Multiple SFINAE rules - c++

After reading the answer to this question, I learned that SFINAE can be used to choose between two functions based on whether the class has a certain member function. It's the equivalent of the following, just that each branch in the if statement is split into an overloaded function:
template<typename T>
void Func(T& arg)
//Do something else because T doesn't have X()
template<typename T>
void Func(T &arg, int_to_type<true>); //T has X()
template<typename T>
void Func(T &arg, int_to_type<false>); //T does not have X()
I was wondering if it was possible to extend SFINAE to do multiple rules. Something that would be the equivalent of this:
template<typename T>
void Func(T& arg)
if(HAS_MEMBER_FUNCTION_X(T)) //See if T has a member function X
else if(POINTER_DERIVED_FROM_CLASS_A(T)) //See if T is a pointer to a class derived from class A
else if(DERIVED_FROM_CLASS_B(T)) //See if T derives from class B
else if(IS_TEMPLATE_CLASS_C(T)) //See if T is class C<U> where U could be anything
else if(IS_POD(T)) //See if T is a POD type
//Do something with a POD type
//Do something else because none of the above rules apply
Is something like this possible?
Thank you.

This is certainly possible; you just have to be careful to ensure that all of the branches are mutually exclusive, otherwise you'll end up with an ambiguity.
Take a look at Boost Type Traits and Boost Enable If, which are the two best tools for supporting this. Boost ICE (which stands for Integral Constant Expression) can be used to combine multiple type traits to help you to do more complex type matching (and to ensure that your overloads are mutually exclusive.
This can be somewhat complicated and convoluted, so here's a relatively straightforward example. Say you have a class hierarchy:
struct Base { };
struct Derived : Base { };
and you want to call one overload of a function foo for Base, and another overload for any class derived from Base. A first attempt might look like:
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::type_traits;
template <typename T>
typename enable_if<is_same<Base, T>, void>::type
foo(const T&) { }
template <typename T>
typename enable_if<is_base_of<Base, T>, void>::type
foo(const T&) { }
However, is_base_of returns true if T is the base class, so if you attempt to call foo(Base()), there is an ambiguity because both function templates match. We can resolve this by using a combination of the type traits and using the Boost ICE helpers:
template <typename T>
typename enable_if<is_same<Base, T>, void>::type
foo(const T&) { }
template <typename T>
typename enable_if<
is_base_of<Base, T>::value,
ice_not<is_same<Base, T>::value>::value
>, void>::type
foo(const T&) { }
These overloads are mutually exclusive, and they ensure there is no ambiguity.
Some of your examples are not supported (namely, HAS_MEMBER_FUNCTION_X; I'm not sure about IS_TEMPLATE_CLASS_C--depending on what you want to do with it you might be able to make something work), but in general this is possible.

The question is easy when you realize that
if (a) { X(); }
else if (b) { Y(); }
means exactly the same as
if (a) { X(); }
if (!a && b) { Y(); }
However, you could also extend your true/false dichotomy.
enum FuncVariants { HasMember, PointerDerivedFromA, DerivedFromB, InstanceOfC, isPod }
template<typename T>
void Func(T &arg, int_to_type<HasMember>);
template<typename T>
void Func(T &arg, int_to_type<DerivedFromA>);
template<typename T>
void Func(T &arg, int_to_type<DerivedFromB>);
template<typename T>
void Func(T &arg, int_to_type<InstanceOfC>);
(Obviously, when calling you have to take care as the options are not mutually exclusive)

the way you have it implemented, no.
Compilation will fail if arg does not have one of the functions. (I think you know this, just making sure).
However, it is possible to do so using template specialization (hidden in magic of boost mpl).
you could do sometime this using boost mpl vector with meta-functions: check out
typedefs typename mpl::vector<f0,f1,...>::type handlers; // different handlers
// convert logic to int N to map condition to handler
// can use ternary or bit shift trick
// more general approach could be to use vector of mpl::bool_ and mpl::find
typedef typename mpl::vector_c<bool, (first_condition),
(second_condition),...>::type condition;
typedef typename mpl::find<condition, mpl:: bool_<true> >::type iterator;
typedef typename mpl::at<handlers, iterator::pos::value>::type handler;
handler::apply(...); // call handler with some arguments
depending on exactly requirements, you can try different approach.
Above is something have done few hours ago


Is it possible to make a template that can only take specific types?

I was wondering if it was possible for a template (or any other tool you might recommend)to only take a type from a list of specific types (like an enum, but with already existing types).
More specifically, if I have 3 classes, class A, class B and class C, and I'd like a function to be able to take any of those three classes as argument (but no other class than the 3), what should I do ?
Should I use a template (if so how should I use it), or are there other tools for me to use ?
The options that comes to mind for me are SFINAE, static_assert or overloading. What option is best would depend on the function itself.
SFINAE method
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<A, T>::value ||
std::is_same<B, T>::value ||
std::is_same<C, T>::value, int>::type = 0>
void foo(T t) {
// ...
Static assert
template <typename T>
void foo(T t) {
static_assert(std::is_same<A, T>::value ||
std::is_same<A, T>::value ||
std::is_same<A, T>::value, "Must pass A, B or C");
// ...
void foo(A a) {
// ...
void foo(B a) {
// ...
void foo(C a) {
// ...
Why do you only want this to work for three classes? In general, it's a better idea to keep your interfaces open and support any types that come along (within reason, of course).
If you're sure you want to do this, then a custom type trait and enable_if is probably the best route.
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T>
struct is_my_special_type;
template <>
struct is_my_special_type<int> {
static const bool value = true;
template <>
struct is_my_special_type<long> {
static const bool value = true;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<is_my_special_type<T>::value, int>::type = 0>
void foo(T val) {
std::cout << val << '\n';
int main() {
foo(10.0); // won't compile unless you comment this line out
return 0;
You can add types through template specialization of my_special_type. You could also use static_assert instead of enable_if if you wanted.
Constraining template parameters to only be of specific types, or types meeting certain requirements, is part of what C++ Concepts is about.
Concepts are a future feature of the C++ language (coming to the official standard perhaps in C++20), which have been specified in a TS (technical specification) - making them a possible extension for compilers to implement if they wish.
For a short introduction-that's-not-intended-as-such, watch:
What makes a good C++ concept? / Bjarne Stroustrup, CppCon 2016

C++ SFINAE - Resolution priority between std::is_arithmetic and std::is_same

I'm using SFINAE to build a rudimentary serialization library.
Let's say I have a class that implements a generic process method, that reads in any type (allowing for user-extension) and serializes it. I'm using std::enable_if to specialize this method to different template argument types. Here's an example:
class OutputSerializer
OutputSerializer(std::ostream& str) : stream(str) {}
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, void>::type
process(T&& arg) {
stream.write(&arg, sizeof(arg));
//More specializations here
std::ostream& stream;
I want to optimize this method for booleans, by making the output stream store 1 byte, instead of sizeof(bool) bytes. Similarly to how I did before, I add a new template specialization:
class OutputSerializer
OutputSerializer(std::ostream& str) : stream(str) {}
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, void>::type
process(T&& arg) {
stream.write(&arg, sizeof(arg));
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, bool>::value, void>::type
process(T&& arg) {
stream.write(&arg, 1);
std::ostream& stream;
Now, a question arises. std::is_arithmetic<bool> is also supposed to return true. So which of the two specializations will be given priority during name resolution?
Keep in mind, this is only a theoretical question. I know of more ways to make sure this method does what I want it to, such as specializing the template itself for bool, like this:
void process<bool>(bool&& arg) {
stream.write(&arg, 1);
or by adding an extra check in the more generic case, like this:
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<
&& !std::is_same<T, bool>::value, void>::type
process(T&& arg) {
stream.write(&arg, sizeof(arg));
Or at least, I'm pretty sure these would work. Feel free to call me out on it if I'm wrong. Thank you!
Neither has any sort of priority. Both templates will result in the function void process(bool) and the call will be ambiguous.
Adding an explicit specialization for bool won't work either, since there's no clear base template to specialize. You need to add more conditions to the std::is_arithmetic version of the template, or better just provide a non-template overload for bool. Functions do have priority over function templates, so a non-template version will be chosen by overload resolution.

Template function that matches only certain types?

I want to define a function template:
template<typename T>
void foo(T arg)
But I want T to match only certain types. Specifically, T should derive (maybe through multiple inheritance) form a certain base class. Otherwise this template shouldn't be included in the overload set.
How can I do this?
Use SFINAE with std::is_base_of:
template <typename T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value
void foo(T arg);
That will only include foo in the overload set if T inherits from Foo. Note that this includes ambiguous and inaccessible bases as well. If you want a solution that only allows for Ts that inherit publicly and unambiguously from Foo, then you can instead use std::is_convertible:
template <typename T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_convertible<T*, Foo*>::value
void foo(T arg);
Note the reversal of arguments.
Regardless of which form you pick, it can be aliased for brevity:
template <typename T>
using enable_if_foo = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value>;
template <typename T,
typename = enable_if_foo<T>>
void foo(T arg);
This works because std::enable_if has a nested type named type if and only if the boolean passed in is true. So if std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value is true, enable_if_t gets instantiated to void, as if we had written:
template <typename T,
typename = void>
void foo(T arg);
But, if T does not inherit from Foo, then the type trait will evaluate as false, and std::enable_if_t<false> is a substitution failure - there is no typename enable_if<false>::type. You might expect this to a compile error, but substitution failure is not an error (sfinae). It's just a template deduction failure. So the effect is that foo<T> is simply removed from the set of viable overload candidates in this case, no different from any other template deduction failure.
SFINAE based techniques such as the following;
template <typename T,
typename Test = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value>>
void foo(T arg);
Are good to remove the function from the overload list - which would be a general case.
If you wish to keep the function in the list, and if chosen as the best overload to fail if the type matches some criteria (such as a base requirement here), the static_assert can be used;
template <typename T>
void foo(T arg)
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value, "failed type check");
// ...
In C++1z with concepts lite, you can do this:
template<class T>
requires std::is_base_of<Foo, T>{}()
void foo(T arg) {
under the current (experimental) implementation. Which is pretty clean and clear. There may be a way to do something like:
template<derived_from<Foo> T>
void foo(T arg) {
but I haven't worked it out. You can definitely do:
template<derived_from_foo T>
void foo(T arg){
where we have a custom concept called derived_from_foo that applies iff the type is derived from foo. What I don't know how to do is template concepts -- concepts generated from template type parameters.
In C++14, here are two methods. First, normal SFINAE:
template<class T,
class=std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Foo, T>{}>
void foo(T arg) {
here we create a template that deduces the type T from its argument. It then tries to deduce its second type argument from the first argument.
The second type argument has no name (hence class=), because we are only using it for a SFINAE test.
The test is enable_if_t< condition >. enable_if_t< condition > generates the type void if condition is true. If condition is false, it fails in "the immediate context", generating a substitution failure.
SFINAE is "Substitution failure is not an error" -- if your type T generates a failure in the "immediate context" of the function template signature, this doesn't generate a compile-time error, but instead results in the function template not being considered a valid overload in this case.
"Immediate context" is a technical term here, but basically it means the error has to be "early enough" to be caught. If it requires compiling bodies of functions to find the error, that is not in "the immediate context".
Now, this isn't the only way. I personally like hiding my SFINAE code behind a gloss of respectability. Below, I use tag dispatching to "hide" the failure somewhere else, instead of putting it right up front in the function signature:
template<class T>
struct tag {
using type=T;
constexpr tag(tag const&) = default;
constexpr tag() = default;
template<class U,
constexpr tag(tag<U>) {}
struct Base{};
struct Derived:Base{};
template<class T>
void foo( T t, tag<Base> = tag<T>{} ) {
here we create a tag dispatch type, and it allows conversion to base. tag lets us worth with types as values, and use more normal C++ operations on them (instead of template-like metaprogramming <>s all over the place).
We then give foo a second argument of type tag<Base>, then construct it with a tag<T>. This fails to compile if T is not a derived type from Base.
live example.
The nice thing about this solution is that the code that makes it not work seems more intuitive -- tag<Unrelated> cannot convert to tag<Base>. This does not, however, prevent the function from being considered for overload resolution, which can be a problem.
A way with less boiler plate is:
template<class T>
void foo( T t, Base*=(T*)0 ) {
where we use the fact that pointers can be converted iff there is a derivation relationship between them.
In C++11 (and without constexpr support), we first write a helper:
namespace notstd {
template<bool b, class T=void>
using enable_if_t=typename std::enable_if<b,T>::type;
template<class T,
class=notstd::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value>
void foo(T arg) {
if you don't like the helper, we get this ugly extra:
template<class T,
class=typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value>::type
void foo(T arg) {
the second C++14 technique above can also be translated to C++11.
You can write an alias that does the test if you want:
template<class U>
using base_test=notstd::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Base, U>::value>;
template<class T,
void foo(T arg) {

Specializing single method in a big template class

In C++ if you want to partially specialize a single method in a template class you have to specialize the whole class (as stated for example in Template specialization of a single method from templated class with multiple template parameters)
This however becomes tiresome in bigger template classes with multiple template parameters, when each of them influences a single function. With N parameters you need to specialize the class 2^N times!
However, with the C++11 I think there might a more elegant solution, but I am not sure how to approach it. Perhaps somehow with enable_if? Any ideas?
In addition to the inheritance-based solution proposed by Torsten, you could use std::enable_if and default function template parameters to enable/disable certain specializations of the function.
For example:
template<typename T>
struct comparer
template<typename U = T ,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<U>::value>::type* = nullptr>
bool operator()( U lhs , U rhs )
return /* floating-point precision aware comparison */;
template<typename U = T ,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<U>::value>::type* = nullptr>
bool operator()( U lhs , U rhs )
return lhs == rhs;
We take advantage of SFINAE to disable/enable the different "specializations" of the function depending on the template parameter. Because SFINAE can only depend on function parameters, not class parameters, we need an optional template parameter for the function, which takes the parameter of the class.
I prefer this solution over the inheritance based because:
It requires less typing. Less typing probably leads to less errors.
All specializations are written inside the class. This way to write the specializations holds all of the specializations inside the original class , and make the specializations look like function overloads, instead of tricky template based code.
But with compilers which have not implemented optional function template parameters (Like MSVC in VS2012) this solution does not work, and you should use the inheritance-based solution.
EDIT: You could ride over the non-implemented-default-function-template-parameters wrapping the template function with other function which delegates the work:
template<typename T>
struct foo
template<typename U>
void f()
void g()
Of course the compiler can easily inline g() throwing away the wrapping call, so there is no performance hit on this alternative.
One solution would be to forward from the function, you want to overload to some implementation that depends on the classes template arguments:
template < typename T >
struct foo {
void f();
template < typename T >
struct f_impl {
static void impl()
// default implementation
template <>
struct f_impl<int> {
static void impl()
// special int implementation
template < typename T >
void foo< T >::f()
f_impl< T >::impl();
Or just use private functions, call them with the template parameter and overload them.
template < typename T >
class foo {
void f()
template < typename G >
void impl( const G& );
void impl( int );
Or if it's really just one special situation with a very special type, just query for that type in the implementation.
With enable_if:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T>
class A {
template <typename U>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, char>::value, char>::type
g() {
std::cout << "char\n";
return char();
template <typename U>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, int>::value, int>::type
g() {
std::cout << "int\n";
return int();
static T f() { return g<T>(); }
int main(void)
// error: no matching function for call to ‘A<double>::g()’
// A<double>::f();
return 0;
Tag dispatching is often the clean way to do this.
In your base method, use a traits class to determine what sub version of the method you want to call. This generates a type (called a tag) that describes the result of the decision.
Then perfect forward to that implememtation sub version passing an instance of the tag type. Overload resolution kicks in, and only the implememtation you want gets instantiated and called.
Overload resolution based on a parameter type is a much less insane way of handling the dispatch, as enable_if is fragile, complex at point of use, gets really complex if you have 3+ overloads, and there are strange corner cases that can surprise you with wonderful compilation errors.
Maybe i'm wrong but chosen best anwser provided by Manu343726 has an error and won't compile. Both operator overloads have the same signature. Consider best anwser in question std::enable_if : parameter vs template parameter
P.S. i would put a comment, but not enough reputation, sorry

How to call a templated function if it exists, and something else otherwise?

I want to do something like
template <typename T>
void foo(const T& t) {
IF bar(t) would compile
I thought that something using enable_if would do the job here, splitting up foo into two pieces, but I can't seem to work out the details. What's the simplest way of achieving this?
There are two lookups that are done for the name bar. One is the unqualified lookup at the definition context of foo. The other is argument dependent lookup at each instantiation context (but the result of the lookup at each instantiation context is not allowed to change behavior between two different instantiation contexts).
To get the desired behavior, you could go and define a fallback function in a fallback namespace that returns some unique type
namespace fallback {
// sizeof > 1
struct flag { char c[2]; };
flag bar(...);
The bar function will be called if nothing else matches because the ellipsis has worst conversion cost. Now, include that candidates into your function by a using directive of fallback, so that fallback::bar is included as candidate into the call to bar.
Now, to see whether a call to bar resolves to your function, you will call it, and check whether the return type is flag. The return type of an otherwise chosen function could be void, so you have to do some comma operator tricks to get around that.
namespace fallback {
int operator,(flag, flag);
// map everything else to void
template<typename T>
void operator,(flag, T const&);
// sizeof 1
char operator,(int, flag);
If our function was selected then the comma operator invocation will return a reference to int. If not or if the selected function returned void, then the invocation returns void in turn. Then the next invocation with flag as second argument will return a type that has sizeof 1 if our fallback was selected, and a sizeof greater 1 (the built-in comma operator will be used because void is in the mix) if something else was selected.
We compare the sizeof and delegate to a struct.
struct foo_impl;
/* bar available */
struct foo_impl<true> {
template<typename T>
static void foo(T const &t) {
/* bar not available */
struct foo_impl<false> {
template<typename T>
static void foo(T const&) {
std::cout << "not available, calling baz...";
template <typename T>
void foo(const T& t) {
using namespace fallback;
foo_impl<sizeof (fallback::flag(), bar(t), fallback::flag()) != 1>
This solution is ambiguous if the existing function has an ellipsis too. But that seems to be rather unlikely. Test using the fallback:
struct C { };
int main() {
// => "not available, calling baz..."
And if a candidate is found using argument dependent lookup
struct C { };
void bar(C) {
std::cout << "called!";
int main() {
// => "called!"
To test unqualified lookup at definition context, let's define the following function above foo_impl and foo (put the foo_impl template above foo, so they have both the same definition context)
void bar(double d) {
std::cout << "bar(double) called!";
// ... foo template ...
int main() {
// => "bar(double) called!"
litb has given you a very good answer. However, I wonder whether, given more context, we couldn't come up with something that's less generic, but also less, um, elaborate?
For example, what types can be T? Anything? A few types? A very restricted set which you have control over? Some classes you design in conjunction with the function foo? Given the latter, you could simple put something like
typedef boolean<true> has_bar_func;
into the types and then switch to different foo overloads based on that:
template <typename T>
void foo_impl(const T& t, boolean<true> /*has_bar_func*/);
template <typename T>
void foo_impl(const T& t, boolean<false> /*has_bar_func*/);
template <typename T>
void foo(const T& t) {
foo_impl( t, typename T::has_bar_func() );
Also, can the bar/baz function have just about any signature, is there a somewhat restricted set, or is there just one valid signature? If the latter, litb's (excellent) fallback idea, in conjunction with a meta-function employing sizeof might be a bit simpler. But this I haven't explored, so it's just a thought.
I think litb's solution works, but is overly complex. The reason is that he's introducing a function fallback::bar(...) which acts as a "function of last resort", and then goes to great lengths NOT to call it. Why? It seems we have a perfect behavior for it:
namespace fallback {
template<typename T>
inline void bar(T const& t, ...)
template<typename T>
void foo(T const& t)
using namespace fallback;
But as I indicated in a comment to litb's original post, there are many reasons why bar(t) could fail to compile, and I'm not certain this solution handles the same cases. It certainly will fail on a private bar::bar(T t)
If you're willing to limit yourself to Visual C++, you can use the __if_exists and __if_not_exists statements.
Handy in a pinch, but platform specific.
EDIT: I spoke too soon! litb's answer shows how this can actually be done (at the possible cost of your sanity... :-P)
Unfortunately I think the general case of checking "would this compile" is out of reach of function template argument deduction + SFINAE, which is the usual trick for this stuff. I think the best you can do is to create a "backup" function template:
template <typename T>
void bar(T t) { // "Backup" bar() template
And then change foo() to simply:
template <typename T>
void foo(const T& t) {
This will work for most cases. Because the bar() template's parameter type is T, it will be deemed "less specialised" when compared with any other function or function template named bar() and will therefore cede priority to that pre-existing function or function template during overload resolution. Except that:
If the pre-existing bar() is itself a function template taking a template parameter of type T, an ambiguity will arise because neither template is more specialised than the other, and the compiler will complain.
Implicit conversions also won't work, and will lead to hard-to-diagnose problems: Suppose there is a pre-existing bar(long) but foo(123) is called. In this case, the compiler will quietly choose to instantiate the "backup" bar() template with T = int instead of performing the int->long promotion, even though the latter would have compiled and worked fine!
In short: there's no easy, complete solution, and I'm pretty sure there's not even a tricky-as-hell, complete solution. :(
template <class T>
void foo(const T& t){
template <>
void foo(const specialization_1& t){
template <>
void foo(const specialization_n& t){
Are you not able to use full specialisation here (or overloading) on foo. By say having the function template call bar but for certain types fully specialise it to call baz?