what does "throw;" outside a catch block do? - c++

I just stumbled this code:
void somefunction()
and I wonder: what does it mean?

The intent is probably that somefunction() is only ever called from inside some catch block. In that case, there would be an exception active when the throw; is executed, in which case the current exception is re-thrown, to be caught by the next outer handler that can handle that exception type.
If throw; is executed when an exception is not active, it calls terminate() (N4810, §[expr.throw]/4).

It re-throws the currently active exception. It would only make sense to call it (possibly indirectly) from a catch-block. This:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void f() {
int main() {
try {
try {
throw "foo";
catch( ... ) {
catch( const char * s ) {
cout << s << endl;
prints "foo".

For throw the concept of being "outside" or "inside" catch block is defined in run-time terms, not in compile-time terms as you seem to assume. So, if during run-time that throw is executed in run-time context of a catch block, then throw works as expected. Otherwise, terminate() is called.
In fact, if you take a closer look at how C++ exceptions are defined in the language specification, a lot of things about them are defined in run-time terms. Sometimes it even appears to be un-C++-like.

People have already explained what it means but it's potentially useful to know why you might see it. It's a useful way to construct a 'generic' exception handler that deals with exceptions based on their type so as to reduce the amount of duplicated code.
So, if we take Neil's example and expand on what f() might be doing we might end up with an implementation which does something like my LogKnownException() function that I proposed in this answer.
If you are working in an team that likes to log all manner of exceptions all over the place then rather than having a huge collection of catch blocks at all of these places (or even worse a macro) you can have a simple catch block that looks like this
Though I expect I'd change my previous example of LogKnownException() to one that simply allowed exceptions that it didn't want to log to propagate out and continue on in an unhandled fashion.
I'm not suggesting that this is necessarily a good thing to do, just pointing out that this is where you're likely to see the construct used.


Should Lippincott functions be declared noexcept?

EDIT: Another way to ask this question, in perspective, is to ask: Should Lippincott functions "catch all"?
Should Lippincott functions be declared noexcept?, does it matter?
After all, a version of this function in which all exceptions are captured, by definition cannot produce an exception.
However, in all the examples I see online, the noexcept is never there and I was wondering if I was missing something.
Example case:
foo_Result lippincott() noexcept???
try {
} catch (const MyException1&) {
return FOO_ERROR1;
} catch (const MyException2&) {
return FOO_ERROR2;
} catch (...) {
foo_Result foo_dothing() {
try {
return FOO_OK;
catch (...) {
return lippincott();
Not all catch (...) executions come from a C++ exception. It is typically advisable to rethrow the exception in any catch-all block. This would imply that lippincott should not be noexcept and also just not have the catch-all block.
Specifically, in the ABI commonly used for C++ outside of Windows, forced unwinding may execute catch-all blocks:
A catch-all block may be executed during forced unwinding. For
instance, a longjmp may execute code in a catch(...) during stack
unwinding. However, if this happens, unwinding will proceed at the end
of the catch-all block, whether or not there is an explicit rethrow.
In particular, with GCC on Linux, the blocks are executed, and if not rethrown, the application is terminated. Forced unwinding can happen even in code you completely control on POSIX if you ever call cancellation points (e.g. read).
Aside from this, it's not uncommon for a library to execute user code (e.g. think qsort). You also usually don't want to suppress those exceptions.
Therefore, the best generic option is to be transparent in catch-all blocks. Perform the cleanup you need. Then always rethrow.
So your function would look something like:
foo_Result lippincott()
try {
} catch (const MyException1&) {
return FOO_ERROR1;
} catch (const MyException2&) {
return FOO_ERROR2;
} catch (const FooBaseException&) {
GCC does allow catching forced unwinds, so if you really wanted a catch-all and the other consideration is discarded (e.g. no user callbacks), you can first catch abi::__forced_unwind and rethrow.

C++ catching exception in constructor

How can I protect myself from using object which isn't fully created when using exceptions?
Should I catch in constructor ? Or maybe it's bad practice ? If I'll catch in constructor object will be created.
#include <stdio.h>
class A
try {
throw "Something bad happened...";
catch(const char* e) {
printf("Handled exception: %s\n", s);
// code continues here so our bad/broken object is created then?
void Method()
{ // do something
void main()
A object; // constructor will throw... and catch, code continues after catch so basically we've got
// broken object.
//And the question here:
//* is it possible to check if this object exists without catching it from main?
// &object still gives me an address of this broken object so it's created but how can I protect myself
// from using this broken object without writing try/catch and using error codes?
object.Method(); // something really bad. (aborting the program)
The language itself has no concept of an object being "invalid" in any detectable way.
If the exception indicates that a valid object can't be created, then it shouldn't be handled within the constructor; either rethrow it, or don't catch it in the first place. Then the program will leave the scope of the object being created, and it won't be possible to incorrectly access it.
If that isn't an option for some reason, then you'll need your own way to mark the object as "invalid"; perhaps set a boolean member variable at the end of the constructor to indicate success. This is flaky and error-prone, so don't do it unless you've got a very good reason.
If the object is in an invalid state when a certain exception is thrown, then I would let the exception unwind the call stack so the caller can be notified (and therefore react) to such things.
However, if the exception is one you can recover from, it may be worth trying to do so depend on your application. Make sure you use something like a logger or even simply stderr to indicate this is happening though.
I am going to suggest a first iteration of doing something more like this:
try {
throw "Something bad happened...";
catch(const std::exception e) {
cerr << e.what () << endl ; // Better off in the main
throw ;
Two things here:
Unless your exception handler handles the exception, it should throw.
Always use exception classes based upon std::exception to that you can always find out what the problem was as shown above.

c++ exception handling

Learning "try & catch". What is wrong with the following code?
Thanks for the advice.
Error in execution:
terminate called without an active exception
The code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 3;
if (a < 5)
catch (...)
printf ("captured\n");
return 0;
Your throw; statement tries to rethrow a current exception but there probably isn't one. You need something like
throw some_exception_object();
Inside of a try block, you have to specify what to throw. The only place you can use throw by itself is inside of a catch block to re-throw the current exception. If you call throw by itself without a current exception being active, you will kill your app, as you have already discovered.
Try this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 3;
if (a < 5)
throw 1; // throws an int
catch (...)
printf ("captured\n");
return 0;
You can throw anything you want, as long as you throw something.
There are four things, two major and two minor. One thing at a time...
1. Rethrow usage w/o active exception
A throw; statement is used to re-throw an exception that is currently caught. For example:
try {
} catch (const std::exception &) {
throw; // This statement re-throws an exception that was caught in this "catch" block.
In your case, you are using throw; without catching any exceptions (in order words — it does not appear inside catch block directly or indirectly), thus your program is terminated. When there is a need to throw and not to re-throw an exception, like in your case, you must specify an exception object to be thrown. For example:
throw std::runtime_error("Something bad happened");
2. catch-all clause which does not re-throw a caught exception
Your catch-all clause (catch (...)) is perfectly legal C++. However, it does not re-throw caught exception. Even though it is a legal C++ code, such a usage is a taboo. C and C++ runtime is usually using special types of exceptions to implement certain functionality. For example, NPTL is using exceptions to implement a thread cancellation. If you catch that exception using catch (...), a thread won't be cancelled and you are going to have a bad time. Generally, you have to catch exceptions by their types. In almost all cases, exceptions are inherited from std::exception, and so you have to write catch (const std::exception &) or, if you expect to catch an exact type, - catch(const TypeYouExpect &). If you must, however, use catch-all, remember to re-throw. For example:
try {
} catch (...) {
3. Header naming...
You are including C header whereas C++ provides its own headers for standard C features. So, header:
#include <stdio.h>
.. should be:
#include <cstdio>
C++ specific C functions get special treatment. For example, they become available in std namespace. So that you can use std::open() instead of just open() or ::open(). No big deal, but is highly recommended way to go.
4. Return from main.
Unlike C, C++'s main() function is very special. It allows you not to have return 0;. This is a default behavior. So, unless you really need to return some value, you may save yourself some time by not typing return 0;. Remember, however, that main is the only function like that, and that everywhere else you must explicitly return something unless a function is marked void.
Hope it helps. Good Luck!
You need to actually throw some object. Even something as simple as
throw "error";
will catch the error like you want it to.
see it in action here
The statement to throw an exception is:
throw <expression>;
This statement:
is also called the re-throw statement and is use to re-throw an existing exception that has been caught. It is typically used in a catch block, for example, you look at the exception and decide if you can continue, retry or abort. In case you decide to abort, you re-throw the exception so that somebody else down the call stack will catch it and handle this error.
For example:
// getResult() calls can fail with a deadlock exception
// This method will retry up to 3 times before failing
Result getResultWithRetry()
int nbTry = 3;
for(;;) {
try {
return getResult();
} catch (DeadLockException& e) {
if (nbTry == 0) {
throw; // re-throw the deadlock exception

If a constructor throws exception, then does it make sense to have a global object of that class?

I am asking this question for general coding guidelines:
class A {
A() { ... throw 0; }
A obj; // <---global
int main()
If obj throws exception in above code then, it will eventually terminate the code before main() gets called. So my question is, what guideline I should take for such scenario ? Is it ok to declare global objects for such classes or not ? Should I always refrain myself from doing so, or is it a good tendency to catch the error in the beginning itself ?
If you NEED a global instance of an object whose constructor can throw, you could make the variable static, instead:
A * f(){
try {
//lock(mutex); -> as Praetorian points out
static A a;
return &a;
catch (...){
return NULL;
int main() {
A * a = f(); //f() can be called whenever you need to access the global
This would alleviate the problem caused by a premature exception.
EDIT: Of course, in this case the solution is 90% of the way to being a Singleton. Why not just fully turn it into one, by moving f() into A?
No, you should not declare such objects global - any exception will be unhandled and very hard to diagnose. The program will just crash which means that it will have very poor (below zero) user experience and will be rather hard to maintain.
As #Kerrek SB has mentioned in the comments, the answer to this is dependent on the reasons that can cause your class to throw. If you're trying to acquire a system resource that might be unavailable, I feel you shouldn't declare a global object. Your program will crash as soon as the user tries to run it; needless to say, that doesn't look very good. If it can throw a std::bad_alloc or some such exception that is unlikely under normal circumstances (assuming you're not trying to allocate a few GB of memory) you could make a global instance; however, I would still not do that.
Instead, you could declare a global pointer to the object, instantiate the object right at the beginning of main (before any threads have been spawned etc.) and point the pointer to this instance, then access it through the pointer. This gives your program a chance to handle exceptions, and maybe prompt the user to take some sort of remedial measures (like popping up a Retry button to try and reacquire the resource, for instance).
Declaring a global object is fine, but the design of your class is insignificant, it lacks details to be compatible with practical needs and use.
One solution no one seems to have mentionned is to use a function try
block. Basically, if the situation is that without the constructed
object, the rest of your program won't work or be able to do anything
useful, then the only real problem is that your user will get some sort
of incomprehensible error message if the constructor terminates with an
exception. So you wrap the constructor in a function try block, and
generate a comprehensible message, followed by an error return:
A::() try
: var1( initVar1 )
// ...
// Additional initialization code...
} catch ( std::exception const& ) {
std::cerr << "..." << std::endl;
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "Unknown error initializing A" << std::endl;
This solution is really only appropriate, however, if all instances of
the object are declared statically, or if you can isolate a single
constructor for the static instances; for the non-static instances, it
is probably better to propagate the exception.
Like #J T have said, you can write like this:
struct S {
S() noexcept(false);
S &globalS() {
try {
static S s;
return s;
} catch (...) {
// Handle error, perhaps by logging it and gracefully terminating the application.
// Unreachable.
Such scenario is quite a problem, please read ERR58-CPP. Handle all exceptions thrown before main() begins executing for more detail.

How can I catch all types of exceptions in one catch block?

In C++, I'm trying to catch all types of exceptions in one catch (like catch(Exception) in C#). How is it done? And what's more, how can one catch divide-by-zero exceptions?
catch (...)
// Handle exceptions not covered.
Important considerations:
A better approach is to catch specific types of exception that you can actually recover from as opposed to all possible exceptions.
catch(...) will also catch certain serious system level exceptions (varies depending on compiler) that you are not going to be able to recover reliably from. Catching them in this way and then swallowing them and continuing could cause further serious problems in your program.
Depending on your context it can be acceptable to use catch(...), providing the exception is re-thrown. In this case, you log all useful local state information and then re-throw the exception to allow it to propagate up. However you should read up on the RAII pattern if you choose this route.
You don't want to be using catch (...) (i.e. catch with the ellipsis) unless you really, definitely, most provable have a need for it.
The reason for this is that some compilers (Visual C++ 6 to name the most common) also turn errors like segmentation faults and other really bad conditions into exceptions that you can gladly handle using catch (...). This is very bad, because you don't see the crashes anymore.
And technically, yes, you can also catch division by zero (you'll have to "StackOverflow" for that), but you really should be avoiding making such divisions in the first place.
Instead, do the following:
If you actually know what kind of exception(s) to expect, catch those types and no more, and
If you need to throw exceptions yourself, and need to catch all the exceptions you will throw, make these exceptions derive from std::exception (as Adam Pierce suggested) and catch that.
If you are on windows and need to handle errors like divide by zero and access violation you can use a structured exception translator. And then inside of your translator you can throw a c++ exception:
void myTranslator(unsigned code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS*)
throw std::exception(<appropriate string here>);
Note, the code will tell you what the error was. Also you need to compile with the /EHa option (C/C++ -> Code Generatrion -> Enable C/C++ Exceptions = Yes with SEH Exceptions).
If that doesn't make sense checkout the docs for [_set_se_translator](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5z4bw5h5(VS.80).aspx)
If catching all exceptions - including OS ones - is really what you need, you need to take a look at your compiler and OS. For example, on Windows you probably have "__try" keyword or compiler switch to make "try/catch" catch SEH exceptions, or both.
Make all your custom exception classes inherit from std::exception, then you can simply catch std::exception. Here is some example code:
class WidgetError
: public std::exception
{ }
virtual ~WidgetError() throw()
{ }
virtual const char *what() const throw()
return "You got you a widget error!";
In C++, the standard does not define a divide-by-zero exception, and implementations tend to not throw them.
You can, of course, use catch (...) { /* code here */ }, but it really Depends On What You Want To Do. In C++ you have deterministic destructors (none of that finalisation rubbish), so if you want to mop up, the correct thing to do is to use RAII.
For example. instead of:
void myfunc()
void* h = get_handle_that_must_be_released();
try { random_func(h); }
catch (...) { release_object(h); throw; }
Do something like:
void my_func()
boost::shared_ptr<void> h(get_handle_that_must_be_released(), release_object);
Create your own class with a destructor if you don't use boost.
You can use catch(...) to catch EVERYTHING, but then you don't get a an object to inspect, rethrow, log, or do anything with exactly. So... you can "double up" the try block and rethrow into one outer catch that handles a single type. This works ideally if you define constructors for a custom exception type that can build itself from all the kinds you want to group together. You can then throw a default constructed one from the catch(...), which might have a message or code in it like "UNKNOWN", or however you want to track such things.
// do something that can produce various exception types
catch( const CustomExceptionA &e ){ throw e; } \
catch( const CustomExceptionB &e ){ throw CustomExceptionA( e ); } \
catch( const std::exception &e ) { throw CustomExceptionA( e ); } \
catch( ... ) { throw CustomExceptionA(); } \
catch( const CustomExceptionA &e )
// Handle any exception as CustomExceptionA
If I recall correctly (it's been a while since I've looked at C++), I think the following should do the trick
// some code
// catch anything
and a quick google(http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2003/05/05/cpluspocketref.html) seems to prove me correct.