the enum value as a key and have a function perform the lookup.
It's low-tech, but usually not too much of a pain.
In some projects I'd have a weird header/macro arrangement that could build the enum definition using a single declaration-like item per enum name. My opinon on how that technique works wavers back and forth between "handy" or "kludgy" though.

This is common C++ problem, that is solved using "Typesafe enum pattern". Usually this is done using some crazy precompiler definitions, or code generators. Quick search for "Typesafe enum pattern C++" can give you these ways. Personally, I have my own code generator for C++ enumerations, which is executed as MSVC custom build step for h-files with enumerations.

Unfortunately not. All of the enum names are lost by the compiler. The PDB file has them, so the debugger can work it out, but otherwise the only way to do it would be to write a function that does a switch and returns a string.


Which is more memory/performance efficient for static error strings, or are there alternatives?

I would like an opinion on what is the best way to handle static error strings in C++. I am currently using a number of constant char pointers, but they get unwieldy, and they are scatter every where in my code. Also should I be using static constant char pointers for these strings?
I was thinking about defines, hash tables, and INI files using the SimpleIni class for cross-platform compatibility. The project is an always running web server.
I would like to use error numbers or names to refer to them logically.
I am using the global space and methods contained in namespaced classes if that helps. The code is exported to C because of the environment if that helps as well.
There are several things in tension here, so let me please enumerate them:
centralization / modularity: it is normal to think about centralizing things, as it allows to easily check for the kind of error one should expect and recover an error from an approximate souvenir etc... however modularity asks that each module be able to introduce its new errors
error may happen during dynamic initialization (unless you ban code from running then, not easy to check), to circumvent the lifetime issue, it is better to only rely on objects that will be initialized during static initialization (this is the case for string literals, for example)
In general, the simplest thing I have seen was to use some integral constant to identify an error and then have a table on the side in which you could retrieve other information (potentially a lot of it). For example, Clang uses this system for its diagnosis. You can avoid repeating yourself by using the preprocessor at your advantage.
Use such a header:
ERROR(Code, "description") \
#define ERROR(Code, Desc) Code,
class enum ErrorCode: unsigned {
#undef ERROR
struct Error {
ErrorCode code;
char const* description;
Error const& error(ErrorCode ec);
And a simple source file to locate the array:
#define ERROR(Code, Desc) { Code, Desc },
Error const ErrorsArray[] = {
{ErrorCode::NumberOfElements, 0}
Error const& error(ErrorCode const ec) {
assert(unsigned(ec) < unsigned(ErrorCode::NumberOfElements) &&
"The error code must have been corrupted.");
return ErrorsArray[ec];
} // error
Note: the price of defining the macro in the header is that the slightest change of wording in a description implies a recompilation of all the code depending on the enum. Personally, my stuff builds much faster than its tested, so I don't care much.
This is quite an efficient scheme. As it respects DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) it also ensures that the code-description mapping is accurate. The ERROR macro can be tweaked to have more information than just a description too (category, etc...). As long as the Error type is_trivially_constructible, the array can be initialized statically which avoids lifetime issues.
Unfortunately though, the enum is not so good at modularity; and having each module sporting its own enum can soon get boring when it comes to dealing uniformly with the errors (the Error struct could use an unsigned code;).
More involved mechanisms are required if you wish to get beyond a central repository, but since it seemd to suit you I'll stop at mentioning this limitation.
First of all, you can check other related questions on stackoverflow. Here you have some:
C++ Error Handling -- Good Sources of Example Code?
Exceptions and error codes: mixing them the right way
Then have a look at this great tutorial on error handling (it is a five parts tutorial, but you can access all of them from that link). This is especially interesting if you are using C++11, since it provides many more features for error handling. Alternatively you could use boost if you cannot use C++11.
You also need to consider whether you want to include support for localization. If your application may present messages to the users in different languages, it is better if you include that requirement from the very beginning in the error management too. You can check Boost.Locale for that, for instance.
I'd keep it simple, in a header:
enum ErrorCode { E_help, E_wtf, E_uhoh };
const char* errstr(ErrorCode);
Then in some .c or .cc file:
const char* error_strings[] = {
const char* errstr(ErrorCode e) { return error_strings[e]; }
Not a lot of detail in your question, but with what you've posted I would consider a singleton class for handling your error messages. You could create methods for accessing messages by code number or enum. Then you can implement internationalization or whatever else you need for your specific application. Also, if you do decide to use SQLite or some other file-based solution in the future, the class interface can remain intact (or be extended) minimizing impact on the rest of your code.

get the value of a c constant

I have a .h file in which hundreds of constants are defined as macros:
#define C_CONST_NAME Value
What I need is a function that can dynamically get the value of one of these constants.
needed function header :
int getConstValue(char * constName);
Is that even possible in the C langage?
---- EDIT
Thanks for the help, That was quick :)
as i was thinking there is no miracle solution for my needs.
In fact the header file i use is generated by "SCADE :"
On of the solution i got from #Chris is to use some python to generate c code that does the work.
Now its to me to make some optimizations in order to find the constant name. I have more than 5000 constants O(500^2)
i'm also looking at the "X-Macros" The first time i hear of that, home it works in C because i'm not allowed to use c++.
C can't do this for you. You will need to store them in a different structure, or use a preprocessor to build the hundreds of if statements you would need. Something like Cogflect could help.
Here you go. You will need to add a line for each new constant, but it should give you an idea about how macros work:
#include <stdio.h>
#define C_TEN 10
#define C_TWENTY 20
#define C_THIRTY 30
#define IFCONST(charstar, define) if(strcmp((charstar), #define) == 0) { \
return (define); \
int getConstValue(const char* constName)
IFCONST(constName, C_TEN);
// No match
return -1;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("C_TEN is %d\n", getConstValue("C_TEN"));
return 0;
I suggest you run gcc -E filename.c to see what gcc does with this code.
A C preprocessor macro (that is, something named by a #define statement) ceases to exist after preprocessing completes. A program has no knowledge of the names of those macros, nor any way to refer back to them.
If you tell us what task you're trying to perform, we may be able to suggest an alternate approach.
This is what X-Macros are used for:
But if you need to map a string to a constant, you will have to search for the string in the array of string representations, which is O(n^2).
You can probably do this with gperf, which generates a lookup function that uses a perfect hash function.
Create a file similar to the following and run gperf with the -t option:
struct constant { char *name; int value; };
gperf will output C (or C++) code that does the lookup in constant time, returning a pointer to the key/value pair, or NULL.
If you find that your keyword set is too large for gperf, consider using cmph instead.
There's no such capability built into C. However, you can use a tool such as doxygen to extract all #defines from your source code into a data structure that can be read at runtime (doxygen can store all macro definitions to XML).

Conversion of JSON logging macros to template functions... parameter names needed in code

I was assigned the task of updating a very old project a while back. The first thing I had to do was to expand the existing code to incorporate a new feature. As part of this I modified existing macros to print JSON representations of incoming messages (over CORBA, into C++ structs). I then incorporated boost program_options and a new logger and now I want to modernise the macros.
The problem is that I have no idea how to implement what I did with the macros with templates. The key problem is that I use the name of the parameters to the macros to access the fields of the struct:
//Defines the string that precedes the variable name in a JSON name-value pair (newline,indent,")
#define JSON_PRE_VNAME _T("%s,\n\t\t\t\t\"")
//Defines the string that follows the variable name in a JSON name-value pair (":) preceding the value
#define JSON_SEP _T("\":")
#define printHex(Y,X) _tprintf(_T("%02X"), (unsigned char)##Y->##X );
// ******** MACRO **********
// printParam (StructureFieldName=X, ParamType=Y)
// prints out a json key value pair.
// e.g. printParam(AgentId, %s) will print "AgentId":"3910"
// e.g. printParam(TempAgent, %d) will print "TempAgent":1
#define printParam(X,Y) if(strcmp(#Y,"%s")==0){\
_byteCount += _stprintf(_logBuf,JSON_PRE_VNAME _T(#X) JSON_SEP _T("\"%s\""),_logBuf,myEvent->##X);\
_byteCount += _stprintf(_logBuf,JSON_PRE_VNAME _T(#X) JSON_SEP _T(#Y),_logBuf,myEvent->##X);\
And it is used like this:
else if(event.type == NI_eventSendInformationToHost ){
evSendInformationToHost *myEvent; >>= myEvent; //demarshall
and this results in JSON like this:
Obviously I have commented these macros fairly well, but I am hoping that for the sake of anyone else looking at the code that there is a nice way to achieve the same result with templates. I have to say the macros do make it very easy to add new events to the message logger.
Basically how do I do "#X" and ##X with templates?
Any pointers would be appreciated.
There are some things that you cannot really do without macros, and for some specific contexts macros are the solution. I would just leave the macros as they are and move on to the next task.
Well, I would actually try to improve a bit the macros. It is usually recommended not to use ; inside macros, and with macros that contain more than a single statement wrap them in do {} while(0) loops:
#define printHex(Y,X) _tprintf(_T("%02X"), (unsigned char)##Y->##X )
// remove ; ^
// add do while here:
#define printParam(X,Y) do { if(strcmp(#Y,"%s")==0){\
_byteCount += _stprintf(_logBuf,JSON_PRE_VNAME _T(#X) JSON_SEP _T("\"%s\""),_logBuf,myEvent->##X);\
_byteCount += _stprintf(_logBuf,JSON_PRE_VNAME _T(#X) JSON_SEP _T(#Y),_logBuf,myEvent->##X);\
} while (false)
This might help avoid small mistakes that would otherwise be hard to fix, as, for example uses of the macros with if:
if (condition) printHex(a,b);
else printHex(c,d);
// looks good, but would originally expand to a syntax error:
if (condition) _tprintf(_T("%02X"), (unsigned char)##Y->##X );;
else ...
if (condition) printParam(a,b);
else ...
would expand to a whole lot of non-sense for the compiler even if it looks correct enough to the casual eye.
I think that in many cases it's better to use an external code generator... starting from a nice neutral definition it's easy to generate C++, Javascript and whatnot to handle your data.
C++ templates are quite primitive and structure/class introspection is just absent. By playing some tricks you can be able to do ifs and loops (wow! what an accomplishment) but a lot of useful techniques are just out of reach. Also once you get your hard to debug template trickery working, at the first error the programmer makes you get screens and screens of babbling nonsense instead of a clear error message.
On the other side you have the C preprocessor, that is horribly weak at doing any real processing and is just a little more (and also less) than a regexp search/replace.
Why clinging to poor tools instead of just implementing a separate code generation phase (that can easily be integrated in the make process) where you can use a serious language of your choice able to do both processing and text manipulation easily?
How easy would be to write a neutral easy-to-parse file and then using for example a Python program to generate the C++ struct declarations, the serialization code and also the javascript counterpart for that?

__COUNTER__ equivalent on Xcode?

I am migrating a project from Linux to Xcode and I encountered a "version" problem..
I need a unique identifier at compile time for my dynamic stuff, on linux I was using the __ COUNTER__ preprocessor, but it seems that the gcc 4.2 used in Xcode doesn't know about __ COUNTER__ yet...
So, I was wondering what I could do to solve this?
I can upgrade the GCC to 4.3(which understands __ COUNTER__), by using the or something like that... I am very noob on OSX and not very good on linux =[
or find another way to accomplish this, in the case, a method to give the function/variable an unique identifier. I tried with __ LINE__ but after few days, you end up declaring stuff on the same line on different files, and playing with that is just not that produtive...
Any help is appreciated!
I need to catalog all classes used in
a project, so these classes can be
created on the fly from within a
factory [...]
Short of using RTTI (which isn't a bad idea if you are allowed to do this; boost::any does this), how about just using the string for the class names? You can retrieve this through a macro.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
const char* my_type_id()
return "Unknown";
#define REGISTER_TYPE(some_type) \
template <> inline \
const char* my_type_id<some_type>() \
{ \
return #some_type; \
int main()
// displays "int"
cout << my_type_id<int>() << endl;
// displays "std::string"
cout << my_type_id<string>() << endl;
// displays "Unknown" - we haven't registered char
cout << my_type_id<char>() << endl;
Nicest thing with this approach is that you don't have to worry about problems across translation units or modules with this approach. Only thing you have to watch out for is name conflicts, in which case you can specify a namespace to help avoid them ("std::string" as opposed to simply "string", e.g.).
We use this solution as an alternative for boost::any which we provide through our SDK (and therefore can't use boost as it would require our users to have boost installed or for us to ship parts of boost in which case it could lead to conflicts for users who have different versions of boost installed). It's not as automatic as boost::any as it requires manual registration of supported types (closer to boost::variant in this regard), but doesn't require our SDK users to have RTTI enabled and works portably across module boundaries (I'm not sure if one can depend on RTTI to produce the same information across varying compilers, settings, and modules - I doubt it).
Now you can use these type-associated string IDs however you like. One example would be to use it to map creation functions to these string IDs so that you can create an instance of std::string, for example, through factory::create("std::string"); Note that this is a hypothetical case for demo purposes only as using a factory to create std::string would be rather odd.
#stinky472: I use a code close to what you wrote above...
My problem was that I was using a macro to declare the namespaces of a project, so by that, having the fullname of the class, like class c is in a::b::c.
What I did was changing my code to not rely on the namespaces itself, but add a new argument at the class macro declaration to tell what namespace it is using, like:
newclass(a::b, c): public d{
my problem with counter was that the namespaces were being used on lots of classes, thus, creating the same variable name within the namespaces macros, and by using the new way above, I don't need the counter anymore...
thanks for the help,

Enumerate members of a structure?

Is there a way to enumerate the members of a structure (struct | class) in C++ or C? I need to get the member name, type, and value. I've used the following sample code before on a small project where the variables were globally scoped. The problem I have now is that a set of values need to be copied from the GUI to an object, file, and VM environment. I could create another "poor man’s" reflection system or hopefully something better that I haven't thought of yet. Does anyone have any thoughts?
EDIT: I know C++ doesn't have reflection.
union variant_t {
unsigned int ui;
int i;
double d;
char* s;
struct pub_values_t {
const char* name;
union variant_t* addr;
char type; // 'I' is int; 'U' is unsigned int; 'D' is double; 'S' is string
#define pub_v(n,t) #n,(union variant_t*)&n,t
struct pub_values_t pub_values[] = {
pub_v(somemember, 'D'),
pub_v(somemember2, 'D'),
pub_v(somemember3, 'U'),
const int no_of_pub_vs = sizeof(pub_values) / sizeof(struct pub_values_t);
To state the obvious, there is no reflection in C or C++. Hence no reliable way of enumerating member variables (by default).
If you have control over your data structure, you could try a std::vector<boost::any> or a std::map<std::string, boost::any> then add all your member variables to the vector/map.
Of course, this means all your variables will likely be on the heap so there will be a performance hit with this approach. With the std::map approach, it means that you would have a kind of "poor man's" reflection.
You can specify your types in an intermediate file and generate C++ code from that, something like COM classes can be generated from idl files. The generated code provides reflection capabilities for those types.
I've done something similar two different ways for different projects:
a custom file parsed by a Ruby script to do the generation
define the types as C# types, use C#'s reflection to get all the information and generate C++ from this (sounds convoluted, but works surprisingly well, and writing the type definitions is quite similar to writing C++ definitions)
Boost has a ready to use Variant library that may fit your needs.
simplest way - switch to Objective-C OR Objective-C++. That languages have good introspection and are full-compatible with C/C++ sources.
also You can use m4/cog/... for simultaneous generation structure and his description from some meta-description.
It feels like you are constructing some sort of debugger. I think this should be doable if you make sure you generate pdb files while building your executable.
Not sure in what context you want to do this enumeration, but in your program you should be able to call functions from Microsofts dbghelp.dll to get type information from variables etc. (I'm assuming you are using windows, which might of course not be the case)
Hope this helps to get you a little bit further.
Since C++ does not have reflection builtin, you can only get the information be teaching separately your program about the struct content.
This can be either by generating your structure from a format that you can use after that to know the strcture information, or by parsing your .h file to extract the structure information.