Handling minimisation in Fullscreen Win32 OpenGL - c++

I'm trying to create a fullscreen application using Win32 and OpenGL. I change the resolution using EnumDisplaySettings and ChangeDisplaySettings and the OpenGL functions work fine. On its WndProc I handle WM_ACTIVATEAPP and detect when the user switched focus to another window, then I minimize the application's window. When the window is maximized again, the window doesn't display properly at all. What could I include to make the application work even after minimizing?

From the question I cannot still say what you are missing and what you already have. Refer to the http://nehe.gamedev.net/. There is a section Opengl base code to setup a window in full screen and switch back to window mode. See if you can get something from there.


WIndows Flickering when changing focus in OpenGL

I'm working on a project that requires me to switch between two windows, one using OpenCV and one using OpenGL, both fullscreen.
A GLFW key event opens the OpenCV window fine, but closing the OpenCV window, and attempting to return focus to the OpenGL window results in the window flickering and repeatedly attempting to give focus. This is my code to return focus to the OpenGL window, inside a while loop.
Edit: Ive found out that it only happens when the OpenGL window is fullscreen, which is a requirement of this program. Writing to console shows that the code is being called multiple times
if(!glfwGetWindowAttrib(window, GLFW_FOCUSED))
while(!glfwGetWindowAttrib(window, GLFW_FOCUSED))
I managed to fix my problem by setting the GLFW flag GLFW_AUTO_ICONIFY to false on my openGL window.
The way you posted is not the proper way to set focus.
Use glfwSetWindowCloseCallback to set a close callback.
In that callback is where you set focus to another window.

How are opengl menus that go outside of the window implemented?

I was looking at how sometimes when you right click, the menu goes outside of the window.
Is this implemented with a separate window? If so, how can I get this functionality. I am trying to use GLFW, but I understand if it isn't possible.
Currently I am on windows, but I like keeping my options open, which is why GLFW would be preferable.
I noticed that GLUT has such a feature. If you are confused to what I am looking at then look at that.
Thanks for any help!!
Overlapping menus (in MS Windows) have to be implemented as a new top-level window, you would have a new OpenGL rendering context and draw the menu in that space - yes, it's a fair bit of work all for the edge-case of a menu overspilling the parent window,
However this isn't often a problem in OpenGL programming because if you're working on a full-screen game then the menu will always be displayed within the main window, and even if it isn't a full-screen a game your users really won't notice them as games tend to use different UI concepts like radial-menus which wouldn't overspill the parent window.
Or if you're working on a non-game title, chances are it isn't full-screen and is going to be an OpenGL rendering area within a larger application that is rendered using a native UI toolkit (e.g. 3ds Max, AutoCAD, etc), in which case no problem: just use native menus.
You can, of course, use native menus in an OpenGL application anyway, provided you do the necessary plumbing for native window messages.

Does Displaying in FullScreen diable 'rendering' of other windows in GLUT

Currently developing an APP using C++.
I am displaying multiple sub-windows in a single main window.
When one of the subwindows is put in Full Screen Mode , does the rendering of the other windows stop?
does the rendering of the other windows stop?
That depends on the implementation. If the program is implemented correctly, then the rendering should stop only if the window is fully covered.
Some people like to update the window in a timer callback (which is a bad practice), and then it would continue to render even when covered.
glutDisplayFunc is called only when there is a need to refresh the window.

Best Method for Minimizable Fullscreen Window

I'm coding a short game in C++ and Win32, and I want to be able to make it in fullscreen with a fixed size. I also want the user to be able to switch focus between the game window and other windows as much as he/she wants without any weird screen glitches.
So far I know of the ChangeDisplaySettings function and creating the window with the WS_POPUP style at initialization to make it fullscreen. To detect the user switching focus to other windows by way of alt+tab or otherwise, what messages should I be handling on the window's WndProc or should I be using another function? When loss of focus is detected should I only call ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, 0); or are there other functions I should call as well? And what method should I use to handle focus back into the window?
Also can anyone give me some info on how to make it work smoothly for different screen sizes?
Thanks for any help.
If you want an exclusive full screen window, use DirectX.
But I don't recommend it. Changing the display mode causes glitches, rearranges the users icons and so on. Whether done by you, or Direct X.
Rather create a normal window at your native res, and let the user maximize it if wanted.
You could also use the GDI+ library of Windows XP (and newer) to use hardware-accelerated stretching (draw in 640x480, let GDI+ resize it to the native resolution). Then you don't need exclusive mode of DirectDraw nor ChangeDisplaySettings.
Also drawing into a 640x480 big background buffer and bit blitting it on the drawing surface via StretchBlt can be a performant solution.

Windows not drawing above OpenGL windows

I have an application with an OpenGL window as a child window of the main window.
When I display a dialog box above the OpenGL window, it doesn't get drawn. It's like it's not getting WM_PAINT messages. If I can guess the title bar position of the dialog box, I can drag it and it's still responsive.
I realise this might be a vague question, but I was wondering if anyone else has seen this sort of behaviour before and knew of a solution?
I wondered if the Pixel Format Descriptor would make a difference - I had PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW, but changing to PDF_DRAW_TO_BITMAP didn't make any difference. I'm not sure what else I should be looking at?
Bugger. Should have given all the details. I was running Windows in a virtual machine on Mac OS X using Parallels. I upgrade from Parallels 3 to 4 and now everything is working fine. I suspect a Parallels video driver issue.
Thanks to all those who answered with suggestions.
Is your opengl window constantly rendering. It is possible that the 3D hardware is simply rendering into an overlay that is overdrawing your dialog box. If you position the dialog box so it overlaps your main window, can you see some of it?
Try to pause rendering into the main display to see if it effects the results.
You will also need to make sure that your window style ensures the results are clipped...
You should check though all the items mentioned in this MSDN article, as it covers a lot of the basics for getting opengl rendering in a window correctly.
You may need to switch overlay off. It can be done via forcing back buffer presenting method to copy instead of swap.
Use wglChoosePixelFormatARB and one of parameters should be
This may seems stupid but are you sure your OpenGL window is not flagged "topmost" ?
Does the dialog box disappear also behind borders of your window or just behind the OpenGL rendering rectangle ?