two static libraries - c++

I am currently providing a static library using vs2008. I am in the process of building my static library. However, since I am using another static library is there a way that i package this as a single static library. The reason here is that they will be calling functions in my library that depend on that other static library (.lib). I am not sure how to go about doing that and need some help with that.

Here is one way:
Find out all the object files in the static library. That can be done by running the command lib STATICLIB /list
Extract each object listed. You must give the exact name from step 1 (lib STATICLIB /extract:.\debug\foo.obj)
You can then add all the objects extracted form step 2 into your library

Look under project properties | Configuration Properties | Librarian | General
Put the name of the library (.lib) file you want to add to your library under "Additional Dependencies"
You may also have to set the "Additional Library Directories" setting so that it can find the library.

VC++ includes a command line library manager called lib.exe. It can me used to combine both object files and library files into a single library.
It may not be relevant to your case, but in some cases combining a third-party library to your own and distributing that as a library rather than a final application, (or in the case of many open source licenses, the source), may contravene the license terms for that library. So apply some caution in such cases.


Are lib files exclusively statically linked or do they need to be compiled specifically (VS2015)

I have some confusion about static and dynamic linked libraries and .lib and .dll files.
I have a project with two libraries, one I built myself and one is from an open source library.
The one I built myself is a separate project in the same solution (Visual Studio 2015, C++), and I don't need to copy over the .lib files or create a DLL for the executable to build and run
For the other open source library, I do need to copy over the .lib file and the DLL into the executable folder. However, I thought it would be possible to statically link a .lib file and not have to copy over the DLL.
Does this mean I need to compile the Open Source library differently? Like change the define __declspec(dllexport) to __declspec(dllimport) ? Or change /mD to /mT in compiler options?
I tried both of these, but it's still saying that it can't start without the .dll
Or can I get away with changing a setting in the executable project to link this library statically? If so, what are these settings?
EDIT: I know this is a standard question that can be looked up on google, but I haven't been able to find an exact answer for a while. Mainly, I'm confused about what settings need to be changed, and which project they need to be changed in. (The library or the executable).
I'm under assumption that static linking means the library is built into the executable, and dynamic linking means the library needs to be in a separate file, if this is incorrect, please let me know. Otherwise, I need to know how to build the library into the executable file.
And I can go ahead and change the build options in the open source library, and I tried this already.
In Windows, dll files (dynamically linked libraries) need to be in the same directory as the application or on the search path. lib files (static libraries) need to be statically linked during linking (the last step of building the application). It's common in Windows so have a library come with both a dll and lib file. In this case, the lib file is an import library containing the information needed to easily link to the dll.
Place the dll file where your application will be built and statically link with the lib file. Go to 'Project->Properties->Link->Input->Additional Dependencies' and 'Project->Properties->Link->General->Additional Library Directories' to specify the static libraries you want to link.
Edit: It seems I misunderstood the question. The question is how to recompile a dynamic library as a static library. You need the source code of the library you are using along with it's Visual Studio Project file. Open the library and in `Project->Properties->General->Configuration Type' change it from Dynamic Library to Static Library.
Beware that Dynamic Library uses the Linker group of properties while the Static Library uses the Librarian group of properties. Changing between these types may cause the project to drop essential linker flags options. Since every library is different, I can't predict what you will have to do work around this. Make sure to backup the project file so you can see the original options and flags.
I had to change the setting for "Static Library" for All Configurations, not just Debug, although it was building in Debug. Not sure what may have caused this. Possibly because the debug and release builds for the library were set to the same folder, it may have been overwriting the debug builds with release builds when building

How to add static libraries to a Visual studio project

I am trying to add static libraries to my project. To add the static library I am following Microsoft's instructions:
My problem is I that am not able to see the dependent library while adding the reference to my project.
In the tutorial mentioned above, they have mentioned that the dependency (ie. static library), should be added to the solution.
The tutorial you have provided refers to a case in which you create your own static library - in this case you may want to add it to your solution and thus make it an integral part of the solution; but I assume you are trying to add external libraries (not created by you, e.g. downloaded from the net) - that is why you got stuck.
On Property Pages, go to C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories and provide the path, where the header file of the library that you want to use is located.
Then go to Linker->General->Additional Library Directories and specify the path, where your .lib file is located.
Finally, go to Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies and add the name of the file containing your library together with its extension (e.g. example_library.lib).
That is all. Now you should be able to use the library. Remember to #include it in your files and use the right mode (release/debug) and the right version for your platform (x64/win32). You may have to repeat the steps given above both for release and debug versions of your app.
I am just extending the answer given by KjMag. It's a great answer, except that it misses the part where we tell the linker which external libraries to add.
In Visual Studio, go to Property Pages >> Linker >> Input >> Additional Dependencies. Here we can add the required libraries.

Referenced libraries in Visual Studio 2010 projects

Let's say I have a C++ Visual Studio 2010 solution with 2 projects: one main project with the program entry point and a second project with a static library (linked against the main one), that is used in other VS2010 solutions.
The static library project uses an additional third-party library (.lib). Currently, this third-party static library is set in the main project's Additional Dependencies field of the Linker -> Input section of the Property Pages, in order for the whole program to compile.
My question is, is there a way to add this dependency in the static library project itself, so I don't have to add it manually in each of the main projects from the different VS2010 solutions where the static library project is included?
Are there different ways to do this? Can I chose embed this third-party library in the .lib generated by the static library project? Is there any good practice or recommendations on doing this?
A static library is just like any other output of the linker - you can add additional dependencies in the 'librarian options' of your static lib project and they will be linked in as normal.
Your static library project uses a third party static library. You only need to link the library when you create your static library, and your static library dont have to ship the third part with it, but just your library. Your static library embeds all the required binary parts from the third party static library to your static library.
If you are not using any of stuff from the third party library (i.e. if your static library has the functionality for all other projects require ) in other projects then you dont have to link aganist the third party static library. Just use your static libray instead.

C++ - Can you build one static library into another?

I ran into a strange problem with a Visual Studio 2008 project I was working with recently.
I am trying to compile a new static library that uses functions from another static library. (Let's say Lib1 is my static library project, and Lib2 is the lib file that Lib1 depends on).
I am able to build lib1 without issue; It includes the header files for lib2 and calls its functions, and there are no problems.
The problem is when I build a separate test project that has Lib1 as a dependency; it won't build and I get linker errors. The unresolved externals are the functions I am trying to call within Lib1 that are from Lib2.
This is all fixed when I include Lib2 in my test project as well.
This all makes sense to me of course; I can test that Lib2 is not being built into Lib1..
My question is: is there a way to do this? I would ideally like to be able to deploy Lib1 as a standalone lib without requiring Lib2. (Lib2 is actually just a Lib from the Windows Platform SDK, so it's not really a big deal...)
Is this not allowed because it would allow people to "hide" third party libraries in their own, or something?
What would be a professional approach to this problem?
I would not advise using a librarian to take Windows' library contents into your own library -- it's likely that that's against the license.
I see two possibilities
Documenting the dependency
Using a #pragma in your .h file that requests the .lib to be linked against. If VS can find it, it's the same as including it on your link line.
#pragma comment(lib, "libname.lib")
You need to use a tool called a librarian to do this. A librarian allows you to create and modify library (.lib) files. In visual studio check under the Librarian section of your project properties. A command line version also comes with visual studio (lib.exe).
Just document the dependencies of your lib.
As long as the library you depend on is available to anyone that could use your library, this is the preferred solution. Especially considering that the library user could also depend on this platform SDK lib - if you had it embedded then he'd get funny linker errors with multiply defined symbols.
This is a fairly normal problem - you wouldn't normally attempt to include 'lib2' into 'lib1' but simply document that it's required to be linked against in order to work. There is nothing wrong with declaring the use of other libraries (apart from any licensing issues of course) so you are already doing the right thing.
If you really want to do this, you can extract the .obj files from Lib2 and add them to Lib1.
See How to Extract .OBJ Routines from .LIB Files Using LIB.EXE -- I hope it is still relevant for VS2008.
Instead of simply documenting your dependencies, use #pragma comment(lib, 'lib2name') in your code to make the linker pull in the other library automatically. Since you said you're using a standard library that comes with the SDK, this should eliminate all burden on the application.

How do I use a third-party DLL file in Visual Studio C++?

I understand that I need to use LoadLibrary(). But what other steps do I need to take in order to use a third-party DLL file?
I simply jumped into C++ and this is the only part that I do not get (as a Java programmer). I am just looking into how I can use a Qt Library and tesseract-ocr, yet the process makes no sense to me and is so difficult to google.
How do I tell the compiler of the functions that I am using? Should there be an include file from the third-party vendor?
As everyone else says, LoadLibrary is the hard way to do it, and is hardly ever necessary.
The DLL should have come with a .lib file for linking, and one or more header files to #include into your sources. The header files will define the classes and function prototypes that you can use from the DLL. You will need this even if you use LoadLibrary.
To link with the library, you might have to add the .lib file to the project configuration under Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies.
To incorporate third-party DLLs into my VS 2008 C++ project I did the following (you should be able to translate into 2010, 2012 etc.)...
I put the header files in my solution with my other header files, made changes to my code to call the DLLs' functions (otherwise why would we do all this?). :^) Then I changed the build to link the LIB code into my EXE, to copy the DLLs into place, and to clean them up when I did a 'clean' - I explain these changes below.
Suppose you have 2 third-party DLLs, A.DLL and B.DLL, and you have a stub LIB file for each (A.LIB and B.LIB) and header files (A.H and B.H).
Create a "lib" directory under your solution directory, e.g. using Windows Explorer.
Copy your third-party .LIB and .DLL files into this directory
(You'll have to make the next set of changes once for each source build target that you use (Debug, Release).)
Make your EXE dependent on the LIB files
Go to Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies, and list your .LIB files there one at a time, separated by spaces: A.LIB B.LIB
Go to Configuration Properties -> General -> Additional Library Directories, and add your "lib" directory to any you have there already. Entries are separated by semicolons. For example, if you already had $(SolutionDir)fodder there, you change it to $(SolutionDir)fodder;$(SolutionDir)lib to add "lib".
Force the DLLs to get copied to the output directory
Go to Configuration Properties -> Build Events -> Post-Build Event
Put the following in for Command Line (for the switch meanings, see "XCOPY /?" in a DOS window):
XCOPY "$(SolutionDir)"\lib\*.DLL "$(TargetDir)" /D /K /Y
You can put something like this for Description:
Copy DLLs to Target Directory
Excluded From Build should be No.
Click OK.
Tell VS to clean up the DLLs when it cleans up an output folder:
Go to Configuration Properties -> General -> Extensions to Delete on Clean, and click on "..."; add *.dll to the end of the list and click OK.
These are two ways of using a DLL file in Windows:
There is a stub library (.lib) with associated header files. When you link your executable with the lib-file it will automatically load the DLL file when starting the program.
Loading the DLL manually. This is typically what you want to do if you are developing a plugin system where there are many DLL files implementing a common interface. Check out the documentation for LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress for more information on this.
For Qt I would suspect there are headers and a static library available that you can include and link in your project.
In order to use Qt with dynamic linking you have to specify the lib files (usually qtmaind.lib, QtCored4.lib and QtGuid4.lib for the "Debug" configration) in
Properties » Linker » Input » Additional Dependencies.
You also have to specify the path where the libs are, namely in
Properties » Linker » General » Additional Library Directories.
And you need to make the corresponding .dlls are accessible at runtime, by either storing them in the same folder as your .exe or in a folder that is on your path.
You only need to use LoadLibrary if you want to late bind and only resolve the imported functions at runtime. The easiest way to use a third party dll is to link against a .lib.
In reply to your edit:
Yes, the third party API should consist of a dll and/or a lib that contain the implementation and header files that declares the required types. You need to know the type definitions whichever method you use - for LoadLibrary you'll need to define function pointers, so you could just as easily write your own header file instead. Basically, you only need to use LoadLibrary if you want late binding. One valid reason for this would be if you aren't sure if the dll will be available on the target PC.
I'f you're suppsed to be able to use it, then 3rd-party library should have a *.lib file as well as a *.dll file. You simply need to add the *.lib to the list of input file in your project's 'Linker' options.
This *.lib file isn't necessarily a 'static' library (which contains code): instead a *.lib can be just a file that links your executable to the DLL.