Creating array with constant - c++

I was working on a program in Netbeans on Linux using a gcc compiler when, upon switching to Visual C++ on Windows 7, the code failed to compile as Visual C++ says it expected constant expression on several lines. On Netbeans, I simply did something similar to char name[fullName.size()];, while on Visual C++, I tried, among other things,
const int position = fullName.size();
char Name[position];
How can I create a constant to use for the array?
Note: I know about this question, but is there any way I can get this working without using vectors, since that would require a re-write of many parts of the program?

This is not possible in VC++. I know, pretty sad :(
The solutions include:
Create it on the heap
Make it constant
The new C++ standard (C++0x) proposes a 'constant expression' feature to deal with this. For more info, check this out.

In VC++ you can't do runtime declarations of stack array sizes, but you can do stack allocation via _alloca
so this:
const int position = fullName.size();
char Name[position];
becomes this:
const int position = fullName.size();
char * Name = (char*)_alloca(position * sizeof(char));
It's not quite the same thing, but it's as close as you are going to get in VC++.

C++ requires that the size of the array be known at compile time. If you don't mind using a non-standard extension, gcc does allow code like you're doing (note that while it's not standard C++, it is standard in C, as of C99).
I'd also guess that you could use a vector (in this particular place) with less trouble than you believe though -- quite a bit of code that's written for an array can work with a vector with only a re-compile, and little or no rewriting at all.

Your char name[fullName.size()]; is an example of a variable-length array which - as far as I know - are not standardized in C++ so you're at the mercy of the compiler.
[Slightly off-topic they're part of the C99 standard]


C++ dynamic arrays. Why does this one work?

I was looking at this algorithm, the second one: Dynamic Programming Solution
It creates a dynamic array: int cost[n][n];
How does this work? I can run the code on GeeksForGeeks C++ emulator, but locally in Visual Studio I get the error "Expression must have a constant value".
What am I misunderstanding here? Doesn't C++ need to know the size of the array before compiling?
The code is not standard.
type name[runtime_size]
Is what is called a variable length array. This is not standard in C++ and will only compile in compilers that have an extension for this like g++ or clang. The reason this extension exists is it is valid in C99.
You are completely correct that the size of the array must be known at compile time. If you need an array and the size will not be know until run time I suggest you use a std::vector or a std::unique_ptr<type[]>.

Declaring an array using const integer

I was trying to declare an int array in C++ and found this problem. The following code runs fine on g++ compiler but the compilation fails on Visual Studio. I was following Bruce Eckel and found this code.
int main()
const int j = std::cin.get();
char buf[j];
Keeping j just an int would be a problem, that I understand. Since the value of j would be const during the run-time, the program should get compiled. Please correct me if I am wrong anywhere.
Since the value of j would be const during the run-time, the program should get compiled.
No, the const-ness of j is irrelevant here. C++ currently only supports statically-sized C-arrays. Its size must be a compile-time constant.
If you want an array of dynamic size, use std::vector.
The fact that g++ by default compiles this is a bit unfortunate (for compatibility). You should use the -pedantic flag when using g++ to ensure that such compiler extensions aren’t enabled (using compiler extensions of course isn’t bad in itself, but in this case there’s not really any advantage).
You are trying to define buf as a variable-length array. This is a feature of C (not C++) that is supported by g++ as a non-standard extension. Evidently your other compiler does not support it.
I would suggest turning buf into std::vector<char> (or indeed std::string?)
Variable length arrays are C99 feature both gcc and clang supports them as an extension in C++ but Visual Studio never did and even though they recently added support for C99 is it not supported in C++
Since you are developing in C++ unless you have a good reason to not use it then std::vector or std::string should be sufficient.
I had the same problem. It seems very difficult to create an array of which its length is stored as a variable. What I did is create an additional function:
void Class:: initMyArray(const int size) {
myArray = new int[size]
Now, you just have to call that function and give it your variable. I'm not sure whether this is a proper solution though (I'm not a C++ expert).

why does C++ forbid the declaration of a parameter with no type?

I would like to have the following method as a generic method for any array,
int arrayLength(`anyType` array[])
return sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
However it appears C++ doesn't allow any ambiguity of types at all,
why is this, and how should I go about getting around it?
Because types have to be pushed onto the stack and then popped back off, and the sizeof one type is not equal to the sizeof another type.
If the size of types being passed on the stack between functions is not fixed or known in advance, how can the compiler compile a function?
The solutions to this problem -- as others have noted -- is templates and macros, both of which dynamically generate code -- which is then, in turn, compiled -- at compile-time, appearing to "solve" the problem, but really only obviating or distracting you from it by offloading the work onto the compiler.
In Visual C++ there's a __countof() construct that does the same. It's implemented as a template for C++ compiling and as a macro for C. The C++ version errors out if used on a pointer (as opposed to a true array), the C version does not.
I think what you're really asking is "Why does C++ insist on static typing?"
The answer: because it's easier to write a compiler that generates small, fast programs if the language uses static typing. And that's the purpose of C++: creating small, fast programs whose complexity would be relatively unmanageable if written in C.
When I say "small", I'm including the size of any required runtime libraries.

can we give size of static array a variable

hello every one i want to ask that i have read that we can declare dynamic array only by using pointer and using malloc or newlike
int * array = new int[strlen(argv[2])];
but i have wrote
int array[strlen(argv[2])];
it gave me no error
i have read that static array can only be declared by giving constant array size but here i have given a variable size to static array
why is it so thanks
is it safe to use or is there chance that at any latter stages it will make problem i am using gcc linux
What you have is called a variable-length array (VLA), and it is not part of C++, although it is part of C99. Many compilers offer this feature as an extension.
Even the very new C++11 doesn't include VLAs, as the entire concept doesn't fit well into the advanced type system of C++11 (e.g. what is decltype(array)?), and C++ offers out-of-the box library solutions for runtime-sized arrays that are much more powerful (like std::vector).
In GCC, compiling with -std=c++98/c++03/c++0x and -pedantic will give you a warning.
C99 support variable length array, it defines at c99, section
What you have written works in C99. It is a new addition named "variable length arrays". The use of these arrays is often discouraged because there is no interface through which the allocation can fail (malloc can return NULL, but if a VLA cannot be allocated, the program will segfault or worse, behave erratically).
int array[strlen(argv[2])];
It is certainly not valid C++ Standard code, as it is defining a variable length array (VLA) which is not allowed in any version of C++ ISO Standard. It is valid only in C99. And in a non-standard versions of C or C++ implementation. GCC provides VLA as an extension, in C++ as well.
So you're left with first option. But don't worry, you don't even need that, as you have even better option. Use std::vector<int>:
std::vector<int> array(strlen(argv[2]));
Use it.
Some compilers aren't fully C++ standard compliant. What you pointed out is possible in MinGW (iirc), but it's not possible in most other compilers (like Visual C++).
What actually happens behind the scenes is, the compiler changes your code to use dynamically allocated arrays.
I would advice against using this kind of non-standard conveniences.
It is not safe. The stack is limited in size, and allocating from it based on user-input like this has the potential to overflow the stack.
For C++, use std::vector<>.
Others have answered why it "works".

Non-const declaration of array

I have been teaching myself programming for couple of years, and I was sure that if you need array declaration of a variable number you need to use malloc or new.
Today I found that this compiles under g++ version 4.4.4, without warnings or errors:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int size_array;
cin >> size_array;
int iTable[size_array];
for(int i=0;i < size_array;i++)
for(int i=0;i < size_array;i++)
cout << iTable[i] << endl;
return 0;
Also it compiles completely fine if you are using gcc (after changing cout and cin with printf and scanf)
Under Visual Studio this code fails to compile since size_array is not constant.
When this was changed? This is a safe method?
This is a C99 feature - VLA - which is not a part of standard c++. You can use it if your compiler supports it and you don't require portability. If the compiler supports it, it's perfectly safe to use - but it's a bad habit using non-standard features.
This is a compiler extension of gcc, not standard.
No thats not safe at all. It could corrupt your stack.
Simply put, in C99, this is called VLA and is part of the standard (correct me if I'm wrong) but in C++ this is not part of the standard. If you need this functionality use std:vector instead.
This depends if you are writing C or C++. I'll assume C as for c++ you would be better off using std::vector rather than an array.
In C it depends which versiuon you are using. If and only if you are using a C99 standard compiler then the array can take its size from a variable at run time as you do here otherwise the size must be defined at compile time. Visual Studio does not support the dynamic array - see MSDN
C++ uses the C89 standard so requires the size to be set at compile time.
So in your case you need to see what flags you passed to the compiler.
As noted by #Eric the code is C++ so the working compiler is using a non standard extention so for gnu I would add flags to enforce a standard e.g. -ansi or -std=c++98 and -pedantic
There is an extension of GCC mimicking C99 Variable Length Arrays. It's not standard C++.
However, even if you have this turned off, the posted code can compile. The standard does not require a diagnostic for this case: it's Undefined Behaviour, not an error.
In really obvious cases a compiler may choose to prevent you from writing this, but otherwise it is free to let you fail in peace.
Conclusion: don't be fooled by the compilation. It's still bad and wrong.
You can get this functionality in C or C++ with alloca (_alloca on Windows). std::vector is NOT a substitute: it is allocated on the heap, with new, which calls malloc, which is potentially expensive.
There is a good reason why you might want to have an array whose length is determined at runtime allocated on the stack: it's really fast. Suppose you have loop that executes frequently but has an array that depends on something at runtime (say, the size of your canvas widget). You can't just hard-code a number: your program will crash when we all get 36" 300 dpi Retina-display monitors and pixels[2400] is no longer safe. But you don't want new, or your loop hits a malloc and gets slow.
Although, for large arrays, it might be better to have a std::vector that is static to the function an only gets resized (larger) when necessary since your stack has limited size.
It's okay to use the feature if you are using c99.
You have to be very careful about the value of size. a large value will overflow your stack, and your process may go insane.