C++ Winsock P2P - c++

Does anyone have any good examples of peer-to-peer (p2p) networking in C++ using Winsock?
It's a requirement I have for a client who specifically needs to use this technology (god knows why).
I need to determine whether this is feasible.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
And I would like to avoid using libraries so that I can understand the underlying source code and further my knoweldge.

Since I don't know what information you are looking for, I'll try to describe how to set up a socket program and what pitfalls I've run into.
To start with, *read the Winsock tutorial at MSDN. This is a basic program to connect, send a message and disconnect. It's great for getting a feel for socket programming.
With that, lets start:
Blocking or non-blocking
First off, you need to decide whether you want a blocking or non-blocking program. If you have a GUI you would need to use non-blocking or threading in order to not freeze the program. The way I did it was to use the blocking calls, but always calling select before calling the blocking functions (more on select later). This way I avoid threading and mutex's and whatnot but still use the basic accept, send and receive calls.
You cannot rely that your packets will arrive the way you send them!
You have no control over this either. This was the biggest issue I ran into, basically because the network card can decide what information to send and when to send it. The way I solved it was to make a networkPackageStruct, containing a size and data, where size is the total amound of data in that packet. Note that a message that you send can be split into 2 or more packets and can also be merged with another message you send.
Consider the following:
You send two messages
When you send these two messages with the send function your recv function might not get them like this. It could look like this:
or perhaps
whatever the underlying network feels like.
Log (almost) everything!
Debugging a network program is hard because you don't have full control over it (since it's on two computers). If you run into a blocking operation you can't see it either. This could as well be called "Know your blocking code". When one side sends something, you don't know if it will arrive on the other side, so keep track of what is sent and what is received.
Pay attention to socket errors
Winsock functions return a lot of information. Know your WSAGetLastError() function. I'll won't keep it in the examples below, but note that they tend to return alot of information. Every time you get a SOCKET_ERROR or INVALID_SOCKET check the Winsock Error Messages to look it up.
Setting up the connection:
Since you don't want a server, all clients would need a listening socket to accept new connections. The easiest is:
sockaddr_in localAddress;
localAddress.sinfamily = AF_INET;
localAddress.sin_port = htons(10000); // or whatever port you'd like to listen to
localAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
INADDR_ANY is great - it makes your socket listen on all your IP addresses instead of just one IP address.
bind(s, (SOCKADDR*)&localAddress, sizeof(localAddress));
listen(s, SOMAXCONN);
Here comes the interesting part. bind and listen won't block but accept will. The trick is to use select to check if there is an incoming connection. So the above code is just to set the socket up. in your program loop you check for new data in socket.
Exchanging data
The way I solved it is was to use select alot. Basically you see if there are anything you need to respond to on any of your sockets. This is done with the FD_xxx functions.
// receiving data
fd_set mySet;
FD_SET(s, &mySet);
// loop all your sockets and add to the mySet like the call above
timeval zero = { 0, 0 };
int sel = select(0, &mySet, NULL, NULL, &zero);
if (FD_ISSET(s, &mySet)){
// you have a new caller
sockaddr_in remote;
SOCKET newSocket = accept(s, (SOCKADDR*)&remote, sizeof(remote));
// loop through your sockets and check if they have the FD_ISSET() set
In the newSocket you now have a new peer. So that was for receiving data. But note! send is also blocking! One of the head-scratching errors I got was that send blocked me. This was however also solved with select.
// sending data
// in: SOCKET sender
fd_set mySet;
FD_SET(sender, &mySet);
timeval zero = { 0, 0 };
int sel = select(0, NULL, mySet, NULL, &zero);
if (FD_ISSET(sender, &mySet)){
// ok to send data
Shutting down
Finally, there are two ways to shutdown. You either just disconnect by closing your program, or you call the shutdown function.
Calling shutdown will make your peer select trigger. recv will however not receive any data, but will instead return 0. I have not noticed any other case where recv returns 0, so it is (somewhat) safe to say that this can be considered a shutdown-code. calling shutdown is the nicest thing to do.
Shutting down the connection without calling shutdown just is cold-hearted, but of course works. You still need to handle the error even if you use shutdown, since it might not be your program that closes the connection. A good error code to remember is 10054 which is WSAECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer.

If you just want to implement a P2P application on Microsoft Windows, you can try with Windows Peer-to-Peer Networking
If you want to implement a new P2P protocol of your own, you can study the eMule protocol, and eMule source code. You could do further if you look into Shareaza source code, it do eMule/Guntella/Gnutella/BitTorrent.


How to build a TCP connection with multiple clients, c++

I am trying to build a TCP server on windows with c++. I know that if I want to communicate with all clients, I can use threads. One thread handles one client. I am wondering is there any other method to handle this task, for example:
std::vector<SOCKET> clients;
while(clients.size() < 1024){
SOCKET ss = accept(ListenSocket, NULL, NULL);
SOCKET speckingClient = Function(clients);
iResult = recv(speckingClient, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0);
// the rest of the function...
The above code cannot be run but hopefully showing what I am looking for.
Yes there is a better technique.
The preferred method is to use select() (or more likely one of its replacements). Optionally with a thread pool.
select() allows you wait for input on multiple ports simultaneously. When input is available (or space is available for write) select returns allowing you to processes all available inputs/outputs on all ports.
You should look up the the C10K problem on google. You will find lots of articles on how to write a server that handles many incoming client requests.

How to make 'send' as non-blocking in winsock [duplicate]

I am making a program which sends UDP packets to a server at a fixed interval, something like this:
while (!stop) {
send(sock, pkt, payloadSize, flags);
However the periodicity cannot be guaranteed because send is a blocking call (e.g., when fixedInterval is 20ms, and a call to send is > 20ms ). Do you know how I can turn the send into a non-blocking operation?
You need to use a non-blocking socket. The send/receive functions are the same functions for blocking or non-blocking operations, but you must set the socket itself to non-blocking.
u_long mode = 1; // 1 to enable non-blocking socket
ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &mode);
Also, be aware that working with non-blocking sockets is quite different. You'll need to make sure you handle WSAEWOULDBLOCK errors as success! :)
So, using non-blocking sockets may help, but still will not guarantee an exact period. You would be better to drive this from a timer, rather than this simple loop, so that any latency from calling send, even in non-blocking mode, will not affect the timing.
The API ioctlsocket can do it.You can use it as below.But why don't you use I/O models in winsock?
ioctlsocket(hsock,FIOBIO,(unsigned long *)&ul);
My memory is fuzzy here since it's probably been 15 years since I've used UDP non-blocking.
However, there are some things of which you should be aware.
Send only smallish packets if you're going over a public network. The PATH MTU can trip you up if either the client or the server is not written to take care of incomplete packets.
Make sure you check that you have sent the number of bytes you think you have to send. It can get weird when you're expecting to see 300 bytes sent and the receiving end only gets 248. Both client side and server side have to be aware of this issue.
See here for some good advice from the Linux folks.
See here for the Unix Socket FAQ for UDP
This is a good, general network programming FAQ and example page.
How about measuring the time Send takes and then just sleeping the time missing up to the 20ms?

How to make 'send' non-blocking in winsock

I am making a program which sends UDP packets to a server at a fixed interval, something like this:
while (!stop) {
send(sock, pkt, payloadSize, flags);
However the periodicity cannot be guaranteed because send is a blocking call (e.g., when fixedInterval is 20ms, and a call to send is > 20ms ). Do you know how I can turn the send into a non-blocking operation?
You need to use a non-blocking socket. The send/receive functions are the same functions for blocking or non-blocking operations, but you must set the socket itself to non-blocking.
u_long mode = 1; // 1 to enable non-blocking socket
ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &mode);
Also, be aware that working with non-blocking sockets is quite different. You'll need to make sure you handle WSAEWOULDBLOCK errors as success! :)
So, using non-blocking sockets may help, but still will not guarantee an exact period. You would be better to drive this from a timer, rather than this simple loop, so that any latency from calling send, even in non-blocking mode, will not affect the timing.
The API ioctlsocket can do it.You can use it as below.But why don't you use I/O models in winsock?
ioctlsocket(hsock,FIOBIO,(unsigned long *)&ul);
My memory is fuzzy here since it's probably been 15 years since I've used UDP non-blocking.
However, there are some things of which you should be aware.
Send only smallish packets if you're going over a public network. The PATH MTU can trip you up if either the client or the server is not written to take care of incomplete packets.
Make sure you check that you have sent the number of bytes you think you have to send. It can get weird when you're expecting to see 300 bytes sent and the receiving end only gets 248. Both client side and server side have to be aware of this issue.
See here for some good advice from the Linux folks.
See here for the Unix Socket FAQ for UDP
This is a good, general network programming FAQ and example page.
How about measuring the time Send takes and then just sleeping the time missing up to the 20ms?

Thread listening to UDP problems

My program receive some UDP messages, each of them sent with mouse clicks by the client. The program has the main thread (the GUI) only to set some parameters and a second thread create, with
CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyFunc, &Data, 0, &ThreadTd);
that is listening to UDP packets.
This is MyFunc:
sd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if(bind(sd,(struct sockaddr *)&server,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))==-1)
bytes_received=recvfrom(sd,buffer,BUFFER_SIZE,0,(struct sockaddr *)&client,&client_length);
//parsing of the buffer
In order to prove that there is no packet loss, if I've used a simple script that listen UDP messages sent by my client using a certain port, all the packets sent are received by my computer.
When I run my application, as soon as the client do the first mouse click, the UDP message is received, but If I try to send other messages (other mouse clicks), the server doesn't receive them (like if he doesn't catch them) and client-side, the user have to click at least 2 times before the server catch the message.
The main thread isn't busy all the time and the second thread parses only the incoming message, enhancing some variables and I haven't assign any priority to the threads.
Any suggetions?
in addition to mark's suggestion, you could also use wireshark/netcat to see when/where the datagrams are sent
This may be a problem related to socket programming. I would suggest incorporating a call to select() or epoll() with the call to recvfrom(). This is a more standard approach to socket programming. This way, the UDP server could receive messages from multiple clients, and it wouldnt block indefinitely.
Also, you should isolate if the problem is that the client doesnt always send a packet for every click, or if somehow the server doesnt always receive them. Wireshark could help see when packets are sent.
not enough info to know why there's packet loss. is it possible there's a delay in the receive thread before reaching the first recvfrom? debug tracing might point the way. i assume also that the struct sockaddr server was filled in with something sane before calling bind()? you're not showing that part...
If I understood your question correctly, your threaded server app does not receive all the packets when they are sent in quick bursts. One thing you can try is to increase socket receive buffer on the server side, so more data could be queued when your application is not reading it fast enough. See setsockopt, use the SO_RCVBUF option.

Non-blocking TCP socket and flushing right after send?

I am using Windows socket for my application(winsock2.h). Since the blocking socket doesn't let me control connection timeout, I am using non-blocking one. Right after send command I am using shutdown command to flush(I have to). My timeout is 50ms and the thing I want to know is if the data to be sent is so big, is there a risk of sending only a portion of data or sending nothing at all? Thanks in advance...
u_long iMode=1;
connect(hSocket, (sockaddr*)(&sockAddr),sockAddrSize);
send(hSocket, sendbuf, sendlen, 0);
shutdown(hSocket, SD_BOTH);
Non-blocking TCP socket and flushing right after send?
There is no such thing as flushing a TCP socket.
Since the blocking socket doesn't let me control connection timeout
False. You can use select() on a blocking socket.
I am using non-blocking one.
Non sequitur.
Right after send command I am using shutdown command to flush(I have to).
You don't have to, and shutdown() doesn't flush anything.
My timeout is 50ms
Why? The time to send data depends on the size of the data. Obviously. It does not make any sense whatsoever to use a fixed timeout for a send.
and the thing I want to know is if the data to be sent is so big, is there a risk of sending only a portion of data or sending nothing at all?
In blocking mode, all the data you provided to send() will be sent if possible. In non-blocking mode, the amount of data represented by the return value of send() will be sent, if possible. In either case the connection will be reset if the send fails. Whatever timeout mechanism you superimpose can't possibly change any of that: specifically, closing the socket asynchronously after a timeout will only cause the close to be appended to the data being sent. It will not cause the send to be aborted.
Your code wouldn't pass any code review known to man. There is zero error checking; the sleep is completely pointless; and shutdown before close is redundant. If the sleep is intended to implement a timeout, it doesn't.
I want to be sending data as fast as possible.
You can't. TCP implements flow control. There is exactly nothing you can do about that. You are rate-limited by the receiver.
Also the 2 possible cases are: server waits too long to accept connection
There is no such case. The client can complete a connection before the server ever calls accept(). If you're trying to implement a connect timeout shorter than the default of about a minute, use select().
or receive.
Nothing you can do about that: see above.
So both connecting and writing should be done in max of 50ms since the time is very important in my situation.
See above. It doesn't make sense to implement a fixed timeout for operations that take variable time. And 50ms is far too short for a connect timeout. If that's a real issue you should keep the connection open so that the connect delay only happens once: in fact you should keep TCP connections open as long as possible anyway.
I have to flush both write and read streams
You can't. There is no operation in TCP that will flush either a read stream or a write stream.
because the server keeps sending me unnecessarly big data and I have limited internet connection.
Another non sequitur. If the server sends you data, you have to read it, otherwise you will stall the server, and that doesn't have anything to do with flushing your own write stream.
Actually I don't even want a single byte from the server
Bad luck. You have to read it. [If you were on BSD Unix you could shutdown the socket for input, which would cause data from the server to be thrown away, but that doesn't work on Windows: it causes the server to get a connection reset.]
Thanks to EJP and Martin, now I have created a second thread to check. Also in the code I posted in my question, I added "counter=0;" line after the "send" line and removed shutdown. It works just as I wanted now. It never waits more than 50ms :) Really big thanks
unsigned __stdcall SecondThreadFunc( void* pArguments )
if (counter > 49)
counter = 0;
return 0;