trying to sort a simple string in c++ - c++

#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (void)
char my_char[] = "happy birthday";
int i;
bool j=false;
char my_char_temp[1];
for (i=0;i<sizeof(my_char)-2;i++)
if (my_char[i+1] < my_char[i])
my_char[i+1] = my_char[i];
my_char[i] = my_char_temp[0];
}while (j);
cout << my_char;
What am I doing wrong?
I'm just trying to sort the letters within the char.
The output I get is completely wrong.

You want to use strlen() rather than sizeof.

You are resetting j to false each and every time you compare two characters.
This means that, if you swap two characters, and you are NOT at the end of your array, you will forget that you have swapped them.
Move the j=false; from inside the for-loop to just inside the do-loop.
And you owe me a bottle of Jack for saving your ass on a homework assignment on Sunday afternoon.

I don't know what are you trying to implement with your sizeof(...) - 2 and etc, but what you probably want to get can be done this way:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
int main() {
std::string s("happy birthday");
std::sort(s.begin(), s.end());

Consider what happens inside this loop:
for (i=0;i<sizeof(my_char)-2;i++)
If you find a pair of values to swap, setting j to true, you'll continue iterating through that loop, and set j back to false on the next iteration. As a result, the program is going to exit as soon as the last two characters in the string are in sorted order, regardless of whether the rest of the string is sorted.
Instead, as soon as you find a pair of characters to swap, you want to start over again at i=0. The simplest way to do that is add a break; statement after your j = true line. With that fix, this works correctly.
Alternately, you could move the initial j = false line outside the loop, which would solve the problem in a slightly different way.

You are actually very close. The only problem is that
needs to be in the outer loop. As is, j is cleared every time the inner loop executes.
With this fix, your program works fine for me.
Stylistic errors, however, are another story.

I could be mistaken but it looks like you're trying to do a bubble sort?
And it's i < sizeof(my_char)-2 because he's using a 0-based, null terminated string, and he doesn't want to sort the null terminator.
Try just repeating the condition of the inner loop, using j instead of i, and see if that works? Note that this has a run time of O(n^2) and you can get sorts down much much faster than that if you need to. Alternately you can move the boolean out of the for and into the do loop.
for (i=0;i < sizeof(my_char)-2;i++)
for (i=0;i<sizeof(my_char)-2;i++)
if (my_char[i+1] < my_char[i])
my_char[i+1] = my_char[i];
my_char[i] = my_char_temp[0];


R G B element array swap

I'm trying to create this c++ program to perform the description below. I am pretty certain the issue is in the recursive, but uncertain how to fix it. I'm guessing it just keeps iterating through to infinity and crashes. I do not even get an output. I figured I could just compare the previous and current pointer and perform a 3-piece temp swap based on lexicography. I would use a pointer to iterate through the array and decrement it after each swap, then recursively call with that ptr as the parameter. Didn't work, I'm here, help me please :). If there is a simpler solution that would work too, but prefer to understand where I went wrong with this code.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Given an array of strictly the characters 'R', 'G', and
// 'B', segregate the values of the array so that all the
// Rs come first, the Gs come second, and the Bs come last.
// You can only swap elements of the array.
char* RGBorder(char* c_a)
size_t sz = sizeof(c_a)/sizeof(*c_a);
char* ptr_ca = c_a;
char* prv_ptr = ptr_ca;
char temp;
case 'R' :
if( *prv_ptr < *ptr_ca ) {
temp = *prv_ptr; *prv_ptr = *ptr_ca; *ptr_ca = temp;
} else if( *prv_ptr == *ptr_ca ) {
} else { ptr_ca--; RGBorder(ptr_ca); }
case 'G' :
if( *prv_ptr < *ptr_ca ) {
temp = *prv_ptr; *prv_ptr = *ptr_ca; *ptr_ca = temp;
} else if( *prv_ptr == *ptr_ca ) {
} else { ptr_ca--; RGBorder(ptr_ca); }
cout << *ptr_ca;
return c_a;
int main()
char ca[] = {'G', 'B', 'R', 'R', 'B', 'R', 'G'};
char *oca =RGBorder(ca);
char *pca = oca;
cout << *pca << endl;
There are many issues with your code.
1) You call the function RGBorder with a character pointer, and then attempt to get the number of characters using this:
size_t sz = sizeof(c_a)/sizeof(*c_a);
This will not get you the number of characters. Instead this will simply get you the
sizeof(char *) / sizeof(char)
which is usually 4 or 8. The only way to call your function using a char array is either provide a null-terminated array (thus you can use strlen), or you have to pass the number of characters in the array as a separate argument:
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int size)
2) I didn't go through your code, but there are easier ways to do a 3-way partition in an array. One popular algorithm to do this is one based on the Dutch National Flag problem.
Since you want the array in RGB order, you know that the series of G will always come in the middle (somewhere) of the sequence, with R on the left of the sequence, and B always on the right of the sequence.
So the goal is to simply swap R to the left of the middle, and B to the right of the middle. So basically you want a loop that incrementally changes the "middle" when needed, while swapping R's and B's to their appropriate position when they're detected.
The following code illustrates this:
#include <algorithm>
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int num)
int middle = 0; // assume we only want the middle element
int low = 0; // before the G's
int high = num - 1; // after the G's
while (middle <= high)
if ( c_a[middle] == 'R' ) // if we see an 'R' in the middle, it needs to go before the middle
std::swap(c_a[middle], c_a[low]); // swap it to a place before middle
++middle; // middle has creeped up one spot
++low; // so has the point where we will swap when we do this again
if (c_a[middle] == 'B') // if we see a 'B' as the middle element, it needs to go after the middle
std::swap(c_a[middle], c_a[high]); // place it as far back as you can
--high; // decrease the back position for next swap that comes here
++middle; // it is a 'G', do nothing
return c_a;
Live Example
Here is another solution that uses std::partition.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int num)
auto iter = std::partition(c_a, c_a + num, [](char ch) {return ch == 'R';});
std::partition(iter, c_a + num, [](char ch) {return ch == 'G';});
return c_a;
Live Example
Basically, the first call to std::partition places the R's to the front of the array. Since std::partition returns an iterator (in this case, a char *) to the end of where the partition occurs, we use that as a starting position in the second call to std::partition, where we partition the G values.
Note that std::partition also accomplishes its goal by swapping.
Given this solution, we can generalize this for an n-way partition by using a loop. Assume we want to place things in RGBA order (4 values instead of 3).
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int num, char *order, int num2)
auto iter = c_a;
for (int i = 0; i < num2 - 1; ++i)
iter = std::partition(iter, c_a + num, [&](char ch) {return ch == order[i];});
return c_a;
int main()
std::cout << RGBorder(ca, strlen(ca), "RGBA", 4);
Sorry to put it blunt, but that code is a mess. And I don't mean the mistakes, those are forgivable for beginners. I mean the formatting. Multiple statements in one line make it super hard to read and debug the code. Short variable names that carry no immediate intrinsic meaning make it hard to understand what the code is supposed to do. using namespace std; is very bad practise as well, but I can imagine you were taught to do this by whoever gives that course.
1st problem
Your cases don't break, thus you execute all cases for R, and both G and default for G. Also your code will never reach the last 2 lines of your loop, as you continue out before in every case.
2nd problem
You have an endless loop. In both cases you have two situations where you'll end up in an endless loop:
In the else if( *prv_ptr == *ptr_ca ) branch you simply continue; without changing the pointer.
In the else branch you do ptr_ca--;, but then in default you call ptr_ca++; again.(Note that even with breaks you would still call ptr_ca++; at the end of the loop.)
In both cases the pointer doesn't change, so once you end up in any of those conditions your loop will never exit.
Possible 3rd problem
I can only guess, because it is not apparent from the name, but it seems that prv_ptr is supposed to hold whatever was the last pointer in the loop? If so, it seems wrong that you don't update that pointer, ever. Either way, proper variable names would've made it more clear what the purpose of this pointer is exactly. (On a side note, consistent usage of const can help identify such issues. If you have a variable that is not const, but never gets updated, you either forgot to add const or forgot to update it.)
How to fix
Format your code:
Don't use using namespace std;.
One statement per line.
Give your variables proper names, so it's easy to identify what is what. (This is not 1993, really, I'd rather have a thisIsThePointerHoldingTheCharacterThatDoesTheThing than ptr_xy.)
Fix the aforementioned issues (add breaks, make sure your loop actually exits).
Then debug your code. With a debugger. While it runs. With breakpoints and stepping through line by line, inspecting the values of your pointers as the code executes. Fancy stuff.
Good luck!
just count the number of 'R', 'G' and 'B' letters and fill the array from scratch.
much easier, no recursions.

using while loop for determining square roots of numbers c++

I am running a c++ program, using while loop for determining square roots of numbers, here i have defined variables, tried but nothings seems to work for me, any hand would be great to assist me.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n=10, N=0, i=0;
cout<<"numbers ="<<"\t Square root="<<sqrt(N)<<endl;
return 0;
The program execute successfully but nothing display (emptyb line). thanks.
Because you didn't indent or use brackets, you may have missed this and is equal to:
while (i < 5) {
N = i * n;
because the language specifies that no brackets means you just apply it to the next statement only and keep looping on that.
So this just loops forever as i never grows beyond 5 to exit the loop.
Just add fancy brackets to your loop and check where you want to change i and n.

Different output rather than expected one

Hello I am a high school student. Recently I started to do some programming in c++. But I'm stuck with the example below. I would appreciate it if you people could help me.
using namespace std;
int main()
int j;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
Why is the output: 2686864?
Instead I think it should be 0123456789, as the loop starts from 0. Thank you for any suggestions. .
what you want to do is pobably this:
int main()
int j;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
of course, you don't need the variable j here at all; you can simply output i
You haven't assigned a value to j in your declaration. In your loop the assignment is always to i, because of the order of the equals sign, and in fact you're always assigning to i the uninitialized value of j from outside your loop. So j remains at the seemingly crazy value it was initially set to be.
You want to assign the value of i to j inside the loop, i.e. reverse the equality, if you want to see it change. Also if you want to see more than one output, you need to move your print statement inside the for loop.
What you're seeing as output is not the output of multiple print statements - it's the single number automatically assigned to the initial value of j, because you didn't give it a value when you declared it. Best wishes.
First, variable "j" is not initialized. Then you are setting your loop variable to the value of j.
It looks like you're trying to build a string "0123456789", in which case, you need make j a string, and concatenate the character for each number to the end of the string in your loop.
In the loop you are looping while i < 10 and i starts at 0. If you want to set j = i then you need to switch the order of the variables because if not it could mess up the loop, but not necessarily in this situation.
Also you should initialize j to some value because if not you will get garbage values.
Also it won't output it the way you are wanting it. You should move the cout statement inside the for loop to get the out put you desire.

C++ character variable value of '\x1'

I'm failing to understand why would the loop exit at the value of character variable i = '\x1'
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char i;
for (i = 1; i < 10, i++;)
cout << i << endl;
return 0;
Can somebody please explain this behavior ?
This is wrong
for (i = 1; i < 10, i++;)
/* ^ should be ; */
You only declared 3 regions for the loop, but put your increment statement in the middle area, and left your increment area empty. I have no idea which statement in the middle area your compiler will choose to execute. Best not to try to be cute and deceive your compiler. Let alone some colleague who will read your code years from now and go WTF???
A for loop has 3 distinct areas delimited by semi-colons:
The initialization area. You can declare as many variables in here as you want. These can be delimited by commas.
The test area. This is where an expression goes to test if the loop should continue.
The post loop area. This region of code gets executed after every loop.
Try to keep it simple. If it is going to be more complicated then use a while loop.
The reason that i ends up being 1 is that when i++ is zero, which terminates the loop, then i will become 1 (That is what the form of the ++ operator you used does). As the other answered have pointed out, once you fix your code by moving i++ out of the condition by replacing the comma with a semicolon, then i will make it all the way to 10 as desired.
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
You wrote for statement wrong.

dynamically created arrays

My task consists of two parts. First I have to create globbal char array of 100 elements, and insert some text to it using cin. Afterwards calculate amount of chars, and create dedicated array with the length of the inputted text. I was thinking about following solution :
int main()
cin >> inputData >> endl;
int length=0;
for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
while(inputData[i] == "\0")
char c = new char[count];
Am I thinking good ?
Second part of the task is to introduce in the first program dynamically created array of pointers to all inserted words. Adding a new word should print all the previous words and if there is no space for next words, size of the inputData array should be increased twice. And to be honest this is a bit too much for me. How I can create pointers to words specifically ? And how can I increase the size of global array without loosing its content ? With some temporary array ?
Regardless of the rest of your question, you appear to have some incorrect ideas about while loops. Let's look at this code.
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
while(inputData[i] == "\0") {
First, "\0" is not the NUL character. It is a pointer to a string containing only the terminating NUL byte. You want '\0' instead. Assuming this change, there are still problems. Let's work through what will happen:
How does a while loop work? It executes the body repeatedly, as long as the condition is true.
When does a while loop finish? When the condition is finally made false by executing the body.
What's the condition of your loop? inputData[i] == '\0', after correction.
What's the body? ++count.
Can ++count ever change the value of the condition? No, because it doesn't change i.
So, if inputData[i] is not the NUL byte, the while loop never executes.
But, if inputData[i] is the NUL byte, the while loop executes forever.
Assuming you've read a proper string into inputData, then at some point inputData[i] will be NUL, and you'll have an infinite loop.
To count the length of a standard C string, just do this
count = strlen(inputData);
If for some reason you really have to write a loop, then the following works:
int len = 0,
while (inputData[len] != '\0') {
After the loop, len holds the length of the string.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string input;
std::getline(std::cin, input);
Global arrays can't have the size changed dynamically unless they are a pointer to an array, in which case you can erase them and reallocate them.
Perhaps what you're after is an automatically resizing array, like a std::vector. You can see how many letters you have in the array by calling size() on the vector, and you can increase the size of the array by calling resize().
While not the most elegant solution, it might be a bit easier to use for the moment.